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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the MIT license #
# Copyright 2007,, Frank Scholz <>
import time from coherence.extern.simple_plugin import Plugin
from coherence import log
import coherence.extern.louie as louie
from coherence.upnp.core.utils import getPage from import parse_xml from coherence.upnp.core import DIDLLite
class Backend(log.Loggable,Plugin):
""" the base class for all backends
if there are any UPnP service actions, that can't be handled by the service classes itself, or need some special adjustments for the backend, they need to be defined here.
Like maybe upnp_Browse for the CDS Browse action. """
implements = [] # list the device classes here # like [BinaryLight'] or ['MediaServer','MediaRenderer']
logCategory = 'backend'
def __init__(self,server,**kwargs): """ the init method for a backend, should probably most of the time be overwritten when the init is done, send a signal to its device
the device will then setup and announce itself, after that it calls the backends upnp_init method """ self.config = kwargs self.server = server # the UPnP device that's hosting that backend
""" do whatever is necessary with the stuff we can extract from the config dict, connect maybe to an external data-source and start up the backend after that's done, tell Coherence about it """ log.Loggable.__init__(self) Plugin.__init__(self)
""" this has to be done in the actual backend, maybe it has to wait for an answer from an external data-source first """ #self.init_completed()
def init_completed(self, *args, **kwargs): """ inform Coherence that this backend is ready for announcement this method just accepts any form of arguments as we don't under which circumstances it is called """ louie.send('Coherence.UPnP.Backend.init_completed', None, backend=self)
def upnp_init(self): """ this method gets called after the device is fired, here all initializations of service related state variables should happen, as the services aren't available before that point """ pass
class BackendStore(Backend):
""" the base class for all MediaServer backend stores """
logCategory = 'backend_store'
def __init__(self,server,*args,**kwargs): """ the init method for a MediaServer backend, should probably most of the time be overwritten when the init is done, send a signal to its device
the device will then setup and announce itself, after that it calls the backends upnp_init method """ Backend.__init__(self, server, *args) self.config = kwargs self.server = server # the UPnP device that's hosting that backend self.update_id = 0
""" do whatever is necessary with the stuff we can extract from the config dict """
""" in case we want so serve something via the MediaServer web backend
the BackendItem should pass an URI assembled of urlbase + '/' + id to the DIDLLite.Resource """ self.urlbase = kwargs.get('urlbase','') if not self.urlbase.endswith('/'): self.urlbase += '/'
self.wmc_mapping = {'4':'4', '5':'5', '6':'6','7':'7','14':'14','F':'F', '11':'11','16':'16','B':'B','C':'C','D':'D', '13':'13', '17':'17', '8':'8', '9':'9', '10':'10', '15':'15', 'A':'A', 'E':'E'}
self.wmc_mapping.update({'4':lambda: self._get_all_items(0), '8':lambda: self._get_all_items(0), 'B':lambda: self._get_all_items(0), })
""" and send out the signal when ready """ #louie.send('Coherence.UPnP.Backend.init_completed', None, backend=self)
def release(self): """ if anything needs to be cleaned up upon shutdown of this backend, this is the place for it """ pass
def _get_all_items(self,id): """ a helper method to get all items as a response to some XBox 360 UPnP Search action probably never be used as the backend will overwrite the wmc_mapping with more appropriate methods """ items = [] item = self.get_by_id(id) if item is not None: containers = [item] while len(containers)>0: container = containers.pop() if container.mimetype not in ['root', 'directory']: continue for child in container.get_children(0,0): if child.mimetype in ['root', 'directory']: containers.append(child) else: items.append(child) return items
def get_by_id(self,id): """ called by the CDS or the MediaServer web
id is the id property of our DIDLLite item
if this MediaServer implements containers, that can share their content, like 'all tracks', 'album' and 'album_of_artist' - they all have the same track item as content - then the id may be passed by the CDS like this:
'id@container' or 'id@container@container@container...'
therefore a
if isinstance(id, basestring): id = id.split('@',1) id = id[0]
may be appropriate as the first thing to do when entering this method
should return
- None when no matching item for that id is found, - a BackendItem, - or a Deferred
return None
class BackendItem(log.Loggable):
""" the base class for all MediaServer backend items """
logCategory = 'backend_item'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ most of the time we collect the necessary data for an UPnP ContentDirectoryService Container or Object and instantiate it here
self.item = DIDLLite.Container(id,parent_id,name,...) or self.item = DIDLLite.MusicTrack(id,parent_id,name,...)
