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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import xml.sax.handler
"<UPDATE TYPE='player' ACTION='delete' ROOM='40' TOROOM='-1'>" "<PLAYER ID='kostaya'/>" "</UPDATE>"
"<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='leave' ROOM='40'>" "<TABLE ID='1' SEATS='2'>" "<SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='player'>kostaya</SEAT>" "</TABLE>" "</UPDATE>"
"<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='status' ROOM='40'>" "<TABLE ID='1' STATUS='3' SEATS='2'/>" "</UPDATE>"
"<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='delete' ROOM='40'>" "<TABLE ID='1' STATUS='-1' SEATS='2'/>" "</UPDATE>"
class ParserFeedback:
def onResult(self, action, code): pass def onMOTD(self, motd): pass
def onChat(self, chatType, sender, text): pass def onJoin(self, tableId, isSpectator): pass def onLeave(self, reason): pass def gameAdded(self, gameId, name, version, author, url, numPlayers, protocol_engine, protocol_version): pass
def roomAdded(self, roomId, gameId, name, description, nPlayers): pass
def roomPlayersUpdate(self, roomId, nPlayers): pass
def tableAdded(self, roomId, tableId, gameId, status, nSeats, description): pass
def tableStatusChanged(self, tableId, status): pass
def seatChanged(self, roomId, tableId, seatId, seatType, user): pass
def tableRemoved(self, tableId): pass
def onPlayerList(self, room, players): pass
def playerAdded(self, name, playerType, tableId, perms, lag, room, fromRoom): pass
def playerRemoved(self, name, room, toRoom): pass
class GGZParser: """ """ def __init__(self): self.parent = None self.parser = None def startElement(self, name, attributes): if self.parser is not None: self.parser.startElement(name, attributes) return try: method = getattr(self, 'start_%s' % name.lower()) except AttributeError: print 'Unknown start element: %s' % name else: method(attributes)
def characters(self, data): if self.parser is not None: self.parser.characters(data) return self.handle_data(data) def endElement(self, name): if self.parser is not None: self.parser.endElement(name) return try: method = getattr(self, 'end_%s' % name.lower()) except AttributeError: print 'Unknown end element: %s' % name else: method() def push(self, parser, attributes): assert(self.parser is None) parser.attributes = attributes parser.decoder = self.decoder parser.parent = self self.parser = parser def pop(self): assert(self.parent is not None) parser = self.parent.parser self.parent.parser = None self.parent.childFinished(parser)
def handle_data(self, data): pass def childFinished(self, parser): pass class GameParser(GGZParser): """ <GAME ID='24' NAME='TicTacToe' VERSION='0.0.9'> <PROTOCOL ENGINE='TicTacToe' VERSION='4'/> <ALLOW PLAYERS='2' BOTS='1' SPECTATORS='true' PEERS='false'/> <BOT NAME='Alfred' CLASS='easy'/> <BOT NAME='Tarantula' CLASS='hard'/> <ABOUT AUTHOR='Brent Hendricks' URL=''/> <DESC>Simple GGZ game module for playing Tic-Tac-Toe</DESC> </GAME> """ def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.bots = [] def start_desc(self, attributes): self.push(DescriptionParser(), attributes) def start_protocol(self, attributes): self.push(GameProtocolParser(), attributes)
def start_allow(self, attributes): self.push(GameAllowParser(), attributes) def start_bot(self, attributes): self.push(GameBotParser(), attributes) def start_about(self, attributes): self.push(GameAboutParser(), attributes)
def end_game(self): self.gameId = self.attributes['ID'] = self.attributes['NAME'] self.version = self.attributes['VERSION'] self.pop()
def __str__(self): return 'GGZ Game id=%s protocol=%s (%s) description=%s' % (self.gameId, repr(self.protocol.engine), self.protocol.version, repr(self.description)) class DescriptionParser(GGZParser): """ <DESC>Simple GGZ game module for playing Tic-Tac-Toe</DESC> """
