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# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
"""This is an interface to list-specific membership information.
This class should not be instantiated directly, but instead, it should be subclassed for specific adaptation to membership databases. The default MM2.0.x style adaptor is in Through the mechanism, you can instantiate different membership information adaptors to get info out of LDAP, Zope, other, or any combination of the above.
Members have three pieces of identifying information: a unique identifying opaque key (KEY), a lower-cased email address (LCE), and a case-preserved email (CPE) address. Adaptors must ensure that both member keys and lces can uniquely identify a member, and that they can (usually) convert freely between keys and lces. Most methods must accept either a key or an lce, unless specifically documented otherwise.
The CPE is always used to calculate the recipient address for a message. Some remote MTAs make a distinction based on localpart case, so we always send messages to the case-preserved address. Note that DNS is case insensitive so it doesn't matter what the case is for the domain part of an email address, although by default, we case-preserve that too.
The adaptors must support the readable interface for getting information about memberships, and may optionally support the writeable interface. If they do not, then members cannot change their list attributes via Mailman's web or email interfaces. Updating membership information in that case is the backend's responsibility. Adaptors are allowed to support parts of the writeable interface.
For any writeable method not supported, a NotImplementedError exception should be raised. """
# Delivery statuses ENABLED = 0 # enabled UNKNOWN = 1 # legacy disabled BYUSER = 2 # disabled by user choice BYADMIN = 3 # disabled by admin choice BYBOUNCE = 4 # disabled by bounces
class MemberAdaptor: # # The readable interface # def getMembers(self): """Get the LCE for all the members of the mailing list.""" raise NotImplementedError
def getRegularMemberKeys(self): """Get the LCE for all regular delivery members (i.e. non-digest).""" raise NotImplementedError
def getDigestMemberKeys(self): """Get the LCE for all digest delivery members.""" raise NotImplementedError
def isMember(self, member): """Return 1 if member KEY/LCE is a valid member, otherwise 0."""
def getMemberKey(self, member): """Return the KEY for the member KEY/LCE.
If member does not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getMemberCPAddress(self, member): """Return the CPE for the member KEY/LCE.
If member does not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getMemberCPAddresses(self, members): """Return a sequence of CPEs for the given sequence of members.
The returned sequence will be the same length as members. If any of the KEY/LCEs in members does not refer to a valid member, that entry in the returned sequence will be None (i.e. NotAMemberError is never raised). """ raise NotImplementedError
def authenticateMember(self, member, response): """Authenticate the member KEY/LCE with the given response.
If the response authenticates the member, return a secret that is known only to the authenticated member. This need not be the member's password, but it will be used to craft a session cookie, so it should be persistent for the life of the session.
If the authentication failed return False. If member did not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError.
Normally, the response will be the password typed into a web form or given in an email command, but it needn't be. It is up to the adaptor to compare the typed response to the user's authentication token. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getMemberPassword(self, member): """Return the member's password.
If the member KEY/LCE is not a member of the list, raise NotAMemberError. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getMemberLanguage(self, member): """Return the preferred language for the member KEY/LCE.
The language returned must be a key in mm_cfg.LC_DESCRIPTIONS and the mailing list must support that language.
If member does not refer to a valid member, the list's default language is returned instead of raising a NotAMemberError error. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getMemberOption(self, member, flag): """Return the boolean state of the member option for member KEY/LCE.
Option flags are defined in
If member does not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getMemberName(self, member): """Return the full name of the member KEY/LCE.
None is returned if the member has no registered full name. The returned value may be a Unicode string if there are non-ASCII characters in the name. NotAMemberError is raised if member does not refer to a valid member. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getMemberTopics(self, member): """Return the list of topics this member is interested in.
The return value is a list of strings which name the topics. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getDeliveryStatus(self, member): """Return the delivery status of this member.
Value is one of the module constants:
ENABLED - The deliveries to the user are not disabled UNKNOWN - Deliveries are disabled for unknown reasons. The primary reason for this to happen is that we've copied their delivery status from a legacy version which didn't keep track of disable reasons BYUSER - The user explicitly disable deliveries BYADMIN - The list administrator explicitly disabled deliveries BYBOUNCE - The system disabled deliveries due to bouncing
If member is not a member of the list, raise NotAMemberError. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getDeliveryStatusChangeTime(self, member): """Return the time of the last disabled delivery status change.
