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#!/usr/local/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ An implementation of the W3C SPARQL Algebra on top of sparql-p's expansion trees
For each symbol in a SPARQL abstract query, we define an operator for evaluation. The SPARQL algebra operators of the same name are used to evaluate SPARQL abstract query nodes as described in the section "Evaluation Semantics".
We define eval(D(G), graph pattern) as the evaluation of a graph pattern with respect to a dataset D having active graph G. The active graph is initially the default graph. """ import unittest, os from StringIO import StringIO from rdflib.Graph import Graph, ReadOnlyGraphAggregate, ConjunctiveGraph from rdflib import URIRef, Variable, plugin, BNode, Literal from rdflib.util import first from import Store from rdflib.sparql.bison.Query import AskQuery, SelectQuery, DescribeQuery, Query, Prolog from rdflib.sparql.bison.IRIRef import NamedGraph,RemoteGraph from rdflib.sparql.bison.SolutionModifier import ASCENDING_ORDER from rdflib.sparql import sparqlGraph, sparqlOperators, SPARQLError, Query, DESCRIBE from rdflib.sparql.bison.SPARQLEvaluate import unRollTripleItems, _variablesToArray from rdflib.sparql.bison.GraphPattern import * from rdflib.sparql.graphPattern import BasicGraphPattern from rdflib.sparql.bison.Triples import ParsedConstrainedTriples from rdflib.sparql.bison.SPARQLEvaluate import createSPARQLPConstraint,\ CONSTRUCT_NOT_SUPPORTED,convertTerm #A variable to determine whether we obey SPARQL definition of RDF dataset #which does not allow matching of default graphs (or any graph with a BNode for a name) #"An RDF Dataset comprises one graph, # the default graph, which does not have a name" - # DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE = False
def ReduceGraphPattern(graphPattern,prolog): """ Takes parsed graph pattern and converts it into a BGP operator .. Replace all basic graph patterns by BGP(list of triple patterns) .. """ if isinstance(graphPattern.triples[0],list) and len(graphPattern.triples) == 1: graphPattern.triples = graphPattern.triples[0] items = [] for triple in graphPattern.triples: bgp=BasicGraphPattern(list(unRollTripleItems(triple,prolog)),prolog) items.append(bgp) if len(items) == 1: assert isinstance(items[0],BasicGraphPattern), repr(items) bgp=items[0] return bgp elif len(items) > 1: constraints=[b.constraints for b in items if b.constraints] constraints=reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,constraints,[]) def mergeBGPs(left,right): if isinstance(left,BasicGraphPattern): left = left.patterns if isinstance(right,BasicGraphPattern): right = right.patterns return left+right bgp=BasicGraphPattern(reduce(mergeBGPs,items),prolog) bgp.addConstraints(constraints) return bgp else: #an empty BGP? raise
def ReduceToAlgebra(left,right): """ Converts a parsed Group Graph Pattern into an expression in the algebra by recursive folding / reduction (via functional programming) of the GGP as a list of Basic Triple Patterns or "Graph Pattern Blocks" 12.2.1 Converting Graph Patterns [20] GroupGraphPattern ::= '{' TriplesBlock? ( ( GraphPatternNotTriples | Filter ) '.'? TriplesBlock? )* '}' [22] GraphPatternNotTriples ::= OptionalGraphPattern | GroupOrUnionGraphPattern | GraphGraphPattern [26] Filter ::= 'FILTER' Constraint [27] Constraint ::= BrackettedExpression | BuiltInCall | FunctionCall [56] BrackettedExpression ::= '(' ConditionalOrExpression ')' ( GraphPatternNotTriples | Filter ) '.'? TriplesBlock? nonTripleGraphPattern filter triples """ if not isinstance(right,AlgebraExpression): if isinstance(right,ParsedGroupGraphPattern): right = reduce(ReduceToAlgebra,right,None) print right;raise assert isinstance(right,GraphPattern),type(right) #Parsed Graph Pattern if right.triples: if right.nonTripleGraphPattern: #left is None, just return right (a GraphPatternNotTriples) if isinstance(right.nonTripleGraphPattern,ParsedGraphGraphPattern): right = Join(ReduceGraphPattern(right,prolog), GraphExpression(, reduce(ReduceToAlgebra, right.nonTripleGraphPattern.graphPatterns, None))) elif isinstance(right.nonTripleGraphPattern, ParsedOptionalGraphPattern): # Join(LeftJoin( ..left.. ,{..}),..triples..) if left: assert isinstance(left,(Join,BasicGraphPattern)),repr(left) rightTriples = ReduceGraphPattern(right,prolog) LJright = LeftJoin(left, reduce(ReduceToAlgebra, right.nonTripleGraphPattern.graphPatterns, None)) return Join(LJright,rightTriples) else: # LeftJoin({},right) => {} #see return EmptyGraphPatternExpression() elif isinstance(right.nonTripleGraphPattern, ParsedAlternativeGraphPattern): #Join(Union(..),..triples..) unionList =\ [ reduce(ReduceToAlgebra,i.graphPatterns,None) for i in right.nonTripleGraphPattern.alternativePatterns ] right = Join(reduce(Union,unionList), ReduceGraphPattern(right,prolog)) else: raise Exception(right) else: if isinstance(left,BasicGraphPattern) and left.constraints: if right.filter: if not left.patterns: #{ } FILTER E1 FILTER E2 