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from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef from rdflib.BNode import BNode from rdflib.Literal import Literal from rdflib.Variable import Variable from rdflib.Graph import Graph, QuotedGraph from rdflib.Statement import Statement
from rdflib.exceptions import SubjectTypeError, PredicateTypeError, ObjectTypeError, ContextTypeError from rdflib.compat import rsplit from cPickle import loads
def list2set(seq): seen = set() return [ x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
def first(seq): for result in seq: return result return None
def uniq(sequence, strip=0): """removes duplicate strings from the sequence.""" set = {} if strip: map(lambda val, default: set.__setitem__(val.strip(), default), sequence, []) else: map(set.__setitem__, sequence, []) return set.keys()
def more_than(sequence, number): "Returns 1 if sequence has more items than number and 0 if not." i = 0 for item in sequence: i += 1 if i > number: return 1 return 0
def term(str, default=None): """See also from_n3""" if not str: return default elif str.startswith("<") and str.endswith(">"): return URIRef(str[1:-1]) elif str.startswith('"') and str.endswith('"'): return Literal(str[1:-1]) elif str.startswith("_"): return BNode(str) else: msg = "Unknown Term Syntax: '%s'" % str raise Exception(msg)
from time import mktime, time, gmtime, localtime, timezone, altzone, daylight
def date_time(t=None, local_time_zone=False): """ ex: 1997-07-16T19:20:30Z
>>> date_time(1126482850) '2005-09-11T23:54:10Z'
@@ this will change depending on where it is run #>>> date_time(1126482850, local_time_zone=True) #'2005-09-11T19:54:10-04:00'
>>> date_time(1) '1970-01-01T00:00:01Z'
>>> date_time(0) '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' """ if t is None: t = time()
if local_time_zone: time_tuple = localtime(t) if time_tuple[8]: tz_mins = altzone // 60 else: tz_mins = timezone // 60 tzd = "-%02d:%02d" % (tz_mins // 60, tz_mins % 60) else: time_tuple = gmtime(t) tzd = "Z"
year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time_tuple s = "%0004d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%s" % ( year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, tzd) return s
def parse_date_time(val): """always returns seconds in UTC
# tests are written like this to make any errors easier to understand >>> parse_date_time('2005-09-11T23:54:10Z') - 1126482850.0 0.0
>>> parse_date_time('2005-09-11T16:54:10-07:00') - 1126482850.0 0.0
>>> parse_date_time('1970-01-01T00:00:01Z') - 1.0 0.0
>>> parse_date_time('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') - 0.0 0.0 >>> parse_date_time("2005-09-05T10:42:00") - 1125916920.0 0.0 """
if "T" not in val: val += "T00:00:00Z"
ymd, time = val.split("T") hms, tz_str = time[0:8], time[8:]
if not tz_str or tz_str=="Z": time = time[:-1] tz_offset = 0 else: signed_hrs = int(tz_str[:3]) mins = int(tz_str[4:6]) secs = (cmp(signed_hrs, 0) * mins + signed_hrs * 60) * 60 tz_offset = -secs
year, month, day = ymd.split("-") hour, minute, second = hms.split(":")
t = mktime((int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second), 0, 0, 0)) t = t - timezone + tz_offset return t
def from_n3(s, default=None, backend=None): """ Creates the Identifier corresponding to the given n3 string. WARNING: untested, may contain bugs. TODO: add test cases.""" if not s: return default if s.startswith('<'): return URIRef(s[1:-1]) elif s.startswith('"'): # TODO: would a regex be faster? value, rest = rsplit(s, '"', 1) value = value[1:] # strip leading quote if rest.startswith("@"): if "^^" in rest: language, rest = rsplit(rest, '^^', 1) language = language[1:] # strip leading at sign else: language = rest[1:] # strip leading at sign rest = '' else: language = None if rest.startswith("^^"): datatype = rest[3:-1] else: datatype = None value = value.replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\').decode("unicode-escape") return Literal(value, language, datatype) elif s.startswith('{'): identifier = from_n3(s[1:-1]) return QuotedGraph(backend, identifier) elif s.startswith('['): identifier = from_n3(s[1:-1]) return Graph(backend, identifier) else: if s.startswith("_:"): return BNode(s[2:]) else: return BNode(s)
def check_context(c): if not (isinstance(c, URIRef) or \ isinstance(c, BNode)): raise ContextTypeError("%s:%s" % (c, type(c)))
def check_subject(s): """ Test that s is a valid subject identifier.""" if not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)): raise SubjectTypeError(s)
def check_predicate(p): """ Test that p is a valid predicate identifier.""" if not isinstance(p, URIRef): raise PredicateTypeError(p)
def check_object(o): """ Test that o is a valid object identifier.""" if not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \ isinstance(o, Literal) or \ isinstance(o, BNode)): raise ObjectTypeError(o)
def check_statement((s, p, o)): if not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)): raise SubjectTypeError(s)
if not isinstance(p, URIRef): raise PredicateTypeError(p)
if not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \ isinstance(o, Literal) or \ isinstance(o, BNode)): raise ObjectTypeError(o)
def check_pattern((s, p, o)): if s and not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)): raise SubjectTypeError(s)
if p and not isinstance(p, URIRef): raise PredicateTypeError(p)
if o and not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \ isinstance(o, Literal) or \ isinstance(o, BNode)): raise ObjectTypeError(o)
def graph_to_dot(graph, dot): """ Turns graph into dot (graphviz graph drawing format) using pydot. """ import pydot nodes = {} for s, o in graph.subject_objects(): for i in s,o: if i not in nodes.keys(): nodes[i] = i for s, p, o in graph.triples((None,None,None)): dot.add_edge(pydot.Edge(nodes[s], nodes[o], label=p))
if __name__ == "__main__": # try to make the tests work outside of the time zone they were written in #import os, time #os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific' #try: # time.tzset() #except AttributeError, e: # print e #pass # tzset missing! see # import doctest doctest.testmod()