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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ """
__author__ = 'Robert Ancell <>' __license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell'
import chess.board import chess.san
# Game results RESULT_IN_PROGRESS = '*' RESULT_WHITE_WINS = '1-0' RESULT_BLACK_WINS = '0-1' RESULT_DRAW = '1/2-1/2'
class ChessMove: """ """
# The move number (game starts at 0) number = 0 # The player and piece that moved player = None piece = None # The piece that was promoted to (or None) promotion = None # The victim piece (or None) victim = None
# The start and end position of the move start = None end = None # The move in CAN and SAN format canMove = '' sanMove = ''
# The game result after this move opponentInCheck = False opponentCanMove = False # If this move can be used as a resignation fiftyMoveRule = False threeFoldRepetition = False # A comment about this move comment = ''
# Numeric annotation glyph for move nag = ''
class ChessPlayer: """ """
def __init__(self, name): """Constructor for a chess player.
'name' is the name of the player. """ self.__name = str(name) self.__game = None self.__readyToMove = False self.isAlive = True
# Methods to extend
def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end, delete): """Called when a chess piece is moved. 'piece' is the piece that has been moved (chess.board.ChessPiece). 'start' is the location the piece in LAN format (string) or None if the piece has been created. 'end' is the location the piece has moved to in LAN format (string). 'delete' is a flag to show if the piece should be deleted when it arrives there (boolean). """ pass def onPlayerMoved(self, player, move): """Called when a player has moved. 'player' is the player that has moved (ChessPlayer). 'move' is the record for this move (ChessMove). """ pass def onUndoMove(self): pass def onPlayerStartTurn(self, player): pass
def onGameEnded(self, game): """Called when a chess game has ended. 'game' is the game that has ended (Game). """ pass def readyToMove(self): """FIXME """ pass
# Public methods
def getName(self): """Get the name of this player. Returns the player name (string). """ return self.__name def getGame(self): """Get the game this player is in. Returns the game (Game) or None if not in a game. """ return self.__game def getRemainingTime(self): """Get the amount of time this player has remaining. Returns the amount of time in milliseconds. """ if self is self.__game.getWhite(): timer = self.__game.whiteTimer elif self is self.__game.getBlack(): timer = self.__game.blackTimer else: return 0 if timer is None: return 0 else: return timer.controller.getRemaining()
def isReadyToMove(self): """ """ return self.__readyToMove def canMove(self, start, end, promotionType = chess.board.QUEEN): """ """ return self.__game.canMove(self, start, end, promotionType)
def move(self, move): """Move a piece. 'move' is the move to make in Normal/Long/Standard Algebraic format (string). """ self.__game.move(self, move) def undo(self): """Undo moves until it is this players turn""" self.__game.undo(self) def endMove(self): """Complete this players turn""" self.__game.endMove(self) def resign(self): """Resign from the game""" self.__game.resign(self) def claimDraw(self): """Claim a draw""" return self.__game.claimDraw()
def outOfTime(self): """Report this players timer has expired""" self.__game.outOfTime(self) def die(self): """Report this player has died""" self.isAlive = False if self.__game is not None: self.__game.killPlayer(self)
# Private methods def _setGame(self, game): """ """ self.__game = game def _setReadyToMove(self, readyToMove): if self.__readyToMove == readyToMove: return self.__readyToMove = readyToMove if readyToMove is True: self.readyToMove()
class ChessGameBoard(chess.board.ChessBoard): """ """ def __init__(self, game): """ """ self.__game = game chess.board.ChessBoard.__init__(self)
def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end, delete): """Called by chess.board.ChessBoard""" self.__game._onPieceMoved(piece, start, end, delete)