BGP(..) filter2=createSPARQLPConstraint(right.filter,prolog) right = ReduceGraphPattern(right,prolog) right.addConstraints(left.constraints) right.addConstraint(filter2) return right else: #BGP(..) FILTER E1 FILTER E2 BGP(..) left.addConstraint(createSPARQLPConstraint(right.filter, prolog)) right = ReduceGraphPattern(right,prolog) else: if right.filter: #FILTER ... filter=createSPARQLPConstraint(right.filter,prolog) right = ReduceGraphPattern(right,prolog) right.addConstraint(filter) else: #BGP(..) right = ReduceGraphPattern(right,prolog) else: #right.triples is None if right.nonTripleGraphPattern is None: if right.filter: if isinstance(left,BasicGraphPattern): #BGP(...) FILTER left.addConstraint(createSPARQLPConstraint(right.filter, prolog)) return left else: pattern=BasicGraphPattern() pattern.addConstraint(createSPARQLPConstraint(right.filter, prolog)) if left is None: return pattern else: right=pattern else: raise Exception(right) elif right.nonTripleGraphPattern: if isinstance(right.nonTripleGraphPattern,ParsedGraphGraphPattern): # Join(left,Graph(...)) right = GraphExpression(, reduce(ReduceToAlgebra, right.nonTripleGraphPattern.graphPatterns, None)) elif isinstance(right.nonTripleGraphPattern,ParsedOptionalGraphPattern): if left: # LeftJoin(left,right) return LeftJoin(left, reduce(ReduceToAlgebra, right.nonTripleGraphPattern.graphPatterns, None)) else: # LeftJoin({},right) #see - return EmptyGraphPatternExpression() elif isinstance(right.nonTripleGraphPattern, ParsedAlternativeGraphPattern): #right = Union(..) unionList =\ map(lambda i: reduce(ReduceToAlgebra,i.graphPatterns,None), right.nonTripleGraphPattern.alternativePatterns) right = reduce(Union,unionList) else: raise Exception(right) if not left: return right else: return Join(left,right)
def RenderSPARQLAlgebra(parsedSPARQL,nsMappings=None): nsMappings = nsMappings and nsMappings or {} global prolog prolog = parsedSPARQL.prolog if prolog is not None: prolog.DEBUG = False else: prolog = Prolog(None, []) prolog.DEBUG=False return reduce(ReduceToAlgebra, parsedSPARQL.query.whereClause.parsedGraphPattern.graphPatterns,None)
def LoadGraph(dtSet,dataSetBase,graph): #An RDF URI dereference, following TAG best practices #Need a hook (4Suite) to bypass urllib's inability #to implement URI RFC verbatim - problematic for descendent #specifications try: from Ft.Lib.Uri import UriResolverBase as Resolver from Ft.Lib.Uri import GetScheme, OsPathToUri except: def OsPathToUri(path): return path def GetScheme(uri): return None class Resolver: supportedSchemas=[None] def resolve(self, uriRef, baseUri): return uriRef if dataSetBase is not None: res = Resolver() scheme = GetScheme(dtSet) or GetScheme(dataSetBase) if scheme not in res.supportedSchemes: dataSetBase = OsPathToUri(dataSetBase) source=Resolver().resolve(str(dtSet), dataSetBase) else: source = dtSet #GRDDL hook here! try: #Try as RDF/XML first (without resolving) graph.parse(source) except: try: #Parse as Notation 3 instead source=Resolver().resolve(str(dtSet), dataSetBase) graph.parse(source,format='n3') except: raise #RDFa? graph.parse(dtSet,format='rdfa')
def TopEvaluate(query,dataset,passedBindings = None,DEBUG=False,exportTree=False, dataSetBase=None, extensionFunctions={}): """ The outcome of executing a SPARQL is defined by a series of steps, starting from the SPARQL query as a string, turning that string into an abstract syntax form, then turning the abstract syntax into a SPARQL abstract query comprising operators from the SPARQL algebra. This abstract query is then evaluated on an RDF dataset. """ if not passedBindings: passedBindings = {} global prolog if query.prolog: query.prolog.DEBUG = DEBUG prolog = query.prolog prolog.extensionFunctions.update(extensionFunctions) if query.query.dataSets: graphs = [] for dtSet in query.query.dataSets: if isinstance(dtSet,NamedGraph): newGraph = Graph(,dtSet) LoadGraph(dtSet,dataSetBase,newGraph) graphs.append(newGraph) else: #"Each FROM clause contains an IRI that indicates a graph to be # used to form the default graph. This does not put the graph # in as a named graph." -- 8.2.1 Specifying the Default Graph if DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE: #@@ this should indicate a merge into the 'default' graph # per # (8.2.1 Specifying the Default Graph) assert isinstance(dataset,ConjunctiveGraph) memGraph = dataset.default_context else: memStore = plugin.get('IOMemory',Store)() memGraph = Graph(memStore) LoadGraph(dtSet,dataSetBase,memGraph) if memGraph.identifier not in [g.identifier for g in graphs]: graphs.append(memGraph) tripleStore = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph(ReadOnlyGraphAggregate(graphs,, dSCompliance=DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE) else: tripleStore = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph(dataset, dSCompliance=DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE) if isinstance(query.query,SelectQuery) and query.query.variables: query.query.variables = [convertTerm(item,query.prolog) for