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# Licensed under the MIT license #
# Copyright 2005, Tim Potter <> # Copyright 2006, Frank Scholz <>
""" TODO:
- use more XPath expressions in fromElement() methods
""" import os import string import urllib from datetime import datetime
DC_NS = '' UPNP_NS = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/'
my_namespaces = { DC_NS: 'dc', UPNP_NS: 'upnp' } from import ET, namespace_map_update, ElementInterface namespace_map_update(my_namespaces)
from coherence.upnp.core import utils
from coherence.upnp.core import dlna
from coherence import log
def qname(tag,ns=''): if len(ns) == 0: return tag return "{%s}%s" % (ns,tag)
def is_audio(mimetype): """ checks for type audio, expects a mimetype or an UPnP protocolInfo """ test = mimetype.split(':') if len(test) == 4: mimetype = test[2] if mimetype == 'application/ogg': return True if mimetype.startswith('audio/'): return True return False
def is_video(mimetype): """ checks for type video, expects a mimetype or an UPnP protocolInfo """ test = mimetype.split(':') if len(test) == 4: mimetype = test[2] if mimetype.startswith('video/'): return True return False
class Resources(list):
""" a list of resources, always sorted after an append """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): list.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.sort(cmp=self.p_sort)
def append(self, value): list.append(self,value) self.sort(cmp=self.p_sort)
def p_sort(self,x,y): """ we want the following order http-get is always at the beginning rtsp-rtp-udp the second anything else after that """ if x.protocolInfo == None: return 1 if y.protocolInfo == None: return -1
x_protocol = x.protocolInfo.split(':')[0] y_protocol = y.protocolInfo.split(':')[0]
x_protocol = x_protocol.lower() y_protocol = y_protocol.lower() if( x_protocol == y_protocol): return 0 if(x_protocol == 'http-get'): return -1 if(x_protocol == 'rtsp-rtp-udp' and y_protocol == 'http-get'): return 1 if(x_protocol == 'rtsp-rtp-udp' and y_protocol != 'http-get'): return -1 return 1
def get_matching(self, local_protocol_infos, protocol_type = None): result = [] if not isinstance(local_protocol_infos, list): local_protocol_infos = [local_protocol_infos] for res in self: if res.importUri != None: continue #print "res", res.protocolInfo, remote_protocol,remote_network,remote_content_format,_ = res.protocolInfo.split(':') #print "remote", remote_protocol,remote_network,remote_content_format if(protocol_type is not None and remote_protocol.lower() != protocol_type.lower()): continue for protocol_info in local_protocol_infos: local_protocol,local_network,local_content_format,_ = protocol_info.split(':') #print "local", local_protocol,local_network,local_content_format if((remote_protocol == local_protocol or remote_protocol == '*' or local_protocol == '*') and (remote_network == local_network or remote_network == '*' or local_network == '*') and (remote_content_format.startswith(local_content_format) or remote_content_format == '*' or local_content_format == '*')): #print result, res result.append(res) return result
def classChooser(mimetype, sub=None):
if mimetype == 'root': return Container if mimetype == 'item': return Item if mimetype == 'directory': if sub == 'music': return MusicAlbum return Container else: if string.find (mimetype,'image/') == 0: return Photo if string.find (mimetype,'audio/') == 0: if sub == 'music': # FIXME: this is stupid return MusicTrack return AudioItem if string.find (mimetype,'video/') == 0: return VideoItem if mimetype == 'application/ogg': if sub == 'music': # FIXME: this is stupid return MusicTrack return AudioItem if mimetype == 'application/x-flac': if sub == 'music': # FIXME: this is stupid return MusicTrack return AudioItem return None
simple_dlna_tags = ['DLNA.ORG_OP=01', # operations parameter 'DLNA.ORG_PS=1', # play speed parameter 'DLNA.ORG_CI=0', # transcoded parameter 'DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01100000000000000000000000000000']
