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from __future__ import generators from rdflib import BNode from rdflib.Literal import Literal from pprint import pprint try: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 except ImportError: import warnings warnings.warn("pysqlite2 is not installed") __test__=False import sha,re,os from rdflib.term_utils import * from rdflib.Graph import QuotedGraph from import REGEXTerm, NATIVE_REGEX, PYTHON_REGEX from import * Any = None
#User-defined REGEXP operator def regexp(expr, item): r = re.compile(expr) return r.match(item) is not None
class SQLite(AbstractSQLStore): """ SQLite store formula-aware implementation. It stores it's triples in the following partitions:
- Asserted non rdf:type statements - Asserted rdf:type statements (in a table which models Class membership) The motivation for this partition is primarily query speed and scalability as most graphs will always have more rdf:type statements than others - All Quoted statements
In addition it persists namespace mappings in a seperate table """ context_aware = True formula_aware = True transaction_aware = True regex_matching = PYTHON_REGEX autocommit_default = False
def open(self, home, create=True): """ Opens the store specified by the configuration string. If create is True a store will be created if it does not already exist. If create is False and a store does not already exist an exception is raised. An exception is also raised if a store exists, but there is insufficient permissions to open the store.""" if create: db = dbapi2.connect(os.path.join(home,self.identifier)) c=db.cursor() c.execute(CREATE_ASSERTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE%(self._internedId)) c.execute(CREATE_ASSERTED_TYPE_STATEMENTS_TABLE%(self._internedId)) c.execute(CREATE_QUOTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE%(self._internedId)) c.execute(CREATE_NS_BINDS_TABLE%(self._internedId)) c.execute(CREATE_LITERAL_STATEMENTS_TABLE%(self._internedId)) for tblName,indices in [ ( "%s_asserted_statements", [ ("%s_A_termComb_index",('termComb',)), ("%s_A_s_index",('subject',)), ("%s_A_p_index",('predicate',)), ("%s_A_o_index",('object',)), ("%s_A_c_index",('context',)), ], ), ( "%s_type_statements", [ ("%s_T_termComb_index",('termComb',)), ("%s_member_index",('member',)), ("%s_klass_index",('klass',)), ("%s_c_index",('context',)), ], ), ( "%s_literal_statements", [ ("%s_L_termComb_index",('termComb',)), ("%s_L_s_index",('subject',)), ("%s_L_p_index",('predicate',)), ("%s_L_c_index",('context',)), ], ), ( "%s_quoted_statements", [ ("%s_Q_termComb_index",('termComb',)), ("%s_Q_s_index",('subject',)), ("%s_Q_p_index",('predicate',)), ("%s_Q_o_index",('object',)), ("%s_Q_c_index",('context',)), ], ), ( "%s_namespace_binds", [ ("%s_uri_index",('uri',)), ], )]: for indexName,columns in indices: c.execute("CREATE INDEX %s on %s (%s)"%(indexName%self._internedId,tblName%(self._internedId),','.join(columns))) c.close() db.commit() db.close()
self._db = dbapi2.connect(os.path.join(home,self.identifier)) self._db.create_function("regexp", 2, regexp)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(home,self.identifier)): c = self._db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'") tbls = [rt[1] for rt in c.fetchall()] c.close() for tn in [tbl%(self._internedId) for tbl in table_name_prefixes]: if tn not in tbls: #The database exists, but one of the partitions doesn't exist return 0 #Everything is there (the database and the partitions) return 1 #The database doesn't exist - nothing is there #return -1
def destroy(self, home): """ FIXME: Add documentation """ db = dbapi2.connect(os.path.join(home,self.identifier)) c=db.cursor() for tblsuffix in table_name_prefixes: try: c.execute('DROP table %s'%tblsuffix%(self._internedId)) except: print "unable to drop table: %s"%(tblsuffix%(self._internedId))
#Note, this only removes the associated tables for the closed world universe given by the identifier print "Destroyed Close World Universe %s ( in SQLite database %s)"%(self.identifier,home) db.commit() c.close() db.close() os.remove(os.path.join(home,self.identifier))
def EscapeQuotes(self,qstr): """ Ported from Ft.Lib.DbUtil """ if qstr is None: return '' tmp = qstr.replace("\\","\\\\") tmp = tmp.replace('"', '""') tmp = tmp.replace("'", "\\'") return tmp
#This is overridden to leave unicode terms as is #Instead of converting them to ascii (the default behavior) def normalizeTerm(self,term): if isinstance(term,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): return term.identifier elif isinstance(term,Literal): return self.EscapeQuotes(term) elif term is None or isinstance(term,(list,REGEXTerm)): return term else: return term