item in query.query.variables] else: query.query.variables = [] expr = reduce(ReduceToAlgebra,query.query.whereClause.parsedGraphPattern.graphPatterns, None) if isinstance(expr,BasicGraphPattern): retval = None bindings = Query._createInitialBindings(expr) if passedBindings: bindings.update(passedBindings) top = Query._SPARQLNode(None,bindings,expr.patterns, tripleStore,expr=expr) top.expand(expr.constraints) # for tree in Query._fetchBoundLeaves(top): # print_tree(tree) # print "---------------" result = Query.Query(top, tripleStore) else: assert isinstance(expr,AlgebraExpression), repr(expr) if DEBUG: print "## Full SPARQL Algebra expression ##" print expr print "###################################" result = expr.evaluate(tripleStore,passedBindings,query.prolog) if isinstance(result,BasicGraphPattern): retval = None bindings = Query._createInitialBindings(result) if passedBindings: bindings.update(passedBindings) top = Query._SPARQLNode(None,bindings,result.patterns, result.tripleStore,expr=result) top.expand(result.constraints) result = Query.Query(top, tripleStore) assert isinstance(result,Query.Query),repr(result) if exportTree: from rdflib.sparql.Visualization import ExportExpansionNode if ExportExpansionNode(,fname='out.svg',verbose=True) else: ExportExpansionNode(,fname='out1.svg',verbose=True) ExportExpansionNode(,fname='out2.svg',verbose=True) if result == None : # generate some proper output for the exception :-) msg = "Errors in the patterns, no valid query object generated; " msg += ("pattern:\n%s\netc..." % basicPatterns[0]) raise SPARQLError(msg)
if isinstance(query.query,AskQuery): return result.ask() elif isinstance(query.query,SelectQuery): orderBy = None orderAsc = None if query.query.solutionModifier.orderClause: orderBy = [] orderAsc = [] for orderCond in query.query.solutionModifier.orderClause: # is it a variable? if isinstance(orderCond,Variable): orderBy.append(orderCond) orderAsc.append(ASCENDING_ORDER) # is it another expression, only variables are supported else: expr = orderCond.expression assert isinstance(expr,Variable),\ "Support for ORDER BY with anything other than a variable is not supported: %s"%expr orderBy.append(expr) orderAsc.append(orderCond.order == ASCENDING_ORDER)
if query.query.solutionModifier.limitClause is not None: limit = int(query.query.solutionModifier.limitClause) else: limit = None if query.query.solutionModifier.offsetClause is not None: offset = int(query.query.solutionModifier.offsetClause) else: offset = 0 topUnionBindings=[], query.query.distinct, limit, orderBy, orderAsc, offset ) selectionF = Query._variablesToArray(query.query.variables,"selection") if result.parent1 != None and result.parent2 != None : topUnionBindings=reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, [root.returnResult(selectionF) \ for root in fetchUnionBranchesRoots(result)]) else: if (limit == 0 or limit is not None or offset is not None and \ offset > 0): topUnionBindings=[] else: return selection,\ _variablesToArray(query.query.variables,"selection"),\ result._getAllVariables(),\ orderBy,query.query.distinct,\ topUnionBindings elif isinstance(query.query,DescribeQuery): if query.query.solutionModifier.limitClause is not None: limit = int(query.query.solutionModifier.limitClause) else: limit = None if query.query.solutionModifier.offsetClause is not None: offset = int(query.query.solutionModifier.offsetClause) else: offset = 0 if result.parent1 != None and result.parent2 != None : rt=(r for r in reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, [root.returnResult(selectionF) \ for root in fetchUnionBranchesRoots(result)])) elif limit is not None or offset != 0: raise NotImplemented("Solution modifiers cannot be used with DESCRIBE") else: rtGraph=Graph() for binding in rt: g=extensionFunctions[DESCRIBE](query.query.describeVars, binding, tripleStore.graph) return g else: # 10.2 CONSTRUCT # The CONSTRUCT query form returns a single RDF graph specified by a graph # template. The result is an RDF graph formed by taking each query solution # in the solution sequence, substituting for the variables in the graph # template, and combining the triples into a single RDF graph by set union. if query.query.solutionModifier.limitClause is not None: limit = int(query.query.solutionModifier.limitClause) else: limit = None if query.query.solutionModifier.offsetClause is not None: offset = int(query.query.solutionModifier.offsetClause) else: offset = 0 if result.parent1 != None and result.parent2 != None : rt=(r for r in reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, [root.returnResult(selectionF) \ for root in fetchUnionBranchesRoots(result)])) elif limit is not None or offset != 0: raise NotImplemented("Solution modifiers cannot be used with CONSTRUCT") else: rtGraph=Graph() for binding in rt: for s,p,o,func in ReduceGraphPattern(query.query.triples,prolog).patterns: s,p,o=map(lambda x:isinstance(x,Variable) and binding.get(x) or x,[s,p,o]) #If any such instantiation produces a triple containing an unbound #variable or an illegal RDF construct, such as a literal in subject #or predicate position, then that triple is not included in the #output RDF graph. if not [i for i in [s,p,o] if isinstance(i,Variable)]: rtGraph.add((s,p,o)) return rtGraph class AlgebraExpression(object): """ For each symbol in a SPARQL abstract query, we define an operator for evaluation. The SPARQL algebra operators of the same name are used to evaluate SPARQL abstract query nodes as described in the section "Evaluation Semantics". """ def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s,%s)"%(self.__class__.__name__,self.left,self.right)
