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from __future__ import generators from rdflib import BNode from import Store,VALID_STORE, CORRUPTED_STORE, NO_STORE, UNKNOWN from rdflib.Literal import Literal from pprint import pprint import sys try: import MySQLdb except ImportError: import warnings warnings.warn("MySQLdb is not installed") __test__=False from rdflib.term_utils import * from rdflib.Graph import QuotedGraph from import REGEXTerm, NATIVE_REGEX, PYTHON_REGEX from import * from FOPLRelationalModel.RelationalHash import IdentifierHash, LiteralHash, RelationalHash, GarbageCollectionQUERY from FOPLRelationalModel.BinaryRelationPartition import * from FOPLRelationalModel.QuadSlot import *
Any = None
def ParseConfigurationString(config_string): """ Parses a configuration string in the form: key1=val1,key2=val2,key3=val3,... The following configuration keys are expected (not all are required): user password db host port (optional - defaults to 3306) """ kvDict = dict([(part.split('=')[0],part.split('=')[-1]) for part in config_string.split(',')]) for requiredKey in ['user','db','host']: assert requiredKey in kvDict if 'port' not in kvDict: kvDict['port']=3306 if 'password' not in kvDict: kvDict['password']='' return kvDict
def createTerm(termString,termType,store,objLanguage=None,objDatatype=None): if termType == 'L': cache = store.literalCache.get((termString,objLanguage,objDatatype)) if cache is not None: #store.cacheHits += 1 return cache else: #store.cacheMisses += 1 rt = Literal(termString,objLanguage,objDatatype) store.literalCache[((termString,objLanguage,objDatatype))] = rt return rt elif termType=='F': cache = store.otherCache.get((termType,termString)) if cache is not None: #store.cacheHits += 1 return cache else: #store.cacheMisses += 1 rt = QuotedGraph(store,URIRef(termString)) store.otherCache[(termType,termString)] = rt return rt elif termType == 'B': cache = store.bnodeCache.get((termString)) if cache is not None: #store.cacheHits += 1 return cache else: #store.cacheMisses += 1 rt = TERM_INSTANCIATION_DICT[termType](termString) store.bnodeCache[(termString)] = rt return rt elif termType =='U': cache = store.uriCache.get((termString)) if cache is not None: #store.cacheHits += 1 return cache else: #store.cacheMisses += 1 rt = URIRef(termString) store.uriCache[(termString)] = rt return rt else: cache = store.otherCache.get((termType,termString)) if cache is not None: #store.cacheHits += 1 return cache else: #store.cacheMisses += 1 rt = TERM_INSTANCIATION_DICT[termType](termString) store.otherCache[(termType,termString)] = rt return rt
def extractTriple(tupleRt,store,hardCodedContext=None): subject,sTerm,predicate,pTerm,obj,oTerm,rtContext,cTerm,objDatatype,objLanguage = tupleRt context = rtContext is not None and rtContext or hardCodedContext.identifier
s=createTerm(subject,sTerm,store) p=createTerm(predicate,pTerm,store) o=createTerm(obj,oTerm,store,objLanguage,objDatatype)
graphKlass, idKlass = constructGraph(cTerm) return s,p,o,(graphKlass,idKlass,context)
class _variable_cluster(object): """ A `_variable_cluster` instance represents the mapping from a single triple pattern to the appropriate SQL components necessary for forming a SQL query that incorporates the triple pattern.
A triple pattern can cover more than one variable, and each instance of this class maintains information about all the variables that are present in the corresponding triple pattern. For each variable in a triple pattern, that variable is either newly visible in this triple pattern or was visible in a previous triple pattern (in a sequence of triple patterns). Also, each variable may correspond to either a Literal or a non-Literal. Managing the consequences of these requirements and the corresponding SQL artifacts are the most important aspects of this class. """ def __init__(self, component_name, db_prefix, subject, predicate, object_, context): ''' Initialize a `_variable_cluster` instance based upon the syntactic parts of the triple pattern and additional information linking the triple pattern to its query context.
