!C99Shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019]!

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uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) 

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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_ssh -*-
# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

import struct

    import Crypto.Cipher.DES3
except ImportError:
    Crypto = None

    import pyasn1
except ImportError:
    pyasn1 = None

from twisted.conch.ssh import common, session, forwarding
from twisted.conch import avatar, error
from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicRSA_openssh, privateRSA_openssh
from twisted.conch.test.keydata import publicDSA_openssh, privateDSA_openssh
from twisted.cred import portal
from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
from twisted.internet.error import ProcessTerminated
from twisted.python import failure, log
from twisted.trial import unittest

from test_recvline import LoopbackRelay

class ConchTestRealm:

    def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, *interfaces):
        unittest.assertEquals(avatarID, 'testuser')
        a = ConchTestAvatar()
        return interfaces[0], a, a.logout

class ConchTestAvatar(avatar.ConchUser):
    loggedOut = False

    def __init__(self):
        self.listeners = {}
        self.channelLookup.update({'session': session.SSHSession,
        self.subsystemLookup.update({'crazy': CrazySubsystem})

    def global_foo(self, data):
        unittest.assertEquals(data, 'bar')
        return 1

    def global_foo_2(self, data):
        unittest.assertEquals(data, 'bar2')
        return 1, 'data'

    def global_tcpip_forward(self, data):
        host, port = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
        try: listener = reactor.listenTCP(port,
                    (host, port),
                interface = host)
            unittest.fail("something went wrong with remote->local forwarding")
            return 0
            self.listeners[(host, port)] = listener
            return 1

    def global_cancel_tcpip_forward(self, data):
        host, port = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
        listener = self.listeners.get((host, port), None)
        if not listener:
            return 0
        del self.listeners[(host, port)]
        return 1

    def logout(self):
        self.loggedOut = True
        for listener in self.listeners.values():
            log.msg('stopListening %s' % listener)

class ConchSessionForTestAvatar:

    def __init__(self, avatar):
        unittest.assert_(isinstance(avatar, ConchTestAvatar))
        self.avatar = avatar
        self.cmd = None
        self.proto = None
        self.ptyReq = False
        self.eof = 0

    def getPty(self, term, windowSize, attrs):
        log.msg('pty req')
        unittest.assertEquals(term, 'conch-test-term')
        unittest.assertEquals(windowSize, (24, 80, 0, 0))
        self.ptyReq = True

    def openShell(self, proto):
        log.msg('openning shell')
        unittest.assertEquals(self.ptyReq, True)
        self.proto = proto
        self.cmd = 'shell'

    def execCommand(self, proto, cmd):
        self.cmd = cmd
        unittest.assert_(cmd.split()[0] in ['false', 'echo', 'secho', 'eecho','jumboliah'],
                'invalid command: %s' % cmd.split()[0])
        if cmd == 'jumboliah':
            raise error.ConchError('bad exec')
        self.proto = proto
        f = cmd.split()[0]
        if f == 'false':
        elif f == 'echo':
            t = EchoTransport(proto)
        elif f == 'secho':
            t = SuperEchoTransport(proto)
        elif f == 'eecho':
            t = ErrEchoTransport(proto)
        self.avatar.conn.transport.expectedLoseConnection = 1

#    def closeReceived(self):
#        #if self.proto:
#        #   self.proto.transport.loseConnection()
#        self.loseConnection()

    def eofReceived(self):
        self.eof = 1

    def closed(self):
        log.msg('closed cmd "%s"' % self.cmd)
        if self.cmd == 'echo hello':
            rwl = self.proto.session.remoteWindowLeft
            unittest.assertEquals(rwl, 4)
        elif self.cmd == 'eecho hello':
            rwl = self.proto.session.remoteWindowLeft
            unittest.assertEquals(rwl, 4)
        elif self.cmd == 'shell':

from twisted.python import components
components.registerAdapter(ConchSessionForTestAvatar, ConchTestAvatar, session.ISession)

class CrazySubsystem(protocol.Protocol):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):

    def connectionMade(self):
        good ... good

class FalseTransport:

    def __init__(self, p):
        p.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(255, None, None)))

    def loseConnection(self):

class EchoTransport:

    def __init__(self, p):
        self.proto = p
        self.closed = 0

    def write(self, data):
        if '\x00' in data: # mimic 'exit' for the shell test