To make that a valid UPnP CDS Object it needs one or more DIDLLite.Resource(uri,protocolInfo)
self.item.res = [] res = DIDLLite.Resource(url, 'http-get:*:%s:*' % mimetype)
url : the urlbase of our backend + '/' + our id
res.size = size self.item.res.append(res) """ = u'my_name' # the basename of a file, the album title, # the artists name,... # is expected to be unicode self.item = None self.update_id = 0 # the update id of that item, # when an UPnP ContentDirectoryService Container # this should be incremented on every modification
self.location = None # the filepath of our media file, or alternatively # a FilePath or a ReverseProxyResource object
self.cover = None # if we have some album art image, let's put # the filepath or link into here
def get_children(self,start=0,end=0): """ called by the CDS and the MediaServer web should return
- a list of its childs[start:end] - or a Deferred
if end == 0, the request is for all childs after start - childs[start:] """ pass
def get_child_count(self): """ called by the CDS should return
- the number of its childs - len(childs) - or a Deferred
def get_item(self): """ called by the CDS and the MediaServer web should return
- an UPnP ContentDirectoryServer DIDLLite object - or a Deferred """ return self.item
def get_name(self): """ called by the MediaServer web should return
- the name of the item, it is always expected to be in unicode """ return
def get_path(self): """ called by the MediaServer web should return
- the filepath where to find the media file that this item does refer to """ return self.location
def get_cover(self): """ called by the MediaServer web should return
- the filepath where to find the album art file
only needed when we have created for that item an albumArtURI property that does point back to us """ return self.cover
class BackendRssMixin:
def update_data(self,rss_url,container=None,encoding="utf-8"): """ creates a deferred chain to retrieve the rdf file, parse and extract the metadata and reschedule itself """
def fail(f):"fail %r", f) self.debug(f.getTraceback()) return f
dfr = getPage(rss_url) dfr.addCallback(parse_xml, encoding=encoding) dfr.addErrback(fail) dfr.addCallback(self.parse_data,container) dfr.addErrback(fail) dfr.addBoth(self.queue_update,rss_url,container) return dfr
def parse_data(self,xml_data,container): """ extract media info and create BackendItems """ pass
def queue_update(self, error_or_failure,rss_url,container): from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callLater(self.refresh, self.update_data,rss_url,container)
class Container(BackendItem):
def __init__(self, parent, title): BackendItem.__init__(self)
self.parent = parent if self.parent is not None: self.parent_id = self.parent.get_id() else: self.parent_id = -1 = None self.storage_id = None = title self.mimetype = 'directory'
self.children = [] self.children_ids = {} self.children_by_external_id = {}
self.update_id = 0
self.item = None
self.sorted = False
def register_child(self, child, external_id = None): id = child.url = + str(id) child.parent = self if external_id is not None: child.external_id = external_id self.children_by_external_id[external_id] = child
def add_child(self, child, external_id = None, update=True): id = self.register_child(child, external_id) if self.children is None: self.children = [] self.children.append(child) self.sorted = False if update == True: self.update_id += 1
def remove_child(self, child, external_id = None, update=True): self.children.remove(child) if update == True: self.update_id += 1 if external_id is not None: child.external_id = None del self.children_by_external_id[external_id]
def get_children(self, start=0, end=0):
if self.sorted == False: def childs_sort(x,y): r = cmp(, return r
self.children.sort(cmp=childs_sort) self.sorted = True if end != 0: return self.children[start:end] return self.children[start:]
def get_child_count(self): if self.children is None: return 0 return len(self.children)
def get_path(self): return + str(self.storage_id)
def get_item(self): if self.item is None: self.item = DIDLLite.Container(self.storage_id, self.parent_id, self.item.childCount = len(self.children) return self.item
def get_name(self): return
def get_id(self): return self.storage_id
def get_update_id(self): return self.update_id
class LazyContainer(Container, log.Loggable): logCategory = 'lazyContainer'
def __init__(self, parent, title, external_id=None, refresh=0, childrenRetriever=None, **kwargs): Container.__init__(self, parent, title)
self.childrenRetrievingNeeded = False self.childrenRetrievingDeferred = None self.childrenRetriever = childrenRetriever self.children_retrieval_campaign_in_progress = False self.childrenRetriever_params = kwargs self.childrenRetriever_params['parent']=self self.has_pages = (self.childrenRetriever_params.has_key('per_page'))
self.external_id = None self.external_id = external_id
self.retrieved_children = {}
self.last_updated = 0 self.refresh = refresh
def replace_by(self, item): if self.external_id is not None and item.external_id is not None: return (self.external_id == item.external_id) return True