- `component_name`: A name prefix used to construct the SQL phrases produced by this instance. This prefix must be unique to the set of `_variable_cluster` instances corresponding to a complete SPARQL query. These prefixes might be of the form "component_N" for some N, and are used to identify which SQL columns correspond to which SPARQL variable. - `db_prefix`: A name prefix used to fully qualify SQL table references in the current DB. - `subject`, `predicate`, `object_`, `context`: The subject, predicate, object, and the name of the graph for the current triple pattern, respectively. Each of these will be RDFLib `node` objects, and at least one should be an RDFLib `variable`. '''
self.component_name = component_name self.db_prefix = db_prefix self.subject = subject self.subject_name = 'subject' self.predicate = predicate self.object_ = object_ self.object_name = 'object' self.context = context
# If the predicate of this triple pattern is `rdf:type`, then the SQL # table uses 'member' for the subject and 'class' for the object. if RDF.type == self.predicate: self.subject_name = 'member' self.object_name = 'class'
self.subset_name = None '''String indicating the base name of the table or view containing RDF statements that this triple pattern will reference.'''
self.object_may_be_literal = False '''This will be True if and only if it is determined that the object of the represented triple pattern is a variable that could resolve to a literal.'''
self.index = None '''The manager of this object must maintain a list of all `_variable_cluster` instances that contain variables. Once the manager processes this `_variable_cluster` in context, this variable contains the index of this object within that list.'''
self.non_object_columns = [] '''SQL column phrases that are not relevant to the object of the triple pattern that this object represents.''' self.object_columns = [] '''SQL column phrases that are relevant to the object of the triple pattern that this object represents.''' self.join_fragment = None '''SQL phrase that defines the table to use for the triple pattern that this object represents in the "from" clause of the full SQL query.''' self.where_fragments = [] '''SQL condition phrases that will be conjunctively joined together in the "where" clause of the full SQL query.'''
self.definitions = {} '''Map from variable name managed by this object to the full column reference that represents that variable.''' self.variable_columns = [] '''List of 4-tuples consisting of the names of the variables managed by this instance, the column reference that represents the variable, a flag that is True if and only if the variable corresponds to the object of the triple pattern, and a reference to this object.'''
self.substitutions = [] '''List of all the static data that must be substituted into the query string by the query mechanism, in the proper order based upon placeholders in the query.'''
def determine_initial_subset(self, store): ''' Determine the most specific RDF statement subset that this triple pattern can use, based on the types of the parts of the statement and the information provided about properties provided by the MySQL store (in the `store` parameter). This is crucial to optimization, because specific subsets (SQL tables such as the 'relations' table) are very efficient but general subsets (SQL views such as the 'URI_or_literal_objects' view) are very inefficient.
:Parameters: - `store`: RDFLib MySQL store containing the target data. '''
if isinstance(self.subject, Literal): raise ValueError( 'A subject cannot be a literal.')
if isinstance(self.predicate, URIRef): # This is a good case, performance-wise, as we can be much more # specific about the subset that we use when we have a non-variable # predicate. if RDF.type == self.predicate: # TODO: find a constant for these somewhere self.subset_name = "associativeBox" elif isinstance(self.object_, Literal): self.subset_name = "literalProperties" elif isinstance(self.object_, Variable): if self.predicate in store.literal_properties: self.subset_name = "literalProperties" elif self.predicate in store.resource_properties: self.subset_name = "relations" else: self.subset_name = "URI_or_literal_object" else: self.subset_name = "relations"
elif isinstance(self.predicate, Variable): if isinstance(self.object_, Literal): self.subset_name = "literalProperties" elif not isinstance(self.object_, Variable): self.subset_name = "relation_or_associativeBox" else: self.subset_name = "all" else: raise ValueError( 'Each predicate must either a URIRef or a Variable.')
# Once we know the initial subset to use, we can construct the join # fragment that this object will provide. self.join_fragment = (self.db_prefix + '_' + self.subset_name + ' as %s_statements' % (self.component_name,))
def note_object_is_named(self): ''' Note new information indicating that the object variable cannot be a literal. In a list of triple patterns, a later triple pattern may refer to the same variable as a previous triple pattern, and the later variable reference may further constrain the potential type of the initial instance of the variable (in particular, that the variable cannot be a literal), in which case the manager of the later variable reference should call this method on the manager of the initial variable reference. '''
if self.object_may_be_literal: self.object_may_be_literal = False
if 'URI_or_literal_object' == self.subset_name: self.subset_name = 'relations' self.join_fragment = (self.db_prefix + '_' + self.subset_name + ' as %s_statements' % (self.component_name,))
column_name = self.component_name + '_object' self.object_columns = ['%s_statements.%s as %s' % (self.component_name, self.object_name, column_name)]
def get_SQL_clause(self): return ' ' + self.join_fragment
def process_variable(self, variable, variable_bindings, role): ''' Set up the state for managing one variable for the current triple pattern. This method does not currently support object variables, as they present a sufficiently different case that they should be handled manually.