    def loseConnection(self):
        if self.closed: return
        self.closed = 1
        self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))

class ErrEchoTransport:

    def __init__(self, p):
        self.proto = p
        self.closed = 0

    def write(self, data):

    def loseConnection(self):
        if self.closed: return
        self.closed = 1
        self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))

class SuperEchoTransport:

    def __init__(self, p):
        self.proto = p
        self.closed = 0

    def write(self, data):

    def loseConnection(self):
        if self.closed: return
        self.closed = 1
        self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))

if Crypto is not None and pyasn1 is not None:
    from twisted.conch import checkers
    from twisted.conch.ssh import channel, connection, factory, keys
    from twisted.conch.ssh import transport, userauth

    class UtilityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        def testCounter(self):
            c = transport._Counter('\x00\x00', 2)
            for i in xrange(256 * 256):
                self.assertEquals(c(), struct.pack('!H', (i + 1) % (2 ** 16)))
            # It should wrap around, too.
            for i in xrange(256 * 256):
                self.assertEquals(c(), struct.pack('!H', (i + 1) % (2 ** 16)))

    class ConchTestPublicKeyChecker(checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase):
        def checkKey(self, credentials):
            unittest.assertEquals(credentials.username, 'testuser', 'bad username')
            unittest.assertEquals(credentials.blob, keys.Key.fromString(publicDSA_openssh).blob())
            return 1

    class ConchTestPasswordChecker:
        credentialInterfaces = checkers.IUsernamePassword,

        def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
            unittest.assertEquals(credentials.username, 'testuser', 'bad username')
            unittest.assertEquals(credentials.password, 'testpass', 'bad password')
            return defer.succeed(credentials.username)

    class ConchTestSSHChecker(checkers.SSHProtocolChecker):

        def areDone(self, avatarId):
            unittest.assertEquals(avatarId, 'testuser')
            if len(self.successfulCredentials[avatarId]) < 2:
                return 0
                return 1

    class ConchTestServerFactory(factory.SSHFactory):
        noisy = 0

        services = {

        def buildProtocol(self, addr):
            proto = ConchTestServer()
            proto.supportedPublicKeys = self.privateKeys.keys()
            proto.factory = self

            if hasattr(self, 'expectedLoseConnection'):
                proto.expectedLoseConnection = self.expectedLoseConnection

            self.proto = proto
            return proto

        def getPublicKeys(self):
            return {
                'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(publicRSA_openssh),
                'ssh-dss': keys.Key.fromString(publicDSA_openssh)

        def getPrivateKeys(self):
            return {
                'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(privateRSA_openssh),
                'ssh-dss': keys.Key.fromString(privateDSA_openssh)

        def getPrimes(self):
            return {
                2048:[(transport.DH_GENERATOR, transport.DH_PRIME)]

        def getService(self, trans, name):
            return factory.SSHFactory.getService(self, trans, name)

    class ConchTestBase:

        done = 0

        def connectionLost(self, reason):
            if self.done:
            if not hasattr(self,'expectedLoseConnection'):
                unittest.fail('unexpectedly lost connection %s\n%s' % (self, reason))
            self.done = 1

        def receiveError(self, reasonCode, desc):
            self.expectedLoseConnection = 1
            # Some versions of OpenSSH (for example, OpenSSH_5.3p1) will
            # send a DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION error before closing the
            # connection.  Other, older versions (for example,
            # OpenSSH_5.1p1), won't.  So accept this particular error here,
            # but no others.
                reasonCode, transport.DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
                'got disconnect for %s: reason %s, desc: %s' % (
                    self, reasonCode, desc))

        def receiveUnimplemented(self, seqID):
            unittest.fail('got unimplemented: seqid %s'  % seqID)
            self.expectedLoseConnection = 1

    class ConchTestServer(ConchTestBase, transport.SSHServerTransport):

        def connectionLost(self, reason):
            ConchTestBase.connectionLost(self, reason)
            transport.SSHServerTransport.connectionLost(self, reason)

    class ConchTestClient(ConchTestBase, transport.SSHClientTransport):

        def connectionLost(self, reason):
            ConchTestBase.connectionLost(self, reason)
            transport.SSHClientTransport.connectionLost(self, reason)

