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# Copyright (C) 1998-2006 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, # USA.
"""Add the message to the list's current digest and possibly send it."""
# Messages are accumulated to a Unix mailbox compatible file containing all # the messages destined for the digest. This file must be parsable by the # mailbox.UnixMailbox class (i.e. it must be ^From_ quoted). # # When the file reaches the size threshold, it is moved to the qfiles/digest # directory and the DigestRunner will craft the MIME, rfc1153, and # (eventually) URL-subject linked digests from the mbox.
import os import re import copy import time from types import ListType from cStringIO import StringIO
from email.Parser import Parser from email.Generator import Generator from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEMessage import MIMEMessage from email.Utils import getaddresses, formatdate from email.Header import decode_header, make_header, Header from email.Charset import Charset
from Mailman import mm_cfg from Mailman import Utils from Mailman import Message from Mailman import i18n from Mailman import Errors from Mailman.Mailbox import Mailbox from Mailman.MemberAdaptor import ENABLED from Mailman.Handlers.Decorate import decorate from Mailman.Queue.sbcache import get_switchboard from Mailman.Mailbox import Mailbox from Mailman.Handlers.Scrubber import process as scrubber from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
_ = i18n._
try: True, False except NameError: True = 1 False = 0
def process(mlist, msg, msgdata): # Short circuit non-digestable lists. if not mlist.digestable or msgdata.get('isdigest'): return mboxfile = os.path.join(mlist.fullpath(), 'digest.mbox') omask = os.umask(007) try: mboxfp = open(mboxfile, 'a+') finally: os.umask(omask) mbox = Mailbox(mboxfp) mbox.AppendMessage(msg) # Calculate the current size of the accumulation file. This will not tell # us exactly how big the MIME, rfc1153, or any other generated digest # message will be, but it's the most easily available metric to decide # whether the size threshold has been reached. mboxfp.flush() size = os.path.getsize(mboxfile) if size / 1024.0 >= mlist.digest_size_threshhold: # This is a bit of a kludge to get the mbox file moved to the digest # queue directory. try: # Enclose in try/except here because a error in send_digest() can # silently stop regular delivery. Unsuccessful digest delivery # should be tried again by cron and the site administrator will be # notified of any error explicitly by the cron error message. send_digests(mlist, mboxfp) os.unlink(mboxfile) except Exception, errmsg: # Bare except is generally prohibited in Mailman, but we can't # forecast what exceptions can occur here. syslog('error', 'send_digests() failed: %s', errmsg) mboxfp.close()
def send_digests(mlist, mboxfp): # Set the digest volume and time if mlist.digest_last_sent_at: bump = False # See if we should bump the digest volume number timetup = time.localtime(mlist.digest_last_sent_at) now = time.localtime(time.time()) freq = mlist.digest_volume_frequency if freq == 0 and timetup[0] < now[0]: # Yearly bump = True elif freq == 1 and timetup[1] <> now[1]: # Monthly, but we take a cheap way to calculate this. We assume # that the clock isn't going to be reset backwards. bump = True elif freq == 2 and (timetup[1] % 4 <> now[1] % 4): # Quarterly, same caveat bump = True elif freq == 3: # Once again, take a cheap way of calculating this weeknum_last = int(time.strftime('%W', timetup)) weeknum_now = int(time.strftime('%W', now)) if weeknum_now > weeknum_last or timetup[0] > now[0]: bump = True elif freq == 4 and timetup[7] <> now[7]: # Daily bump = True if bump: mlist.bump_digest_volume() mlist.digest_last_sent_at = time.time() # Wrapper around actually digest crafter to set up the language context # properly. All digests are translated to the list's preferred language. otranslation = i18n.get_translation() i18n.set_language(mlist.preferred_language) try: send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp) finally: i18n.set_translation(otranslation)
