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# Copyright (C) 1998-2007 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, # USA.
"""Library for program-based construction of an HTML documents.
Encapsulate HTML formatting directives in classes that act as containers for python and, recursively, for nested HTML formatting objects. """
# Eventually could abstract down to HtmlItem, which outputs an arbitrary html # object given start / end tags, valid options, and a value. Ug, objects # shouldn't be adding their own newlines. The next object should.
import types
from Mailman import mm_cfg from Mailman import Utils from Mailman.i18n import _
SPACE = ' ' EMPTYSTRING = '' NL = '\n'
# Format an arbitrary object. def HTMLFormatObject(item, indent): "Return a presentation of an object, invoking their Format method if any." if type(item) == type(''): return item elif not hasattr(item, "Format"): return `item` else: return item.Format(indent)
def CaseInsensitiveKeyedDict(d): result = {} for (k,v) in d.items(): result[k.lower()] = v return result
# Given references to two dictionaries, copy the second dictionary into the # first one. def DictMerge(destination, fresh_dict): for (key, value) in fresh_dict.items(): destination[key] = value
class Table: def __init__(self, **table_opts): self.cells = [] self.cell_info = {} self.row_info = {} self.opts = table_opts
def AddOptions(self, opts): DictMerge(self.opts, opts)
# Sets all of the cells. It writes over whatever cells you had there # previously.
def SetAllCells(self, cells): self.cells = cells
# Add a new blank row at the end def NewRow(self): self.cells.append([])
# Add a new blank cell at the end def NewCell(self): self.cells[-1].append('')
def AddRow(self, row): self.cells.append(row)
def AddCell(self, cell): self.cells[-1].append(cell)
def AddCellInfo(self, row, col, **kws): kws = CaseInsensitiveKeyedDict(kws) if not self.cell_info.has_key(row): self.cell_info[row] = { col : kws } elif self.cell_info[row].has_key(col): DictMerge(self.cell_info[row], kws) else: self.cell_info[row][col] = kws
def AddRowInfo(self, row, **kws): kws = CaseInsensitiveKeyedDict(kws) if not self.row_info.has_key(row): self.row_info[row] = kws else: DictMerge(self.row_info[row], kws)
# What's the index for the row we just put in? def GetCurrentRowIndex(self): return len(self.cells)-1
# What's the index for the col we just put in? def GetCurrentCellIndex(self): return len(self.cells[-1])-1
def ExtractCellInfo(self, info): valid_mods = ['align', 'valign', 'nowrap', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'bgcolor'] output = ''
for (key, val) in info.items(): if not key in valid_mods: continue if key == 'nowrap': output = output + ' NOWRAP' continue else: output = output + ' %s="%s"' % (key.upper(), val)
return output
def ExtractRowInfo(self, info): valid_mods = ['align', 'valign', 'bgcolor'] output = ''
for (key, val) in info.items(): if not key in valid_mods: continue output = output + ' %s="%s"' % (key.upper(), val)
return output
def ExtractTableInfo(self, info): valid_mods = ['align', 'width', 'border', 'cellspacing', 'cellpadding', 'bgcolor']
output = ''
for (key, val) in info.items(): if not key in valid_mods: continue if key == 'border' and val == None: output = output + ' BORDER' continue else: output = output + ' %s="%s"' % (key.upper(), val)
return output
def FormatCell(self, row, col, indent): try: my_info = self.cell_info[row][col] except: my_info = None
output = '\n' + ' '*indent + '<td' if my_info: output = output + self.ExtractCellInfo(my_info) item = self.cells[row][col] item_format = HTMLFormatObject(item, indent+4) output = '%s>%s</td>' % (output, item_format) return output
def FormatRow(self, row, indent): try: my_info = self.row_info[row] except: my_info = None
output = '\n' + ' '*indent + '<tr' if my_info: output = output + self.ExtractRowInfo(my_info) output = output + '>'
for i in range(len(self.cells[row])): output = output + self.FormatCell(row, i, indent + 2)
output = output + '\n' + ' '*indent + '</tr>'
return output
