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""" The set of classes used to model the 3 'partitions' for N3 assertions. There is a top level class which implements operations common to all partitions as well as a class for each partition. These classes are meant to allow the underlying SQL schema to be completely configurable as well as to automate the generation of SQL queries for adding,updating,removing,resolving triples from the partitions. These classes work in tandem with the RelationHashes to automate all (or most) of the SQL processing associated with this FOPL Relational Model
NOTE: The use of foreign keys (which - unfortunately - bumps the minimum MySQL version to 5.0) allows for the efficient removal of all statements about a particular resource using cascade on delete (currently not used)
see: """ from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef from rdflib import BNode from rdflib import RDF from rdflib.Literal import Literal from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef from pprint import pprint from rdflib.term_utils import * from import REGEXTerm from QuadSlot import * Any = None
class BinaryRelationPartition(object): """ The common ancestor of the three partitions for assertions. Implements behavior common to all 3. Each subclass is expected to define the following:
nameSuffix - The suffix appended to the name of the table termEnumerations - a 4 item list (for each quad 'slot') of lists (or None) which enumerate the allowable term types for each quad slot (one of 'U' - URIs,'V' - Variable,'L' - Literals,'B' - BNodes,'F' - Formulae) columnNames - a list of column names for each quad slot (can be of additional length where each item is a 3-item tuple of: column name, column type, index) columnIntersectionList - a list of 2 item tuples (the quad index and a boolean indicating whether or not the associated term is an identifier) this list (the order of which is very important) is used for generating intersections between the partition and the identifier / value hash hardCodedResultFields - a dictionary mapping quad slot indices to their hardcoded value (for partitions - such as ABOX - which have a hardcoded value for a particular quad slot) hardCodedResultTermsTypes - a dictionary mapping quad slot indices to their hardcoded term type (for partitions - such as Literal properties - which have hardcoded values for a particular quad slot's term type) """ assertedColumnName = 'asserted' indexSuffix = 'Index' literalTable = False objectPropertyTable = False def __init__(self,identifier,idHash,valueHash): self.identifier = identifier self.idHash = idHash self.valueHash = valueHash self._repr = self.identifier+'_'+self.nameSuffix self.singularInsertionSQLCmd = self.insertRelationsSQLCMD() self._resetPendingInsertions() self._intersectionSQL = self.generateHashIntersections() self._selectFieldsLeading = self._selectFields(True) + ['NULL as '+SlotPrefixes[DATATYPE_INDEX],'NULL as '+SlotPrefixes[LANGUAGE_INDEX]] self._selectFieldsNonLeading = self._selectFields(False) + ['NULL','NULL']
def __repr__(self): return self._repr
def foreignKeySQL(self,slot): """ Generates foreign key expression relating a particular quad term with the identifier hash """ rt = ["\tCONSTRAINT %s_%s_lookup FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)"%( self, self.columnNames[slot], self.columnNames[slot], self.idHash, self.idHash.columns[0][0])] return rt
def IndexManagementSQL(self,ignoreFK=False,create=False): idxSQLStmts = [] for slot in POSITION_LIST: if self.columnNames[slot]: if create: idxSQLStmts.append("create INDEX %s%s on %s (%s)"%(self.columnNames[slot],self.indexSuffix,self,self.columnNames[slot])) if not ignoreFK: idxSQLStmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s"%(self,self.foreignKeySQL(slot)[0])) else: if not ignoreFK: idxSQLStmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s DROP FOREIGN KEY %s_%s_lookup"%(self,self,self.columnNames[slot])) idxSQLStmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s DROP INDEX %s%s"%(self,self.columnNames[slot],self.indexSuffix)) if self.termEnumerations[slot]: if create: idxSQLStmts.append("create INDEX %s_term%s on %s (%s_term)"%(self.columnNames[slot],self.indexSuffix,self,self.columnNames[slot])) else: idxSQLStmts.append("drop index %s_term%s on %s"%(self.columnNames[slot],self.indexSuffix,self)) if len(self.columnNames) > 4: for otherSlot in range(4,len(self.columnNames)): colMD = self.columnNames[otherSlot] if isinstance(colMD,tuple): colName,colType,indexStr = colMD if create: idxSQLStmts.append("create INDEX %s%s on %s (%s)"%(colName,self.indexSuffix,self,indexStr%colName)) else: idxSQLStmts.append("drop index %s%s on %s"%(colName,self.indexSuffix,self)) else: if create: idxSQLStmts.append("create INDEX %s%s on (%s)"%(colMD,self.indexSuffix,self,colMD)) if not ignoreFK: idxSQLStmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s"%(self,self.foreignKeySQL(otherSlot)[0])) else: if not ignoreFK: idxSQLStmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s DROP FOREIGN KEY %s_%s_lookup"%(self,self,colMD)) idxSQLStmts.append("drop index %s%s on %s"%(colMD,self.indexSuffix,self))
return idxSQLStmts
def createSQL(self): """ Generates a CREATE TABLE statement which creates a SQL table used for persisting assertions associated with this partition """ columnSQLStmts = [] for slot in POSITION_LIST: if self.columnNames[slot]: columnSQLStmts.append("\t%s\tBIGINT unsigned not NULL"%(self.columnNames[slot])) columnSQLStmts.append("\tINDEX %s%s (%s)"%(self.columnNames[slot],self.indexSuffix,self.columnNames[slot])) if self.termEnumerations[slot]: columnSQLStmts.append("\t%s_term enum(%s) not NULL"%(self.columnNames[slot],','.join(["'%s'"%tType for tType in self.termEnumerations[slot]]))) columnSQLStmts.append("\tINDEX %s_term%s (%s_term)"%(self.columnNames[slot],self.indexSuffix,self.columnNames[slot])) columnSQLStmts.extend(self.foreignKeySQL(slot))
if len(self.columnNames) > 4: for otherSlot in range(4,len(self.columnNames)): colMD = self.columnNames[otherSlot] if isinstance(colMD,tuple): colName,colType,indexStr = colMD columnSQLStmts.append("\t%s %s"%(colName,colType)) columnSQLStmts.append("\tINDEX %s%s (%s)"%(colName,self.indexSuffix,indexStr%colName)) else: columnSQLStmts.append("\t%s BIGINT unsigned not NULL"%colMD) columnSQLStmts.append("\tINDEX %s%s (%s)"%(colMD,self.indexSuffix,colMD)) columnSQLStmts.extend(self.foreignKeySQL(otherSlot))
return CREATE_BRP_TABLE%( self, ',\n'.join(columnSQLStmts) )
def _resetPendingInsertions(self): """ Resets the cache for pending insertions """ self.pendingInsertions = []
def insertRelationsSQLCMD(self): """ Generates a SQL command with parameter references (%s) in order to facilitate efficient batch insertion of multiple assertions by Python DB implementations (such as MySQLdb) """ vals = 0 insertColNames = [] for colName in self.columnNames: colIdx = self.columnNames.index(colName) if colName: insertColNames.append(colName) vals += 1 if colIdx < len(self.termEnumerations) and self.termEnumerations[colIdx]: insertColNames.append(colName+'_term') vals += 1 insertColsExpr = "(%s)"%(','.join([isinstance(i,tuple) and i[0] or i for i in insertColNames])) return "INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES "%(self,insertColsExpr)+"(%s)"%(','.join(['%s' for i in range(vals)]))
def insertRelations(self,quadSlots): """ Takes a list of QuadSlot objects and queues the new identifiers / values to insert and the assertions as well (so they can be added in a batch for maximum efficiency) """ for quadSlot in quadSlots: self.extractIdentifiers(quadSlot) self.pendingInsertions.append(self.compileQuadToParams(quadSlot))
def flushInsertions(self,db): """ Adds the pending identifiers / values and assertions (using executemany for maximum efficiency), and resets the queue. """ self.idHash.insertIdentifiers(db) self.valueHash.insertIdentifiers(db) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.executemany(self.singularInsertionSQLCmd,self.pendingInsertions) cursor.close() self._resetPendingInsertions() def viewUnionSelectExpression(self,relations_only=False): """ Return a SQL statement which creates a view of all the RDF statements from all the contributing partitions """ rt=[] if relations_only and self.objectPropertyTable: return "select * from %s"%repr(self) for idx in range(len(POSITION_LIST)): rdfTermLabel=SlotPrefixes[idx] if idx < len(self.columnNames) and self.columnNames[idx]: #there is a matching column rt.append(self.columnNames[idx]+' as %s'%rdfTermLabel) if self.termEnumerations[idx]: #there is a corresponding term enumeration