def handle_data(self, data): self.parent.description = data def end_desc(self): self.pop()
class GameProtocolParser(GGZParser): """ <PROTOCOL ENGINE='TicTacToe' VERSION='4'/> """ def end_protocol(self): self.parent.protocol = self self.engine = self.attributes['ENGINE'] self.version = self.attributes['VERSION'] self.pop()
class GameAllowParser(GGZParser): """ <ALLOW PLAYERS='2' BOTS='1' SPECTATORS='true' PEERS='false'/> """ def end_allow(self): self.parent.allow = self self.numPlayers = self.attributes['PLAYERS'] self.pop()
class GameBotParser(GGZParser): """ <BOT NAME='Alfred' CLASS='easy'/> <BOT NAME='Tarantula' CLASS='hard'/> """ def end_bot(self): self.parent.bots.append(self) = self.attributes['NAME'] self.difficulty = self.attributes['CLASS'] self.pop()
class GameAboutParser(GGZParser): """ <ABOUT AUTHOR='Brent Hendricks' URL=''/> """
def end_about(self): self.parent.about = self = self.attributes['AUTHOR'] self.url = self.attributes['URL'] self.pop()
class RoomParser(GGZParser): def start_desc(self, attributes): self.push(DescriptionParser(), attributes)
def end_room(self): self.pop() def __str__(self): return 'GGZ Room id=%s game=%s description=%s' % (self.roomId,, repr(self.description))
class PlayerParser(GGZParser):
def end_player(self): self.pop() def __str__(self): return 'GGZ Player id=%s type=%s table=%s perms=%s lag=%s' % (, self.type, self.table, self.perms, self.lag) class TableSeatParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.label = ''
def handle_data(self, data): self.label += data
def end_seat(self): self.pop()
class TableParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.seats = [] self.description = ''
def start_desc(self, attributes): self.push(DescriptionParser(), attributes)
def start_seat(self, attributes): self.push(TableSeatParser(), attributes)
def childFinished(self, parser): if isinstance(parser, TableSeatParser): self.seats.append(parser)
def end_table(self): self.pop()
class GameListParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) = [] def start_game(self, attributes): self.push(GameParser(), attributes)
def childFinished(self, parser):
def end_list(self): for g in,, g.version,, g.about.url, g.allow.numPlayers, g.protocol.engine, g.protocol.version) self.pop() class TableListParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.tables = [] def start_table(self, attributes): self.push(TableParser(), attributes)
def childFinished(self, parser): self.tables.append(parser)
def end_list(self): for t in self.tables: room = self.attributes['ROOM'] tableId = t.attributes['ID'] gameId = t.attributes['GAME'] status = t.attributes['STATUS'] nSeats = int(t.attributes['SEATS']), tableId, gameId, status, nSeats, t.description) for seat in t.seats:, tableId, seat.attributes['NUM'], seat.attributes['TYPE'], seat.label) self.pop()
class PlayerListParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.players = [] def start_player(self, attributes): self.push(PlayerParser(), attributes)
def childFinished(self, playerParser): = playerParser.attributes['ID'] playerParser.type = playerParser.attributes['TYPE'] playerParser.tableId = playerParser.attributes['TABLE'] try: playerParser.perms = playerParser.attributes['PERMS'] except KeyError: playerParser.perms = '' playerParser.lag = playerParser.attributes['LAG'] self.players.append(playerParser)
def end_list(self):['ROOM'], self.players) self.pop()
class RoomListParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.rooms = [] def start_room(self, attributes): self.push(RoomParser(), attributes)
def childFinished(self, parser): parser.roomId = parser.attributes['ID'] = parser.attributes['NAME'] = parser.attributes['GAME'] parser.nPlayers = int(parser.attributes['PLAYERS']) self.rooms.append(parser)
