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""" This module implements two hash tables for identifiers and values that facilitate maximal index lookups and minimal redundancy (since identifiers and values are stored once only and referred to by integer half-md5-hashes). The identifier hash uses the half-md5-hash (converted by base conversion to an integer) to key on the identifier's full lexical form (for partial matching by REGEX) and their term types. The use of a half-hash introduces a collision risk that is currently not accounted for. The volume at which the risk becomes significant is calculable, though through the 'birthday paradox'.
The value hash is keyed off the half-md5-hash (as an integer also) and stores the identifier's full lexical representation (for partial matching by REGEX)
These classes are meant to automate the creation, management, linking, insertion of these hashes (by SQL) automatically
see: """
from rdflib import BNode from rdflib import RDF from rdflib.Literal import Literal from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef from rdflib.term_utils import * from rdflib.Graph import QuotedGraph from import REGEXTerm from QuadSlot import POSITION_LIST, normalizeValue Any = None
IDENTIFIER_GARBAGE_COLLECTION_SQL="CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE danglingIds SELECT %s.%s FROM %s %s where %s and %s.%s <> %s;" VALUE_GARBAGE_COLLECTION_SQL="CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE danglingIds SELECT %s.%s FROM %s %s where %s" PURGE_KEY_SQL="DELETE %s FROM %s INNER JOIN danglingIds on danglingIds.%s = %s.%s;"
def GarbageCollectionQUERY(idHash,valueHash,aBoxPart,binRelPart,litPart): """ Performs garbage collection on interned identifiers and their references. Joins the given KB parititions against the identifiers and values and removes the 'danglers'. This must be performed after every removal of an assertion and so becomes a primary bottleneck """ purgeQueries = ["drop temporary table if exists danglingIds"] rdfTypeInt = normalizeValue(RDF.type,'U') idHashKeyName = idHash.columns[0][0] valueHashKeyName = valueHash.columns[0][0] idHashJoinees = [aBoxPart,binRelPart,litPart] idJoinClauses = [] idJoinColumnCandidates = [] explicitJoins = [] for part in idHashJoinees: partJoinClauses = [] for colName in part.columnNames: if part.columnNames.index(colName) >= 4: colName,sqlType,index = colName if sqlType.lower()[:6]=='bigint': partJoinClauses.append("%s.%s = %s.%s"%(part,colName,idHash,idHashKeyName)) idJoinColumnCandidates.append("%s.%s"%(part,colName)) elif colName: partJoinClauses.append("%s.%s = %s.%s"%(part,colName,idHash,idHashKeyName)) idJoinColumnCandidates.append("%s.%s"%(part,colName)) explicitJoins.append("left join %s on (%s)"%(part,' or '.join(partJoinClauses))) idJoinClauses.extend(partJoinClauses)
intersectionClause = " and ".join([col + " is NULL" for col in idJoinColumnCandidates]) idGCQuery = IDENTIFIER_GARBAGE_COLLECTION_SQL%( idHash, idHashKeyName, idHash, ' '.join(explicitJoins), intersectionClause, idHash, idHashKeyName, rdfTypeInt )
idPurgeQuery = PURGE_KEY_SQL%(idHash,idHash,idHashKeyName,idHash,idHashKeyName) purgeQueries.append(idGCQuery) purgeQueries.append(idPurgeQuery)
partJoinClauses = [] idJoinColumnCandidates = [] explicitJoins = [] partJoinClauses.append("%s.%s = %s.%s"%(litPart,litPart.columnNames[OBJECT],valueHash,valueHashKeyName)) idJoinColumnCandidates.append("%s.%s"%(litPart,litPart.columnNames[OBJECT]))
intersectionClause = " and ".join([col + " is NULL" for col in idJoinColumnCandidates]) valueGCQuery = VALUE_GARBAGE_COLLECTION_SQL%( valueHash, valueHashKeyName, valueHash, "left join %s on (%s)"%(litPart,' or '.join(partJoinClauses)), intersectionClause )
valuePurgeQuery = PURGE_KEY_SQL%(valueHash,valueHash,valueHashKeyName,valueHash,valueHashKeyName) purgeQueries.append("drop temporary table if exists danglingIds") purgeQueries.append(valueGCQuery) purgeQueries.append(valuePurgeQuery) return purgeQueries
class RelationalHash: def __init__(self,identifier): self.identifier = identifier self.hashUpdateQueue = {}
def defaultSQL(self): return ''
def EscapeQuotes(self,qstr): if qstr is None: return '' tmp = qstr.replace("\\","\\\\") tmp = tmp.replace("'", "\\'") return tmp
def normalizeTerm(self,term): if isinstance(term,(QuotedGraph,Graph)): return term.identifier.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(term,Literal): return self.EscapeQuotes(term).encode('utf-8') elif term is None or isinstance(term,(list,REGEXTerm)): return term else: return term.encode('utf-8')