rt.append(self.columnNames[idx]+'_term as %s_term'%rdfTermLabel) else: #no corresponding term enumeration (hardcoded) rt.append("'%s' as %s_term"%(self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[idx], rdfTermLabel)) else: assert self.hardCodedResultFields[idx] == RDF.type rt.append("'%s' as %s"%(normalizeValue(self.hardCodedResultFields[idx],'U'), rdfTermLabel)) if self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[idx]: rt.append("'%s' as %s_term"%(self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[idx], rdfTermLabel)) if not relations_only: if self.literalTable: for i in self.columnNames[-2:]: rt.append(i[0]) else: rt.append('NULL as data_type') rt.append('NULL as language') return "select %s from %s"%(', '.join(rt),repr(self))
def selectContextFields(self,first): """ Generates a list of column aliases for the SELECT SQL command used in order to fetch contexts from each partition """ rt = [] idHashLexicalCol = self.idHash.columns[-1][0] idHashTermTypeCol = self.idHash.columns[-2][0] termNameAlias = first and ' as %s'%SlotPrefixes[CONTEXT] or '' rt.append('rt_'+SlotPrefixes[CONTEXT]+'.'+idHashLexicalCol + termNameAlias) termTypeAlias = first and ' as %sTermType'%SlotPrefixes[CONTEXT] or '' if self.termEnumerations[CONTEXT]: rt.append('rt_'+SlotPrefixes[CONTEXT]+'.'+idHashTermTypeCol+termTypeAlias) else: rt.append("'%s'"%self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[CONTEXT]+termTypeAlias) return rt
def _selectFields(self,first): rt = [] idHashLexicalCol = self.idHash.columns[-1][0] idHashTermTypeCol = self.idHash.columns[-2][0] for idx in range(len(POSITION_LIST)): termNameAlias = first and ' as %s'%SlotPrefixes[idx] or '' if idx < len(self.columnNames) and self.columnNames[idx]: rt.append('rt_'+SlotPrefixes[idx]+'.'+idHashLexicalCol + termNameAlias) termTypeAlias = first and ' as %sTermType'%SlotPrefixes[idx] or '' if self.termEnumerations[idx]: rt.append('rt_'+SlotPrefixes[idx]+'.'+idHashTermTypeCol+termTypeAlias) else: rt.append("'%s'"%self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[idx]+termTypeAlias) else: rt.append("'%s'"%self.hardCodedResultFields[idx]+termNameAlias) if self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[idx]: rt.append("'%s'"%self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[idx]+termNameAlias) return rt
def selectFields(self,first=False): """ Returns a list of column aliases for the SELECT SQL command used to fetch quads from a partition """ return first and self._selectFieldsLeading or self._selectFieldsNonLeading
def generateHashIntersections(self): """ Generates the SQL JOINS (INNER and LEFT) used to intersect the identifier and value hashes with this partition. This relies on each parition setting up an ordered list of intersections (ordered with optimization in mind). For instance the ABOX partition would want to intersect on classes first (since this will have a lower cardinality than any other field) wherease the Literal Properties partition would want to intersect on datatypes first. The paritions and hashes are joined on the integer half-MD5-hash of the URI (or literal) as well as the 'Term Type' """ intersections = [] for idx,isId in self.columnIntersectionList: lookup = isId and self.idHash or self.valueHash lookupAlias = idx < len(POSITION_LIST) and 'rt_'+SlotPrefixes[idx] or 'rt_'+self.columnNames[idx][0] lookupKeyCol = lookup.columns[0][0] if idx < len(POSITION_LIST) or len(self.columnNames) > len(POSITION_LIST): colName = idx < len(POSITION_LIST) and self.columnNames[idx] or self.columnNames[idx][0] intersectionClauses = ["%s.%s = %s.%s"%(self,colName,lookupAlias,lookupKeyCol)] if idx < len(POSITION_LIST) and self.termEnumerations[idx]: intersectionClauses.append("%s.%s_term = %s.%s"%(self,colName,lookupAlias,lookup.columns[1][0])) if isId and idx < len(POSITION_LIST) and idx in self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes: intersectionClauses.append("%s.%s = '%s'"%(lookupAlias,lookup.columns[1][0],self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes[idx])) if idx == DATATYPE_INDEX and len(self.columnNames) > len(POSITION_LIST): intersections.append(LOOKUP_UNION_SQL%(lookup,lookupAlias,' AND '.join(intersectionClauses))) else: intersections.append(LOOKUP_INTERSECTION_SQL%(lookup,lookupAlias,' AND '.join(intersectionClauses))) return ' '.join(intersections)
