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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import math import cairo
import glchess.scene
import pieces
from gettext import gettext as _
BACKGROUND_COLOUR = (0.53, 0.63, 0.75) BORDER_COLOUR = (0.808, 0.361, 0.0)#(0.757, 0.490, 0.067)#(0.36, 0.21, 0.05) NUMBERING_COLOUR = (249.0/255, 172.0/255, 109.0/255)#(249.0/255, 132.0/255, 38.0/255) BLACK_SQUARE_COLOURS = {None: (0.8, 0.8, 0.8), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED: (0.3, 1.0, 0.3), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE: (0.3, 0.3, 0.8), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_THREATENED: (1.0, 0.8, 0.8), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_TAKE: (1.0, 0.3, 0.3)} WHITE_SQUARE_COLOURS = {None: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED: (0.2, 1.0, 0.0), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_MOVE: (0.2, 0.2, 0.8), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_THREATENED: (1.0, 0.8, 0.8), glchess.scene.HIGHLIGHT_CAN_TAKE: (1.0, 0.2, 0.2)} PIECE_COLOUR = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
class ChessPiece(glchess.scene.ChessPiece): """ """
def __init__(self, scene, name, coord, feedback): """ """ self.scene = scene = feedback = name self.coord = coord # Co-ordinate being moved to self.pos = self.__coordToLocation(coord) # Current position self.targetPos = None self.moving = False self.delete = False # Delete once moved to location def __coordToLocation(self, coord): """ """ rank = ord(coord[0]) - ord('a') file = ord(coord[1]) - ord('1') return (float(rank), float(file))
def move(self, coord, delete, animate = True): """Extends glchess.scene.ChessPiece""" if not coord: self.scene.pieces.remove(self) return self.coord = coord self.delete = delete self.targetPos = self.__coordToLocation(coord)
redraw = (self.pos != self.targetPos) or delete
# If not animating this move immediately if not animate: self.pos = self.targetPos # If already there then check for deletion if self.pos == self.targetPos: self.targetPos = None if delete: self.scene.pieces.remove(self) if redraw: self.scene.redrawStatic = True return
# If not currently moving then start if not self.moving: self.scene._animationQueue.append(self) self.moving = True
# Remove piece from static scene self.scene.redrawStatic = True # Start animation if self.scene.animating is False: self.scene.animating = True
def animate(self, timeStep): """ Return True if the piece has moved otherwise False. """ if self.targetPos is None: return False if self.pos == self.targetPos: self.targetPos = None if self.delete: self.scene.pieces.remove(self) return False # Get distance to target dx = self.targetPos[0] - self.pos[0] dy = self.targetPos[1] - self.pos[1] # Get movement step in each direction SPEED = 4.0 # FIXME xStep = timeStep * SPEED if xStep > abs(dx): xStep = dx else: xStep *= cmp(dx, 0.0) yStep = timeStep * SPEED if yStep > abs(dy): yStep = dy else: yStep *= cmp(dy, 0.0)
# Move the piece self.pos = (self.pos[0] + xStep, self.pos[1] + yStep) return True def render(self, context): """ """ offset = 0 matrix = context.get_matrix() x = (self.pos[0] - 4) * self.scene.squareSize y = (3 - self.pos[1]) * self.scene.squareSize context.translate(x, y) context.translate(self.scene.squareSize / 2, self.scene.squareSize / 2) context.rotate(-self.scene.angle) context.translate(-self.scene.squareSize / 2, -self.scene.squareSize / 2)
# If Face to Face mode is enabled, we rotate the black player's pieces by 180 degrees if self.scene.faceToFace and'black') != -1: context.rotate(math.pi) offset -= self.scene.pieceSize pieces.piece(, context, self.scene.pieceSize, offset, offset) context.fill() context.set_matrix(matrix)
class Scene(glchess.scene.Scene): """ """ BORDER = 6.0 PIECE_BORDER = 2.0
