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import gtk import gobject import pango from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.CuemiacCellRenderer import CuemiacCellRenderer
class CuemiacCellRendererAction (CuemiacCellRenderer): """ Special cell renderer for the CuemiacTreeView. If the cell to be rendered is a normal Match that has more than one action an arrow is displayed. If it's CuemiacCategory the match-count is displayed. """ __gproperties__ = { 'is-header' : (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'whether we render a category header', 'Render the header of a category, i.e. display the match-count', False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'match-count' : (gobject.TYPE_INT, 'number of hits in the category', 'the number of hits for the CuemiacCategory to be rendered', 0, 1000, 0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'has-more-actions' : (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'whether the match has more than one action', 'If set to True a symbol will be displayed on the right', False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), } def __init__ (self): CuemiacCellRenderer.__init__ (self) self.__match_count = 0 self.__has_more_actions = False self.__is_header = False def do_get_property(self, property): if == 'match-count': return self.__match_count elif == 'has-more-actions': return self.__has_more_actions elif == 'is-header': return self.__is_header else: raise AttributeError, 'unknown property %s' %
def do_set_property(self, property, value): if == 'match-count': self.__match_count = value elif == 'has-more-actions': self.__has_more_actions = value elif == 'is-header': self.__is_header = value else: raise AttributeError, 'unknown property %s' % def do_render (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags): self.set_style(widget) if self.get_property ("is-header"): self.render_category (window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags) elif self.get_property ("has-more-actions"): self.render_match (window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags) def do_get_size(self, widget, cell_area): """ Calculate size that is required to display """ (xoffset, yoffset, w, h) = gtk.CellRendererText.do_get_size (self, widget, cell_area) context = widget.get_pango_context() metrics = context.get_metrics(self.header_font_desc, context.get_language()) char_width = metrics.get_approximate_char_width() if self.get_property("is-header"): num_chars = len(str(self.get_property("match-count"))) + 2 else: num_chars = 1 width = self.get_property("xpad") * 2 + ((char_width/pango.SCALE) * num_chars); return (xoffset, yoffset, width, h) def _calculate_arrow_geometry (self, x, y, width, height): """ Stolen from calculate_arrow_geometry at """ # For right arrows only h = height + (height % 2) - 1 w = (h / 2 + 1) if w > width: w = width h = 2 * w - 1 if (width % 2 == 1 or w % 2 == 0): w += 1 new_x = x + (width - w) / 2; new_y = y + (height - h) / 2; return (new_x, new_y, w, h) def _draw_arrow_right(self, window, color, state, area, x, y, width, height): (x, y, width, height) = self._calculate_arrow_geometry(x, y, width, height) cr = window.cairo_create() cr.set_source_color (color) if area: cr.rectangle (area) cr.clip() # Draw right arrow cr.move_to(x,y) cr.line_to(x + width, y + height / 2) cr.line_to(x, y + height)
cr.close_path() cr.fill() def render_match (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags): """ Renders an arrow """ state = self.renderer_state_to_widget_state(flags) if state & gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT: color = color =[state] else: color = color =[state] arrow_width = cell_area.width / 2 # Set the arrow height to the current font size in pixels arrow_height = widget.get_pango_context().get_font_description().get_size() / pango.SCALE self._draw_arrow_right(window, color, state, cell_area, cell_area.x + cell_area.width / 2, cell_area.y + ((cell_area.height - arrow_height) / 2) + 1, arrow_width, arrow_height) def render_category (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flag): """ Renders the hit count (read from the "match-count" property). """ ctx = window.cairo_create () # Set up a pango.Layout for the hit count count_layout = ctx.create_layout () count_layout.set_text ("(" + str(self.get_property("match-count")) + ")") count_layout.set_font_description (self.header_font_desc) count_layout_width, count_layout_height = count_layout.get_pixel_size() state = self.renderer_state_to_widget_state(flag) mod_gc = widget.get_style().text_gc[state] window.draw_layout(mod_gc, cell_area.x + (cell_area.width - count_layout_width) / 2, cell_area.y + ( (cell_area.height - count_layout_height) / 2) + 1, count_layout)