If the current delivery status is ENABLED, the status change time will be zero. If member is not a member of the list, raise NotAMemberError. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getDeliveryStatusMembers(self, status=(UNKNOWN, BYUSER, BYADMIN, BYBOUNCE)): """Return the list of members with a matching delivery status.
Optional `status' if given, must be a sequence containing one or more of ENABLED, UNKNOWN, BYUSER, BYADMIN, or BYBOUNCE. The members whose delivery status is in this sequence are returned. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getBouncingMembers(self): """Return the list of members who have outstanding bounce information.
This list of members doesn't necessarily overlap with getDeliveryStatusMembers() since getBouncingMembers() will return member who have bounced but not yet reached the disable threshold. """ raise NotImplementedError
def getBounceInfo(self, member): """Return the member's bounce information.
A value of None means there is no bounce information registered for the member.
Bounce info is opaque to the MemberAdaptor. It is set by setBounceInfo() and returned by this method without modification.
If member is not a member of the list, raise NotAMemberError. """ raise NotImplementedError
# # The writeable interface # def addNewMember(self, member, **kws): """Subscribes a new member to the mailing list.
member is the case-preserved address to subscribe. The LCE is calculated from this argument. Return the new member KEY.
This method also takes a keyword dictionary which can be used to set additional attributes on the member. The actual set of supported keywords is adaptor specific, but should at least include:
- digest == subscribing to digests instead of regular delivery - password == user's password - language == user's preferred language - realname == user's full name (should be Unicode if there are non-ASCII characters in the name)
Any values not passed to **kws is set to the adaptor-specific defaults.
Raise AlreadyAMemberError it the member is already subscribed to the list. Raises ValueError if **kws contains an invalid option. """ raise NotImplementedError
def removeMember(self, memberkey): """Unsubscribes the member from the mailing list.
Raise NotAMemberError if member is not subscribed to the list. """ raise NotImplementedError
def changeMemberAddress(self, memberkey, newaddress, nodelete=0): """Change the address for the member KEY.
memberkey will be a KEY, not an LCE. newaddress should be the new case-preserved address for the member; the LCE will be calculated from newaddress.
If memberkey does not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError. No verification on the new address is done here (such assertions should be performed by the caller).
If nodelete flag is true, then the old membership is not removed. """ raise NotImplementedError
def setMemberPassword(self, member, password): """Set the password for member LCE/KEY.
If member does not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError. Also raise BadPasswordError if the password is illegal (e.g. too short or easily guessed via a dictionary attack). """ raise NotImplementedError
def setMemberLanguage(self, member, language): """Set the language for the member LCE/KEY.
If member does not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError. Also raise BadLanguageError if the language is invalid (e.g. the list is not configured to support the given language). """ raise NotImplementedError
def setMemberOption(self, member, flag, value): """Set the option for the given member to value.
member is an LCE/KEY, flag is one of the option flags defined in, and value is a boolean.
If member does not refer to a valid member, raise NotAMemberError. Also raise BadOptionError if the flag does not refer to a valid option. """ raise NotImplementedError
def setMemberName(self, member, realname): """Set the member's full name.
member is an LCE/KEY and realname is an arbitrary string. It should be a Unicode string if there are non-ASCII characters in the name. NotAMemberError is raised if member does not refer to a valid member. """ raise NotImplementedError
def setMemberTopics(self, member, topics): """Add list of topics to member's interest.
member is an LCE/KEY and realname is an arbitrary string. NotAMemberError is raised if member does not refer to a valid member. topics must be a sequence of strings. """ raise NotImplementedError
def setDeliveryStatus(self, member, status): """Set the delivery status of the member's address.
Status must be one of the module constants:
ENABLED - The deliveries to the user are not disabled UNKNOWN - Deliveries are disabled for unknown reasons. The primary reason for this to happen is that we've copied their delivery status from a legacy version which didn't keep track of disable reasons BYUSER - The user explicitly disable deliveries BYADMIN - The list administrator explicitly disabled deliveries BYBOUNCE - The system disabled deliveries due to bouncing
This method also records the time (in seconds since epoch) at which the last status change was made. If the delivery status is changed to ENABLED, then the change time information will be deleted. This value is retrievable via getDeliveryStatusChangeTime(). """ raise NotImplementedError
def setBounceInfo(self, member, info): """Set the member's bounce information.
When info is None, any bounce info for the member is cleared.
Bounce info is opaque to the MemberAdaptor. It is set by this method and returned by getBounceInfo() without modification. """ raise NotImplementedError