        def verifyHostKey(self, key, fp):
            unittest.assertEquals(key, keys.Key.fromString(publicRSA_openssh).blob())
            return defer.succeed(1)

        def connectionSecure(self):

    class ConchTestClientAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient):

        hasTriedNone = 0 # have we tried the 'none' auth yet?
        canSucceedPublicKey = 0 # can we succed with this yet?
        canSucceedPassword = 0

        def ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet):
            if not self.canSucceedPassword and self.canSucceedPublicKey:
                unittest.fail('got USERAUTH_SUCESS before password and publickey')
            userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet)

        def getPassword(self):
            self.canSucceedPassword = 1
            return defer.succeed('testpass')

        def getPrivateKey(self):
            self.canSucceedPublicKey = 1
            return defer.succeed(keys.Key.fromString(privateDSA_openssh))

        def getPublicKey(self):
            return keys.Key.fromString(publicDSA_openssh)

    class ConchTestClientConnection(connection.SSHConnection):

        name = 'ssh-connection'
        results = 0
        totalResults = 8

        def serviceStarted(self):
            self.openChannel(SSHTestFailExecChannel(conn = self))
            self.openChannel(SSHTestFalseChannel(conn = self))
            self.openChannel(SSHTestEchoChannel(localWindow=4, localMaxPacket=5, conn = self))
            self.openChannel(SSHTestErrChannel(localWindow=4, localMaxPacket=5, conn = self))
            self.openChannel(SSHTestMaxPacketChannel(localWindow=12, localMaxPacket=1, conn = self))
            self.openChannel(SSHTestShellChannel(conn = self))
            self.openChannel(SSHTestSubsystemChannel(conn = self))
            self.openChannel(SSHUnknownChannel(conn = self))

        def addResult(self):
            self.results += 1
            log.msg('got %s of %s results' % (self.results, self.totalResults))
            if self.results == self.totalResults:
                self.transport.expectedLoseConnection = 1

    class SSHUnknownChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'crazy-unknown-channel'

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            good .... good
            log.msg('unknown open failed')

        def channelOpen(self, ignored):
            unittest.fail("opened unknown channel")

    class SSHTestFailExecChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'session'

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('fail exec open failed: %s' % reason)

        def channelOpen(self, ignore):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('jumboliah'), 1)
            log.msg('opened fail exec')

        def _cbRequestWorked(self, ignored):
            unittest.fail('fail exec succeeded')

        def _ebRequestWorked(self, ignored):
            log.msg('fail exec finished')

    class SSHTestFalseChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'session'

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('false open failed: %s' % reason)

        def channelOpen(self, ignored):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('false'), 1)
            log.msg('opened false')

        def _cbRequestWorked(self, ignored):

        def _ebRequestFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('false exec failed: %s' % reason)

        def dataReceived(self, data):
            unittest.fail('got data when using false')

        def request_exit_status(self, status):
            status, = struct.unpack('>L', status)
            if status == 0:
                unittest.fail('false exit status was 0')
            log.msg('finished false')
            return 1

    class SSHTestEchoChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'session'
        testBuf = ''
        eofCalled = 0

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('echo open failed: %s' % reason)

        def channelOpen(self, ignore):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('echo hello'), 1)
            log.msg('opened echo')

        def _ebRequestFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('echo exec failed: %s' % reason)

        def dataReceived(self, data):
            self.testBuf += data

        def errReceived(self, dataType, data):
            unittest.fail('echo channel got extended data')

        def request_exit_status(self, status):
            self.status ,= struct.unpack('>L', status)

        def eofReceived(self):
            log.msg('eof received')
            self.eofCalled = 1

        def closed(self):
            if self.status != 0:
                unittest.fail('echo exit status was not 0: %i' % self.status)
            if self.testBuf != "hello\r\n":
                unittest.fail('echo did not return hello: %s' % repr(self.testBuf))
            unittest.assertEquals(self.localWindowLeft, 4)
            log.msg('finished echo')
            return 1

    class SSHTestErrChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'session'
        testBuf = ''
        eofCalled = 0