def generateWhereClause(self,queryPattern): """ Takes a query pattern (a list of quad terms - subject,predicate,object,context) and generates a SQL WHERE clauses which works in conjunction to the intersections to filter the result set by partial matching (by REGEX), full matching (by integer half-hash), and term types. For maximally efficient SELECT queries """ whereClauses = [] whereParameters = [] asserted = dereferenceQuad(CONTEXT,queryPattern) is None for idx in SlotPrefixes.keys(): queryTerm = dereferenceQuad(idx,queryPattern) lookupAlias = 'rt_'+SlotPrefixes[idx] if idx == CONTEXT and asserted: whereClauses.append("%s.%s_term != 'F'"%(self,self.columnNames[idx]))
if idx < len(POSITION_LIST) and isinstance(queryTerm,REGEXTerm): whereClauses.append("%s.lexical REGEXP "%lookupAlias+"%s") whereParameters.append(queryTerm) elif idx == CONTEXT and isinstance(queryTerm,Graph) and isinstance(queryTerm.identifier,REGEXTerm): whereClauses.append("%s.lexical REGEXP "%lookupAlias+"%s") whereParameters.append(queryTerm.identifier) elif idx < len(POSITION_LIST) and queryTerm is not Any: if self.columnNames[idx]:
if isinstance(queryTerm,list): whereClauses.append("%s.%s"%(self,self.columnNames[idx])+" in (%s)"%','.join(['%s' for item in range(len(queryTerm))])) whereParameters.extend([normalizeValue(item,term2Letter(item)) for item in queryTerm]) else: whereClauses.append("%s.%s"%(self,self.columnNames[idx])+" = %s") whereParameters.append(normalizeValue(queryTerm,term2Letter(queryTerm)))
if not idx in self.hardCodedResultTermsTypes and self.termEnumerations[idx] and not isinstance(queryTerm,list): whereClauses.append("%s.%s_term"%(self,self.columnNames[idx])+" = %s") whereParameters.append(term2Letter(queryTerm)) elif idx >= len(POSITION_LIST) and len(self.columnNames) > len(POSITION_LIST) and queryTerm is not None: compVal = idx == DATATYPE_INDEX and normalizeValue(queryTerm,term2Letter(queryTerm)) or queryTerm whereClauses.append("%s.%s"%(self,self.columnNames[idx][0])+" = %s") whereParameters.append(compVal)
return ' AND '.join(whereClauses),whereParameters# + "#{%s}\n"%(str(queryPattern)),whereParameters
class AssociativeBox(BinaryRelationPartition): """ The partition associated with assertions of class membership (formally known - in Description Logics - as an Associative Box) This partition is for all assertions where the property is rdf:type see: """ nameSuffix = 'associativeBox' termEnumerations=[NON_LITERALS,None,CLASS_TERMS,CONTEXT_TERMS] columnNames = ['member',None,'class',CONTEXT_COLUMN] columnIntersectionList = [ (OBJECT,True), (CONTEXT,True), (SUBJECT,True)]
hardCodedResultFields = { PREDICATE : RDF.type, } hardCodedResultTermsTypes = { PREDICATE : 'U', }
def compileQuadToParams(self,quadSlots): subjSlot,predSlot,objSlot,conSlot = quadSlots return (subjSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(subjSlot.term), objSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(objSlot.term), conSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(conSlot.term))
def extractIdentifiers(self,quadSlots): subjSlot,predSlot,objSlot,conSlot = quadSlots self.idHash.updateIdentifierQueue([ (subjSlot.term,subjSlot.termType), (objSlot.term,objSlot.termType), (conSlot.term,conSlot.termType) ])
class NamedLiteralProperties(BinaryRelationPartition): """ The partition associated with assertions where the object is a Literal. """ nameSuffix = 'literalProperties' termEnumerations=[NON_LITERALS,PREDICATE_NAMES,None,CONTEXT_TERMS] columnNames = ['subject','predicate','object',CONTEXT_COLUMN,('data_type','BIGINT unsigned','%s'),('language','varchar(3)','%s(3)')] columnIntersectionList = [ (DATATYPE_INDEX,True), (PREDICATE,True), (CONTEXT,True), (OBJECT,False), (SUBJECT,True)]
hardCodedResultFields = {} hardCodedResultTermsTypes = { OBJECT : 'L' } literalTable = True def foreignKeySQL(self,slot): hash = slot == OBJECT and self.valueHash or self.idHash rt = ["\tCONSTRAINT %s_%s_lookup FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)"%( self, self.columnNames[slot], self.columnNames[slot], hash, hash.columns[0][0])] return rt