class ChessGameSANConverter(chess.san.SANConverter): """ """ __colourToSAN = {chess.board.WHITE: chess.san.SANConverter.WHITE, chess.board.BLACK: chess.san.SANConverter.BLACK} __sanToColour = {} for (a, b) in __colourToSAN.iteritems(): __sanToColour[b] = a __typeToSAN = {chess.board.PAWN: chess.san.SANConverter.PAWN, chess.board.KNIGHT: chess.san.SANConverter.KNIGHT, chess.board.BISHOP: chess.san.SANConverter.BISHOP, chess.board.ROOK: chess.san.SANConverter.ROOK, chess.board.QUEEN: chess.san.SANConverter.QUEEN, chess.board.KING: chess.san.SANConverter.KING} __sanToType = {} for (a, b) in __typeToSAN.iteritems(): __sanToType[b] = a def __init__(self, board, moveNumber): self.board = board self.moveNumber = moveNumber chess.san.SANConverter.__init__(self) def decode(self, colour, move): (start, end, result, promotionType) = chess.san.SANConverter.decode(self, self.__colourToSAN[colour], move) return (start, end, self.__sanToType[promotionType]) def encode(self, start, end, isTake, promotionType): if promotionType is None: promotion = self.QUEEN else: promotion = self.__typeToSAN[promotionType] return chess.san.SANConverter.encode(self, start, end, isTake, promotion)
def getPiece(self, location): """Called by chess.san.SANConverter""" piece = self.board.getPiece(location, self.moveNumber) if piece is None: return None return (self.__colourToSAN[piece.getColour()], self.__typeToSAN[piece.getType()]) def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType, allowSuicide = False): """Called by chess.san.SANConverter""" move = self.board.testMove(self.__sanToColour[colour], start, end, self.__sanToType[promotionType], allowSuicide, self.moveNumber) if move is None: return False
if move.opponentInCheck: if not move.opponentCanMove: return chess.san.SANConverter.CHECKMATE return chess.san.SANConverter.CHECK return True
class ChessGame: """ """
def __init__(self): """Game constructor""" self.__players = [] self.__spectators = [] self.__whitePlayer = None self.__blackPlayer = None self.__currentPlayer = None self.__moves = [] self.__inCallback = False self.__queuedCalls = [] self.board = ChessGameBoard(self)
self.__started = False self.result = RESULT_IN_PROGRESS self.rule = None self.whiteTimer = None self.blackTimer = None def getAlivePieces(self, moveNumber = -1): """Get the alive pieces on the board. 'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer). Returns a dictionary of the alive pieces (board.ChessPiece) keyed by location. Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid. """ return self.board.getAlivePieces(moveNumber) def getDeadPieces(self, moveNumber = -1): """Get the dead pieces from the game. 'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer). Returns a list of the pieces (board.ChessPiece) in the order they were killed. Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid. """ return self.board.getDeadPieces(moveNumber) def setTimers(self, whiteTimer, blackTimer): """ """ self.whiteTimer = whiteTimer self.blackTimer = blackTimer
def setWhite(self, player): """Set the white player in the game. 'player' is the player to use as white. If the game has started or there is a white player an exception is thrown. """ assert(self.__started is False) assert(self.__whitePlayer is None) self.__whitePlayer = player self.__connectPlayer(player)
def getWhite(self): """Returns the current white player (player.Player)""" return self.__whitePlayer def setBlack(self, player): """Set the black player in the game. 'player' is the player to use as black. If the game has started or there is a black player an exception is thrown. """ assert(self.__started is False) assert(self.__blackPlayer is None) self.__blackPlayer = player self.__connectPlayer(player) def getBlack(self): """Returns the current white player (player.Player)""" return self.__blackPlayer def getCurrentPlayer(self): """Get the player to move""" return self.__currentPlayer def addSpectator(self, player): """Add a spectator to the game. 'player' is the player spectating. This can be called after the game has started. """ self.__spectators.append(player) self.__connectPlayer(player)
def isStarted(self): """Returns True if the game has been started""" return self.__started def start(self, moves = []): """Start the game. 'moves' is a list of moves to start with. If there is no white or black player then an exception is raised. """ assert(self.__whitePlayer is not None and self.__blackPlayer is not None) # Disabled for now #import network #self.x = network.GameReporter('Test Game', 12345) #print 'Reporting'
# Load starting moves self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer for move in moves: self.move(self.__currentPlayer, move) if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer: self.__currentPlayer = self.__blackPlayer else: self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer
self.__started = True
# Stop if both players aren't alive if not self.__whitePlayer.isAlive: self.killPlayer(self.__whitePlayer) return if not self.__blackPlayer.isAlive: self.killPlayer(self.__blackPlayer) return
# Stop if game ended on loaded moves if self.result != RESULT_IN_PROGRESS: self._notifyEndGame() return
self.startLock() # Inform other players of the result for player in self.__players: player.onPlayerStartTurn(self.__currentPlayer)
