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from twisted.internet import reactor
class TimeoutMixin: """Mixin for protocols which wish to timeout connections
@cvar timeOut: The number of seconds after which to timeout the connection. """ timeOut = None
__timeoutCall = None
def callLater(self, period, func): return reactor.callLater(period, func)
def resetTimeout(self): """Reset the timeout count down""" if self.__timeoutCall is not None and self.timeOut is not None: self.__timeoutCall.reset(self.timeOut)
def setTimeout(self, period): """Change the timeout period
@type period: C{int} or C{NoneType} @param period: The period, in seconds, to change the timeout to, or C{None} to disable the timeout. """ prev = self.timeOut self.timeOut = period
if self.__timeoutCall is not None: if period is None: self.__timeoutCall.cancel() self.__timeoutCall = None else: self.__timeoutCall.reset(period) elif period is not None: self.__timeoutCall = self.callLater(period, self.__timedOut)
return prev
def __timedOut(self): self.__timeoutCall = None self.timeoutConnection()
def timeoutConnection(self): """Called when the connection times out. Override to define behavior other than dropping the connection. """ self.transport.loseConnection()
def install(): global TimeoutMixin
from twisted.protocols import policies policies.TimeoutMixin.__dict__ = TimeoutMixin.__dict__ policies.TimeoutMixin.__dict__['module'] = 'twisted.protocols.policies' TimeoutMixin = policies.TimeoutMixin