def send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp): mbox = Mailbox(mboxfp) # Prepare common information (first lang/charset) lang = mlist.preferred_language lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(lang) lcset_out = Charset(lcset).output_charset or lcset # Common Information (contd) realname = mlist.real_name volume = mlist.volume issue = mlist.next_digest_number digestid = _('%(realname)s Digest, Vol %(volume)d, Issue %(issue)d') digestsubj = Header(digestid, lcset, header_name='Subject') # Set things up for the MIME digest. Only headers not added by # CookHeaders need be added here. # Date/Message-ID should be added here also. mimemsg = Message.Message() mimemsg['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed' mimemsg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0' mimemsg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail() mimemsg['Subject'] = digestsubj mimemsg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail() mimemsg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail() mimemsg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=1) mimemsg['Message-ID'] = Utils.unique_message_id(mlist) # Set things up for the rfc1153 digest plainmsg = StringIO() rfc1153msg = Message.Message() rfc1153msg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail() rfc1153msg['Subject'] = digestsubj rfc1153msg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail() rfc1153msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail() rfc1153msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=1) rfc1153msg['Message-ID'] = Utils.unique_message_id(mlist) separator70 = '-' * 70 separator30 = '-' * 30 # In the rfc1153 digest, the masthead contains the digest boilerplate plus # any digest header. In the MIME digests, the masthead and digest header # are separate MIME subobjects. In either case, it's the first thing in # the digest, and we can calculate it now, so go ahead and add it now. mastheadtxt = Utils.maketext( 'masthead.txt', {'real_name' : mlist.real_name, 'got_list_email': mlist.GetListEmail(), 'got_listinfo_url': mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1), 'got_request_email': mlist.GetRequestEmail(), 'got_owner_email': mlist.GetOwnerEmail(), }, mlist=mlist) # MIME masthead = MIMEText(mastheadtxt, _charset=lcset) masthead['Content-Description'] = digestid mimemsg.attach(masthead) # RFC 1153 print >> plainmsg, mastheadtxt print >> plainmsg # Now add the optional digest header if mlist.digest_header: headertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_header, _('digest header')) # MIME header = MIMEText(headertxt, _charset=lcset) header['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Header') mimemsg.attach(header) # RFC 1153 print >> plainmsg, headertxt print >> plainmsg # Now we have to cruise through all the messages accumulated in the # mailbox file. We can't add these messages to the plainmsg and mimemsg # yet, because we first have to calculate the table of contents # (i.e. grok out all the Subjects). Store the messages in a list until # we're ready for them. # # Meanwhile prepare things for the table of contents toc = StringIO() print >> toc, _("Today's Topics:\n") # Now cruise through all the messages in the mailbox of digest messages, # building the MIME payload and core of the RFC 1153 digest. We'll also # accumulate Subject: headers and authors for the table-of-contents. messages = [] msgcount = 0 msg = while msg is not None: if msg == '': # It was an unparseable message msg = continue msgcount += 1 messages.append(msg) # Get the Subject header msgsubj = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)')) subject = Utils.oneline(msgsubj, lcset) # Don't include the redundant subject prefix in the toc mo = re.match('(re:? *)?(%s)' % re.escape(mlist.subject_prefix), subject, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: subject = subject[:mo.start(2)] + subject[mo.end(2):] username = '' addresses = getaddresses([Utils.oneline(msg.get('from', ''), lcset)]) # Take only the first author we find if isinstance(addresses, ListType) and addresses: username = addresses[0][0] if not username: username = addresses[0][1] if username: username = ' (%s)' % username # Put count and Wrap the toc subject line wrapped = Utils.wrap('%2d. %s' % (msgcount, subject), 65) slines = wrapped.split('\n') # See if the user's name can fit on the last line if len(slines[-1]) + len(username) > 70: slines.append(username) else: slines[-1] += username # Add this subject to the accumulating topics first = True for line in slines: if first: print >> toc, ' ', line first = False else: print >> toc, ' ', line.lstrip() # We do not want all the headers of the original message to leak # through in the digest messages. For this phase, we'll leave the # same set of headers in both digests, i.e. those required in RFC 1153 # plus a couple of other useful ones. We also need to reorder the # headers according to RFC 1153. Later, we'll strip out headers for # for the specific MIME or plain digests. keeper = {} all_keepers = {} for header in (mm_cfg.MIME_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS + mm_cfg.PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS): all_keepers[header] = True all_keepers = all_keepers.keys() for keep in all_keepers: keeper[keep] = msg.get_all(keep, []) # Now remove all unkempt headers :) for header in msg.keys(): del msg[header] # And add back the kept header in the RFC 1153 designated order for keep in all_keepers: for field in keeper[keep]: msg[keep] = field # And a bit of extra stuff msg['Message'] = `msgcount` # Get the next message in the digest mailbox msg = # Now we're finished with all the messages in the digest. First do some # sanity checking and then on to adding the toc. if msgcount == 0: # Why did we even get here? return toctext = toc.getvalue() # MIME tocpart = MIMEText(toctext, _charset=lcset) tocpart['Content-Description']= _("Today's Topics (%(msgcount)d messages)") mimemsg.attach(tocpart) # RFC 1153 print >> plainmsg, toctext print >> plainmsg # For RFC 1153 digests, we now need the standard separator print >> plainmsg, separator70 print >> plainmsg # Now go through and add each message mimedigest = MIMEBase('multipart', 'digest') mimemsg.attach(mimedigest) first = True for msg in messages: # MIME. Make a copy of the message object since the rfc1153 # processing scrubs out attachments. mimedigest.attach(MIMEMessage(copy.deepcopy(msg))) # rfc1153 if first: first = False else: print >> plainmsg, separator30 print >> plainmsg # Use Mailman.Handlers.Scrubber.process() to get plain text try: msg = scrubber(mlist, msg) except Errors.DiscardMessage: print >> plainmsg, _('[Message discarded by content filter]') continue # Honor the default setting for h in mm_cfg.PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS: if msg[h]: uh = Utils.wrap('%s: %s' % (h, Utils.oneline(msg[h], lcset))) uh = '\n\t'.join(uh.split('\n')) print >> plainmsg, uh print >> plainmsg # If decoded payload is empty, this may be multipart message. # -- just stringfy it. payload = msg.get_payload(decode=True) \ or msg.as_string().split('\n\n',1)[1] mcset = msg.get_content_charset('') if mcset and mcset <> lcset and mcset <> lcset_out: try: payload = unicode(payload, mcset, 'replace' ).encode(lcset, 'replace') except (UnicodeError, LookupError): # TK: Message has something unknown charset. # _out means charset in 'outer world'. payload = unicode(payload, lcset_out, 'replace' ).encode(lcset, 'replace') print >> plainmsg, payload if not payload.endswith('\n'): print >> plainmsg # Now add the footer if mlist.digest_footer: footertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_footer, _('digest footer')) # MIME footer = MIMEText(footertxt, _charset=lcset) footer['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Footer') mimemsg.attach(footer) # RFC 1153 # BAW: This is not strictly conformant RFC 1153. The trailer is only # supposed to contain two lines, i.e. the "End of ... Digest" line and # the row of asterisks. If this screws up MUAs, the solution is to # add the footer as the last message in the RFC 1153 digest. I just # hate the way that VM does that and I think it's confusing to users, # so don't do it unless there's a clamor. print >> plainmsg, separator30 print >> plainmsg print >> plainmsg, footertxt print >> plainmsg # Do the last bit of stuff for each digest type signoff = _('End of ') + digestid # MIME # BAW: This stuff is outside the normal MIME goo, and it's what the old # MIME digester did. No one seemed to complain, probably because you # won't see it in an MUA that can't display the raw message. We've never # got complaints before, but if we do, just wax this. It's primarily # included for (marginally useful) backwards compatibility. mimemsg.postamble = signoff # rfc1153 print >> plainmsg, signoff print >> plainmsg, '*' * len(signoff) # Do our final bit of housekeeping, and then send each message to the # outgoing queue for delivery. mlist.next_digest_number += 1 virginq = get_switchboard(mm_cfg.VIRGINQUEUE_DIR) # Calculate the recipients lists plainrecips = [] mimerecips = [] drecips = mlist.getDigestMemberKeys() + mlist.one_last_digest.keys() for user in mlist.getMemberCPAddresses(drecips): # user might be None if someone who toggled off digest delivery # subsequently unsubscribed from the mailing list. Also, filter out # folks who have disabled delivery. if user is None or mlist.getDeliveryStatus(user) <> ENABLED: continue # Otherwise, decide whether they get MIME or RFC 1153 digests if mlist.getMemberOption(user, mm_cfg.DisableMime): plainrecips.append(user) else: mimerecips.append(user) # Zap this since we're now delivering the last digest to these folks. mlist.one_last_digest.clear() # MIME virginq.enqueue(mimemsg, recips=mimerecips, listname=mlist.internal_name(), isdigest=True) # RFC 1153 rfc1153msg.set_payload(plainmsg.getvalue(), lcset) virginq.enqueue(rfc1153msg, recips=plainrecips, listname=mlist.internal_name(), isdigest=True)