# Get the next player to move self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(True)
def getSquareOwner(self, coord): """TODO """ piece = self.board.getPiece(coord) if piece is None: return None colour = piece.getColour() if colour is chess.board.WHITE: return self.__whitePlayer elif colour is chess.board.BLACK: return self.__blackPlayer else: return None def canMove(self, player, start, end, promotionType): """Test if a player can move. 'player' is the player making the move. 'start' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). 'end' is the location to move from in LAN format (string). 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote pawns to. FIXME: Make this a property of the player Return True if can move, otherwise False. """ if player is not self.__currentPlayer: return False if player is self.__whitePlayer: colour = chess.board.WHITE elif player is self.__blackPlayer: colour = chess.board.BLACK else: assert(False)
move = self.board.testMove(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType)
return move is not None def move(self, player, move): """Get a player to make a move. 'player' is the player making the move. 'move' is the move to make in SAN or LAN format (string). """ if self.__inCallback: self.__queuedCalls.append((self.move, (player, move))) return self.startLock() if player is not self.__currentPlayer: print 'Player attempted to move out of turn' else: self._move(player, move)
def undo(self, player): if self.__inCallback: self.__queuedCalls.append((self.undo, (player,))) return self.startLock() self.__whitePlayer._setReadyToMove(False) self.__blackPlayer._setReadyToMove(False) # Pretend the current player is the oponent so when endMove() is called # this player will become the active player. # Yes, this IS a big hack... if player is self.__whitePlayer: self.__currentPlayer = self.__blackPlayer else: self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer # If this player hasn't moved then undo oponents move before their one if len(self.__moves) > 0 and self.__moves[-1].player is not player: count = 2 else: count = 1 for i in xrange(count): if len(self.__moves) != 0: self.board.undo() self.__moves = self.__moves[:-1] for p in self.__players: p.onUndoMove() self.endLock() def startLock(self): assert(self.__inCallback is False) self.__inCallback = True def endLock(self): self.__inCallback = False while len(self.__queuedCalls) > 0: (call, args) = self.__queuedCalls[0] self.__queuedCalls = self.__queuedCalls[1:] call(*args)
def _move(self, player, move): """ """ if self.result != RESULT_IN_PROGRESS: print 'Game completed' return if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer: colour = chess.board.WHITE else: colour = chess.board.BLACK
# If move is SAN process it as such try: (start, end, _, _, promotionType, _) = chess.lan.decode(colour, move) except chess.lan.DecodeError, e: converter = ChessGameSANConverter(self.board, len(self.__moves)) try: (start, end, promotionType) = converter.decode(colour, move) except chess.san.Error, e: print 'Invalid move: ' + move return
# Only use promotion type if a pawn move to far file piece = self.board.getPiece(start) promotion = None if piece is not None and piece.getType() is chess.board.PAWN: if colour is chess.board.WHITE: if end[1] == '8': promotion = promotionType else: if end[1] == '1': promotion = promotionType
moveResult = self.board.movePiece(colour, start, end, promotionType) if moveResult is None: print 'Illegal move: ' + str(move) return # Re-encode for storing and reporting canMove = chess.lan.encode(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotion) converter = ChessGameSANConverter(self.board, len(self.__moves)) try: sanMove = converter.encode(start, end, moveResult.victim != None, promotionType) except chess.san.Error: # If for some reason we couldn't make the SAN move the use the CAN move instead sanMove = canMove
m = ChessMove() if len(self.__moves) == 0: m.number = 1 else: m.number = self.__moves[-1].number + 1 m.player = self.__currentPlayer m.piece = piece m.victim = moveResult.victim m.start = start m.end = end m.canMove = canMove m.sanMove = sanMove m.opponentInCheck = moveResult.opponentInCheck m.opponentCanMove = moveResult.opponentCanMove m.fiftyMoveRule = moveResult.fiftyMoveRule m.threeFoldRepetition = moveResult.threeFoldRepetition #FIXME: m.comment = move.comment #FIXME: m.nag = move.nag