def build_dlna_additional_info(content_format,does_playcontainer=False): additional_info = ['*'] if content_format == 'audio/mpeg': additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3']+simple_dlna_tags if content_format == 'audio/ms-wma': additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=WMABASE']+simple_dlna_tags if content_format == 'image/jpeg': dlna_tags = simple_dlna_tags[:] dlna_tags[3] = 'DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=00900000000000000000000000000000' additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=JPEG_LRG']+dlna_tags if content_format == 'image/png': dlna_tags = simple_dlna_tags[:] dlna_tags[3] = 'DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=00900000000000000000000000000000' additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=PNG_LRG']+dlna_tags if content_format == 'video/mpeg': additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_PS_PAL']+simple_dlna_tags if content_format == 'video/mpegts': additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_PAL']+simple_dlna_tags content_format = 'video/mpeg' if content_format in ['video/mp4','video/x-m4a']: additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=AVC_TS_BL_CIF15_AAC']+simple_dlna_tags if content_format in ['video/x-msvideo','video/avi','video/divx']: #additional_info = ';'.join(['DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG4_P2_MP4_SP_AAC']+simple_dlna_tags) additional_info = ['*'] if content_format == 'video/x-ms-wmv': additional_info = ['DLNA.ORG_PN=WMV_BASE']+simple_dlna_tags if content_format == '*': additional_info = simple_dlna_tags
if does_playcontainer == True: i = 0 for part in additional_info: if part.startswith('DLNA.ORG_FLAGS'): _,bits = part.split('=') bits = int(bits,16) bits |= 0x10000000000000000000000000000000 additional_info[i] = 'DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=%.32x' % bits break i += 1 return ';'.join(additional_info)
class Resource(object): """An object representing a resource."""
def __init__(self, data=None, protocolInfo=None): = data self.protocolInfo = protocolInfo self.bitrate = None self.size = None self.duration = None
self.nrAudioChannels = None self.resolution = None
self.importUri = None
if self.protocolInfo is not None: protocol,network,content_format,additional_info = self.protocolInfo.split(':') if additional_info == '*': self.protocolInfo = ':'.join((protocol,network,content_format,build_dlna_additional_info(content_format))) elif additional_info == '#': self.protocolInfo = ':'.join((protocol,network,content_format,'*'))
def get_additional_info(self,upnp_client=''): protocol,network,content_format,additional_info = self.protocolInfo.split(':') if upnp_client in ('XBox','Philips-TV',): """ we don't need the DLNA tags there, and maybe they irritate these poor things anyway """ additional_info = '*' elif upnp_client in ('PLAYSTATION3',): if content_format.startswith('video/'): additional_info = '*'
a_list = additional_info.split(';') for part in a_list: if part == 'DLNA.ORG_PS=1': a_list.remove(part) break additional_info = ';'.join(a_list) return additional_info
def toElement(self,**kwargs): root = ET.Element('res') if kwargs.get('upnp_client','') in ('XBox',): protocol,network,content_format,additional_info = self.protocolInfo.split(':') if content_format in ['video/divx','video/x-msvideo']: content_format = 'video/avi' if content_format == 'audio/x-wav': content_format = 'audio/wav' additional_info = self.get_additional_info(upnp_client=kwargs.get('upnp_client','')) root.attrib['protocolInfo'] = ':'.join((protocol,network,content_format,additional_info)) else: protocol,network,content_format,additional_info = self.protocolInfo.split(':') if content_format == 'video/x-msvideo': content_format = 'video/divx' additional_info = self.get_additional_info(upnp_client=kwargs.get('upnp_client','')) root.attrib['protocolInfo'] = ':'.join((protocol,network,content_format,additional_info))
root.text =
if self.bitrate is not None: root.attrib['bitrate'] = str(self.bitrate)
if self.size is not None: root.attrib['size'] = str(self.size)
if self.duration is not None: root.attrib['duration'] = self.duration
if self.nrAudioChannels is not None: root.attrib['nrAudioChannels'] = self.nrAudioChannels
if self.resolution is not None: root.attrib['resolution'] = self.resolution
if self.importUri is not None: root.attrib['importUri'] = self.importUri
return root
def fromElement(self, elt): self.protocolInfo = elt.attrib['protocolInfo'] = elt.text self.bitrate = elt.attrib.get('bitrate') self.size = elt.attrib.get('size') self.duration = elt.attrib.get('duration',None) self.resolution = elt.attrib.get('resolution',None) self.importUri = elt.attrib.get('importUri',None)