def __init__(self,identifier,idHash,valueHash): super(NamedLiteralProperties,self).__init__(identifier,idHash,valueHash) self.insertSQLCmds = { (False,False): self.insertRelationsSQLCMD(), (False,True) : self.insertRelationsSQLCMD(language=True), (True,False) : self.insertRelationsSQLCMD(dataType=True), (True,True) : self.insertRelationsSQLCMD(dataType=True,language=True) } idHashLexicalCol = self.idHash.columns[-1][0] self._selectFieldsLeading = self._selectFields(True) + \ [ 'rt_%s.%s'%(self.columnNames[DATATYPE_INDEX][0],idHashLexicalCol) + ' as %s'%SlotPrefixes[DATATYPE_INDEX], str(self)+'.'+self.columnNames[LANGUAGE_INDEX][0]+' as %s'%SlotPrefixes[LANGUAGE_INDEX], ] self._selectFields = self._selectFields(False) + \ [ 'rt_%s.%s'%(self.columnNames[DATATYPE_INDEX][0],idHashLexicalCol), str(self)+'.'+self.columnNames[LANGUAGE_INDEX][0], ]
def _resetPendingInsertions(self): self.pendingInsertions = { (False,False): [], (False,True) : [], (True,False) : [], (True,True) : [], }
def insertRelationsSQLCMD(self,dataType=None,language=None): vals = 0 insertColNames = [] for colName in self.columnNames: colIdx = self.columnNames.index(colName) if colName: if isinstance(colName,tuple): colName = colName[0] for argColName,arg in [(self.columnNames[DATATYPE_INDEX][0],dataType),(self.columnNames[LANGUAGE_INDEX][0],language)]: if colName == argColName and arg: insertColNames.append(colName) vals += 1 else: insertColNames.append(colName) vals += 1 if colIdx < len(self.termEnumerations) and self.termEnumerations[colIdx]: insertColNames.append(colName+'_term') vals += 1
insertColsExpr = "(%s)"%(','.join([i for i in insertColNames])) return "INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES "%(self,insertColsExpr)+"(%s)"%(','.join(['%s' for i in range(vals)]))
def insertRelations(self,quadSlots): for quadSlot in quadSlots: self.extractIdentifiers(quadSlot) literal = quadSlot[OBJECT].term insertionCMDKey = (bool(literal.datatype),bool(literal.language)) self.pendingInsertions[insertionCMDKey].append(self.compileQuadToParams(quadSlot))
def flushInsertions(self,db): self.idHash.insertIdentifiers(db) self.valueHash.insertIdentifiers(db) cursor = db.cursor() for key,paramList in self.pendingInsertions.items(): if paramList: cursor.executemany(self.insertSQLCmds[key],paramList) cursor.close() self._resetPendingInsertions()
def compileQuadToParams(self,quadSlots): subjSlot,predSlot,objSlot,conSlot = quadSlots dTypeParam = objSlot.term.datatype and normalizeValue(objSlot.term.datatype,'U') or None langParam = objSlot.term.language and objSlot.term.language or None rtList = [ subjSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(subjSlot.term), predSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(predSlot.term), objSlot.md5Int, conSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(conSlot.term)] for item in [dTypeParam,langParam]: if item: rtList.append(item) return tuple(rtList)
def extractIdentifiers(self,quadSlots): """ Test literal data type extraction >>> from rdflib import RDF >>> class DummyClass: ... def __init__(self,test=False): ... self.test = test ... def updateIdentifierQueue(self,stuff): ... if self.test: ... term,termType = stuff[-1] ... assert termType == 'U',"Datatype's are URIs!" >>> class Tester(NamedLiteralProperties): ... def __init__(self): ... self.idHash = DummyClass(True) ... self.valueHash = DummyClass() >>> c = Tester() >>> slots = genQuadSlots([BNode(),RDF.first,Literal(1),BNode()]) >>> c.extractIdentifiers(slots) """ subjSlot,predSlot,objSlot,conSlot = quadSlots idTerms = [ (subjSlot.term,subjSlot.termType), (predSlot.term,predSlot.termType), (conSlot.term,conSlot.termType)] if objSlot.term.datatype: idTerms.append((objSlot.term.datatype,term2Letter(objSlot.term.datatype))) self.idHash.updateIdentifierQueue(idTerms) self.valueHash.updateIdentifierQueue([(objSlot.term,objSlot.termType)])
def selectFields(self,first=False): return first and self._selectFieldsLeading or self._selectFieldsNonLeading
class NamedBinaryRelations(BinaryRelationPartition): """ Partition associated with assertions where the predicate isn't rdf:type and the object isn't a literal """ nameSuffix = 'relations' termEnumerations=[NON_LITERALS,PREDICATE_NAMES,NON_LITERALS,CONTEXT_TERMS] columnNames = ['subject','predicate','object',CONTEXT_COLUMN] columnIntersectionList = [ (PREDICATE,True), (CONTEXT,True), (OBJECT,True), (SUBJECT,True)]