def evaluate(self,tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog): """ 12.5 Evaluation Semantics We define eval(D(G), graph pattern) as the evaluation of a graph pattern with respect to a dataset D having active graph G. The active graph is initially the default graph. """ raise Exception(repr(self))
class EmptyGraphPatternExpression(AlgebraExpression): """ A placeholder for evaluating empty graph patterns - which should result in an empty multiset of solution bindings """ def __repr__(self): return "EmptyGraphPatternExpression(..)" def evaluate(self,tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog): #raise NotImplementedError("Empty Graph Pattern expressions, not supported") if prolog.DEBUG: print "eval(%s,%s,%s)"%(self,initialBindings,tripleStore.graph) empty = Query._SPARQLNode(None,{},[],tripleStore) empty.bound = False return Query.Query(empty, tripleStore)
def fetchUnionBranchesRoots(node): for parent in [node.parent1,node.parent2]: if parent.parent1: for branch_root in fetchUnionBranchesRoots(parent): yield branch_root else: yield
def fetchChildren(node): if isinstance(node,Query._SPARQLNode): yield [c for c in node.children] elif isinstance(node,Query.Query): if node.parent1 is None: for c in fetchChildren( yield c else: for parent in [node.parent1,node.parent2]: for c in fetchChildren(parent): yield c
def walktree(top, depthfirst = True, leavesOnly = True, optProxies=False): #assert top.parent1 is None if isinstance(top,Query._SPARQLNode) and top.clash: return if not depthfirst and (not leavesOnly or not top.children): proxies=False for optChild in reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,[list(Query._fetchBoundLeaves(o)) for o in top.optionalTrees],[]): proxies=True yield optChild if not proxies: yield top children=reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,list(fetchChildren(top))) # if isinstance(top,Query._SPARQLNode) or isinstance(top,Query.Query) and \ # top.parent1 is None: # children = top.children # else: # children = top.parent1.children + top.parent2.children for child in children: if child.children: for newtop in walktree(child, depthfirst,leavesOnly,optProxies): yield newtop else: proxies=False for optChild in reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,[list(Query._fetchBoundLeaves(o)) for o in child.optionalTrees],[]): proxies=True yield optChild if not proxies: yield child
if depthfirst and (not leavesOnly or not children): proxies=False for optChild in reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,[list(Query._fetchBoundLeaves(o)) for o in top.optionalTrees],[]): proxies=True yield optChild if not proxies: yield top
def print_tree(node, padding=' '): print padding[:-1] + repr(node) padding = padding + ' ' count = 0 #_children1=reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,list(fetchChildren(node))) for child in node.children:#_children1: count += 1 print padding + '|' if child.children: if count == len(node.children): print_tree(child, padding + ' ') else: print_tree(child, padding + '|') else: print padding + '+-' + repr(child) + ' ' + repr(dict([(k,v) for k,v in child.bindings.items() if v])) optCount=0 for optTree in child.optionalTrees: optCount += 1 print padding + '||' if optTree.children: if optCount == len(child.optionalTrees): print_tree(optTree, padding + ' ') else: print_tree(optTree, padding + '||') else: print padding + '+=' + repr(optTree) count = 0 for optTree in node.optionalTrees: count += 1 print padding + '||' if optTree.children: if count == len(node.optionalTrees): print_tree(optTree, padding + ' ') else: print_tree(optTree, padding + '||') else: print padding + '+=' + repr(optTree)