def end_list(self): for r in self.rooms:,,, r.description, r.nPlayers) self.pop() class ServerOptionsParser(GGZParser):
def end_options(self): self.pop() class ServerParser(GGZParser): def start_options(self, attributes): self.push(ServerOptionsParser(), attributes) def end_server(self): self.pop()
class MOTDParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.motd = '' def handle_data(self, data): self.motd += data def end_motd(self): self.pop()
class RoomUpdateParser(GGZParser): def start_room(self, attributes): self.push(RoomParser(), attributes) def childFinished(self, parser): action = self.attributes['ACTION'].lower() if action == 'players': roomId = parser.attributes['ID'] nPlayers = int(parser.attributes['PLAYERS']), nPlayers) else: print 'Unknown player update action %s' % action def end_update(self): self.pop()
class PlayerUpdateParser(GGZParser): def start_player(self, attributes): self.push(PlayerParser(), attributes)
def childFinished(self, parser): action = self.attributes['ACTION'].lower() if action == 'add': name = parser.attributes['ID'] playerType = parser.attributes['TYPE'] table = parser.attributes['TABLE'] try: perms = parser.attributes['PERMS'] except KeyError: perms = '' lag = parser.attributes['LAG'] roomId = self.attributes['ROOM'] fromRoomId = self.attributes['FROMROOM'], playerType, table, perms, lag, roomId, fromRoomId) elif action == 'lag': playerId = parser.attributes['ID'] lag = parser.attributes['LAG'] print 'Player %s lag changed to %s' % (playerId, lag) elif action == 'join': pass elif action == 'leave': pass elif action == 'desc': pass elif action == 'seat': pass elif action == 'delete': playerId = parser.attributes['ID'] room = self.attributes['ROOM'] toRoom = self.attributes['TOROOM'], room, toRoom) else: print 'Unknown player update action %s' % action def end_update(self): self.pop() class TableUpdateParser(GGZParser):
def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.table = None def start_table(self, attributes): self.push(TableParser(), attributes) def childFinished(self, parser): self.table = parser
def end_update(self): room = self.attributes['ROOM'] action = self.attributes['ACTION'] if action == 'add': "<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='add' ROOM='3'>" " <TABLE ID='1' GAME='30' STATUS='1' SEATS='2'>" " <DESC></DESC>" " <SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='reserved'>bob</SEAT>" " <SEAT NUM='1' TYPE='bot'/>" " </TABLE>" "</UPDATE>" room = self.attributes['ROOM'] tableId = self.table.attributes['ID'] gameId = self.table.attributes['GAME'] status = self.table.attributes['STATUS'] nSeats = int(self.table.attributes['SEATS']) description = self.table.description # FIXME: Include the seats with the add event somehow (and other adds), tableId, gameId, status, nSeats, description) for seat in self.table.seats:, tableId, seat.attributes['NUM'], seat.attributes['TYPE'], seat.label)
elif action == 'join': "<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='join' ROOM='3'>" " <TABLE ID='1' SEATS='2'>" " <SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='player'>bob</SEAT>" " </TABLE>" "</UPDATE>" room = self.attributes['ROOM'] tableId = self.table.attributes['ID'] for seat in self.table.seats:, tableId, seat.attributes['NUM'], seat.attributes['TYPE'], seat.label)
elif action == 'leave': "<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='leave' ROOM='3'>" " <TABLE ID='1' SEATS='2'>" " <SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='player'>bob</SEAT>" " </TABLE>" "</UPDATE>" room = self.attributes['ROOM'] tableId = self.table.attributes['ID'] for seat in self.table.seats:, tableId, seat.attributes['NUM'], seat.attributes['TYPE'], '') # seat.label)???