def __repr__(self): return "%s_%s"%(self.identifier,self.tableNameSuffix)
def IndexManagementSQL(self,create=False): idxSQLStmts = []#'ALTER TABLE %s DROP PRIMARY KEY'%self] for colName,colType,indexMD in self.columns: if indexMD: indexName,indexCol = indexMD if indexName: if create: idxSQLStmts.append("create INDEX %s on %s (%s)"%(indexName,self,indexCol)) else: idxSQLStmts.append("drop INDEX %s on %s"%(indexName,self)) return idxSQLStmts
def createSQL(self): columnSQLStmts = [] for colName,colType,indexMD in self.columns: if indexMD: indexName,indexCol = indexMD if indexName: columnSQLStmts.append("\t%s\t%s not NULL"%(colName,colType)) columnSQLStmts.append("\tINDEX %s (%s)"%(indexName,indexCol)) else: columnSQLStmts.append("\t%s\t%s not NULL PRIMARY KEY"%(colName,colType)) else: columnSQLStmts.append("\t%s\t%s not NULL"%(colName,colType))
return CREATE_HASH_TABLE%( self, ',\n'.join(columnSQLStmts) ) def dropSQL(self): pass
class IdentifierHash(RelationalHash): columns = [ ('id','BIGINT unsigned',[None,'id']), ('term_type',"enum('U','B','F','V','L')",['termTypeIndex','term_type']), ]
tableNameSuffix = 'identifiers'
def viewUnionSelectExpression(self,relations_only=False): return "select * from %s"%(repr(self))
def defaultSQL(self): """ Since rdf:type is modeled explicitely (in the ABOX partition) it must be inserted as a 'default' identifier """ return 'INSERT into %s values (%s,"U","%s");'%(self,normalizeValue(RDF.type,'U'),RDF.type)
def generateDict(self,db): c=db.cursor() c.execute("select * from %s"%self) rtDict = {} for rt in c.fetchall(): rtDict[rt[0]] = (rt[1],rt[2]) c.close() return rtDict
def updateIdentifierQueue(self,termList): for term,termType in termList: md5Int = normalizeValue(term,termType) self.hashUpdateQueue[md5Int]=(termType,self.normalizeTerm(term))
def insertIdentifiers(self,db): c=db.cursor() keyCol = self.columns[0][0] if self.hashUpdateQueue: params = [(md5Int,termType,lexical) for md5Int,(termType,lexical) in self.hashUpdateQueue.items()] c.executemany("INSERT IGNORE INTO %s"%(self)+" VALUES (%s,%s,%s)",params) if COLLISION_DETECTION: insertedIds = self.hashUpdateQueue.keys() if len(insertedIds) > 1: c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s"%(self)+" WHERE %s"%keyCol+" in %s",(tuple(insertedIds),)) else: c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s"%(self)+" WHERE %s"%keyCol+" = %s",tuple(insertedIds)) for key,termType,lexical in c.fetchall(): if self.hashUpdateQueue[key] != (termType,lexical): #Collision!!! Raise an exception (allow the app to rollback the transaction if it wants to) raise Exception("Hash Collision (in %s) on %s,%s vs %s,%s!"%(self,termType,lexical,self.hashUpdateQueue[key][0],self.hashUpdateQueue[key][1]))
self.hashUpdateQueue = {} c.close()
class LiteralHash(RelationalHash): columns = [('id','BIGINT unsigned',[None,'id']),] tableNameSuffix = 'literals'
def viewUnionSelectExpression(self,relations_only=False): return "select %s, 'L' as term_type, lexical from %s"%(self.columns[0][0],repr(self))
def generateDict(self,db): c=db.cursor() c.execute("select * from %s"%self) rtDict = {} for rt in c.fetchall(): rtDict[rt[0]] = rt[1] c.close() return rtDict
def updateIdentifierQueue(self,termList): for term,termType in termList: md5Int = normalizeValue(term,termType) self.hashUpdateQueue[md5Int]=self.normalizeTerm(term)
def insertIdentifiers(self,db): c=db.cursor() keyCol = self.columns[0][0] if self.hashUpdateQueue: params = [(md5Int,lexical) for md5Int,lexical in self.hashUpdateQueue.items()] c.executemany("INSERT IGNORE INTO %s"%(self)+" VALUES (%s,%s)",params) if COLLISION_DETECTION: insertedIds = self.hashUpdateQueue.keys() if len(insertedIds) > 1: c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s"%(self)+" WHERE %s"%keyCol+" in %s",(tuple(insertedIds),)) else: c.execute("SELECT * FROM %s"%(self)+" WHERE %s"%keyCol+" = %s",tuple(insertedIds)) for key,lexical in c.fetchall(): if self.hashUpdateQueue[key] != lexical: #Collision!!! Raise an exception (allow the app to rollback the transaction if it wants to) raise Exception("Hash Collision (in %s) on %s vs %s!"%(self,lexical,self.hashUpdateQueue[key][0])) self.hashUpdateQueue = {} c.close()
if REGEX_IDX: LiteralHash.columns.append(('lexical','text',['lexicalIndex','lexical(100)']),) IdentifierHash.columns.append(('lexical','text',['lexical_index','lexical(100)'])) else: LiteralHash.columns.append(('lexical','text',None)) IdentifierHash.columns.append(('lexical','text',None))