def toString(self,**kwargs): return ET.tostring(self.toElement(**kwargs),encoding='utf-8')
@classmethod def fromString(cls, aString): instance = cls() elt = utils.parse_xml(aString) #elt = ElementTree(elt) instance.fromElement(elt.getroot()) return instance
def transcoded(self,format): protocol,network,content_format,additional_info = self.protocolInfo.split(':') dlna_tags = simple_dlna_tags[:] #dlna_tags[1] = 'DLNA.ORG_OP=00' dlna_tags[2] = 'DLNA.ORG_CI=1' if format == 'mp3': if content_format == 'audio/mpeg': return None content_format='audio/mpeg' dlna_pn = 'DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3' elif format == 'lpcm': dlna_pn = 'DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM' content_format='audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2' elif format == 'mpegts': if content_format == 'video/mpeg': return None dlna_pn = 'DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_PS_PAL' # 'DLNA.ORG_PN=MPEG_TS_SD_EU' # FIXME - don't forget HD content_format='video/mpeg' else: return None
additional_info = ';'.join([dlna_pn]+dlna_tags) new_protocol_info = ':'.join((protocol,network,content_format,additional_info))
new_res = Resource('/transcoded/%s' % format, new_protocol_info) new_res.size = None new_res.duration = self.duration new_res.resolution = self.resolution return new_res
class PlayContainerResource(Resource): """An object representing a DLNA playcontainer resource."""
def __init__(self, udn, sid='urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory', cid=None, fid=None, fii=0, sc='',md=0, protocolInfo=None):
Resource.__init__(self) if cid == None: raise AttributeError('missing Container Id') if fid == None: raise AttributeError('missing first Child Id') self.protocolInfo = protocolInfo
args = ['sid=' + urllib.quote(sid), 'cid=' + urllib.quote(str(cid)), 'fid=' + urllib.quote(str(fid)), 'fii=' + urllib.quote(str(fii)), 'sc=' + urllib.quote(''), 'md=' + urllib.quote(str(0))] = 'dlna-playcontainer://' + urllib.quote(str(udn)) \ + '?' + '&'.join(args)
if self.protocolInfo == None: self.protocolInfo = 'http-get:*:*:*'
class Object(log.Loggable): """The root class of the entire content directory class heirachy."""
logCategory = 'didllite'
upnp_class = 'object' creator = None res = None writeStatus = None date = None albumArtURI = None artist = None genre = None genres = None album = None originalTrackNumber=None
description = None longDescription = None
refID = None server_uuid = None
def __init__(self, id=None, parentID=None, title=None, restricted=False, creator=None): = id self.parentID = parentID self.title = title self.creator = creator self.restricted = restricted self.res = Resources()
def checkUpdate(self): return self
def toElement(self,**kwargs):
root = ET.Element(self.elementName)
#if == 1000: # root.attrib['id'] = '0' # ET.SubElement(root, 'dc:title').text = 'root' #else: # root.attrib['id'] = str( # ET.SubElement(root, 'dc:title').text = self.title
root.attrib['id'] = str( ET.SubElement(root, qname('title',DC_NS)).text = self.title
#if self.title != None: # ET.SubElement(root, 'dc:title').text = self.title #else: # ET.SubElement(root, 'dc:title').text = 'root'
root.attrib['parentID'] = str(self.parentID)
if(kwargs.get('upnp_client','') != 'XBox'): if self.refID: root.attrib['refID'] = str(self.refID)
if kwargs.get('requested_id',None): if kwargs.get('requested_id') == '0': t = root.find(qname('title',DC_NS)) t.text = 'root' #if kwargs.get('requested_id') != '0' and kwargs.get('requested_id') != root.attrib['id']: if kwargs.get('requested_id') != root.attrib['id']: if(kwargs.get('upnp_client','') != 'XBox'): root.attrib['refID'] = root.attrib['id'] r_id = kwargs.get('requested_id') root.attrib['id'] = r_id r_id = r_id.split('@',1) try: root.attrib['parentID'] = r_id[1] except IndexError: pass if(kwargs.get('upnp_client','') != 'XBox'):"Changing ID from %r to %r, with parentID %r", root.attrib['refID'], root.attrib['id'], root.attrib['parentID']) else:"Changing ID from %r to %r, with parentID %r",, root.attrib['id'], root.attrib['parentID']) elif kwargs.get('parent_container',None): if(kwargs.get('parent_container') != '0' and kwargs.get('parent_container') != root.attrib['parentID']): if(kwargs.get('upnp_client','') != 'XBox'): root.attrib['refID'] = root.attrib['id'] root.attrib['id'] = '@'.join((root.attrib['id'],kwargs.get('parent_container'))) root.attrib['parentID'] = kwargs.get('parent_container') if(kwargs.get('upnp_client','') != 'XBox'):"Changing ID from %r to %r, with parentID from %r to %r", root.attrib['refID'], root.attrib['id'], self.parentID, root.attrib['parentID']) else:"Changing ID from %r to %r, with parentID from %r to %r",, root.attrib['id'], self.parentID, root.attrib['parentID'])