:Parameters: - `variable`: The variable to manage. - `variable_bindings`: A map of previously existing variables. - `role`: String indicating the role that this variable plays in the managed triple pattern. This should be one of 'subject', 'predicate', or 'context'.
Returns a list containing the new variable name and manager tuple, or an empty list if this is a previously seen variable.
This is a private method. '''
if 'object' == role: raise ValueError( '`process_variable` cannot current handle object variables. ' + 'Please deal with them manually.')
variable_name = str(variable)
if 'subject' == role: statements_column = self.subject_name elif 'object' == role: statements_column = self.object_name else: statements_column = role
if variable_name in variable_bindings: # Since the variable name was already seen, link the current occurance # of the variable to the initial occurance using a predicate in the # SQL 'where' phrase.
initial_reference = variable_bindings[variable_name]
self.where_fragments.append('%s_statements.%s = %s' % ( self.component_name, statements_column, initial_reference.definitions[variable_name]))
# Also, if the initial occurance of the variable was in the object # role and this occurance is not in the object role, then the variable # cannot refer to a literal, so communicate this to the manager of the # initial occurance. if initial_reference.definitions[variable_name].split( '.')[1] == 'object' and 'object' != role: initial_reference.note_object_is_named()
return [] else: # Note that this is the first occurance of the variable; this includes # adding appropriate SQL phrases that bind to this variable.
defining_reference = self.component_name + "_statements.%s" % ( statements_column,) self.definitions[variable_name] = defining_reference column_name = self.component_name + '_' + role self.non_object_columns.append('%s as %s' % ( defining_reference, column_name)) self.non_object_columns.append('%s_term as %s_term' % ( defining_reference, column_name))
self.variable_columns.append((variable_name, column_name, False, self)) return [(variable_name, self)]
def make_SQL_components(self, variable_bindings, variable_clusters): ''' Process all the terms from the managed RDF triple pattern in the appropriate context.
:Parameters: - `variable_bindings`: Map of existing variable bindings. It is crucial that the caller updates this map after each triple pattern is processed. - `variable_clusters`: List of existing `_variable_cluster` objects that manage variables.
Returns a list of 2-tuples consisting of newly managed variables and a reference to this object (which may be empty if there are no new variables in this triple pattern). '''
if self.index is not None: raise ValueError('`make_SQL_components` should only be run once per ' + '`_variable_cluster` instance.')
self.index = len(variable_clusters) local_binding_list = []
# First, process subject, predicate, and context from the managed triple # pattern, as they are all similar cases in that they cannot be # literals.
if isinstance(self.subject, Variable): local_binding_list.extend( self.process_variable(self.subject, variable_bindings, 'subject')) elif not isinstance(self.subject, Literal): self.where_fragments.append('%s_statements.%s = %%s' % (self.component_name, self.subject_name,)) self.substitutions.append(normalizeNode(self.subject)) else: raise ValueError('The subject of a triple pattern cannot be a literal.')
if isinstance(self.predicate, Variable): local_binding_list.extend( self.process_variable(self.predicate, variable_bindings, 'predicate')) elif RDF.type != self.predicate: self.where_fragments.append('%s_statements.predicate = %%s' % (self.component_name,)) self.substitutions.append(normalizeNode(self.predicate))
if isinstance(self.context, Variable): local_binding_list.extend( self.process_variable(self.context, variable_bindings, 'context')) elif isinstance(self.context, URIRef) or isinstance(self.context, BNode): self.where_fragments.append('%s_statements.context = %%s' % (self.component_name,)) self.substitutions.append(normalizeNode(self.context))
# Process the object of the triple pattern manually, as it could be a # literal and so requires special handling to query properly.
