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from rdflib.Graph import Graph, ConjunctiveGraph
class SPARQLGraph(object): """ A subclass of Graph with a few extra SPARQL bits. """ SPARQL_DATASET=0 NAMED_GRAPH=1 __slots__ = ("graphVariable","DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE","identifier","graphKind","graph") def __init__(self, graph, graphVariable = None, dSCompliance = False): assert not graphVariable or graphVariable[0]!='?',repr(graphVariable) self.graphVariable = graphVariable self.DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE = dSCompliance self.graphKind=None if graph is not None: self.graph = graph # TODO = if isinstance(graph,ConjunctiveGraph): self.graphKind = self.SPARQL_DATASET self.identifier = graph.default_context.identifier else: self.graphKind = self.NAMED_GRAPH self.identifier = graph.identifier #super(SPARQLGraph, self).__init__(store, identifier)
def setupGraph(self,store,graphKind=None): gKind = graphKind and graphKind or self.graphKind self.graph = gKind(store,self.identifier)
def __reduce__(self): return (SPARQLGraph, (None, self.graphVariable, self.DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE), self.__getstate__()) def __getstate__(self): return (self.graphVariable, self.DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE, self.identifier)#, #self.graphKind)
def __setstate__(self, arg): #gVar,flag,identifier,gKind=arg gVar,flag,identifier=arg self.graphVariable=gVar self.DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE=flag self.identifier=identifier #self.graphKind=gKind #self.graph=Graph(store,identifier)
############################################################################################################## # Clustering methods def _clusterForward(self,seed,Cluster) : """Cluster the triple store: from a seed, transitively get all properties and objects in direction of the arcs.
@param seed: RDFLib Resource
@param Cluster: a L{sparqlGraph} instance, that has to be expanded with the new arcs """ try : # get all predicate and object pairs for the seed. # *If not yet in the new cluster, then go with a recursive round with those* for (p,o) in self.graph.predicate_objects(seed) : if not (seed,p,o) in Cluster.graph : Cluster.add((seed,p,o)) self._clusterForward(p,Cluster) self._clusterForward(o,Cluster) except : pass
def clusterForward(self,seed,Cluster=None) : """ Cluster the triple store: from a seed, transitively get all properties and objects in direction of the arcs.
@param seed: RDFLib Resource
@param Cluster: another sparqlGraph instance; if None, a new one will be created. The subgraph will be added to this graph.
@returns: The triple store containing the cluster
@rtype: L{sparqlGraph} """ if Cluster == None : Cluster = SPARQLGraph()
# This will raise an exception if not kosher... check_subject(seed) #print "Wrong type for clustering (probably a literal): %s" % seed self._clusterForward(seed,Cluster) return Cluster
def _clusterBackward(self,seed,Cluster) : """Cluster the triple store: from a seed, transitively get all properties and objects in backward direction of the arcs.
@param seed: RDFLib Resource
@param Cluster: a L{sparqlGraph} instance, that has to be expanded with the new arcs """ try : for (s,p) in self.graph.subject_predicates(seed) : if not (s,p,seed) in Cluster.graph : Cluster.add((s,p,seed)) self._clusterBackward(s,Cluster) self._clusterBackward(p,Cluster) except : pass
def clusterBackward(self,seed,Cluster=None) : """ Cluster the triple store: from a seed, transitively get all properties and objects 'backward', ie, following the link back in the graph.
@param seed: RDFLib Resource
@param Cluster: another sparqlGraph instance; if None, a new one will be created. The subgraph will be added to this graph.
@returns: The triple store containing the cluster
@rtype: L{sparqlGraph} """ if Cluster == None : Cluster = SPARQLGraph()
# This will raise an exception if not kosher... check_object(seed) # print "Wrong type for clustering: %s" % seed self._clusterBackward(seed,Cluster) return Cluster
def cluster(self,seed) : """ Cluster up and down, by summing up the forward and backward clustering
@param seed: RDFLib Resource
@returns: The triple store containing the cluster
@rtype: L{sparqlGraph} """ raise "Am I getting here?" return self.clusterBackward(seed) + self.clusterForward(seed)