ET.SubElement(root, qname('class',UPNP_NS)).text = self.upnp_class
if kwargs.get('upnp_client','') == 'XBox': u = root.find(qname('class',UPNP_NS)) if(kwargs.get('parent_container',None) != None and u.text.startswith('object.container')): if kwargs.get('parent_container') in ('14','15','16'): u.text = 'object.container.storageFolder' if self.upnp_class == 'object.container': u.text = 'object.container.storageFolder'
if self.restricted: root.attrib['restricted'] = '1' else: root.attrib['restricted'] = '0'
if self.creator is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('creator',DC_NS)).text = self.creator
if self.writeStatus is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('writeStatus',UPNP_NS)).text = self.writeStatus
if is not None: if isinstance(, datetime): ET.SubElement(root, qname('date',DC_NS)).text = else: ET.SubElement(root, qname('date',DC_NS)).text = else: ET.SubElement(root, qname('date',DC_NS)).text = utils.datefaker().isoformat()
if self.albumArtURI is not None: e = ET.SubElement(root, qname('albumArtURI',UPNP_NS)) e.text = self.albumArtURI e.attrib['xmlns:dlna'] = 'urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0' e.attrib['dlna:profileID'] = 'JPEG_TN'
if self.artist is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('artist',UPNP_NS)).text = self.artist
if self.genre is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('genre',UPNP_NS)).text = self.genre
if self.genres is not None: for genre in self.genres: ET.SubElement(root, qname('genre',UPNP_NS)).text = genre
if self.originalTrackNumber is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('originalTrackNumber',UPNP_NS)).text = str(self.originalTrackNumber)
if self.description is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('description',DC_NS)).text = self.description
if self.longDescription is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('longDescription',UPNP_NS)).text = self.longDescription
if self.server_uuid is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('server_uuid',UPNP_NS)).text = self.server_uuid
return root
def toString(self,**kwargs): return ET.tostring(self.toElement(**kwargs),encoding='utf-8')
def fromElement(self, elt): """ TODO: * creator * writeStatus """ self.elementName = elt.tag = elt.attrib.get('id',None) self.parentID = elt.attrib.get('parentID',None)
self.refID = elt.attrib.get('refID',None)
if elt.attrib.get('restricted',None) in [1,'true','True','1','yes','Yes']: self.restricted = True else: self.restricted = False
for child in elt.getchildren(): if child.tag.endswith('title'): self.title = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('albumArtURI'): self.albumArtURI = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('originalTrackNumber'): self.originalTrackNumber = int(child.text) elif child.tag.endswith('description'): self.description = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('longDescription'): self.longDescription = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('artist'): self.artist = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('genre'): if self.genre != None: if self.genres == None: self.genres = [self.genre,] self.genres.append(child.text) self.genre = child.text
elif child.tag.endswith('album'): self.album = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('class'): self.upnp_class = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('server_uuid'): self.server_uuid = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('res'): res = Resource.fromString(ET.tostring(child)) self.res.append(res)
@classmethod def fromString(cls, data): instance = cls() elt = utils.parse_xml(data) #elt = ElementTree(elt) instance.fromElement(elt.getroot()) return instance
class Item(Object): """A class used to represent atomic (non-container) content objects."""