def add_child(self, child, external_id = None, update=True): if self.children_retrieval_campaign_in_progress is True: self.retrieved_children[external_id] = child else: Container.add_child(self, child, external_id=external_id, update=update)
def update_children(self, new_children, old_children): children_to_be_removed = {} children_to_be_replaced = {} children_to_be_added = {}
# Phase 1 # let's classify the item between items to be removed, # to be updated or to be added self.debug("Refresh pass 1:%d %d" % (len(new_children), len(old_children))) for id,item in old_children.items(): children_to_be_removed[id] = item for id,item in new_children.items(): if old_children.has_key(id): #print(id, "already there") children_to_be_replaced[id] = old_children[id] del children_to_be_removed[id] else: children_to_be_added[id] = new_children[id]
# Phase 2 # Now, we remove, update or add the relevant items # to the list of items self.debug("Refresh pass 2: %d %d %d" % (len(children_to_be_removed), len(children_to_be_replaced), len(children_to_be_added))) # Remove relevant items from Container children for id,item in children_to_be_removed.items(): self.remove_child(item, external_id=id, update=False) # Update relevant items from Container children for id,item in children_to_be_replaced.items(): old_item = item new_item = new_children[id] replaced = False if self.replace_by: #print "Replacement method available: Try" replaced = old_item.replace_by(new_item) if replaced is False: #print "No replacement possible: we remove and add the item again" self.remove_child(old_item, external_id=id, update=False) self.add_child(new_item, external_id=id, update=False) # Add relevant items to COntainer children for id,item in children_to_be_added.items(): self.add_child(item, external_id=id, update=False)
self.update_id += 1
def start_children_retrieval_campaign(self): #print "start_update_campaign" self.last_updated = time.time() self.retrieved_children = {} self.children_retrieval_campaign_in_progress = True
def end_children_retrieval_campaign(self, success=True): #print "end_update_campaign" self.children_retrieval_campaign_in_progress = False if success is True: self.update_children(self.retrieved_children, self.children_by_external_id) self.update_id += 1 self.last_updated = time.time() self.retrieved_children = {}
def retrieve_children(self, start=0):
def items_retrieved(result, source_deferred): childrenRetrievingOffset = len(self.retrieved_children) if self.childrenRetrievingNeeded is True: return self.retrieve_children(childrenRetrievingOffset) return self.retrieved_children
self.childrenRetrievingNeeded = False if self.has_pages is True: self.childrenRetriever_params['offset'] = start d = self.childrenRetriever(**self.childrenRetriever_params) d.addCallback(items_retrieved, d) return d
def retrieve_all_children(self, start=0, request_count=0):
def all_items_retrieved (result): #print "All items retrieved!" self.end_children_retrieval_campaign(True) return Container.get_children(self, start, request_count)
def error_while_retrieving_items (error): #print "All items retrieved!" self.end_children_retrieval_campaign(False) return Container.get_children(self, start, request_count)
# if first retrieval and refresh required # we start a looping call to periodically update the children #if ((self.last_updated == 0) and (self.refresh > 0)): # task.LoopingCall(self.retrieve_children,0,0).start(self.refresh, now=False)
self.start_children_retrieval_campaign() if self.childrenRetriever is not None: d = self.retrieve_children(start) if start == 0: d.addCallbacks(all_items_retrieved, error_while_retrieving_items) return d else: self.end_children_retrieval_campaign() return self.children
def get_children(self,start=0,request_count=0):
# Check if an update is needed since last update current_time = time.time() delay_since_last_updated = current_time - self.last_updated period = self.refresh if (period > 0) and (delay_since_last_updated > period):"Last update is older than %d s -> update data" % period) self.childrenRetrievingNeeded = True
if self.childrenRetrievingNeeded is True: #print "children Retrieving IS Needed (offset is %d)" % start return self.retrieve_all_children() else: return Container.get_children(self, start, request_count)
class AbstractBackendStore (BackendStore): def __init__(self, server, **kwargs): BackendStore.__init__(self, server, **kwargs) self.next_id = SEED_ITEM_ID = {}
def len(self): return len(
def set_root_item(self, item): return self.append_item(item, storage_id = ROOT_CONTAINER_ID)
def get_root_id(self): return ROOT_CONTAINER_ID
def get_root_item(self): return self.get_by_id(ROOT_CONTAINER_ID)
def append_item(self, item, storage_id=None): if storage_id is None: storage_id = self.getnextID()[storage_id] = item item.storage_id = storage_id = self return storage_id
def remove_item(self, item): item.storage_id = -1 = None del[child.storage_id]
def get_by_id(self,id): if isinstance(id, basestring): id = id.split('@',1) id = id[0].split('.')[0] try: return[int(id)] except (ValueError,KeyError): pass return None
def getnextID(self): ret = self.next_id self.next_id += 1 return ret