# This player has now moved self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(False)
# Inform other players of the result for player in self.__players: player.onPlayerMoved(self.__currentPlayer, m)
# Check if the game has ended result = RESULT_IN_PROGRESS if not m.opponentCanMove: if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer: result = RESULT_WHITE_WINS else: result = RESULT_BLACK_WINS if m.opponentInCheck: rule = RULE_CHECKMATE else: result = RESULT_DRAW rule = RULE_STALEMATE
# Check able to complete if not self.board.sufficientMaterial(): result = RESULT_DRAW rule = RULE_INSUFFICIENT_MATERIAL
if result is not RESULT_IN_PROGRESS: self.endGame(result, rule)
def endMove(self, player): """ """ if self.__inCallback: self.__queuedCalls.append((self.endMove, (player,))) return if player is not self.__currentPlayer: print 'Player attempted to move out of turn' return if player.move is None: print "Ending move when haven't made one" return
if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer: self.__currentPlayer = self.__blackPlayer else: self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer self.startLock() # Inform other players of the result for player in self.__players: player.onPlayerStartTurn(self.__currentPlayer)
# Notify the next player they can move if self.__started is True and self.result == RESULT_IN_PROGRESS: self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(True)
def resign(self, player): """Get a player to resign. 'player' is the player resigning. """ rule = RULE_RESIGN if player is self.__whitePlayer: self.endGame(RESULT_BLACK_WINS, rule) else: self.endGame(RESULT_WHITE_WINS, rule) def claimDraw(self): """ """ # TODO: Penalise if make an incorrect attempt try: move = self.__moves[-1] except IndexError: return False else: if move.fiftyMoveRule: rule = RULE_FIFTY_MOVES elif move.threeFoldRepetition: rule = RULE_THREE_FOLD_REPETITION else: return False
self.endGame(RESULT_DRAW, rule) return True
def killPlayer(self, player): """Report a player has died 'player' is the player that has died. """ if player is self.__whitePlayer: result = RESULT_BLACK_WINS elif player is self.__blackPlayer: result = RESULT_WHITE_WINS self.endGame(result, RULE_DEATH)
def outOfTime(self, player): """Report a player's timer has expired""" if player is self.__whitePlayer: result = RESULT_BLACK_WINS elif player is self.__blackPlayer: result = RESULT_WHITE_WINS else: assert(False) self.endGame(result, RULE_TIMEOUT) def abandon(self): self.endGame(RESULT_DRAW, RULE_ABANDONMENT)
def endGame(self, result, rule): if self.result != RESULT_IN_PROGRESS: return self.result = result self.rule = rule if self.isStarted(): self._notifyEndGame()
def _notifyEndGame(self): self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(False) for player in self.__players: player.onGameEnded(self)
def getMoves(self): """ """ return self.__moves
def abort(self): """End the game""" # Inform players for player in self.__players: player.onGameEnded(self)
# Private methods:
def __connectPlayer(self, player): """Add a player into the game. 'player' is the player to add. The player will be notified of the current state of the board. """ self.__players.append(player) player._setGame(self) # Notify the player of the current state # FIXME: Make the board iteratable... for file in '12345678': for rank in 'abcdefgh': coord = rank + file piece = self.board.getPiece(coord) if piece is None: continue
# These are moves from nowhere to their current location player.onPieceMoved(piece, None, coord, False)
def _onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end, delete): """Called by the chess board""" # Notify all players of creations and deletions # NOTE: Normal moves are done above since the SAN moves are calculated before the move... # FIXME: Change this so the SAN moves are done afterwards... for player in self.__players: player.onPieceMoved(piece, start, end, delete)
class NetworkChessGame(ChessGame): """ """ def move(self, player, move): """Get a player to make a move. 'player' is the player making the move. 'move' is the move to make. It can be of the form: A coordinate move in the form ((file0, rank0), (file1, rank1), promotionType) ((int, int), (int, int), chess.board.PIECE_TYPE) or A SAN move (string). """ # Send to the server if __name__ == '__main__': game = ChessGame() import pgn p = pgn.PGN('black.pgn') g = p.getGame(0)
class PGNPlayer(ChessPlayer):
def __init__(self, isWhite): self.__isWhite = isWhite self.__moveNumber = 1 def readyToMove(self): if self.__isWhite: move = g.getWhiteMove(self.__moveNumber) else: move = g.getBlackMove(self.__moveNumber) self.__moveNumber += 1 self.move(move) white = PGNPlayer(True) black = PGNPlayer(False) game.setWhite(white) game.setBlack(black) game.start()