if isinstance(self.object_, Variable): variable_name = str(self.object_)
if variable_name in variable_bindings: initial_reference = variable_bindings[variable_name]
self.where_fragments.append('%s_statements.%s = %s' % ( self.component_name, self.object_name, initial_reference.definitions[variable_name]))
if 'URI_or_literal_object' == self.subset_name: self.subset_name = 'relations' self.join_fragment = ( self.db_prefix + '_' + self.subset_name + ' as %s_statements' % (self.component_name,)) else: defining_reference = self.component_name + "_statements.%s" % ( self.object_name,) self.definitions[variable_name] = defining_reference
column_name = self.component_name + '_object'
if 'URI_or_literal_object' == self.subset_name: self.object_may_be_literal = True
if 'literalProperties' != self.subset_name: self.non_object_columns.append('%s_statements.%s_term as %s_term' % (self.component_name, self.object_name, column_name)) else: self.non_object_columns.append("'L' as %s_term" % (column_name,))
self.object_columns.append('%s as %s' % (defining_reference, column_name)) if not('relations' == self.subset_name or 'associativeBox' == self.subset_name): self.object_columns.append('%s_statements.data_type as %s_datatype' % (self.component_name, column_name)) self.object_columns.append('%s_statements.language as %s_language' % (self.component_name, column_name))
self.variable_columns.append((variable_name, column_name, True, self)) local_binding_list.append((variable_name, self)) else: self.where_fragments.append('%s_statements.%s = %%s' % (self.component_name, self.object_name,)) self.substitutions.append(normalizeNode(self.object_))
return local_binding_list
class MySQL(Store): """ MySQL implementation of FOPL Relational Model as an rdflib Store """ context_aware = True formula_aware = True transaction_aware = True regex_matching = NATIVE_REGEX batch_unification = True def __init__(self, identifier=None, configuration=None,debug=False): self.debug = debug self.identifier = identifier and identifier or 'hardcoded' #Use only the first 10 bytes of the digest self._internedId = INTERNED_PREFIX +[:10] #Setup FOPL RelationalModel objects self.idHash = IdentifierHash(self._internedId) self.valueHash = LiteralHash(self._internedId) self.binaryRelations = NamedBinaryRelations(self._internedId,self.idHash,self.valueHash) self.literalProperties = NamedLiteralProperties(self._internedId,self.idHash,self.valueHash) self.aboxAssertions = AssociativeBox(self._internedId,self.idHash,self.valueHash) self.tables = [ self.binaryRelations, self.literalProperties, self.aboxAssertions, self.idHash, self.valueHash ] self.createTables = [ self.idHash, self.valueHash, self.binaryRelations, self.literalProperties, self.aboxAssertions ] self.hashes = [self.idHash,self.valueHash] self.partitions = [self.literalProperties,self.binaryRelations,self.aboxAssertions,]
#This is a dictionary which caputures the relationships between #the each view, it's prefix, the arguments to viewUnionSelectExpression #and the tables involved self.viewCreationDict={ '_all' : (False,self.partitions), '_URI_or_literal_object' : (False,[self.literalProperties, self.binaryRelations]), '_relation_or_associativeBox': (True,[self.binaryRelations, self.aboxAssertions]), '_all_objects' : (False,self.hashes) }
#This parameter controls how exlusively the literal table is searched #If true, the Literal partition is searched *exclusively* if the object term #in a triple pattern is a Literal or a REGEXTerm. Note, the latter case #prevents the matching of URIRef nodes as the objects of a triple in the store. #If the object term is a wildcard (None) #Then the Literal paritition is searched in addition to the others #If this parameter is false, the literal partition is searched regardless of what the object #of the triple pattern is self.STRONGLY_TYPED_TERMS = False self._db = None self.configuration = None if configuration is not None:
self.cacheHits = 0 self.cacheMisses = 0
self.literalCache = {} self.uriCache = {} self.bnodeCache = {} self.otherCache = {}
self.literal_properties = set() '''set of URIRefs of those RDF properties which are known to range over literals.''' self.resource_properties = set() '''set of URIRefs of those RDF properties which are known to range over resources.'''