def _ExpandJoin(node,expression,tripleStore,prolog,optionalTree=False): """ Traverses to the leaves of expansion trees to implement the Join operator """ if prolog.DEBUG: print_tree(node) print "-------------------" #for node in BF_leaf_traversal(node): currExpr = expression for node in walktree(node): if node.clash: continue assert len(node.children) == 0 if prolog.DEBUG: print "Performing Join(%s,..)"%node if isinstance(currExpr,AlgebraExpression): #If an algebra expression evaluate it passing on the leaf bindings if prolog.DEBUG: print "passing on bindings to %s\n:%s"%(currExpr,node.bindings.copy()) expression = currExpr.evaluate(tripleStore,node.bindings.copy(),prolog) else: expression = currExpr if isinstance(expression,BasicGraphPattern): tS = tripleStore if hasattr(expression,'tripleStore'): if prolog.DEBUG: print "has tripleStore: ",expression.tripleStore tS = expression.tripleStore if prolog.DEBUG: print "Evaluated left node and traversed to leaf, expanding with ", expression print node.tripleStore.graph print "expressions bindings: ", Query._createInitialBindings(expression) print "node bindings: ", node.bindings exprBindings = Query._createInitialBindings(expression) exprBindings.update(node.bindings) #An indicator for whether this node has any descendant optional expansions #we should consider instead #in Join(LeftJoin(A,B),X), if the inner LeftJoin is successful, #then X is joined #against the cumulative bindings ( instead of just A ) descendantOptionals = node.optionalTrees and \ [o for o in node.optionalTrees if list(Query._fetchBoundLeaves(o))] if not descendantOptionals: top = node else: if prolog.DEBUG: print "descendant optionals: ", descendantOptionals top = None child = None if not node.clash and not descendantOptionals: #It has compatible bindings and either no optional expansions #or no *valid* optional expansions child = Query._SPARQLNode(top, exprBindings, expression.patterns, tS, expr=node.expr) child.expand(expression.constraints) if prolog.DEBUG: print "Has compatible bindings and no valid optional expansions" print "Newly bound descendants: " for c in Query._fetchBoundLeaves(child): print "\t",c, c.bound print c.bindings else: assert isinstance(expression,Query.Query) if not #already evaluated a UNION - fetch UNION branches child = list(fetchUnionBranchesRoots(expression)) else: #Already been evaluated (non UNION), just attach the SPARQLNode child = if isinstance(child,Query._SPARQLNode): if node.clash == False and child is not None: node.children.append(child) if prolog.DEBUG: print "Adding %s to %s (a UNION branch)"%(child,node) else: assert isinstance(child,list) for newChild in child: # if not newChild.clash: node.children.append(newChild) if prolog.DEBUG: print "Adding %s to %s"%(child,node) if prolog.DEBUG: print_tree(node) print "-------------------" for optTree in node.optionalTrees: #Join the optional paths as well - those that are bound and valid for validLeaf in Query._fetchBoundLeaves(optTree): _ExpandJoin(validLeaf, expression, tripleStore, prolog, optionalTree=True)
class Join(AlgebraExpression): """ [[(P1 AND P2)]](D,G) = [[P1]](D,G) compat [[P2]](D,G) Join(Ω1, Ω2) = { merge(μ1, μ2) | μ1 in Ω1 and μ2 in Ω2, and μ1 and μ2 are \ compatible } Pseudocode implementation: Evaluate BGP1 Traverse to leaves (expand and expandOption leaves) of BGP1, set 'rest' to triple patterns in BGP2 (filling out bindings). Trigger another round of expand / expandOptions (from the leaves) """ def __init__(self,BGP1,BGP2): self.left = BGP1 self.right = BGP2 def evaluate(self,tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog): if prolog.DEBUG: print "eval(%s,%s,%s)"%(self,initialBindings,tripleStore.graph) if isinstance(self.left,AlgebraExpression): left = self.left.evaluate(tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog) else: left = self.left if isinstance(left,BasicGraphPattern): retval = None bindings = Query._createInitialBindings(left) if initialBindings: bindings.update(initialBindings) if hasattr(left,'tripleStore'): #Use the prepared tripleStore lTS = left.tripleStore else: lTS = tripleStore top = Query._SPARQLNode(None, bindings, left.patterns, lTS, expr=left) top.expand(left.constraints) _ExpandJoin(top,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) return Query.Query(top, tripleStore) else: assert isinstance(left,Query.Query), repr(left) if left.parent1 and left.parent2: #union branch. We need to unroll all operands (recursively) for union_root in fetchUnionBranchesRoots(left): _ExpandJoin(union_root,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) else: for b in Query._fetchBoundLeaves( _ExpandJoin(b,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) return left
def _ExpandLeftJoin(node,expression,tripleStore,prolog,optionalTree=False): """ Traverses to the leaves of expansion trees to implement the LeftJoin operator """ currExpr = expression if prolog.DEBUG: print "DFS and LeftJoin expansion of " print_tree(node) print "---------------------" print node.bindings for node in walktree(node,optProxies=True): if node.clash: continue assert len(node.children) == 0 # this is a leaf in the original expansion if prolog.DEBUG: print "Performing LeftJoin(%s,..)"