upnp_class = Object.upnp_class + '.item' elementName = 'item' refID = None
director = None actors = None language = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def toElement(self,**kwargs):
root = Object.toElement(self,**kwargs)
if self.director is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('director',UPNP_NS)).text = self.director
if self.refID is not None: ET.SubElement(root, 'refID').text = self.refID
if self.actors is not None: for actor in self.actors: ET.SubElement(root, qname('actor',DC_NS)).text = actor
#if self.language is not None: # ET.SubElement(root, qname('language',DC_NS)).text = self.language
if kwargs.get('transcoding',False) == True: res = self.res.get_matching(['*:*:*:*'], protocol_type='http-get') if len(res) > 0 and is_audio(res[0].protocolInfo): old_res = res[0] if(kwargs.get('upnp_client','') == 'XBox'): transcoded_res = old_res.transcoded('mp3') if transcoded_res != None: root.append(transcoded_res.toElement(**kwargs)) else: root.append(old_res.toElement(**kwargs)) else: for res in self.res: root.append(res.toElement(**kwargs)) transcoded_res = old_res.transcoded('lpcm') if transcoded_res != None: root.append(transcoded_res.toElement(**kwargs)) elif len(res) > 0 and is_video(res[0].protocolInfo): old_res = res[0] for res in self.res: root.append(res.toElement(**kwargs)) transcoded_res = old_res.transcoded('mpegts') if transcoded_res != None: root.append(transcoded_res.toElement(**kwargs)) else: for res in self.res: root.append(res.toElement(**kwargs)) else: for res in self.res: root.append(res.toElement(**kwargs))
return root
def fromElement(self, elt): Object.fromElement(self, elt) for child in elt.getchildren(): if child.tag.endswith('refID'): self.refID = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('director'): self.director = child.text
class ImageItem(Item): upnp_class = Item.upnp_class + '.imageItem'
rating = None storageMedium = None publisher = None rights = None
def toElement(self,**kwargs): root = Item.toElement(self,**kwargs)
if self.rating is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('rating',UPNP_NS)).text = str(self.rating)
if self.storageMedium is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('storageMedium',UPNP_NS)).text = self.storageMedium
if self.publisher is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('publisher',DC_NS)).text = self.contributor
if self.rights is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('rights',DC_NS)).text = self.rights
return root
class Photo(ImageItem): upnp_class = ImageItem.upnp_class + '.photo' album = None
def toElement(self,**kwargs): root = ImageItem.toElement(self,**kwargs) if self.album is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('album',UPNP_NS)).text = self.album return root
class AudioItem(Item): """A piece of content that when rendered generates some audio."""
upnp_class = Item.upnp_class + '.audioItem'
publisher = None language = None relation = None rights = None
valid_keys = ['genre', 'description', 'longDescription', 'publisher', 'language', 'relation', 'rights', 'albumArtURI']
#@dlna.AudioItem def toElement(self,**kwargs):
root = Item.toElement(self,**kwargs)
if self.publisher is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('publisher',DC_NS)).text = self.publisher
if self.language is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('language',DC_NS)).text = self.language
if self.relation is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('relation',DC_NS)).text = self.relation
if self.rights is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('rights',DC_NS)).text = self.rights
return root
def fromElement(self, elt): Item.fromElement(self, elt) for child in elt.getchildren(): tag = child.tag val = child.text if tag in self.valid_keys: setattr(self, tag, val)
class MusicTrack(AudioItem): """A discrete piece of audio that should be interpreted as music."""
