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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # # $Date: 2005/11/04 14:06:36 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $ # """ Graph pattern class used by the SPARQL implementation """ import sys, os, time, datetime from rdflib.Literal import Literal from rdflib.BNode import BNode from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef from rdflib import Variable from types import * from rdflib.syntax.NamespaceManager import NamespaceManager from rdflib.Graph import Graph
from rdflib.sparql import _questChar, Debug, SPARQLError
def _createResource(v) : """Create an RDFLib Literal instance with the corresponding XML Schema datatype set. If the variable is already an RDFLib resource, it simply returns the resource; otherwise the corresponding Literal. A SPARQLError Exception is raised if the type is not implemented.
The Literal contains the string representation of the variable (as Python does it by default) with the corresponding XML Schema URI set.
@param v: Python variable @return: either an RDFLib Literal (if 'v' is not an RDFLib Resource), or the same variable if it is already an RDFLib resource (ie, Literal, BNode, or URIRef) @raise SPARQLError: if the type of 'v' is not implemented """ if isinstance(v,Literal) or isinstance(v,BNode) or isinstance(v,URIRef) : # just do nothing return v else : return Literal(v) # Literal now does the datatype bits
def _isResQuest(r) : """ Is 'r' a request string (ie, of the form "?XXX")?
@rtype: Boolean """ if r and isinstance(r,basestring) and r[0] == _questChar : return True return False
class GraphPattern : """ Storage of one Graph Pattern, ie, the pattern tuples and the possible (functional) constraints (filters) """ def __init__(self,patterns=[]) : """ @param patterns: an initial list of graph pattern tuples """ self.patterns = [] self.constraints = [] self.unbounds = [] self.bnodes = {} if type(patterns) == list : self.addPatterns(patterns) elif type(patterns) == tuple : self.addPattern(patterns) else : raise SPARQLError("illegal argument, pattern must be a tuple or a list of tuples")
def _generatePattern(self,tupl) : """ Append a tuple to the local patterns. Possible type literals are converted to real literals on the fly. Each tuple should be contain either 3 elements (for an RDF Triplet pattern) or four, where the fourth element is a per-pattern constraint (filter). (The general constraint of SPARQL can be optimized by assigning a constraint to a specific pattern; because it stops the graph expansion, its usage might be much more optimal than the the 'global' constraint).
@param tupl: either a three or four element tuple """ if type(tupl) != tuple : raise SPARQLError("illegal argument, pattern must be a tuple, got %s" % type(tupl)) if len(tupl) != 3 and len(tupl) != 4 : raise SPARQLError("illegal argument, pattern must be a tuple of 3 or 4 element, got %s" % len(tupl)) if len(tupl) == 3 : (s,p,o) = tupl f = None else : (s,p,o,f) = tupl final=[] for c in (s,p,o) : if _isResQuest(c) : if not c in self.unbounds : self.unbounds.append(c) final.append(c) elif isinstance(c, BNode): #Do nothing - BNode name management is handled by SPARQL parser # if not c in self.bnodes : # self.bnodes[c] = BNode() final.append(c) else : final.append(_createResource(c)) final.append(f) return tuple(final)
def addPattern(self,tupl) : """ Append a tuple to the local patterns. Possible type literals are converted to real literals on the fly. Each tuple should be contain either 3 elements (for an RDF Triplet pattern) or four, where the fourth element is a per-pattern constraint (filter). (The general constraint of SPARQL can be optimized by assigning a constraint to a specific pattern; because it stops the graph expansion, its usage might be much more optimal than the the 'global' constraint).
@param tupl: either a three or four element tuple """ self.patterns.append(self._generatePattern(tupl))
def insertPattern(self,tupl) : """ Insert a tuple to to the start of local patterns. Possible type literals are converted to real literals on the fly. Each tuple should be contain either 3 elements (for an RDF Triplet pattern) or four, where the fourth element is a per-pattern constraint (filter). (The general constraint of SPARQL can be optimized by assigning a constraint to a specific pattern; because it stops the graph expansion, its usage might be much more optimal than the the 'global' constraint).
Semantically, the behaviour induced by a graphPattern does not depend on the order of the patterns. However, due to the behaviour of the expansion algorithm, users may control the speed somewhat by adding patterns that would 'cut' the expansion tree soon (ie, patterns that reduce the available triplets significantly). API users may be able to do that, hence this additional method.
@param tupl: either a three or four element tuple """ self.patterns.insert(0,self._generatePattern(tupl))
def addPatterns(self,lst) : """ Append a list of tuples to the local patterns. Possible type literals are converted to real literals on the fly. Each tuple should be contain either three elements (for an RDF Triplet pattern) or four, where the fourth element is a per-pattern constraint. (The general constraint of SPARQL can be optimized by assigning a constraint to a specific pattern; because it stops the graph expansion, its usage might be much more optimal than the the 'global' constraint).
@param lst: list consisting of either a three or four element tuples """ for l in lst: self.addPattern(l)
def insertPatterns(self,lst) : """ Insert a list of tuples to the start of the local patterns. Possible type literals are converted to real literals on the fly. Each tuple should be contain either three elements (for an RDF Triplet pattern) or four, where the fourth element is a per-pattern constraint. (The general constraint of SPARQL can be optimized by assigning a constraint to a specific pattern; because it stops the graph expansion, its usage might be much more optimal than the the 'global' constraint).
Semantically, the behaviour induced by a graphPattern does not depend on the order of the patterns. However, due to the behaviour of the expansion algorithm, users may control the speed somewhat by adding patterns that would 'cut' the expansion tree soon (ie, patterns that reduce the available triplets significantly). API users may be able to do that, hence this additional method.