%node if isinstance(currExpr,AlgebraExpression): #If a Graph pattern evaluate it passing on the leaf bindings #(possibly as solutions to graph names if prolog.DEBUG: print "evaluating B in LeftJoin(A,B)" print "passing on bindings to %s\n:%s"%(currExpr, node.bindings.copy()) expression = currExpr.evaluate(tripleStore,node.bindings.copy(), prolog) else: expression = currExpr if isinstance(expression,BasicGraphPattern): rightBindings = Query._createInitialBindings(expression) rightBindings.update(node.bindings) optTree = Query._SPARQLNode(None, rightBindings, expression.patterns, tripleStore, expr=expression) if prolog.DEBUG: print "evaluating B in LeftJoin(A,B) - a BGP: ", expression print "Passing on bindings ",rightBindings optTree.expand(expression.constraints) for proxy in Query._fetchBoundLeaves(optTree): #Mark a successful evaluation of LeftJoin (new bindings were added) #these become proxies for later expressions proxy.priorLeftJoin=True else: if prolog.DEBUG: print "Attaching previously evaluated node: ", assert isinstance(expression,Query.Query) if not #already evaluated a UNION - fetch UNION branches optTree = list(fetchUnionBranchesRoots(expression)) else: #Already been evaluated (non UNION), just attach the SPARQLNode optTree = if prolog.DEBUG: print "Optional tree: ", optTree if isinstance(optTree,Query._SPARQLNode): if optTree.clash == False and optTree is not None: node.optionalTrees.append(optTree) if prolog.DEBUG: print "Adding %s to %s (a UNION branch)"%(optTree, node.optionalTrees) else: assert isinstance(optTree,list) for newChild in optTree: # if not newChild.clash: node.optionalTrees.append(newChild) if prolog.DEBUG: print "Adding %s to %s"%(newChild,node.optionalTrees) if prolog.DEBUG: print "DFS after LeftJoin expansion " print_tree(node) print "---------------------" class LeftJoin(AlgebraExpression): """ Let Ω1 and Ω2 be multisets of solution mappings and F a filter. We define: LeftJoin(Ω1, Ω2, expr) = Filter(expr, Join(Ω1, Ω2)) set-union Diff(Ω1, Ω2, expr) LeftJoin(Ω1, Ω2, expr) = { merge(μ1, μ2) | μ1 in Ω1 and μ2 in Ω2, and μ1 and μ2 are compatible, and expr(merge(μ1, μ2)) is true } set-union { μ1 | μ1 in Ω1 and μ2 in Ω2, and μ1 and μ2 are not compatible } set-union { μ1 | μ1 in Ω1and μ2 in Ω2, and μ1 and μ2 are compatible and expr(merge(μ1, μ2)) is false } """ def __init__(self,BGP1,BGP2,expr=None): self.left = BGP1 self.right = BGP2
def evaluate(self,tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog): if prolog.DEBUG: print "eval(%s,%s,%s)"%(self,initialBindings,tripleStore.graph) if isinstance(self.left,AlgebraExpression): #print "evaluating A in LeftJoin(A,B) - an expression" left = self.left.evaluate(tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog) else: left = self.left if isinstance(left,BasicGraphPattern): #print "expanding A in LeftJoin(A,B) - a BGP: ", left retval = None bindings = Query._createInitialBindings(left) if initialBindings: bindings.update(initialBindings) if hasattr(left,'tripleStore'): #Use the prepared tripleStore tripleStore = left.tripleStore top = Query._SPARQLNode(None, bindings, left.patterns, tripleStore, expr=left) top.expand(left.constraints) for b in Query._fetchBoundLeaves(top): _ExpandLeftJoin(b,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) #_ExpandLeftJoin(top,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) return Query.Query(top, tripleStore) else: assert isinstance(left,Query.Query), repr(left) if left.parent1 and left.parent2: for union_root in fetchUnionBranchesRoots(left): _ExpandLeftJoin(union_root,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) else: for b in Query._fetchBoundLeaves( _ExpandLeftJoin(b,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) #_ExpandLeftJoin(,self.right,tripleStore,prolog) return left
class Union(AlgebraExpression): """ II. [[(P1 UNION P2)]](D,G) = [[P1]](D,G) OR [[P2]](D,G) Union(Ω1, Ω2) = { μ | μ in Ω1 or μ in Ω2 } """ def __init__(self,BGP1,BGP2): self.left = BGP1 self.right = BGP2
def evaluate(self,tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog): if prolog.DEBUG: print "eval(%s,%s,%s)"%(self,initialBindings,tripleStore.graph) if isinstance(self.left,AlgebraExpression): left = self.left.evaluate(tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog) else: left = self.left if isinstance(left,BasicGraphPattern): #The left expression has not been evaluated retval = None bindings = Query._createInitialBindings(left) if initialBindings: bindings.update(initialBindings) top = Query._SPARQLNode(None, bindings, left.patterns, tripleStore, expr=left) top.expand(left.constraints) top = Query.Query(top, tripleStore) else: #The left expression has already been evaluated assert isinstance(left,Query.Query), repr(left) top = left #Now we evaluate the right expression (independently) if isinstance(self.right,AlgebraExpression): #If it is a GraphExpression, 'reduce' it right = self.right.evaluate(tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog) else: right = self.right tS = tripleStore if isinstance(right,BasicGraphPattern): if hasattr(right,'tripleStore'): tS = right.tripleStore rightBindings = Query._createInitialBindings(right) if initialBindings: rightBindings.update(initialBindings) rightNode = Query._SPARQLNode(None, rightBindings, right.patterns, tS, expr=right) rightNode.expand(right.constraints) else: assert isinstance(right,Query.Query), repr(right) rightNode = # if prolog.DEBUG: # print "### Two UNION trees ###" # print self.left # print_tree( # print self.right # print_tree(rightNode) # print "#######################" #The UNION semantics are implemented by the overidden __add__ method return top + Query.Query(rightNode, tS)
