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# Orca
# Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems Inc.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston MA  02110-1301 USA.

"""Punctuation Verbosity settings.
The Orca punctuation settings are broken up into 4 modes.

These modes are None, Some, Most and All.

They are defined by a group of radio buttons on the speech
page of the configuration user interface.

Each mode is defined below. The 4 bits of information listed here are:

  - The actual printed symbol.

  - How the symbol should be pronounced (in the chnames dictionary in
    chnames.py keyed by symbol).

  - The level at which the symbol should be spoken. Note that this
    denotes the level containing all lower levels.

  - Whether or not the spoken name for the symbol should replace the
    actual symbol or be inserted before the symbol.

__id__  = "$Id$"
__version__   = "$Revision$"
__date__      = "$Date$"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Sun Microsystems Inc."
__license__   = "LGPL"

import settings

#  Whether or not the spoken name for the symbol should replace the
#  actual symbol or be inserted before the symbol.

# The lowest level at which the spoken name should be spoken. Thus a symbol
# with a level of LEVEL_MOST will be spoken at LEVEL_MOST and LEVEL_ALL.

# Bullets and bullet-like characters
middle_dot           =  u'\u00b7'
bullet               =  u'\u2022'
triangular_bullet    =  u'\u2023'
hyphen_bullet        =  u'\u2043'
black_square         =  u'\u25a0'
white_square         =  u'\u25a1'
white_bullet         =  u'\u25e6'
white_circle         =  u'\u25cb'
black_diamond        =  u'\u25c6'
black_circle         =  u'\u25cf'
check_mark           =  u'\u2713'
heavy_check_mark     =  u'\u2714'
x_shaped_bullet      =  u'\u2717'
heavy_right_arrow    =  u'\u2794'
right_arrowhead      =  u'\u27a2'

# StarOffice/OOo's special-purpose bullet chararacters
SO_black_square      =  u'\ue00a'
SO_black_diamond     =  u'\ue00c'

# Miscellaneous other symbols
cent                 =  u'\u00a2'
pound                =  u'\u00a3'
yen                  =  u'\u00a5'
section              =  u'\u00a7'
copyright_sign       =  u'\u00a9'
left_double_angle    =  u'\u00ab'
not_sign             =  u'\u00ac'
registered           =  u'\u00ae'
degree               =  u'\u00b0'
plus_minus           =  u'\u00b1'
superscript2         =  u'\u00b2'
superscript3         =  u'\u00b3'
right_double_angle   =  u'\u00bb'
one_quarter          =  u'\u00bc'
one_half             =  u'\u00bd'
three_quarters       =  u'\u00be'
multiply             =  u'\u00d7'
divide               =  u'\u00f7'
en_dash              =  u'\u2013'
left_single_quote    =  u'\u2018'
right_single_quote   =  u'\u2019'
single_low_quote     =  u'\u201a'
left_double_quote    =  u'\u201c'
right_double_quote   =  u'\u201d'
double_low_quote     =  u'\u201e'
dagger               =  u'\u2020'
double_dagger        =  u'\u2021'
per_mille            =  u'\u2030'
prime                =  u'\u2032'
double_prime         =  u'\u2033'
euro                 =  u'\u20ac'
trademark            =  u'\u2122'
left_arrow           =  u'\u2190'
right_arrow          =  u'\u2192'
infinity             =  u'\u221e'
almost_equal         =  u'\u2248'
not_equal            =  u'\u2260'
lt_or_equal          =  u'\u2264'
gt_or_equal          =  u'\u2265'
square_root          =  u'\u221a'
cube_root            =  u'\u221b'

# punctuation is a dictionary where the keys represent a unicode
# character and the values are a list of two elements where the
# first represents the punctuation style and the second represents
# the action to take.
punctuation = {}

punctuation["!"] =  [ LEVEL_ALL,  PUNCTUATION_INSERT ]
punctuation["'"] =  [ LEVEL_ALL,  PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[","] =  [ LEVEL_ALL,  PUNCTUATION_INSERT ]
punctuation["."] =  [ LEVEL_ALL,  PUNCTUATION_INSERT ]
punctuation["?"] =  [ LEVEL_ALL,  PUNCTUATION_INSERT ]
punctuation[right_single_quote] = [ LEVEL_ALL, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]

punctuation["\""] = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["("]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[")"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["-"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["_"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[":"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_INSERT ]
punctuation[";"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_INSERT ]
punctuation["<"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[">"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["["]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["]"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["\\"] = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["|"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["`"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["~"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["{"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["}"]  = [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[left_single_quote]  =  [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[left_double_quote]  =  [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[right_double_quote] =  [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[en_dash]            =  [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[double_low_quote]   =  [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[single_low_quote]   =  [ LEVEL_MOST, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["#"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["$"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["%"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["&"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["*"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["+"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["/"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["="] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["@"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation["^"] =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[cent]               =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[pound]              =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[yen]                =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[euro]               =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[not_sign]           =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[copyright_sign]     =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[registered]         =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[trademark]          =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[degree]             =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[plus_minus]         =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[multiply]           =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[divide]             =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[infinity]           =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[almost_equal]       =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[not_equal]          =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[lt_or_equal]        =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[gt_or_equal]        =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[square_root]        =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[cube_root]          =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[dagger]             =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[double_dagger]      =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[section]            =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[prime]              =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[double_prime]       =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[per_mille]          =  [ LEVEL_SOME, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]

punctuation[left_arrow]         =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[right_arrow]        =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[left_double_angle]  =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[right_double_angle] =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[middle_dot]         =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[bullet]             =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[triangular_bullet]  =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[hyphen_bullet]      =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[black_square]       =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[white_square]       =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[white_bullet]       =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[white_circle]       =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[black_diamond]      =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[black_circle]       =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[check_mark]         =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[heavy_check_mark]   =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[x_shaped_bullet]    =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[heavy_right_arrow]  =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[right_arrowhead]    =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[SO_black_square]    =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[SO_black_diamond]   =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[one_quarter]        =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[one_half]           =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[three_quarters]     =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[superscript3]       =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]
punctuation[superscript2]       =  [ LEVEL_NONE, PUNCTUATION_REPLACE ]

def getPunctuationInfo(character):
    """Given a punctuation character, return the value
    [punctuation_style, punctuation_action] or None

    - character: the punctuation character to get the information for

    Returns return the value [punctuation_style, punctuation_action]
    or None

    if not isinstance(character, unicode):
        character = character.decode("UTF-8")

        return punctuation[character]
        return None

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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