def executeSQL(self,cursor,qStr,params=None,paramList=False): """ Overridded in order to pass params seperate from query for MySQLdb to optimize """ #self._db.autocommit(False) if params is None: cursor.execute(qStr) elif paramList: cursor.executemany(qStr,[tuple(item) for item in params]) else: cursor.execute(qStr,tuple(params)) def _dbState(self,db,configDict): c=db.cursor() c.execute("""SHOW DATABASES""") #FIXME This is a character set hack. See: #self._db.charset = 'utf8' rt = c.fetchall() if (configDict['db'].encode('utf-8'),) in rt: for tn in self.tables: c.execute("""show tables like '%s'"""%(tn,)) rt=c.fetchall() if not rt: sys.stderr.write("table %s Doesn't exist\n" % (tn)); #The database exists, but one of the partitions doesn't exist return CORRUPTED_STORE #Everything is there (the database and the partitions) return VALID_STORE #The database doesn't exist - nothing is there return NO_STORE def _createViews(self,cursor): """ Helper function for creating views """ for suffix,(relations_only,tables) in self.viewCreationDict.items(): query='create view %s%s as %s'%(self._internedId, suffix, ' union all '.join([t.viewUnionSelectExpression(relations_only) for t in tables])) if self.debug: print >> sys.stderr, "## Creating View ##\n",query cursor.execute(query)
#Database Management Methods def open(self, configuration, create=False): """ Opens the store specified by the configuration string. If create is True a store will be created if it does not already exist. If create is False and a store does not already exist an exception is raised. An exception is also raised if a store exists, but there is insufficient permissions to open the store. """ self.configuration = configuration configDict = ParseConfigurationString(configuration) if create: test_db = MySQLdb.connect(user=configDict['user'], passwd=configDict['password'], db='test', port=configDict['port'], host=configDict['host'], #use_unicode=True, #read_default_file='/etc/my-client.cnf' ) c=test_db.cursor() c.execute("""SET AUTOCOMMIT=0""") c.execute("""SHOW DATABASES""") if not (configDict['db'].encode('utf-8'),) in c.fetchall(): print >> sys.stderr, "creating %s (doesn't exist)"%(configDict['db']) c.execute("""CREATE DATABASE %s"""%(configDict['db'],)) test_db.commit() c.close() test_db.close()
db = MySQLdb.connect(user = configDict['user'], passwd = configDict['password'], db=configDict['db'], port=configDict['port'], host=configDict['host'], #use_unicode=True, #read_default_file='/etc/my-client.cnf' ) c=db.cursor() c.execute("""SET AUTOCOMMIT=0""") c.execute(CREATE_NS_BINDS_TABLE%(self._internedId)) for kb in self.createTables: c.execute(kb.createSQL()) if isinstance(kb,RelationalHash) and kb.defaultSQL(): c.execute(kb.defaultSQL()) self._createViews(c) db.commit() c.close() db.close() else: #This branch is needed for backward compatibility #which didn't use SQL views _db=MySQLdb.connect(user = configDict['user'], passwd = configDict['password'], db=configDict['db'], port=configDict['port'], host=configDict['host']) if self._dbState(_db,configDict) == VALID_STORE: c=_db.cursor() c.execute("""SET AUTOCOMMIT=0""") existingViews=[] #check which views already exist views=[] for suffix in self.viewCreationDict: view = self._internedId+suffix views.append(view) c.execute("""show tables like '%s'"""%(view,)) rt=c.fetchall() if rt: existingViews.append(view) c.close() _db.close() if not existingViews: #None of the views have been defined - so this is #an old (but valid) store #we need to create the missing views db = MySQLdb.connect(user = configDict['user'], passwd = configDict['password'], db=configDict['db'], port=configDict['port'], host=configDict['host']) c=db.cursor() c.execute("""SET AUTOCOMMIT=0""") self._createViews(c) db.commit() c.close() elif len(existingViews)!=len(views): #Not all the view have been setup return CORRUPTED_STORE try: port = int(configDict['port']) except: raise ArithmeticError('MySQL port must be a valid integer') self._db = MySQLdb.connect(user = configDict['user'], passwd = configDict['password'], db=configDict['db'], port=port, host=configDict['host'], #use_unicode=True, #read_default_file='/etc/my.cnf' ) self._db.autocommit(False) return self._dbState(self._db,configDict)
def destroy(self, configuration): """ FIXME: Add documentation """ configDict = ParseConfigurationString(configuration) msql_db = MySQLdb.connect(user=configDict['user'], passwd=configDict['password'], db=configDict['db'], port=configDict['port'], host=configDict['host'] ) msql_db.autocommit(False) c=msql_db.cursor() for tbl in self.tables + ["%s_namespace_binds"%self._internedId]: try: c.execute('DROP table %s'%tbl) #print "dropped table: %s"%(tblsuffix%(self._internedId)) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "unable to drop table: %s"%(tbl) print >> sys.stderr, e
for suffix in self.viewCreationDict: view = self._internedId+suffix try: c.execute('DROP view %s'%view) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "unable to drop table: %s"%(view) print >> sys.stderr, e
#Note, this only removes the associated tables for the closed world universe given by the identifier print >> sys.stderr, "Destroyed Close World Universe %s ( in MySQL database %s)"%(self.identifier,configDict['db']) msql_db.commit() msql_db.close()
def batch_unify(self, patterns): """ Perform RDF triple store-level unification of a list of triple patterns (4-item tuples which correspond to a SPARQL triple pattern with an additional constraint for the graph name). For the MySQL backend, this method compiles the list of triple patterns into SQL statements that obtain bindings for all the variables in the list of triples patterns.