def Format(self, indent=0): output = '\n' + ' '*indent + '<table' output = output + self.ExtractTableInfo(self.opts) output = output + '>'
for i in range(len(self.cells)): output = output + self.FormatRow(i, indent + 2)
output = output + '\n' + ' '*indent + '</table>\n'
return output
class Link: def __init__(self, href, text, target=None): self.href = href self.text = text = target
def Format(self, indent=0): texpr = "" if != None: texpr = ' target="%s"' % return '<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' % (HTMLFormatObject(self.href, indent), texpr, HTMLFormatObject(self.text, indent))
class FontSize: """FontSize is being deprecated - use FontAttr(..., size="...") instead.""" def __init__(self, size, *items): self.items = list(items) self.size = size
def Format(self, indent=0): output = '<font size="%s">' % self.size for item in self.items: output = output + HTMLFormatObject(item, indent) output = output + '</font>' return output
class FontAttr: """Present arbitrary font attributes.""" def __init__(self, *items, **kw): self.items = list(items) self.attrs = kw
def Format(self, indent=0): seq = [] for k, v in self.attrs.items(): seq.append('%s="%s"' % (k, v)) output = '<font %s>' % SPACE.join(seq) for item in self.items: output = output + HTMLFormatObject(item, indent) output = output + '</font>' return output
class Container: def __init__(self, *items): if not items: self.items = [] else: self.items = items
def AddItem(self, obj): self.items.append(obj)
def Format(self, indent=0): output = [] for item in self.items: output.append(HTMLFormatObject(item, indent)) return EMPTYSTRING.join(output)
class Label(Container): align = 'right'
def __init__(self, *items): Container.__init__(self, *items)
def Format(self, indent=0): return ('<div align="%s">' % self.align) + \ Container.Format(self, indent) + \ '</div>'
# My own standard document template. YMMV. # something more abstract would be more work to use...
class Document(Container): title = None language = None bgcolor = mm_cfg.WEB_BG_COLOR suppress_head = 0
def set_language(self, lang=None): self.language = lang
def set_bgcolor(self, color): self.bgcolor = color
def SetTitle(self, title): self.title = title
def Format(self, indent=0, **kws): charset = 'us-ascii' if self.language and Utils.IsLanguage(self.language): charset = Utils.GetCharSet(self.language) output = ['Content-Type: text/html; charset=%s' % charset] output.append('Cache-control: no-cache\n') if not self.suppress_head: kws.setdefault('bgcolor', self.bgcolor) tab = ' ' * indent output.extend([tab, '<HTML>', '<HEAD>' ]) if mm_cfg.IMAGE_LOGOS: output.append('<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="%s">' % (mm_cfg.IMAGE_LOGOS + mm_cfg.SHORTCUT_ICON)) # Hit all the bases output.append('<META http-equiv="Content-Type" ' 'content="text/html; charset=%s">' % charset) if self.title: output.append('%s<TITLE>%s</TITLE>' % (tab, self.title)) output.append('%s</HEAD>' % tab) quals = [] # Default link colors if mm_cfg.WEB_VLINK_COLOR: kws.setdefault('vlink', mm_cfg.WEB_VLINK_COLOR) if mm_cfg.WEB_ALINK_COLOR: kws.setdefault('alink', mm_cfg.WEB_ALINK_COLOR) if mm_cfg.WEB_LINK_COLOR: kws.setdefault('link', mm_cfg.WEB_LINK_COLOR) for k, v in kws.items(): quals.append('%s="%s"' % (k, v)) output.append('%s<BODY %s' % (tab, SPACE.join(quals))) # Language direction direction = Utils.GetDirection(self.language) output.append('dir="%s">' % direction) # Always do this... output.append(Container.Format(self, indent)) if not self.suppress_head: output.append('%s</BODY>' % tab) output.append('%s</HTML>' % tab) return NL.join(output)
def addError(self, errmsg, tag=None): if tag is None: tag = _('Error: ') self.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr( _(tag), color=mm_cfg.WEB_ERROR_COLOR, size='+2')).Format() + Italic(errmsg).Format()))
class HeadlessDocument(Document): """Document without head section, for templates that provide their own.""" suppress_head = 1
class StdContainer(Container): def Format(self, indent=0): # If I don't start a new I ignore indent output = '<%s>' % self.tag output = output + Container.Format(self, indent) output = '%s</%s>' % (output, self.tag) return output