hardCodedResultFields = {} hardCodedResultTermsTypes = {} objectPropertyTable = True def compileQuadToParams(self,quadSlots): subjSlot,predSlot,objSlot,conSlot = quadSlots return (subjSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(subjSlot.term), predSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(predSlot.term), objSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(objSlot.term), conSlot.md5Int, term2Letter(conSlot.term))
def extractIdentifiers(self,quadSlots): subjSlot,predSlot,objSlot,conSlot = quadSlots self.idHash.updateIdentifierQueue([ (subjSlot.term,subjSlot.termType), (predSlot.term,predSlot.termType), (objSlot.term,objSlot.termType), (conSlot.term,conSlot.termType)])
def BinaryRelationPartitionCoverage((subject,predicate,object_,context),BRPs): """ This function takes a quad pattern (where any term is one of: URIRef,BNode,Literal,None,or REGEXTerm) ,a list of 3 live partitions and returns a list of only those partitions that need to be searched in order to resolve the pattern. This function relies on the BRPQueryDecisionMap dictionary to determine which partitions to use. Note that the dictionary as it is currently constituted requres that REGEXTerms in the object slot require that *both* the binary relation partition and the literal properties partitions are searched when this search could be limited to the literal properties only (for more efficient REGEX evaluation of literal values). Given the nature of the REGEX function in SPARQL and the way Versa matches by REGEX, this seperation couldn't be done """ if isinstance(predicate,list) and len(predicate) == 1: predicate = predicate[0] if isinstance(predicate,REGEXTerm): pId = predicate.compiledExpr.match(RDF.type) and 'RT' or 'U_RNT' elif isinstance(predicate,(URIRef,BNode)): pId = predicate == RDF.type and 'T' or 'U_RNT' elif predicate is None or predicate is []: pId = 'W' elif isinstance(predicate,list): if [p for p in predicate if p == RDF.type or isinstance(p,REGEXTerm) and p.compiledExpr.match(RDF.type)]: #One of the predicates is (or matches) rdf:type, so can be treated as a REGEX term that matches rdf:type pId = 'RT' else: #Otherwise, can be treated as a REGEXTerm that *doesn't* match rdf:type pId = 'U_RNT' elif isinstance(predicate,Variable): #Predicates as variables would only exist in literal property assertions and 'other' Relations partition #(same as URIs or REGEX Terms that don't match rdf:type) pId = 'U_RNT' else: raise Exception("Unable to determine a parition to cover with the given predicate %s (a %s)"%(predicate,type(predicate).__name__))
if isinstance(object_,list) and len(object_) == 1: object_ = object_[0] if isinstance(object_,REGEXTerm): oId = 'R' elif isinstance(object_,Literal): oId = 'L' elif isinstance(object_,(URIRef,BNode,Graph)): oId = 'U' elif object_ is None: oId = 'W' elif isinstance(object_,list): if [o for o in object_ if isinstance(o,REGEXTerm)]: #If there are any REGEXTerms in the list then the list behaves as a REGEX / Wildcard oId = 'R' elif not [o for o in object_ if isinstance(o,REGEXTerm) or isinstance(o,Literal)]: #There are no Literals or REGEXTerms, the list behaves as a URI (i.e., it never checks literal partition) oId = 'U' elif len([o for o in object_ if isinstance(o,Literal)]) == len(object_): #They are all literals oId = 'L' else: #Treat as a wildcard oId = 'R' elif isinstance(object_,Variable): #Variables would only exist in the ABOX and 'other' Relations partition (same as URIs) oId = 'U' else: raise Exception("Unable to determine a parition to cover with the given object %s (a %s)"%(object_,type(object_).__name__))
targetBRPs = [brp for brp in BRPs if isinstance(brp,BRPQueryDecisionMap[pId+oId])] return targetBRPs
def PatternResolution(quad,cursor,BRPs,orderByTriple=True,fetchall=True,fetchContexts=False): """ This function implements query pattern resolution against a list of partition objects and 3 parameters specifying whether to sort the result set (in order to group identical triples by the contexts in which they appear), whether to fetch the entire result set or one at a time, and whether to fetch the matching contexts only or the assertions. This function uses BinaryRelationPartitionCoverage to whittle out the partitions that don't need to be searched, generateHashIntersections / generateWhereClause to generate the SQL query and the parameter fill-ins and creates a single UNION query against the relevant partitions.