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('err open failed: %s' % reason)

        def channelOpen(self, ignore):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('eecho hello'), 1)
            log.msg('opened err')

        def _ebRequestFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('err exec failed: %s' % reason)

        def dataReceived(self, data):
            unittest.fail('err channel got regular data: %s' % repr(data))

        def extReceived(self, dataType, data):
            unittest.assertEquals(dataType, connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR)
            self.testBuf += data

        def request_exit_status(self, status):
            self.status ,= struct.unpack('>L', status)

        def eofReceived(self):
            log.msg('eof received')
            self.eofCalled = 1

        def closed(self):
            if self.status != 0:
                unittest.fail('err exit status was not 0: %i' % self.status)
            if self.testBuf != "hello\r\n":
                unittest.fail('err did not return hello: %s' % repr(self.testBuf))
            unittest.assertEquals(self.localWindowLeft, 4)
            log.msg('finished err')
            return 1

    class SSHTestMaxPacketChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'session'
        testBuf = ''
        testExtBuf = ''
        eofCalled = 0

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('max packet open failed: %s' % reason)

        def channelOpen(self, ignore):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('secho hello'), 1)
            log.msg('opened max packet')

        def _ebRequestFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('max packet exec failed: %s' % reason)

        def dataReceived(self, data):
            self.testBuf += data

        def extReceived(self, dataType, data):
            unittest.assertEquals(dataType, connection.EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR)
            self.testExtBuf += data

        def request_exit_status(self, status):
            self.status ,= struct.unpack('>L', status)

        def eofReceived(self):
            log.msg('eof received')
            self.eofCalled = 1

        def closed(self):
            if self.status != 0:
                unittest.fail('echo exit status was not 0: %i' % self.status)
            unittest.assertEquals(self.testBuf, 'hello\r\n')
            unittest.assertEquals(self.testExtBuf, 'hello\r\n')
            unittest.assertEquals(self.localWindowLeft, 12)
            log.msg('finished max packet')
            return 1

    class SSHTestShellChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'session'
        testBuf = ''
        eofCalled = 0
        closeCalled = 0

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('shell open failed: %s' % reason)

        def channelOpen(self, ignored):
            data = session.packRequest_pty_req('conch-test-term', (24, 80, 0, 0), '')
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', data, 1)
            log.msg('opened shell')

        def _cbPtyReq(self, ignored):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'shell', '', 1)

        def _ebPtyReq(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('pty request failed: %s' % reason)

        def _cbShellOpen(self, ignored):
            self.write('testing the shell!\x00')

        def _ebShellOpen(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('shell request failed: %s' % reason)

        def dataReceived(self, data):
            self.testBuf += data

        def request_exit_status(self, status):
            self.status ,= struct.unpack('>L', status)

        def eofReceived(self):
            self.eofCalled = 1

        def closed(self):
            log.msg('calling shell closed')
            if self.status != 0:
                log.msg('shell exit status was not 0: %i' % self.status)
            unittest.assertEquals(self.testBuf, 'testing the shell!\x00\r\n')
            log.msg('finished shell')

    class SSHTestSubsystemChannel(channel.SSHChannel):

        name = 'session'

        def openFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('subsystem open failed: %s' % reason)

        def channelOpen(self, ignore):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'subsystem', common.NS('not-crazy'), 1)

        def _cbRequestWorked(self, ignored):
            unittest.fail('opened non-crazy subsystem')

        def _ebRequestFailed(self, ignored):
            d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'subsystem', common.NS('crazy'), 1)

        def _cbRealRequestWorked(self, ignored):
            d1 = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('foo', 'bar', 1)

            d2 = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('foo-2', 'bar2', 1)
            d2.addCallback(lambda x: unittest.assertEquals(x, 'data'))

            d3 = self.conn.sendGlobalRequest('bar', 'foo', 1)
            d3.addErrback(lambda x,s=self: log.msg('subsystem finished') or s.conn.addResult() or s.loseConnection())

        def _ebRealRequestFailed(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('opening crazy subsystem failed: %s' % reason)

        def _ebFirstGlobal(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('first global request failed: %s' % reason)

        def _ebSecondGlobal(self, reason):
            unittest.fail('second global request failed: %s' % reason)

        def _cbThirdGlobal(self, ignored):
            unittest.fail('second global request succeeded')

class SSHProtocolTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    if not Crypto:
        skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"

    if not pyasn1:
        skip = "can't run w/o PyASN1"