@param lst: list consisting of either a three or four element tuples """ for i in xrange(len(lst)-1,-1,-1) : self.insertPattern(lst[i])
def addConstraint(self,func) : """ Add a global filter constraint to the graph pattern. 'func' must be a method with a single input parameter (a dictionary) returning a boolean. This method is I{added} to previously added methods, ie, I{all} methods must return True to accept a binding.
@param func: filter function """ if type(func) == FunctionType : self.constraints.append(func) else : raise SPARQLError("illegal argument, constraint must be a function type, got %s" % type(func))
def addConstraints(self,lst) : """ Add a list of global filter constraints to the graph pattern. Each function in the list must be a method with a single input parameter (a dictionary) returning a boolean. These methods are I{added} to previously added methods, ie, I{all} methods must return True to accept a binding.
@param lst: list of functions """ for l in lst: self.addConstraint(l)
def construct(self,tripleStore,bindings) : """ Add triples to a tripleStore based on a variable bindings of the patterns stored locally. The triples are patterned by the current Graph Pattern. The method is used to construct a graph after a successful querying.
@param tripleStore: an (rdflib) Triple Store @param bindings: dictionary """ localBnodes = {} for c in self.bnodes : localBnodes[c] = BNode() def bind(st) : if _isResQuest(st) : if st in bindings : return bindings[st] else : if isinstance(self,GraphPattern2) : return st else : return None elif isinstance(st,BNode) : for c in self.bnodes : if self.bnodes[c] == st : # this is a BNode that was created as part of building up the pattern return localBnodes[c] # if we got here, the BNode comes from somewhere else... return st else : return st
for pattern in self.patterns : (s,p,o,f) = pattern triplet = [] valid = True for res in (s,p,o) : val = bind(res) if val != None : triplet.append(val) else : valid = False break if valid : tripleStore.add(tuple(triplet))
def __add__(self,other) : """Adding means concatenating all the patterns and filters arrays""" retval = GraphPattern() retval += self retval += other return retval
def __iadd__(self,other) : """Adding means concatenating all the patterns and filters arrays""" self.patterns += other.patterns self.constraints += other.constraints for c in other.unbounds : if not c in self.unbounds : self.unbounds.append(c) for c in other.bnodes : if not c in self.bnodes : self.bnodes[c] = other.bnodes[c] return self
def __str__(self) : return self.__repr__()
def isEmpty(self) : """Is the pattern empty? @rtype: Boolean """ return len(self.patterns) == 0
class BasicGraphPattern(GraphPattern) : """One, justified, problem with the current definition of L{GraphPattern<GraphPattern>} is that it makes it difficult for users to use a literal of the type "?XXX", because any string beginning with "?" will be considered to be an unbound variable. The only way of doing this is that the user explicitly creates a Literal object and uses that as part of the pattern.
This class is a superclass of L{GraphPattern<GraphPattern>} which does I{not} do this, but requires the usage of a separate variable class instance"""
def __init__(self,patterns=[],prolog=None) : """ @param patterns: an initial list of graph pattern tuples """ GraphPattern.__init__(self,patterns) self.prolog = prolog def canonicalTerm(self,term): if isinstance(term,URIRef): if self.prolog is not None: namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) for prefix,uri in self.prolog.prefixBindings.items(): namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) try: prefix,uri,localName=namespace_manager.compute_qname(term) except: return term if prefix not in self.prolog.prefixBindings: return term else: return u':'.join([prefix,localName]) else: return term elif isinstance(term,Literal): return term.n3() elif isinstance(term,BNode): return term.n3() else: assert isinstance(term,Variable) return term.n3()
def __repr__(self): # from pprint import pformat if self.constraints: #return "Filter(.. a filter ..,BGP(%s))"%(','.join([pformat(p[:3]) for p in self.patterns])) return "Filter(.. a filter ..,BGP(%s))"%(','.join([','.join([self.canonicalTerm(pat[0]), self.canonicalTerm(pat[1]), self.canonicalTerm(pat[2])]) for pat in self.patterns])) else: #return "BGP(%s)"%(','.join([repr(p[:3]) for p in self.patterns])) return "BGP(%s)"%(','.join(['('+','.join([self.canonicalTerm(s), self.canonicalTerm(p), self.canonicalTerm(o)])+')' for s,p,o,f in self.patterns])) retval = " Patterns: %s\n" % self.patterns retval += " Constraints: %s\n" % self.constraints retval += " Unbounds: %s\n" % self.unbounds return retval def _generatePattern(self,tupl) : """ Append a tuple to the local patterns. Possible type literals are converted to real literals on the fly. Each tuple should be contain either 3 elements (for an RDF Triplet pattern) or four, where the fourth element is a per-pattern constraint (filter). (The general constraint of SPARQL can be optimized by assigning a constraint to a specific pattern; because it stops the graph expansion, its usage might be much more optimal than the the 'global' constraint).
@param tupl: either a three or four element tuple """ if type(tupl) != tuple : raise SPARQLError("illegal argument, pattern must be a tuple, got %s" % type(tupl)) if len(tupl) != 3 and len(tupl) != 4 : raise SPARQLError("illegal argument, pattern must be a tuple of 3 or 4 element, got %s" % len(tupl)) if len(tupl) == 3 : (s,p,o) = tupl f = None else : (s,p,o,f) = tupl final=[] for c in (s,p,o) : if isinstance(c,Variable) : if not c in self.unbounds : self.unbounds.append(c) final.append(c) elif isinstance(c, BNode): #Do nothing - BNode name management is handled by SPARQL parser final.append(c) else : final.append(_createResource(c)) final.append(f) return tuple(final) if __name__ == '__main__' : v1 = Variable("a") g = BasicGraphPattern([("a","?b",24),("?r","?c",12345),(v1,"?c",3333)]) print g