#Where Clause utility Functions #The predicate and object clause builders are modified in order to optimize #subjects and objects utility functions which can take lists as their last argument (object,predicate - respectively) def buildSubjClause(self,subject,tableName): if isinstance(subject,REGEXTerm): return " REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.subject'%tableName or 'subject'),[subject] elif isinstance(subject,list): clauseStrings=[] paramStrings = [] for s in subject: if isinstance(s,REGEXTerm): clauseStrings.append(" REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.subject'%tableName or 'subject') + " %s") paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(s)) elif isinstance(s,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): clauseStrings.append("%s="%(tableName and '%s.subject'%tableName or 'subject')+"%s") paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(s.identifier)) else: clauseStrings.append("%s="%(tableName and '%s.subject'%tableName or 'subject')+"%s") paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(s)) return '('+ ' or '.join(clauseStrings) + ')', paramStrings elif isinstance(subject,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): return "%s="%(tableName and '%s.subject'%tableName or 'subject')+"%s",[self.normalizeTerm(subject.identifier)] else: return subject is not None and "%s="%(tableName and '%s.subject'%tableName or 'subject')+"%s",[subject] or None
#Capable off taking a list of predicates as well (in which case sub clauses are joined with 'OR') def buildPredClause(self,predicate,tableName): if isinstance(predicate,REGEXTerm): return " REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.predicate'%tableName or 'predicate'),[predicate] elif isinstance(predicate,list): clauseStrings=[] paramStrings = [] for p in predicate: if isinstance(p,REGEXTerm): clauseStrings.append(" REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.predicate'%tableName or 'predicate')) else: clauseStrings.append("%s="%(tableName and '%s.predicate'%tableName or 'predicate')+"%s") paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(p)) return '('+ ' or '.join(clauseStrings) + ')', paramStrings else: return predicate is not None and "%s="%(tableName and '%s.predicate'%tableName or 'predicate')+"%s",[predicate] or None
#Capable of taking a list of objects as well (in which case sub clauses are joined with 'OR') def buildObjClause(self,obj,tableName): if isinstance(obj,REGEXTerm): return " REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.object'%tableName or 'object'),[obj] elif isinstance(obj,list): clauseStrings=[] paramStrings = [] for o in obj: if isinstance(o,REGEXTerm): clauseStrings.append(" REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.object'%tableName or 'object')) paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(o)) elif isinstance(o,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): clauseStrings.append("%s="%(tableName and '%s.object'%tableName or 'object')+"%s") paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(o.identifier)) else: clauseStrings.append("%s="%(tableName and '%s.object'%tableName or 'object')+"%s") paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(o)) return '('+ ' or '.join(clauseStrings) + ')', paramStrings elif isinstance(obj,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): return "%s="%(tableName and '%s.object'%tableName or 'object')+"%s",[self.normalizeTerm(obj.identifier)] else: return obj is not None and "%s="%(tableName and '%s.object'%tableName or 'object')+"%s",[obj] or None
def buildContextClause(self,context,tableName): context = context is not None and self.normalizeTerm(context.identifier) or context if isinstance(context,REGEXTerm): return " REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.context'%tableName or 'context'),[context] else: return context is not None and "%s="%(tableName and '%s.context'%tableName or 'context')+"%s",[context] or None
def buildTypeMemberClause(self,subject,tableName): if isinstance(subject,REGEXTerm): return " REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.member'%tableName or 'member'),[subject] elif isinstance(subject,list): clauseStrings=[] paramStrings = [] for s in subject: clauseStrings.append("%s.member="%tableName+"%s") if isinstance(s,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(s.identifier)) else: paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(s)) return '('+ ' or '.join(clauseStrings) + ')', paramStrings else: return subject and u"%s.member = "%(tableName)+"%s",[subject]
def buildTypeClassClause(self,obj,tableName): if isinstance(obj,REGEXTerm): return " REGEXP (%s,"+" %s)"%(tableName and '%s.klass'%tableName or 'klass'),[obj] elif isinstance(obj,list): clauseStrings=[] paramStrings = [] for o in obj: clauseStrings.append("%s.klass="%tableName+"%s") if isinstance(o,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(o.identifier)) else: paramStrings.append(self.normalizeTerm(o)) return '('+ ' or '.join(clauseStrings) + ')', paramStrings else: return obj is not None and "%s.klass = "%tableName+"%s",[obj] or None
def triples(self, (subject, predicate, obj), context=None): """ A generator over all the triples matching pattern. Pattern can be any objects for comparing against nodes in the store, for example, RegExLiteral, Date? DateRange?
