!C99Shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019]!

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2014 x86_64

uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) 

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# Licensed under the MIT license
# http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

# Copyright 2008 Frank Scholz <coherence@beebits.net>

import os.path

from twisted.python import util
from twisted.web import resource, static
from twisted.internet import reactor

from coherence import __version__

from coherence.extern.et import ET, indent

import coherence.extern.louie as louie

from coherence import log

class DeviceHttpRoot(resource.Resource, log.Loggable):
    logCategory = 'basicdevice'

    def __init__(self, server):
        self.server = server

    def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request):
        self.info('DeviceHttpRoot %s getChildWithDefault ' % self.server.device_type, path, request.uri, request.client)
        self.info( request.getAllHeaders())
        if self.children.has_key(path):
            return self.children[path]
        if request.uri == '/':
            return self
        return self.getChild(path, request)

    def getChild(self, name, request):
        self.info('DeviceHttpRoot %s getChild %s ' % (name, request))
        ch = None
        if ch is None:
            p = util.sibpath(__file__, name)
            if os.path.exists(p):
                ch = static.File(p)
        self.info('DeviceHttpRoot ch ', ch)
        return ch

    def listchilds(self, uri):
        cl = ''
        for c in self.children:
                cl += '<li><a href=%s/%s>%s</a></li>' % (uri,c,c)
        return cl

    def render(self,request):
        return '<html><p>root of the %s %s</p><p><ul>%s</ul></p></html>'% (self.server.backend.name,

class RootDeviceXML(static.Data):

    def __init__(self, hostname, uuid, urlbase,
                        friendly_name='Coherence UPnP BasicDevice',
                        model_description='Coherence UPnP BasicDevice',
                        model_name='Coherence UPnP BasicDevice',
        uuid = str(uuid)
        root = ET.Element('root')
        device_type_uri = ':'.join((device_uri_base,device_type, str(version)))
        e = ET.SubElement(root, 'specVersion')
        ET.SubElement( e, 'major').text = '1'
        ET.SubElement( e, 'minor').text = '0'

        #ET.SubElement(root, 'URLBase').text = urlbase + uuid[5:] + '/'

        d = ET.SubElement(root, 'device')

        if device_type == 'MediaServer':
            x = ET.SubElement(d, 'dlna:X_DLNADOC')
            x.text = 'DMS-1.50'
            x = ET.SubElement(d, 'dlna:X_DLNADOC')
            x.text = 'M-DMS-1.50'
        elif device_type == 'MediaRenderer':
            x = ET.SubElement(d, 'dlna:X_DLNADOC')
            x.text = 'DMR-1.50'
            x = ET.SubElement(d, 'dlna:X_DLNADOC')
            x.text = 'M-DMR-1.50'

        if len(dlna_caps) > 0:
            if isinstance(dlna_caps, basestring):
                dlna_caps = [dlna_caps]
            for cap in dlna_caps:
                x = ET.SubElement(d, 'dlna:X_DLNACAP')
                x.text = cap

        ET.SubElement( d, 'deviceType').text = device_type_uri
        ET.SubElement( d, 'friendlyName').text = friendly_name
        ET.SubElement( d, 'manufacturer').text = manufacturer
        ET.SubElement( d, 'manufacturerURL').text = manufacturer_url
        ET.SubElement( d, 'modelDescription').text = model_description
        ET.SubElement( d, 'modelName').text = model_name
        ET.SubElement(d, 'modelNumber').text = model_number
        ET.SubElement( d, 'modelURL').text = model_url
        ET.SubElement( d, 'serialNumber').text = serial_number
        ET.SubElement( d, 'UDN').text = uuid
        ET.SubElement( d, 'UPC').text = ''
        ET.SubElement( d, 'presentationURL').text = presentation_url

        if len(services):
            e = ET.SubElement(d, 'serviceList')
            for service in services:
                id = service.get_id()
                s = ET.SubElement(e, 'service')
                    namespace = service.namespace
                    namespace = 'schemas-upnp-org'
                if( hasattr(service,'version') and
                    service.version < version):
                    v = service.version
                    v = version
                ET.SubElement(s, 'serviceType').text = 'urn:%s:service:%s:%d' % (namespace, id, int(v))
                    namespace = service.id_namespace
                    namespace = 'upnp-org'
                ET.SubElement(s, 'serviceId').text = 'urn:%s:serviceId:%s' % (namespace,id)
                ET.SubElement(s, 'SCPDURL').text = '/' + uuid[5:] + '/' + id + '/' + service.scpd_url
                ET.SubElement(s, 'controlURL').text = '/' + uuid[5:] + '/' + id + '/' + service.control_url
                ET.SubElement(s, 'eventSubURL').text = '/' + uuid[5:] + '/' + id + '/' + service.subscription_url

        if len(devices):
            e = ET.SubElement( d, 'deviceList')

        if len(icons):
            e = ET.SubElement(d, 'iconList')
            for icon in icons:

                icon_path = ''
                if icon.has_key('url'):
                    if icon['url'].startswith('file://'):
                        icon_path = icon['url'][7:]
                    elif icon['url'] == '.face':
                        icon_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".face")
                        from pkg_resources import resource_filename
                        icon_path = os.path.abspath(resource_filename(__name__, os.path.join('..','..','..','misc','device-icons',icon['url'])))

                if os.path.exists(icon_path) == True:
                    i = ET.SubElement(e, 'icon')
                    for k,v in icon.items():
                        if k == 'url':
                            if v.startswith('file://'):
                                ET.SubElement(i, k).text = '/'+uuid[5:]+'/'+os.path.basename(v)
                            elif v == '.face':
                                ET.SubElement(i, k).text = '/'+uuid[5:]+'/'+'face-icon.png'
                                ET.SubElement(i, k).text = '/'+uuid[5:]+'/'+os.path.basename(v)
                        ET.SubElement(i, k).text = str(v)

        #if self.has_level(LOG_DEBUG):
        #    indent( root)

        self.xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>""" + ET.tostring( root, encoding='utf-8')
        static.Data.__init__(self, self.xml, 'text/xml')

class BasicDeviceMixin(object):

    def __init__(self, coherence, backend, **kwargs):
        self.coherence = coherence
        if not hasattr(self,'version'):
            self.version = int(kwargs.get('version',self.coherence.config.get('version',2)))

            self.uuid = kwargs['uuid']
            if not self.uuid.startswith('uuid:'):
                self.uuid = 'uuid:' + self.uuid
        except KeyError:
            from coherence.upnp.core.uuid import UUID
            self.uuid = UUID()

        self.backend = None
        urlbase = self.coherence.urlbase
        if urlbase[-1] != '/':
            urlbase += '/'
        self.urlbase = urlbase + str(self.uuid)[5:]

        kwargs['urlbase'] = self.urlbase
        self.icons = kwargs.get('iconlist', kwargs.get('icons', []))
        if len(self.icons) == 0:
            if kwargs.has_key('icon'):
                if isinstance(kwargs['icon'],dict):
                    self.icons = kwargs['icon']

        louie.connect( self.init_complete, 'Coherence.UPnP.Backend.init_completed', louie.Any)
        louie.connect( self.init_failed, 'Coherence.UPnP.Backend.init_failed', louie.Any)
        reactor.callLater(0.2, self.fire, backend, **kwargs)

    def init_failed(self, backend, msg):
        if self.backend != backend:
        self.warning('backend not installed, %s activation aborted - %s' % (self.device_type,msg.getErrorMessage()))
            del self.coherence.active_backends[str(self.uuid)]
        except KeyError:

    def register(self):
        s = self.coherence.ssdp_server
        uuid = str(self.uuid)
        host = self.coherence.hostname
        self.msg('%s register' % self.device_type)
        # we need to do this after the children are there, since we send notifies
                    '%s::upnp:rootdevice' % uuid,
                    self.coherence.urlbase + uuid[5:] + '/' + 'description-%d.xml' % self.version,

                    self.coherence.urlbase + uuid[5:] + '/' + 'description-%d.xml' % self.version,

        version = self.version
        while version > 0:
            if version == self.version:
                silent = False
                silent = True
                        '%s::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:%s:%d' % (uuid, self.device_type, version),
                        'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:%s:%d' % (self.device_type, version),
                        self.coherence.urlbase + uuid[5:] + '/' + 'description-%d.xml' % version,
            version -= 1

        for service in self._services:
            device_version = self.version
            service_version = self.version
            if hasattr(service,'version'):
                service_version = service.version
            silent = False

            while service_version > 0:
                    namespace = service.namespace
                    namespace = 'schemas-upnp-org'

                device_description_tmpl = 'description-%d.xml'  % device_version
                if hasattr(service,'device_description_tmpl'):
                    device_description_tmpl = service.device_description_tmpl

                            '%s::urn:%s:service:%s:%d' % (uuid,namespace,service.id, service_version),
                            'urn:%s:service:%s:%d' % (namespace,service.id, service_version),
                            self.coherence.urlbase + uuid[5:] + '/' + device_description_tmpl,

                silent = True
                service_version -= 1
                device_version -= 1

    def unregister(self):

        if self.backend != None and hasattr(self.backend,'release'):

        if not hasattr(self,'_services'):
            """ seems we never made it to actually
                completing that device

        for service in self._services:
            if hasattr(service,'check_moderated_loop') and service.check_moderated_loop != None:
            if hasattr(service,'release'):
            if hasattr(service,'_release'):

        s = self.coherence.ssdp_server
        uuid = str(self.uuid)

        version = self.version
        while version > 0:
            s.doByebye('%s::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:%s:%d' % (uuid, self.device_type, version))
            for service in self._services:
                if hasattr(service,'version') and service.version < version:
                    namespace = service.namespace
                except AttributeError:
                    namespace = 'schemas-upnp-org'
                s.doByebye('%s::urn:%s:service:%s:%d' % (uuid,namespace,service.id, version))

            version -= 1

        s.doByebye('%s::upnp:rootdevice' % uuid)

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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