class QuotedContainer(Container): def Format(self, indent=0): # If I don't start a new I ignore indent output = '<%s>%s</%s>' % ( self.tag, Utils.websafe(Container.Format(self, indent)), self.tag) return output
class Header(StdContainer): def __init__(self, num, *items): self.items = items self.tag = 'h%d' % num
class Address(StdContainer): tag = 'address'
class Underline(StdContainer): tag = 'u'
class Bold(StdContainer): tag = 'strong'
class Italic(StdContainer): tag = 'em'
class Preformatted(QuotedContainer): tag = 'pre'
class Subscript(StdContainer): tag = 'sub'
class Superscript(StdContainer): tag = 'sup'
class Strikeout(StdContainer): tag = 'strike'
class Center(StdContainer): tag = 'center'
class Form(Container): def __init__(self, action='', method='POST', encoding=None, *items): apply(Container.__init__, (self,) + items) self.action = action self.method = method self.encoding = encoding
def set_action(self, action): self.action = action
def Format(self, indent=0): spaces = ' ' * indent encoding = '' if self.encoding: encoding = 'enctype="%s"' % self.encoding output = '\n%s<FORM action="%s" method="%s" %s>\n' % ( spaces, self.action, self.method, encoding) output = output + Container.Format(self, indent+2) output = '%s\n%s</FORM>\n' % (output, spaces) return output
class InputObj: def __init__(self, name, ty, value, checked, **kws): = name self.type = ty self.value = value self.checked = checked self.kws = kws
def Format(self, indent=0): output = ['<INPUT name="%s" type="%s" value="%s"' % (, self.type, self.value)] for item in self.kws.items(): output.append('%s="%s"' % item) if self.checked: output.append('CHECKED') output.append('>') return SPACE.join(output)
class SubmitButton(InputObj): def __init__(self, name, button_text): InputObj.__init__(self, name, "SUBMIT", button_text, checked=0)
class PasswordBox(InputObj): def __init__(self, name, value='', size=mm_cfg.TEXTFIELDWIDTH): InputObj.__init__(self, name, "PASSWORD", value, checked=0, size=size)
class TextBox(InputObj): def __init__(self, name, value='', size=mm_cfg.TEXTFIELDWIDTH): if isinstance(value, str): safevalue = Utils.websafe(value) else: safevalue = value InputObj.__init__(self, name, "TEXT", safevalue, checked=0, size=size)
class Hidden(InputObj): def __init__(self, name, value=''): InputObj.__init__(self, name, 'HIDDEN', value, checked=0)
class TextArea: def __init__(self, name, text='', rows=None, cols=None, wrap='soft', readonly=0): if isinstance(text, str): safetext = Utils.websafe(text) else: safetext = text = name self.text = safetext self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.wrap = wrap self.readonly = readonly
def Format(self, indent=0): output = '<TEXTAREA NAME=%s' % if self.rows: output += ' ROWS=%s' % self.rows if self.cols: output += ' COLS=%s' % self.cols if self.wrap: output += ' WRAP=%s' % self.wrap if self.readonly: output += ' READONLY' output += '>%s</TEXTAREA>' % self.text return output
class FileUpload(InputObj): def __init__(self, name, rows=None, cols=None, **kws): apply(InputObj.__init__, (self, name, 'FILE', '', 0), kws)
class RadioButton(InputObj): def __init__(self, name, value, checked=0, **kws): apply(InputObj.__init__, (self, name, 'RADIO', value, checked), kws)
class CheckBox(InputObj): def __init__(self, name, value, checked=0, **kws): apply(InputObj.__init__, (self, name, "CHECKBOX", value, checked), kws)
class VerticalSpacer: def __init__(self, size=10): self.size = size def Format(self, indent=0): output = '<spacer type="vertical" height="%d">' % self.size return output
class WidgetArray: Widget = None
def __init__(self, name, button_names, checked, horizontal, values): = name self.button_names = button_names self.checked = checked self.horizontal = horizontal self.values = values assert len(values) == len(button_names) # Don't assert `checked' because for RadioButtons it is a scalar while # for CheckedBoxes it is a vector. Subclasses will assert length.