quoted table: <id>_quoted_statements asserted rdf:type table: <id>_type_statements asserted non rdf:type table: <id>_asserted_statements
triple columns: subject,predicate,object,context,termComb,objLanguage,objDatatype class membership columns: member,klass,context termComb
FIXME: These union all selects *may* be further optimized by joins
""" quoted_table="%s_quoted_statements"%self._internedId asserted_table="%s_asserted_statements"%self._internedId asserted_type_table="%s_type_statements"%self._internedId literal_table = "%s_literal_statements"%self._internedId c=self._db.cursor()
parameters = []
if predicate == RDF.type: #select from asserted rdf:type partition and quoted table (if a context is specified) clauseString,params = self.buildClause('typeTable',subject,RDF.type, obj,context,True) parameters.extend(params) selects = [ ( asserted_type_table, 'typeTable', clauseString, ASSERTED_TYPE_PARTITION ), ]
elif isinstance(predicate,REGEXTerm) and predicate.compiledExpr.match(RDF.type) or not predicate: #Select from quoted partition (if context is specified), literal partition if (obj is Literal or None) and asserted non rdf:type partition (if obj is URIRef or None) selects = [] if not self.STRONGLY_TYPED_TERMS or isinstance(obj,Literal) or not obj or (self.STRONGLY_TYPED_TERMS and isinstance(obj,REGEXTerm)): clauseString,params = self.buildClause('literal',subject,predicate,obj,context) parameters.extend(params) selects.append(( literal_table, 'literal', clauseString, ASSERTED_LITERAL_PARTITION )) if not isinstance(obj,Literal) and not (isinstance(obj,REGEXTerm) and self.STRONGLY_TYPED_TERMS) or not obj: clauseString,params = self.buildClause('asserted',subject,predicate,obj,context) parameters.extend(params) selects.append(( asserted_table, 'asserted', clauseString, ASSERTED_NON_TYPE_PARTITION ))
clauseString,params = self.buildClause('typeTable',subject,RDF.type,obj,context,True) parameters.extend(params) selects.append( ( asserted_type_table, 'typeTable', clauseString, ASSERTED_TYPE_PARTITION ) )
elif predicate: #select from asserted non rdf:type partition (optionally), quoted partition (if context is speciied), and literal partition (optionally) selects = [] if not self.STRONGLY_TYPED_TERMS or isinstance(obj,Literal) or not obj or (self.STRONGLY_TYPED_TERMS and isinstance(obj,REGEXTerm)): clauseString,params = self.buildClause('literal',subject,predicate,obj,context) parameters.extend(params) selects.append(( literal_table, 'literal', clauseString, ASSERTED_LITERAL_PARTITION )) if not isinstance(obj,Literal) and not (isinstance(obj,REGEXTerm) and self.STRONGLY_TYPED_TERMS) or not obj: clauseString,params = self.buildClause('asserted',subject,predicate,obj,context) parameters.extend(params) selects.append(( asserted_table, 'asserted', clauseString, ASSERTED_NON_TYPE_PARTITION ))
if context is not None: clauseString,params = self.buildClause('quoted',subject,predicate, obj,context) parameters.extend(params) selects.append( ( quoted_table, 'quoted', clauseString, QUOTED_PARTITION ) )
q=self._normalizeSQLCmd(unionSELECT(selects,selectType=TRIPLE_SELECT_NO_ORDER)) self.executeSQL(c,q,parameters) #NOTE: SQLite does not support ORDER BY terms that aren't integers, so the entire result set must be iterated #in order to be able to return a generator of contexts tripleCoverage = {} result = c.fetchall() c.close() for rt in result: s,p,o,(graphKlass,idKlass,graphId) = extractTriple(rt,self,context) contexts = tripleCoverage.get((s,p,o),[]) contexts.append(graphKlass(self,idKlass(graphId))) tripleCoverage[(s,p,o)] = contexts
for (s,p,o),contexts in tripleCoverage.items(): yield (s,p,o),(c for c in contexts)
CREATE_ASSERTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE %s_asserted_statements ( subject text not NULL, predicate text not NULL, object text not NULL, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL)"""
CREATE_ASSERTED_TYPE_STATEMENTS_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE %s_type_statements ( member text not NULL, klass text not NULL, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL)"""
CREATE_LITERAL_STATEMENTS_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE %s_literal_statements ( subject text not NULL, predicate text not NULL, object text, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL, objLanguage varchar(3), objDatatype text)"""
CREATE_QUOTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE %s_quoted_statements ( subject text not NULL, predicate text not NULL, object text, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL, objLanguage varchar(3), objDatatype text)"""
CREATE_NS_BINDS_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE %s_namespace_binds ( prefix varchar(20) UNIQUE not NULL, uri text, PRIMARY KEY (prefix))"""