def __init__(self, feedback): """Constructor for a Cairo scene""" = feedback self.highlight = {} self.pieces = [] self._animationQueue = [] self.angle = 0.0 self.targetAngle = 0.0 self.animating = False self.redrawStatic = True self.showNumbering = False self.faceToFace = False def addChessPiece(self, chessSet, name, coord, feedback): """Add a chess piece model into the scene. 'chessSet' is the name of the chess set (string). 'name' is the name of the piece (string). 'coord' is the the chess board location of the piece in LAN format (string). Returns a reference to this chess piece or raises an exception. """ name = chessSet + name[0].upper() + name[1:] piece = ChessPiece(self, name, coord, feedback) self.pieces.append(piece) # Redraw the scene self.redrawStatic = True return piece
def setBoardHighlight(self, coords): """Highlight a square on the board. 'coords' is a dictionary of highlight types keyed by square co-ordinates. The co-ordinates are a tuple in the form (file,rank). If None the highlight will be cleared. """ self.redrawStatic = True if coords is None: self.highlight = {} else: self.highlight = coords.copy()
def showBoardNumbering(self, showNumbering): """Extends glchess.scene.Scene""" self.showNumbering = showNumbering self.redrawStatic = True
def reshape(self, width, height): """Resize the viewport into the scene. 'width' is the width of the viewport in pixels. 'height' is the width of the viewport in pixels. """ self.width = width self.height = height # Make the squares as large as possible while still pixel aligned shortEdge = min(self.width, self.height) self.squareSize = math.floor((shortEdge - 2.0*self.BORDER) / 9.0) self.pieceSize = self.squareSize - 2.0*self.PIECE_BORDER
self.redrawStatic = True
def setBoardRotation(self, angle, faceToFace = False, animate = True): """Extends glchess.scene.Scene""" # Convert from degrees to radians a = angle * math.pi / 180.0 redraw = False
if self.faceToFace != faceToFace: redraw = True self.faceToFace = faceToFace if self.angle == a: animate = False else: self.targetAngle = a if not animate: self.angle = a redraw = True
# Start animation or redraw now if animate and self.animating is False: self.animating = True elif redraw: self.redrawStatic = True
def animate(self, timeStep): """Extends glchess.scene.Scene""" if self.angle == self.targetAngle and len(self._animationQueue) == 0: return False
redraw = False if self.angle != self.targetAngle: offset = self.targetAngle - self.angle if offset < 0: offset += 2 * math.pi step = timeStep * math.pi * 0.7 if step > offset: self.angle = self.targetAngle else: self.angle += step if self.angle > 2 * math.pi: self.angle -= 2 * math.pi self.redrawStatic = True redraw = True animationQueue = [] for piece in self._animationQueue: if piece.animate(timeStep): piece.moving = True redraw = True assert(animationQueue.count(piece) == 0) animationQueue.append(piece) else: # Redraw static scene once pieces stop if piece.moving: redraw = True self.redrawStatic = True piece.moving = False
# Notify higher classes
self._animationQueue = animationQueue self.animating = len(self._animationQueue) > 0 or self.angle != self.targetAngle
if redraw:
return self.animating def __rotate(self, context): """ """ context.translate(self.width / 2, self.height / 2) # Shrink board so it is always visible: # # a b # +-----------------+ # | | ```----__ | # | | || # | ,` ,`| # | | o | | # |,` c | | # ||___ ,` | # | ----... | | # +-----------------+ # # To calculate the scaling factor compare lengths a-c and b-c # # Rotation angle (r) is angle between a-c and b-c. # # Make two triangles: # # +------+-------+ # `. \ | r = angle rotated # `. \ | r' = 45deg - r # `. y\ | z z/x = cos(45) = 1/sqrt(2) # x `. \ | z/y = cos(r') = cos(45 - r) # `.r\r'| # `.\ | s = y/x = 1 / (sqrt(2) * cos(45 - r) # `\| # QED # # Finally clip the angles so the board does not expand # in the middle of the rotation. a = self.angle if a > math.pi: a -= math.pi if a > math.pi / 4: if a > math.pi * 3 / 4: a = math.pi / 4 - (a - (math.pi * 3 / 4)) else: a = math.pi / 4 s = 1.0 / (math.sqrt(2) * math.cos(math.pi / 4 - a)) context.scale(s, s) context.rotate(self.angle);