def ischecked(self, i): raise NotImplemented
def Format(self, indent=0): t = Table(cellspacing=5) items = [] for i, name, value in zip(range(len(self.button_names)), self.button_names, self.values): ischecked = (self.ischecked(i)) item = self.Widget(, value, ischecked).Format() + name items.append(item) if not self.horizontal: t.AddRow(items) items = [] if self.horizontal: t.AddRow(items) return t.Format(indent)
class RadioButtonArray(WidgetArray): Widget = RadioButton
def __init__(self, name, button_names, checked=None, horizontal=1, values=None): if values is None: values = range(len(button_names)) # BAW: assert checked is a scalar... WidgetArray.__init__(self, name, button_names, checked, horizontal, values)
def ischecked(self, i): return self.checked == i
class CheckBoxArray(WidgetArray): Widget = CheckBox
def __init__(self, name, button_names, checked=None, horizontal=0, values=None): if checked is None: checked = [0] * len(button_names) else: assert len(checked) == len(button_names) if values is None: values = range(len(button_names)) WidgetArray.__init__(self, name, button_names, checked, horizontal, values)
def ischecked(self, i): return self.checked[i]
class UnorderedList(Container): def Format(self, indent=0): spaces = ' ' * indent output = '\n%s<ul>\n' % spaces for item in self.items: output = output + '%s<li>%s\n' % \ (spaces, HTMLFormatObject(item, indent + 2)) output = output + '%s</ul>\n' % spaces return output
class OrderedList(Container): def Format(self, indent=0): spaces = ' ' * indent output = '\n%s<ol>\n' % spaces for item in self.items: output = output + '%s<li>%s\n' % \ (spaces, HTMLFormatObject(item, indent + 2)) output = output + '%s</ol>\n' % spaces return output
class DefinitionList(Container): def Format(self, indent=0): spaces = ' ' * indent output = '\n%s<dl>\n' % spaces for dt, dd in self.items: output = output + '%s<dt>%s\n<dd>%s\n' % \ (spaces, HTMLFormatObject(dt, indent+2), HTMLFormatObject(dd, indent+2)) output = output + '%s</dl>\n' % spaces return output
# Logo constants # # These are the URLs which the image logos link to. The Mailman home page now # points at the site instead of the mirror. # from mm_cfg import MAILMAN_URL PYTHON_URL = '' GNU_URL = ''
# The names of the image logo files. These are concatentated onto # mm_cfg.IMAGE_LOGOS (not urljoined). DELIVERED_BY = 'mailman.jpg' PYTHON_POWERED = 'PythonPowered.png' GNU_HEAD = 'gnu-head-tiny.jpg'
def MailmanLogo(): t = Table(border=0, width='100%')
version = mm_cfg.VERSION mmlink = _("Delivered by Mailman") pylink = _("Python Powered") gnulink = _("GNU's Not Unix") if mm_cfg.SITE_LINK: sitelink = mm_cfg.SITE_TEXT
if mm_cfg.IMAGE_LOGOS: def logo(file, alt, base=mm_cfg.IMAGE_LOGOS): return '<img src="%s" alt="%s" border="0" />' % \ (base + file, alt) mmlink = logo(DELIVERED_BY, mmlink) pylink = logo(PYTHON_POWERED, pylink) gnulink = logo(GNU_HEAD, gnulink) if mm_cfg.SITE_LINK: sitelink = logo(mm_cfg.SITE_LOGO, sitelink, "")
mmlink = Link(MAILMAN_URL, mmlink + _('<br>version %(version)s')) pylink = Link(PYTHON_URL, pylink) gnulink = Link(GNU_URL, gnulink) links = [mmlink, pylink, gnulink] if mm_cfg.SITE_LINK: if mm_cfg.SITE_URL: sitelink = Link(mm_cfg.SITE_URL, sitelink) links.append(sitelink) t.AddRow(links) return t
class SelectOptions: def __init__(self, varname, values, legend, selected=0, size=1, multiple=None): self.varname = varname self.values = values self.legend = legend self.size = size self.multiple = multiple # we convert any type to tuple, commas are needed if not multiple: if type(selected) == types.IntType: self.selected = (selected,) elif type(selected) == types.TupleType: self.selected = (selected[0],) elif type(selected) == types.ListType: self.selected = (selected[0],) else: self.selected = (0,)
def Format(self, indent=0): spaces = " " * indent items = min( len(self.values), len(self.legend) )
# jcrey: If there is no argument, we return nothing to avoid errors if items == 0: return ""
text = "\n" + spaces + "<Select name=\"%s\"" % self.varname if self.size > 1: text = text + " size=%d" % self.size if self.multiple: text = text + " multiple" text = text + ">\n"
for i in range(items): if i in self.selected: checked = " Selected" else: checked = ""
opt = " <option value=\"%s\"%s> %s </option>" % ( self.values[i], checked, self.legend[i]) text = text + spaces + opt + "\n"
return text + spaces + '</Select>'