:Parameters: - `patterns`: a list of 4-item tuples where any of the items can be one of: Variable, URIRef, BNode, or Literal. Returns a generator over dictionaries of solutions to the list of triple patterns. Each dictionary binds the variables in the triple patterns to the correct values for those variables. For more on unification see: """
variable_bindings = {} variable_clusters = []
# Unpack each triple pattern, and for each pattern, create a # variable cluster for managing the variables in that triple # pattern. index = 0 for subject, predicate, object_, context in patterns: component_name = "component_" + str(index) index = index + 1
cluster = _variable_cluster( component_name, self._internedId, subject, predicate, object_, context) cluster.determine_initial_subset(self) bindings = cluster.make_SQL_components( variable_bindings, variable_clusters) variable_bindings.update(bindings) variable_clusters.append(cluster)
from_fragments = [] where_fragments = [] columns = [] substitutions = [] variable_columns = []
# Consolidate the various SQL fragments from each variable cluster. for cluster in variable_clusters: from_fragments.append(cluster.get_SQL_clause()) where_fragments.extend(cluster.where_fragments) columns.extend(cluster.non_object_columns) columns.extend(cluster.object_columns) substitutions.extend(cluster.substitutions) variable_columns.extend(cluster.variable_columns)
if len(variable_columns) < 1: return
# Construct and execute the SQL query. columns_fragment = ', '.join(columns) from_fragment = ',\n '.join(from_fragments) where_fragment = ' and '.join(where_fragments) if len(where_fragment) > 0: where_fragment = '\nwhere\n' + where_fragment
query = "select straight_join\n%s\nfrom\n%s%s\n" % ( columns_fragment, from_fragment, where_fragment)
if self.debug: print >> sys.stderr, query, substitutions
cursor = self._db.cursor() cursor.execute(query, substitutions)
preparation_cursor = self._db.cursor()
def prepare_row(row): ''' Convert a single row from the results of the big SPARQL solution query to a map from query variables to lexical values.
:Parameters: - `row`: The return value of `fetchone()` on an MySQLdb cursor object after executing the SPARQL solving SQL query.