def renderStatic(self, context): """Render the static elements in a scene. """ if self.redrawStatic is False: return False self.redrawStatic = False
# Clear background context.set_source_rgb(*BACKGROUND_COLOUR) context.paint() # Rotate board self.__rotate(context) # Draw border context.set_source_rgb(*BORDER_COLOUR) borderSize = math.ceil(self.squareSize * 4.5) context.rectangle(-borderSize, -borderSize, borderSize * 2, borderSize * 2) context.fill()
# Draw numbering if self.showNumbering: context.set_source_rgb(*NUMBERING_COLOUR) context.set_font_size(self.squareSize * 0.4) context.select_font_face("sans-serif", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) def drawCenteredText(x, y, text): (_, _, w, h, _, _) = context.text_extents('b') matrix = context.get_matrix() context.translate(x, y) context.rotate(-self.angle) context.move_to(-w/2, h/2) context.show_text(text) context.set_matrix(matrix) offset = 0 for i in xrange(8): f = 'abcdefgh'[i] r = '87654321'[i] drawCenteredText(offset - self.squareSize * 3.5, -self.squareSize * 4.25, glchess.chess.translate_file(f)) drawCenteredText(offset - self.squareSize * 3.5, self.squareSize * 4.25, glchess.chess.translate_file(f)) drawCenteredText(-self.squareSize * 4.25, offset - self.squareSize * 3.5, glchess.chess.translate_rank(r)) drawCenteredText(self.squareSize * 4.25, offset - self.squareSize * 3.5, glchess.chess.translate_rank(r)) offset += self.squareSize # Draw squares for i in xrange(8): for j in xrange(8): x = (i - 4) * self.squareSize y = (3 - j) * self.squareSize coord = chr(ord('a') + i) + chr(ord('1') + j) try: highlight = self.highlight[coord] except KeyError: highlight = None context.rectangle(x, y, self.squareSize, self.squareSize) if (i + j) % 2 == 0: colour = BLACK_SQUARE_COLOURS[highlight] else: colour = WHITE_SQUARE_COLOURS[highlight] context.set_source_rgb(*colour) context.fill() context.set_source_rgb(*PIECE_COLOUR) for piece in self.pieces: if piece.moving: continue piece.render(context) return True
def renderDynamic(self, context): """Render the dynamic elements in a scene. This requires a Cairo context. """ # Rotate board self.__rotate(context)
context.set_source_rgb(*PIECE_COLOUR) for piece in self.pieces: # If not rotating and piece not moving then was rendered in the static phase if self.angle == self.targetAngle and not piece.moving: continue piece.render(context)
def getSquare(self, x, y): """Find the chess square at a given 2D location. 'x' is the number of pixels from the left of the scene to select. 'y' is the number of pixels from the bottom of the scene to select. Return the co-ordinate in LAN format (string) or None if no square at this point. """ # FIXME: Should use cairo rotation matrix but we don't have a context here if self.angle != self.targetAngle: return None boardWidth = self.squareSize * 9.0 offset = ((self.width - boardWidth) / 2.0 + self.squareSize * 0.5, (self.height - boardWidth) / 2.0 + self.squareSize * 0.5) rank = (x - offset[0]) / self.squareSize if rank < 0 or rank >= 8.0: return None rank = int(rank)
file = (y - offset[1]) / self.squareSize if file < 0 or file >= 8.0: return None file = 7 - int(file) # FIXME: See above if self.angle == math.pi: rank = 7 - rank file = 7 - file
# Convert from co-ordinates to LAN format rank = chr(ord('a') + rank) file = chr(ord('1') + file)
return rank + file