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import gobject import gtk import deskbar.ui.iconentry
# Make epydoc document signal __extra_epydoc_fields__ = [('signal', 'Signals')]
class CuemiacEntry (deskbar.ui.iconentry.IconEntry): """ For all outside purposes this widget should appear to be a gtk.Entry with an icon inside it. Use it as such - if you find odd behavior don't work around it, but fix the behavior in this class instead. @signal icon-clicked: (C{gtk.gdk.Event}) """ __gsignals__ = { "icon-clicked" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]), "changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []), "activate" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []), "go-next" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, []), "go-previous" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, []), } def __init__(self, default_pixbuf): deskbar.ui.iconentry.IconEntry.__init__ (self) self.entry = self.get_entry () self.entry_icon = gtk.Image () self.icon_event_box = gtk.EventBox () self._default_pixbuf = default_pixbuf # Set up the event box for the entry icon self.icon_event_box.set_property('visible-window', False) self.icon_event_box.add(self.entry_icon) self.pack_widget (self.icon_event_box, True)
# Set up icon self.entry_icon.set_property('pixbuf', self._default_pixbuf) self.icon_event_box.connect ("button-press-event", self._on_icon_button_press) # Set up "inheritance" of the gtk.Entry # methods self.get_text = self.entry.get_text self.set_text = self.entry.set_text self.select_region = self.entry.select_region self.set_width_chars = self.entry.set_width_chars self.get_width_chars = self.entry.get_width_chars self.get_position = self.entry.get_position self.set_position = self.entry.set_position
# When applications want to forward events to, # this widget, it is 99% likely to want to forward # to the underlying gtk.Entry widget, so: self.event = self.entry.event # Forward commonly used entry signals self.handler_changed_id = self.entry.connect ("changed", lambda entry: self.emit("changed")) self.entry.connect ("activate", lambda entry: self.emit("activate")) self.entry.connect ("key-press-event", self.__on_key_press_event ) self.entry.connect ("button-press-event", lambda entry, event: self.emit("button-press-event", event)) self.entry.connect ("focus-out-event", lambda entry, event: self.emit("focus-out-event", event))
def __on_key_press_event(self, entry, event): if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down: ret = self.emit("go-next") if ret: return True elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up: ret = self.emit("go-previous") if ret: return True return self.emit("key-press-event", event)
def grab_focus (self): """ Focus the entry, ready for text input. """ self.entry.grab_focus ()
def set_sensitive (self, active): """ Set sensitivity of the entry including the icon. """ self.set_property ("sensitive", active) self.entry_icon.set_sensitive (active) self.icon_event_box.set_sensitive (active)
def get_image (self): """ @return: The C{gtk.Image} packed into this entry. """ return self.entry_icon
def set_icon (self, pixbuf): """ Set the icon in the entry to the given pixbuf. @param pixbuf: A C{gtk.gdk.Pixbuf}. """ self.entry_icon.set_property('pixbuf', pixbuf) self.entry_icon.set_size_request(deskbar.ICON_WIDTH, deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT)
def set_icon_tooltip (self, tooltip): """ @param tooltip: A string describing the action associated to clicking the entry icon. """ self.icon_event_box.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip) def set_entry_tooltip (self, tooltip): """ @param tooltip: A string describing basic usage of the entry. """ self.entry.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip)
def show (self): """ Show the the entry - including the icon. """ self.show_all () # We need to show the icon
def set_history_item(self, item): if item == None: self.set_icon( self._default_pixbuf ) self.entry.set_text("") else: text, match = item self.entry.handler_block( self.handler_changed_id ) self.entry.set_text(text) icon = match.get_icon() if icon == None: icon = self._default_pixbuf if isinstance(icon, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf) : pixbuf = icon else: pixbuf = deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon(icon) self.set_icon ( pixbuf ) self.entry.select_region(0, -1) self.entry.handler_unblock( self.handler_changed_id )
def _on_icon_button_press (self, widget, event): if not self.icon_event_box.get_property ('sensitive'): return False self.emit ("icon-clicked", event) return False