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try: from zope.interface import Interface, classImplements, implements except ImportError: class Interface(object): pass def classImplements(c, i): pass def implements(*args): pass
from rdflib import RDF
class IGraph(Interface): """\ An rdflib.Graph indexes data expressed in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Any kind of content, whether inside Zope or from some outside source, can be cataloged if it can describe itself using the RDF standard. Any kind of RDF vocabulary like RSS, OWL, DAML+OIL, Dublin Core, or any kind of XML schema or data can be expressed into the graph.
Once data is graphed it can be queried using either the Python query interface, a TALES-based RDF query expression language, or the sparql rdf query language. Results of a query can be either a generator of result records or RDF in xml or NT format.
In Semantic Web terms, a graph is a persistent triple store. RDF is broken down into subject, predicate, and object relations (called triples) and each relation is indexed. The triple store can then be queried for triples that match patterns. """
def parse(rdf, format="xml"): """ Parse RDF-XML into the catalog. """
def add((subject, predicate, object)): """ Add one triple to the catalog. """
def remove((subject, predicate, object)): """ Remove one triple from the catalog. """
def triples((subject, predicate, object), *args): """ Query the triple store. """
def contexts(triple=None): """ Generator over all contexts in the graph. If triple is specified, a generator over all contexts the triple is in."""
def value(subject, predicate=RDF.value, object=None, default=None, any=False): """ Get a value for a subject/predicate, predicate/object, or subject/object pair -- exactly one of subject, predicate, object must be None. Useful if one knows that there may only be one value.
It is one of those situations that occur a lot, hence this 'macro' like utility
Parameters: ----------- subject, predicate, object -- exactly one must be None default -- value to be returned if no values found any -- if True: return any value in the case there is more than one else: raise UniquenessError """
def label(subject, default=''): """ Queries for the RDFS.label of the subject, returns default if no label exists."""
def comment(subject, default=''): """ Queries for the RDFS.comment of the subject, returns default if no comment exists."""
def items(list): """Generator over all items in the resource specified by list (an RDF collection)"""
def __iter__(): """ Iterates over all triples in the store."""
def __contains__(triple): """ Support for 'triple in graph' syntax."""
def __len__(context=None): """ Returns the number of triples in the graph. If context is specified then the number of triples in the context is returned instead."""
def __eq__(other): """ Test if Graph is exactly equal to Graph other."""
def __iadd__(other): """ Add all triples in Graph other to Graph."""
def __isub__(other): """ Subtract all triples in Graph other from Graph."""
def subjects(predicate=None, object=None): """ A generator of subjects with the given predicate and object."""
def predicates(subject=None, object=None): """ A generator of predicates with the given subject and object."""
def objects(subject=None, predicate=None): """ A generator of objects with the given subject and predicate."""
def subject_predicates(object=None): """ A generator of (subject, predicate) tuples for the given object"""
def subject_objects(predicate=None): """ A generator of (subject, object) tuples for the given predicate"""
def predicate_objects(subject=None): """ A generator of (predicate, object) tuples for the given subject"""
def get_context(identifier): """ Returns a Context graph for the given identifier, which must be a URIRef or BNode."""
def remove_context(identifier): """ Removes the given context from the graph. """
def transitive_objects(subject, property, remember=None): """ """
def transitive_subjects(predicate, object, remember=None): """ """
def load(location, publicID=None, format="xml"): """ for b/w compat. See parse."""
def save(location, format="xml", base=None, encoding=None): """ for b/x compat. See serialize."""
def context_id(uri): pass
def parse(source, publicID=None, format="xml"): """ Parse source into Graph. If Graph is context-aware it'll get loaded into it's own context (sub graph). Format defaults to xml (AKA rdf/xml). The publicID argument is for specifying the logical URI for the case that it's different from the physical source URI. Returns the context into which the source was parsed."""
def serialize(destination=None, format="xml", base=None, encoding=None): """ Serialize the Graph to destination. If destination is None serialize method returns the serialization as a string. Format defaults to xml (AKA rdf/xml)."""
def seq(subject): """ Check if subject is an rdf:Seq. If yes, it returns a Seq class instance, None otherwise. """
def absolutize(uri, defrag=1): """ Will turn uri into an absolute URI if it's not one already. """
def bind(prefix, namespace, override=True): """Bind prefix to namespace. If override is True will bind namespace to given prefix if namespace was already bound to a different prefix."""
def namespaces(): """Generator over all the prefix, namespace tuples. """
class IIdentifier(Interface):
def n3(): """ Return N3 representation of identifier. """
def startswith(string): """ dummy. """
def __cmp__(other): """ dummy. """