    def test_ourServerOurClient(self):
        Run the Conch server against the Conch client.  Set up several different
        channels which exercise different behaviors and wait for them to
        complete.  Verify that the channels with errors log them.
        realm = ConchTestRealm()
        p = portal.Portal(realm)
        sshpc = ConchTestSSHChecker()
        fac = ConchTestServerFactory()
        fac.portal = p
        self.server = fac.buildProtocol(None)
        self.clientTransport = LoopbackRelay(self.server)
        self.client = ConchTestClient()
        self.serverTransport = LoopbackRelay(self.client)


        while self.serverTransport.buffer or self.clientTransport.buffer:
            log.callWithContext({'system': 'serverTransport'},
            log.callWithContext({'system': 'clientTransport'},
        self.assertFalse(self.server.done and self.client.done)

        errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(error.ConchError)
        errors.sort(key=lambda reason: reason.value.args)

        # Two errors exactly are expected.  Report the whole list if we get a
        # different number.
            len(errors), 2, "Expected two errors, got: %r" % (errors,))

        # SSHUnknownChannel causes this to be logged.
        self.assertEquals(errors[0].value.args, (3, 'unknown channel'))
        # SSHTestFailExecChannel causes this to be logged.
        self.assertEquals(errors[1].value.args, ('bad exec', None))

class TestSSHFactory(unittest.TestCase):

    if not Crypto:
        skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"

    if not pyasn1:
        skip = "can't run w/o PyASN1"

    def makeSSHFactory(self, primes=None):
        sshFactory = factory.SSHFactory()
        gpk = lambda: {'ssh-rsa' : keys.Key(None)}
        sshFactory.getPrimes = lambda: primes
        sshFactory.getPublicKeys = sshFactory.getPrivateKeys = gpk
        return sshFactory

    def test_buildProtocol(self):
        By default, buildProtocol() constructs an instance of
        factory = self.makeSSHFactory()
        protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
        self.assertIsInstance(protocol, transport.SSHServerTransport)

    def test_buildProtocolRespectsProtocol(self):
        buildProtocol() calls 'self.protocol()' to construct a protocol
        calls = []
        def makeProtocol(*args):
            return transport.SSHServerTransport()
        factory = self.makeSSHFactory()
        factory.protocol = makeProtocol
        self.assertEquals([()], calls)

    def test_multipleFactories(self):
        f1 = self.makeSSHFactory(primes=None)
        f2 = self.makeSSHFactory(primes={1:(2,3)})
        p1 = f1.buildProtocol(None)
        p2 = f2.buildProtocol(None)
        self.failIf('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' in p1.supportedKeyExchanges,
        self.failUnless('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' in p2.supportedKeyExchanges,

class MPTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for L{common.getMP}.

    @cvar getMP: a method providing a MP parser.
    @type getMP: C{callable}
    getMP = staticmethod(common.getMP)

    if not Crypto:
        skip = "can't run w/o PyCrypto"

    if not pyasn1:
        skip = "can't run w/o PyASN1"

    def test_getMP(self):
        L{common.getMP} should parse the a multiple precision integer from a
        string: a 4-byte length followed by length bytes of the integer.
            (1, ''))

    def test_getMPBigInteger(self):
        L{common.getMP} should be able to parse a big enough integer
        (that doesn't fit on one byte).
            (16909060, ''))

    def test_multipleGetMP(self):
        L{common.getMP} has the ability to parse multiple integer in the same
                       '\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x02', 2),
            (1, 2, ''))

    def test_getMPRemainingData(self):
        When more data than needed is sent to L{common.getMP}, it should return
        the remaining data.
            (1, 'foo'))

    def test_notEnoughData(self):
        When the string passed to L{common.getMP} doesn't even make 5 bytes,
        it should raise a L{struct.error}.
        self.assertRaises(struct.error, self.getMP, '\x02\x00')

class PyMPTestCase(MPTestCase):
    Tests for the python implementation of L{common.getMP}.
    getMP = staticmethod(common.getMP_py)

class GMPYMPTestCase(MPTestCase):
    Tests for the gmpy implementation of L{common.getMP}.
    getMP = staticmethod(common._fastgetMP)

    import gmpy
except ImportError:
    GMPYMPTestCase.skip = "gmpy not available"

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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