upnp_class = AudioItem.upnp_class + '.musicTrack'
album = None playlist = None storageMedium = None contributor = None
def toElement(self,**kwargs):
root = AudioItem.toElement(self,**kwargs)
if self.album is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('album',UPNP_NS)).text = self.album
if self.playlist is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('playlist',UPNP_NS)).text = self.playlist
if self.storageMedium is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('storageMedium',UPNP_NS)).text = self.storageMedium
if self.contributor is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('contributor',DC_NS)).text = self.contributor
return root
class AudioBroadcast(AudioItem): upnp_class = AudioItem.upnp_class + '.audioBroadcast'
class AudioBook(AudioItem): upnp_class = AudioItem.upnp_class + '.audioBook'
class VideoItem(Item): upnp_class = Item.upnp_class + '.videoItem' valid_attrs = dict(genre=UPNP_NS, longDescription=UPNP_NS, producer=UPNP_NS, rating=UPNP_NS, actor=UPNP_NS, director=UPNP_NS, description=DC_NS, publisher=DC_NS, language=DC_NS, relation=DC_NS)
def toElement(self,**kwargs): root = Item.toElement(self,**kwargs)
for attr_name, ns in self.valid_attrs.iteritems(): value = getattr(self, attr_name, None) if value: ET.SubElement(root, qname(attr_name, ns)).text = value
return root
def fromElement(self, elt): Item.fromElement(self, elt) for child in elt.getchildren(): tag = child.tag val = child.text if tag in self.valid_attrs.keys(): setattr(self, tag, val)
class Movie(VideoItem): upnp_class = VideoItem.upnp_class + '.movie'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): VideoItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.valid_attrs.update(dict(storageMedium=UPNP_NS, DVDRegionCode=UPNP_NS, channelName=UPNP_NS, scheduledStartTime=UPNP_NS, sccheduledEndTime=UPNP_NS))
class VideoBroadcast(VideoItem): upnp_class = VideoItem.upnp_class + '.videoBroadcast'
class MusicVideoClip(VideoItem): upnp_class = VideoItem.upnp_class + '.musicVideoClip'
class PlaylistItem(Item): upnp_class = Item.upnp_class + '.playlistItem'
class TextItem(Item): upnp_class = Item.upnp_class + '.textItem'
class Container(Object): """An object that can contain other objects."""
upnp_class = Object.upnp_class + '.container'
elementName = 'container' childCount = None createClass = None searchable = None
def __init__(self, id=None, parentID=None, title=None, restricted = False, creator = None): Object.__init__(self, id, parentID, title, restricted, creator) self.searchClass = []
def toElement(self,**kwargs):
root = Object.toElement(self,**kwargs)
if self.childCount is not None: root.attrib['childCount'] = str(self.childCount)
if self.createClass is not None: ET.SubElement(root, qname('createclass',UPNP_NS)).text = self.createClass
if not isinstance(self.searchClass, (list, tuple)): self.searchClass = [self.searchClass] for i in self.searchClass: sc = ET.SubElement(root, qname('searchClass',UPNP_NS)) sc.attrib['includeDerived'] = '1' sc.text = i
if self.searchable is not None: if self.searchable in (1, '1', True, 'true', 'True'): root.attrib['searchable'] = '1' else: root.attrib['searchable'] = '0'
for res in self.res: root.append(res.toElement(**kwargs)) return root
def fromElement(self, elt): Object.fromElement(self, elt) v = elt.attrib.get('childCount',None) if v is not None: self.childCount = int(v) #self.searchable = int(elt.attrib.get('searchable','0')) self.searchable = elt.attrib.get('searchable','0') in [1,'True','true','1'] self.searchClass = [] for child in elt.getchildren(): if child.tag.endswith('createclass'): self.createClass = child.text elif child.tag.endswith('searchClass'): self.searchClass.append(child.text)
class Person(Container): upnp_class = Container.upnp_class + '.person'
class MusicArtist(Person): upnp_class = Person.upnp_class + '.musicArtist'
class PlaylistContainer(Container): upnp_class = Container.upnp_class + '.playlistContainer'
class Album(Container): upnp_class = Container.upnp_class + '.album'
class MusicAlbum(Album): upnp_class = Album.upnp_class + '.musicAlbum'
class PhotoAlbum(Album): upnp_class = Album.upnp_class + '.photoAlbum'
class Genre(Container): upnp_class = Container.upnp_class + '.genre'
class MusicGenre(Genre): upnp_class = Genre.upnp_class + '.musicGenre'
class MovieGenre(Genre): upnp_class = Genre.upnp_class + '.movieGenre'
class StorageSystem(Container): upnp_class = Container.upnp_class + '.storageSystem'