class GraphExpression(AlgebraExpression): """ [24] GraphGraphPattern ::= 'GRAPH' VarOrIRIref GroupGraphPattern eval(D(G), Graph(IRI,P)) = eval(D(D[i]), P) eval(D(G), Graph(var,P)) = multiset-union over IRI i in D : Join( eval(D(D[i]), P) , Omega(?v->i) ) """ def __init__(self,iriOrVar,GGP): self.iriOrVar = iriOrVar self.GGP = GGP
def __repr__(self): return "Graph(%s,%s)"%(self.iriOrVar,self.GGP)
def evaluate(self,tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog): """ .. The GRAPH keyword is used to make the active graph one of all of the named graphs in the dataset for part of the query ... """ if prolog.DEBUG: print "eval(%s,%s,%s)"%(self,initialBindings,tripleStore.graph) if isinstance(self.iriOrVar,Variable): #A variable: if self.iriOrVar in initialBindings: #assert initialBindings[self.iriOrVar], "Empty binding for GRAPH variable!" if prolog.DEBUG: print "Passing on unified graph name: ", initialBindings[self.iriOrVar] tripleStore = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph( Graph(, initialBindings[self.iriOrVar]) ,dSCompliance=DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE) else: if prolog.DEBUG: print "Setting up BGP to return additional bindings for %s"%self.iriOrVar tripleStore = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph(tripleStore.graph, graphVariable = self.iriOrVar, dSCompliance=DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE) else: graphName = self.iriOrVar graphName = convertTerm(graphName,prolog) if isinstance(tripleStore.graph,ReadOnlyGraphAggregate): targetGraph = [g for g in tripleStore.graph.graphs if g.identifier == graphName] #assert len(targetGraph) == 1 targetGraph = targetGraph[0] else: targetGraph = Graph(,graphName) tripleStore = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph(targetGraph, dSCompliance=\ DAWG_DATASET_COMPLIANCE) if isinstance(self.GGP,AlgebraExpression): #Dont evaluate return self.GGP.evaluate(tripleStore,initialBindings,prolog) else: assert isinstance(self.GGP,BasicGraphPattern),repr(self.GGP) #Attach the prepared triple store to the BGP self.GGP.tripleStore = tripleStore return self.GGP
# Tests #
TEST1="BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s :p1 ?v1 ; :p2 ?v2 }" #BGP( ?s :p1 ?v1 .?s :p2 ?v2 ) TEST1_REPR=\ "BGP((?s,,?v1),(?s,,?v2))"
TEST2 = "BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { { ?s :p1 ?v1 } UNION {?s :p2 ?v2 } }" #Union( BGP(?s :p1 ?v1) , BGP(?s :p2 ?v2) ) TEST2_REPR=\ "Union(BGP((?s,,?v1)),BGP((?s,,?v2)))"
TEST3 = "BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s :p1 ?v1 OPTIONAL {?s :p2 ?v2 } }" #LeftJoin(BGP(?s :p1 ?v1), BGP(?s :p2 ?v2), true) TEST3_REPR=\ "LeftJoin(BGP((?s,,?v1)),BGP((?s,,?v2)))"
TEST4 = "BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s :p ?o. { ?s :p1 ?v1 } UNION {?s :p2 ?v2 } }" #Join(BGP(?s :p ?v),Union(BGP(?s :p1 ?v1), BGP(?s :p2 ?v2))) TEST4_REPR=\ "Join(BGP((?s,,?o)),Union(BGP((?s,,?v1)),BGP((?s,,?v2))))"
TEST5 = "BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { ?a ?b ?c OPTIONAL { ?s :p1 ?v1 } }" #Join(BGP(?s :p ?v),Union(BGP(?s :p1 ?v1), BGP(?s :p2 ?v2))) TEST5_REPR=\ "LeftJoin(BGP((?a,?b,?c)),BGP((?s,,?v1)))"
TEST6="BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { ?a :b :c OPTIONAL {:x :y :z} { :x1 :y1 :z1 } UNION { :x2 :y2 :z2 } }" TEST6_REPR=\ "Join(LeftJoin(BGP((?a,,,BGP((,,,Union(BGP((,,,BGP((,,"
TEST7="BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s :p1 ?v1 OPTIONAL { ?s :p2 ?v2. FILTER( ?v1 < 3 ) } }" TEST7_REPR=\ "LeftJoin(BGP((?s,,?v1)),Filter(.. a filter ..,BGP(?s,,?v2)))"
TEST8="BASE <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s :p1 ?v1. FILTER ( ?v1 < 3 ) OPTIONAL { ?s :p3 ?v3 } }" TEST8_REPR=\ "LeftJoin(Filter(.. a filter ..,BGP(?s,,?v1)),BGP((?s,,?v3)))"
TEST10=\ """ PREFIX data: <> PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?mbox ?nick ?ppd FROM NAMED <> FROM NAMED <> WHERE { GRAPH data:aliceFoaf { ?alice foaf:mbox <mailto:alice@work.example> ; foaf:knows ?whom . ?whom foaf:mbox ?mbox ; rdfs:seeAlso ?ppd . ?ppd a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument . } . GRAPH ?ppd { ?w foaf:mbox ?mbox ; foaf:nick ?nick } }"""
reducableSPARQL=\ """ PREFIX mf: <> PREFIX qt: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT ?test ?testName ?testComment ?query ?result ?testAction WHERE { { ?test a mf:QueryEvaluationTest } UNION { ?test a <> } ?test mf:name ?testName. OPTIONAL { ?test rdfs:comment ?testComment } ?test mf:action ?testAction; mf:result ?result. ?testAction qt:query ?query }""" reducableSPARQLExpr=\ "Join(LeftJoin(Join(Union(BGP((?test,,mf:QueryEvaluationTest)),BGP((?test,,,BGP((?test,mf:name,?testName))),BGP((?test,rdfs:comment,?testComment))),BGP((?test,mf:action,?testAction),(?test,mf:result,?result),(?testAction,qt:query,?query)))"
test_graph_a = """ @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> .
