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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_text -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.conch.insults import helper, text
A = text.attributes
class Serialization(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.attrs = helper.CharacterAttribute()
def testTrivial(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten(A.normal['Hello, world.'], self.attrs), 'Hello, world.')
def testBold(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten(A.bold['Hello, world.'], self.attrs), '\x1b[1mHello, world.')
def testUnderline(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten(A.underline['Hello, world.'], self.attrs), '\x1b[4mHello, world.')
def testBlink(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten(A.blink['Hello, world.'], self.attrs), '\x1b[5mHello, world.')
def testReverseVideo(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten(A.reverseVideo['Hello, world.'], self.attrs), '\x1b[7mHello, world.')
def testMinus(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten( A.bold[A.blink['Hello', -A.bold[' world'], '.']], self.attrs), '\x1b[1;5mHello\x1b[0;5m world\x1b[1;5m.')
def testForeground(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten( A.normal[['Hello, '],['world!']], self.attrs), '\x1b[31mHello, \x1b[32mworld!')
def testBackground(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten( A.normal[['Hello, '],['world!']], self.attrs), '\x1b[41mHello, \x1b[42mworld!')
class EfficiencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): todo = ("flatten() isn't quite stateful enough to avoid emitting a few extra bytes in " "certain circumstances, so these tests fail. The failures take the form of " "additional elements in the ;-delimited character attribute lists. For example, " "\\x1b[0;31;46m might be emitted instead of \\x[46m, even if 31 has already been " "activated and no conflicting attributes are set which need to be cleared.")
def setUp(self): self.attrs = helper.CharacterAttribute()
def testComplexStructure(self): output = A.normal[ A.bold[[[ "Foreground Red, Background Cyan, Bold", A.blink[ "Blinking"], -A.bold[ "Foreground Red, Background Cyan, normal"]],[ "Foreground Green, Background Cyan, Bold"]]]]
self.assertEquals( text.flatten(output, self.attrs), "\x1b[1;31;46mForeground Red, Background Cyan, Bold" "\x1b[5mBlinking" "\x1b[0;31;46mForeground Red, Background Cyan, normal" "\x1b[1;32;46mForeground Green, Background Cyan, Bold")
def testNesting(self): self.assertEquals( text.flatten(A.bold['Hello, ', A.underline['world.']], self.attrs), '\x1b[1mHello, \x1b[4mworld.')
self.assertEquals( text.flatten( A.bold[A.reverseVideo['Hello, ', A.normal['world'], '.']], self.attrs), '\x1b[1;7mHello, \x1b[0mworld\x1b[1;7m.')