elif action == 'status': "<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='status' ROOM='3'>" " <TABLE ID='1' STATUS='3' SEATS='2'/>" "</UPDATE>"['ID'], self.table.attributes['STATUS'])
elif action == 'delete': "<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='delete' ROOM='3'>" " <TABLE ID='1' STATUS='-1' SEATS='2'/>" "</UPDATE>"['ID'])
else: print 'Unknown table update action: %s' % action
self.pop() "<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='add' ROOM='13'>" " <TABLE ID='1' GAME='24' STATUS='1' SEATS='4'>" " <DESC>I play alone...</DESC>" " <SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='reserved'>helg</SEAT>" " <SEAT NUM='1' TYPE='bot'/>" " <SEAT NUM='2' TYPE='bot'/>" " <SEAT NUM='3' TYPE='bot'/>" " </TABLE>" "</UPDATE>" "<UPDATE TYPE='table' ACTION='join' ROOM='13'>" " <TABLE ID='1' SEATS='4'>" " <SEAT NUM='0' TYPE='player'>helg</SEAT>" " </TABLE>" "</UPDATE>"
class ChatParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.text = '' def handle_data(self, data): self.text += data
def end_chat(self): chatType = self.attributes['TYPE'] sender = self.attributes['FROM'], sender, self.text) self.pop()
class ResultParser(GGZParser): def start_list(self, attributes): t = attributes['TYPE'].lower() if t == 'player': self.push(PlayerListParser(), attributes) elif t == 'room': self.push(RoomListParser(), attributes) elif t == 'game': self.push(GameListParser(), attributes) elif t == 'table': self.push(TableListParser(), attributes) else: print 'Unknown list: %s' % t
def end_result(self): action = self.attributes['ACTION'] code = self.attributes['CODE'], code) self.pop() class JoinParser(GGZParser): def end_join(self): tableId = self.attributes['TABLE'] isSpectator = self.attributes['SPECTATOR'] == 'true', isSpectator) self.pop()
class LeaveParser(GGZParser): "<LEAVE REASON='gameover'/>" def end_leave(self): reason = self.attributes['REASON'] self.pop()
class SessionParser(GGZParser): def start_server(self, attributes): self.push(ServerParser(), attributes) def start_motd(self, attributes): self.push(MOTDParser(), attributes)
def start_update(self, attributes): t = attributes['TYPE'].lower() if t == 'room': self.push(RoomUpdateParser(), attributes) elif t == 'player': self.push(PlayerUpdateParser(), attributes) elif t == 'table': self.push(TableUpdateParser(), attributes) else: print 'Unknown update type: %s' % t def start_join(self, attributes): self.push(JoinParser(), attributes) def start_leave(self, attributes): self.push(LeaveParser(), attributes)
def start_result(self, attributes): self.push(ResultParser(), attributes) def start_chat(self, attributes): self.push(ChatParser(), attributes) def start_ping(self, attributes):"<PONG/>\n") def end_ping(self): pass
def end_session(self): pass
class BaseParser(GGZParser): def __init__(self, decoder): GGZParser.__init__(self) self.decoder = decoder
def start_session(self, attributes): self.push(SessionParser(), attributes)
class Decoder(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, feedback): xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self) = feedback self.parser = None self.xparser = xml.sax.make_parser() self.handler = BaseParser(self) self.xparser.setContentHandler(self)
def startElement(self, name, attributes): self.handler.startElement(name, attributes)
def characters(self, data): self.handler.characters(data)
def endElement(self, name): self.handler.endElement(name)
def feed(self, data): """Feed data into the decoder. 'data' is the raw data to feed. Returns the next block of data to process, keep feeding until '' is returned. """ index = data.find('\n') if index < 0: index = len(data) - 1
chunk = data[:index+1] try: self.xparser.feed(chunk) except xml.sax.SAXParseException: print 'Invalid XML: %s' % repr(chunk) return data[index+1:]
if __name__ == '__main__': import chess class F: def onSeat(self, seatNum, version): print ('onSeat', seatNum, version) def onPlayers(self, whiteType, whiteName, blackType, blackName): print ('onPlayers', whiteType, whiteName, blackType, blackName) def onTimeRequest(self): print ('onTimeRequest',) def onSetTime(self, time): print ('onSetTime', time)
def onStart(self): print ('onStart',) def onMove(self, move): print ('onMove', move)
f = F() d = chess.Chess(f);
data = '\x01\x01\x06' # Seat seat=1 version=6 for c in data: d.decode(c) data = '\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00\x0eglchess-test2\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x0dglchess-test\x00' # players type1=03 name1=glchess-test2 type2=03 name2=glchess-test for c in data: d.decode(c)
data = '\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00' # rsp time time=0 for c in data: d.decode(c)
d.decode('\x05') # start
data = '\x07\x00\x00\x00\x05F2F4\x00' # move move=F2F4 for c in data: d.decode(c)
data = '\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' # update for c in data: d.decode(c)