class StorageVolume(Container): upnp_class = Container.upnp_class + '.storageVolume'
class StorageFolder(Container): upnp_class = Container.upnp_class + '.storageFolder'
class DIDLElement(ElementInterface,log.Loggable):
logCategory = 'didllite'
def __init__(self, upnp_client='', parent_container=None,requested_id=None, transcoding=False): ElementInterface.__init__(self, 'DIDL-Lite', {}) self.attrib['xmlns'] = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/' self.attrib['xmlns:dc'] = '' self.attrib['xmlns:upnp'] = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/' self.attrib['xmlns:dlna'] = 'urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0' self.attrib['xmlns:pv'] = '' self._items = [] self.upnp_client = upnp_client self.parent_container = parent_container self.requested_id = requested_id self.transcoding = transcoding
def addContainer(self, id, parentID, title, restricted = False): e = Container(id, parentID, title, restricted, creator = '') self.append(e.toElement())
def addItem(self, item): self.append(item.toElement(upnp_client=self.upnp_client, parent_container=self.parent_container, requested_id=self.requested_id, transcoding=self.transcoding)) self._items.append(item)
def rebuild(self): self._children = [] for item in self._items: self.append(item.toElement(upnp_client=self.upnp_client, parent_container=self.parent_container, requested_id=self.requested_id, transcoding=self.transcoding))
def numItems(self): return len(self)
def getItems(self): return self._items
def toString(self): """ sigh - having that optional preamble here breaks some of the older ContentDirectoryClients """ #preamble = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>""" #return preamble + ET.tostring(self,encoding='utf-8') return ET.tostring(self,encoding='utf-8')
def get_upnp_class(self,name): try: return upnp_classes[name]() except KeyError: self.warning("upnp_class %r not found, trying fallback", name) parts = name.split('.') parts.pop() while len(parts) > 1: try: return upnp_classes['.'.join(parts)]() except KeyError: parts.pop()
self.warning("WTF - no fallback for upnp_class %r found ?!?", name) return None
@classmethod def fromString(cls, aString): instance = cls() elt = utils.parse_xml(aString, 'utf-8') elt = elt.getroot() for node in elt.getchildren(): upnp_class_name = node.findtext('{%s}class' % 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/') upnp_class = instance.get_upnp_class(upnp_class_name.strip()) new_node = upnp_class.fromString(ET.tostring(node)) instance.addItem(new_node) return instance
def element_to_didl(item): """ a helper method to create a DIDLElement out of one ET element or XML fragment string """ if not isinstance(item,basestring): item = ET.tostring(item) didl = """<DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0" xmlns:pv="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/">""" \ + item + \ """</DIDL-Lite>""" return didl
upnp_classes = {'object': Object, 'object.item': Item, 'object.item.imageItem': ImageItem, '': Photo, 'object.item.audioItem': AudioItem, 'object.item.audioItem.musicTrack': MusicTrack, 'object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast': AudioBroadcast, 'object.item.audioItem.audioBook': AudioBook, 'object.item.videoItem': VideoItem, '': Movie, 'object.item.videoItem.videoBroadcast': VideoBroadcast, 'object.item.videoItem.musicVideoClip': MusicVideoClip, 'object.item.playlistItem': PlaylistItem, 'object.item.textItem': TextItem, 'object.container': Container, 'object.container.person': Person, 'object.container.person.musicArtist': MusicArtist, 'object.container.playlistContainer': PlaylistContainer, 'object.container.album': Album, 'object.container.album.musicAlbum': MusicAlbum, 'object.container.album.photoAlbum': PhotoAlbum, 'object.container.genre': Genre, 'object.container.genre.musicGenre': MusicGenre, 'object.container.genre.movieGenre': MovieGenre, 'object.container.storageSystem': StorageSystem, 'object.container.storageVolume': StorageVolume, 'object.container.storageFolder': StorageFolder, }
if __name__ == '__main__':
res = Resources() res.append(Resource('1','file:*:*:*')) res.append(Resource('2','rtsp-rtp-udp:*:*:*')) res.append(Resource('3',None)) res.append(Resource('4','internal:*:*:*')) res.append(Resource('5','http-get:*:*:*')) res.append(Resource('6','something:*:*:*')) res.append(Resource('7','http-get:*:*:*'))
for r in res: print, r.protocolInfo