Note the use of UNION syntax requires that the literal properties partition is first (since it uses the first select to determine the column types for the resulting rows from the subsequent SELECT queries)
see: """ subject,predicate,object_,context = quad targetBRPs = BinaryRelationPartitionCoverage((subject,predicate,object_,context),BRPs) unionQueries = [] unionQueriesParams = [] for brp in targetBRPs: first = targetBRPs.index(brp) == 0 if fetchContexts: query = "SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s %s WHERE "%( ','.join(brp.selectContextFields(first)), brp, brp._intersectionSQL ) else: query = CROSS_BRP_QUERY_SQL%( ','.join(brp.selectFields(first)), brp, brp._intersectionSQL ) whereClause,whereParameters = brp.generateWhereClause((subject,predicate,object_,context)) unionQueries.append(query+whereClause) unionQueriesParams.extend(whereParameters)
if fetchContexts: orderBySuffix = '' else: orderBySuffix = orderByTriple and ' ORDER BY %s,%s,%s'%(SlotPrefixes[SUBJECT],SlotPrefixes[PREDICATE],SlotPrefixes[OBJECT]) or '' if len(unionQueries) == 1: query = unionQueries[0] + orderBySuffix else: query = ' union all '.join(['('+q+')' for q in unionQueries]) + orderBySuffix try: if EXPLAIN_INFO: cursor.execute("EXPLAIN "+query,tuple(unionQueriesParams)) print query from pprint import pprint;pprint(cursor.fetchall()) cursor.execute(query,tuple(unionQueriesParams)) except ValueError,e: print "## Query ##\n",query print "## Parameters ##\n",unionQueriesParams raise e if fetchall: qRT = cursor.fetchall() else: qRT = cursor.fetchone() return qRT
CREATE_RESULT_TABLE = \ """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE result ( subject text NOT NULL, subjectTerm enum('F','V','U','B','L') NOT NULL, predicate text NOT NULL, predicateTerm enum('F','V','U','B','L') NOT NULL, object text NOT NULL, objectTerm enum('F','V','U','B','L') NOT NULL, context text not NULL, contextTerm enum('F','V','U','B','L') NOT NULL, dataType text, language char(3), INDEX USING BTREE (context(50)) ) """ CROSS_BRP_QUERY_SQL="SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN %s FROM %s %s WHERE " CROSS_BRP_RESULT_QUERY_SQL="SELECT * FROM result ORDER BY context" DROP_RESULT_TABLE_SQL = "DROP result"
BRPQueryDecisionMap = { 'WL':(NamedLiteralProperties), 'WU':(AssociativeBox,NamedBinaryRelations), 'WW':(NamedLiteralProperties,AssociativeBox,NamedBinaryRelations), 'WR':(NamedLiteralProperties,AssociativeBox,NamedBinaryRelations), #Could be optimized to not include NamedBinaryRelations 'RTL':(NamedLiteralProperties), 'RTU':(NamedBinaryRelations,AssociativeBox), 'RTR':(NamedLiteralProperties,AssociativeBox,NamedBinaryRelations), #Could be optimized to not include NamedBinaryRelations 'TU':(AssociativeBox), 'TW':(AssociativeBox), 'TR':(AssociativeBox), 'U_RNTL':(NamedLiteralProperties), 'U_RNTU':(NamedBinaryRelations), 'U_RNTW':(NamedLiteralProperties,NamedBinaryRelations), 'U_RNTR':(NamedLiteralProperties,NamedBinaryRelations), #Could be optimized to not include NamedBinaryRelations }
def test(): import doctest doctest.testmod()
if __name__ == '__main__': test()