Returns a dictionary from SPARQL variable names to one set of correct values for the original list of SPARQL triple patterns. '''
# First, turn the list into a map from column names to values. row_map = dict(zip( [description[0] for description in cursor.description], row))
# As the values are all integers, we must execute another SQL # query to map the integers to their lexical values. This query # is straightforward to build, so we can do it here instead of in # using helper objects. prefix = self._internedId columns = [] from_fragments = [] where_fragments = [] substitutions = [] for varname, column_name, is_object, cluster in variable_columns: component_name = "component_" + str(len(from_fragments)) columns.append(component_name + ".lexical as " + column_name)
where_fragments.append(component_name + '.id = %s') substitutions.append(row_map[column_name]) term = row_map[column_name + '_term'] if 'L' == term: from_fragments.append('%s_literals as %s' % (prefix, component_name)) datatype = row_map[column_name + '_datatype'] if datatype: from_fragments.append('%s_identifiers as %s_datatype' % (prefix, component_name)) columns.append('%s_datatype.lexical as %s_datatype' % (component_name, column_name)) where_fragments.append(component_name + ' = %s') substitutions.append(datatype) else: from_fragments.append('%s_identifiers as %s' % (prefix, component_name))
query = ('select\n%s\nfrom\n%s\nwhere\n%s\n' % (', '.join(columns), ',\n'.join(from_fragments), ' and '.join(where_fragments))) if self.debug: print >> sys.stderr, query, substitutions preparation_cursor.execute(query, substitutions) prepared_map = dict(zip( [description[0] for description in preparation_cursor.description], preparation_cursor.fetchone()))
# Unwrap the elements of `variable_columns`, which provide the # original SPARQL variable names and the corresponding SQL column # names and management information. Then map these SPARQL # variable names to the correct RDFLib node objects, using the # lexical information obtained using the query above. new_row = {} for varname, column_name, is_object, cluster in variable_columns: aVariable = Variable(varname) lexical = prepared_map[column_name] term = row_map[column_name + '_term']
if 'L' == term: datatype = prepared_map.get(column_name + '_datatype', None) if datatype: datatype = URIRef(datatype) language = row_map[column_name + '_language'] node = Literal(lexical, datatype=datatype, lang=language) elif 'B' == term: node = BNode(lexical) elif 'U' == term: node = URIRef(lexical) else: raise ValueError('Unknown term type ' + term)
new_row[aVariable] = node
return new_row
# Grab a row from the big solving query, process it, and yield the # result, until there are no more results. row = cursor.fetchone() while row: new_row = prepare_row(row) yield new_row
row = cursor.fetchone()
#Transactional interfaces def commit(self): """ """ self._db.commit()
def rollback(self): """ """ self._db.rollback()
def gc(self): """ Purges unreferenced identifiers / values - expensive """ c=self._db.cursor() purgeQueries = GarbageCollectionQUERY( self.idHash, self.valueHash, self.binaryRelations, self.aboxAssertions, self.literalProperties)
for q in purgeQueries: self.executeSQL(c,q)
def add(self, (subject, predicate, obj), context=None, quoted=False): """ Add a triple to the store of triples. """ qSlots = genQuadSlots([subject,predicate,obj,context]) if predicate == RDF.type: kb = self.aboxAssertions elif isinstance(obj,Literal): kb = self.literalProperties else: kb = self.binaryRelations kb.insertRelations([qSlots]) kb.flushInsertions(self._db)
def addN(self, quads): """ Adds each item in the list of statements to a specific context. The quoted argument is interpreted by formula-aware stores to indicate this statement is quoted/hypothetical. Note that the default implementation is a redirect to add """ for s,p,o,c in quads: assert c is not None, "Context associated with %s %s %s is None!"%(s,p,o) qSlots = genQuadSlots([s,p,o,c]) if p == RDF.type: kb = self.aboxAssertions elif isinstance(o,Literal): kb = self.literalProperties else: kb = self.binaryRelations
for kb in self.partitions: if kb.pendingInsertions: kb.flushInsertions(self._db)
def remove(self, (subject, predicate, obj), context): """ Remove a triple from the store """ targetBRPs = BinaryRelationPartitionCoverage((subject,predicate,obj,context),self.partitions) c=self._db.cursor() for brp in targetBRPs: query = "DELETE %s from %s %s WHERE "%( brp, brp, brp.generateHashIntersections() ) whereClause,whereParameters = brp.generateWhereClause((subject,predicate,obj,context)) self.executeSQL(c,query+whereClause,params=whereParameters)