_:a foaf:name "Alice" . _:a foaf:mbox <mailto:alice@work.example> . _:a foaf:knows _:b .
_:b foaf:name "Bob" . _:b foaf:mbox <mailto:bob@work.example> . _:b foaf:nick "Bobby" . _:b rdfs:seeAlso <> .
<> rdf:type foaf:PersonalProfileDocument .""" test_graph_b = """ @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> .
_:z foaf:mbox <mailto:bob@work.example> . _:z rdfs:seeAlso <> . _:z foaf:nick "Robert" .
<> rdf:type foaf:PersonalProfileDocument .""" scopingQuery=\ """ PREFIX data: <> PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?ppd FROM NAMED <> FROM NAMED <> WHERE { GRAPH ?ppd { ?b foaf:name "Bob" . } . GRAPH ?ppd { ?doc a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument . } }"""
class TestSPARQLAlgebra(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)() self.graph1 = Graph(,identifier=URIRef('')) self.graph1.parse(StringIO(test_graph_a), format="n3") self.graph2 = Graph(,identifier=URIRef('')) self.graph2.parse(StringIO(test_graph_b), format="n3") self.unionGraph = ReadOnlyGraphAggregate(graphs=[self.graph1,self.graph2], # def testScoping(self): # from rdflib.sparql.bison.Processor import Parse # from rdflib.sparql.QueryResult import SPARQLQueryResult # from rdflib.sparql.bison.Query import Prolog # p = Parse(scopingQuery) # prolog = p.prolog # if prolog is None: # prolog = Prolog(u'',[]) # prolog.DEBUG = True # rt = TopEvaluate(p,self.unionGraph,passedBindings = {},DEBUG=False) # rt = SPARQLQueryResult(rt).serialize(format='python') # self.failUnless(len(rt) == 1,"Expected 1 item solution set") # for ppd in rt: # self.failUnless(ppd == URIRef(''), # "Unexpected ?mbox binding :\n %s" % ppd)
def testExpressions(self): from rdflib.sparql.bison.Processor import Parse global prolog for inExpr,outExpr in ExprTests: p = Parse(inExpr) prolog = p.prolog p = p.query.whereClause.parsedGraphPattern.graphPatterns if prolog is None: from rdflib.sparql.bison.Query import Prolog prolog = Prolog(u'',[]) if not hasattr(prolog,'DEBUG'): prolog.DEBUG = False self.assertEquals(repr(reduce(ReduceToAlgebra,p,None)),outExpr)
def testSimpleGraphPattern(self): from rdflib.sparql.bison.Processor import Parse global prolog p = Parse("BASE <> SELECT ?ptrec WHERE { GRAPH ?ptrec { ?data :foo 'bar'. } }") prolog = p.prolog p = p.query.whereClause.parsedGraphPattern.graphPatterns if prolog is None: from rdflib.sparql.bison.Query import Prolog prolog = Prolog(u'',[]) prolog.DEBUG = True assert isinstance(reduce(ReduceToAlgebra,p,None),GraphExpression)
# def testGraphEvaluation(self): # from rdflib.sparql.bison.Processor import Parse # p = Parse(TEST10) # print TEST10 # rt = TopEvaluate(p,self.unionGraph,passedBindings = {}) # from rdflib.sparql.QueryResult import SPARQLQueryResult # rt = SPARQLQueryResult(rt).serialize(format='python') # self.failUnless(len(rt) == 1,"Expected 1 item solution set") # for mbox,nick,ppd in rt: # self.failUnless(mbox == URIRef('mailto:bob@work.example'), # "Unexpected ?mbox binding :\n %s" % mbox) # self.failUnless(nick == Literal("Robert"), # "Unexpected ?nick binding :\n %s" % nick) # self.failUnless(ppd == URIRef(''), # "Unexpected ?ppd binding :\n %s" % ppd)
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()