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import sys
from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.python import log from twisted.python.reflect import namedAny from epsilon.setuphelper import _regeneratePluginCache
class TestCacheRegeneration(unittest.TestCase): removeModules = [] def setUp(self): self.removedModules = [] for modname in self.removeModules: try: module = namedAny(modname) self.removedModules.append(module) except: print 'COULD NOT LOAD', modname self.sysmodules = sys.modules.copy() self.syspath = sys.path[:]
for module in self.removedModules: for ent in self.syspath: if module.__file__.startswith(ent): while ent in sys.path: sys.path.remove(ent) rem = 0 for modname in self.sysmodules: if modname.startswith(module.__name__): rem += 1 sys.modules.pop(modname) assert rem, 'NO HITS: %r:%r' % (module,module.__name__)
def testRegeneratingIt(self): for mod in self.removedModules: self.failIf(mod.__name__ in sys.modules, 'Started with %r loaded: %r' % (mod.__name__, sys.path)) _regeneratePluginCache(['axiom', 'xmantissa']) log.flushErrors(ImportError) # This is necessary since there are Axiom # plugins that depend on Mantissa, so when # Axiom is installed, Mantissa-dependent # powerups are, but Mantissa isn't some # harmless tracebacks are printed. for mod in self.removedModules: self.failIf(mod.__name__ in sys.modules, 'Loaded %r: %r' % (mod.__name__, sys.path))
testRegeneratingIt.skip = """ This test really ought to be the dependency-direction test from old Quotient. As it currently stands it's just broken. """
def tearDown(self): sys.path[:] = self.syspath sys.modules.clear() sys.modules.update(self.sysmodules)
class WithoutAxiom(TestCacheRegeneration): removeModules = ['axiom']
class WithoutMantissa(TestCacheRegeneration): removeModules = ['xmantissa']
class WithoutEither(TestCacheRegeneration): removeModules = ['xmantissa', 'axiom']