def triples(self, (subject, predicate, obj), context=None): c=self._db.cursor() if context is None or isinstance(context.identifier,REGEXTerm): rt=PatternResolution((subject,predicate,obj,context),c,self.partitions,fetchall=False) else: #No need to order by triple (expensive), all result sets will be in the same context rt=PatternResolution((subject,predicate,obj,context),c,self.partitions,orderByTriple=False,fetchall=False) while rt: s,p,o,(graphKlass,idKlass,graphId) = extractTriple(rt,self,context) if context is None or isinstance(context.identifier,REGEXTerm): currentContext = graphKlass(self,idKlass(graphId)) else: currentContext = context contexts = [currentContext] rt = next = c.fetchone() if context is None or isinstance(context.identifier,REGEXTerm): sameTriple = next and extractTriple(next,self,context)[:3] == (s,p,o) while sameTriple: s2,p2,o2,(graphKlass,idKlass,graphId) = extractTriple(next,self,context) c2 = graphKlass(self,idKlass(graphId)) contexts.append(c2) rt = next = c.fetchone() sameTriple = next and extractTriple(next,self,context)[:3] == (s,p,o)
yield (s,p,o),(con for con in contexts) c.close()
def triples_choices(self, (subject, predicate, object_),context=None): """ A variant of triples that can take a list of terms instead of a single term in any slot. Stores can implement this to optimize the response time from the import default 'fallback' implementation, which will iterate over each term in the list and dispatch to tripless """ if isinstance(object_,list): assert not isinstance(subject,list), "object_ / subject are both lists" assert not isinstance(predicate,list), "object_ / predicate are both lists" if not object_: object_ = None for (s1, p1, o1), cg in self.triples((subject,predicate,object_),context): yield (s1, p1, o1), cg
elif isinstance(subject,list): assert not isinstance(predicate,list), "subject / predicate are both lists" if not subject: subject = None for (s1, p1, o1), cg in self.triples((subject,predicate,object_),context): yield (s1, p1, o1), cg
elif isinstance(predicate,list): assert not isinstance(subject,list), "predicate / subject are both lists" if not predicate: predicate = None for (s1, p1, o1), cg in self.triples((subject,predicate,object_),context): yield (s1, p1, o1), cg
def __repr__(self): c=self._db.cursor()
rtDict = {} countRows = "select count(*) from %s" countContexts = "select DISTINCT %s from %s" unionSelect = ' union '.join([countContexts%(part.columnNames[CONTEXT],str(part)) for part in self.partitions]) self.executeSQL(c,unionSelect) ctxCount = len(c.fetchall()) for part in self.partitions: self.executeSQL(c,countRows%part) rowCount = c.fetchone()[0] rtDict[str(part)]=rowCount return "<Parititioned MySQL N3 Store: %s context(s), %s classification(s), %s property/value assertion(s), and %s other relation(s)>"%( ctxCount, rtDict[str(self.aboxAssertions)], rtDict[str(self.literalProperties)], rtDict[str(self.binaryRelations)], )
def __len__(self, context=None): rows = [] countRows = "select count(*) from %s" c=self._db.cursor() for part in self.partitions: if context is not None: whereClause,whereParams = part.generateWhereClause((None,None,None,context.identifier)) self.executeSQL(c,countRows%part + " where " + whereClause,whereParams) else: self.executeSQL(c,countRows%part) rowCount = c.fetchone()[0] rows.append(rowCount) return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,rows)
def contexts(self, triple=None): c=self._db.cursor() if triple: subject,predicate,obj = triple else: subject = predicate = obj = None rt=PatternResolution((subject,predicate,obj,None), c, self.partitions, fetchall=False, fetchContexts=True) while rt: contextId,cTerm = rt graphKlass, idKlass = constructGraph(cTerm) yield graphKlass(self,idKlass(contextId)) rt = c.fetchone()
#Namespace persistence interface implementation def bind(self, prefix, namespace): """ """ c=self._db.cursor() try: self.executeSQL( c, "INSERT INTO %s_namespace_binds VALUES ('%s', '%s')"%( self._internedId, prefix, namespace) ) except: pass c.close()
def prefix(self, namespace): """ """ c=self._db.cursor() self.executeSQL(c,"select prefix from %s_namespace_binds where uri = '%s'"%( self._internedId, namespace) ) rt = [rtTuple[0] for rtTuple in c.fetchall()] c.close() return rt and rt[0] or None
def namespace(self, prefix): """ """ c=self._db.cursor() try: self.executeSQL(c,"select uri from %s_namespace_binds where prefix = '%s'"%( self._internedId, prefix) ) except: return None rt = [rtTuple[0] for rtTuple in c.fetchall()] c.close() return rt and rt[0] or None
def namespaces(self): """ """ c=self._db.cursor() self.executeSQL(c,"select prefix, uri from %s_namespace_binds where 1;"%( self._internedId ) ) rt=c.fetchall() c.close() for prefix,uri in rt: yield prefix,uri
CREATE_NS_BINDS_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE %s_namespace_binds ( prefix varchar(20) UNIQUE not NULL, uri text, PRIMARY KEY (prefix), INDEX uri_index (uri(100))) ENGINE=InnoDB"""