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# Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, # USA.
"""Confirm a pending action via URL."""
import signal import cgi import time
from Mailman import mm_cfg from Mailman import Errors from Mailman import i18n from Mailman import MailList from Mailman import Pending from Mailman.UserDesc import UserDesc from Mailman.htmlformat import * from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
# Set up i18n _ = i18n._ i18n.set_language(mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE)
try: True, False except NameError: True = 1 False = 0
def main(): doc = Document() doc.set_language(mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE)
parts = Utils.GetPathPieces() if not parts or len(parts) < 1: bad_confirmation(doc) doc.AddItem(MailmanLogo()) print doc.Format() return
listname = parts[0].lower() try: mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0) except Errors.MMListError, e: # Avoid cross-site scripting attacks safelistname = Utils.websafe(listname) bad_confirmation(doc, _('No such list <em>%(safelistname)s</em>')) doc.AddItem(MailmanLogo()) print doc.Format() syslog('error', 'No such list "%s": %s', listname, e) return
# Set the language for the list i18n.set_language(mlist.preferred_language) doc.set_language(mlist.preferred_language)
# Get the form data to see if this is a second-step confirmation cgidata = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=1) cookie = cgidata.getvalue('cookie') if cookie == '': ask_for_cookie(mlist, doc, _('Confirmation string was empty.')) return
if not cookie and len(parts) == 2: cookie = parts[1]
if len(parts) > 2: bad_confirmation(doc) doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter()) print doc.Format() return
if not cookie: ask_for_cookie(mlist, doc) return
days = int(mm_cfg.PENDING_REQUEST_LIFE / mm_cfg.days(1) + 0.5) confirmurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1) # Avoid cross-site scripting attacks safecookie = Utils.websafe(cookie) badconfirmstr = _('''<b>Invalid confirmation string:</b> %(safecookie)s.
<p>Note that confirmation strings expire approximately %(days)s days after the initial subscription request. If your confirmation has expired, please try to re-submit your subscription. Otherwise, <a href="%(confirmurl)s">re-enter</a> your confirmation string.''')
content = mlist.pend_confirm(cookie, expunge=False) if content is None: bad_confirmation(doc, badconfirmstr) doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter()) print doc.Format() return
try: if content[0] == Pending.SUBSCRIPTION: if cgidata.getvalue('cancel'): subscription_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie) elif cgidata.getvalue('submit'): subscription_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie, cgidata) else: subscription_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, content[1]) elif content[0] == Pending.UNSUBSCRIPTION: try: if cgidata.getvalue('cancel'): unsubscription_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie) elif cgidata.getvalue('submit'): unsubscription_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie) else: unsubscription_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, *content[1:]) except Errors.NotAMemberError: doc.addError(_("""The address requesting unsubscription is not a member of the mailing list. Perhaps you have already been unsubscribed, e.g. by the list administrator?""")) # Expunge this record from the pending database. expunge(mlist, cookie) elif content[0] == Pending.CHANGE_OF_ADDRESS: if cgidata.getvalue('cancel'): addrchange_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie) elif cgidata.getvalue('submit'): addrchange_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie) else: # Watch out for users who have unsubscribed themselves in the # meantime! try: addrchange_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, *content[1:]) except Errors.NotAMemberError: doc.addError(_("""The address requesting to be changed has been subsequently unsubscribed. This request has been cancelled.""")) # Expunge this record from the pending database. expunge(mlist, cookie) elif content[0] == Pending.HELD_MESSAGE: if cgidata.getvalue('cancel'): heldmsg_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie) elif cgidata.getvalue('submit'): heldmsg_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie) else: heldmsg_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, *content[1:]) elif content[0] == Pending.RE_ENABLE: if cgidata.getvalue('cancel'): reenable_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie) elif cgidata.getvalue('submit'): reenable_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie) else: reenable_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, *content[1:]) else: bad_confirmation(doc, _('System error, bad content: %(content)s')) except Errors.MMBadConfirmation: bad_confirmation(doc, badconfirmstr)
doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter()) print doc.Format()
def bad_confirmation(doc, extra=''): title = _('Bad confirmation string') doc.SetTitle(title) doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(title, color='#ff0000', size='+2')))) doc.AddItem(extra)
def expunge(mlist, cookie): # Expunge this record from the list's pending database. This requires # that the list lock be acquired, however the list doesn't need to be # saved because this operation doesn't touch the config.pck file. mlist.Lock() try: mlist.pend_confirm(cookie, expunge=True) finally: mlist.Unlock()
def ask_for_cookie(mlist, doc, extra=''): title = _('Enter confirmation cookie') doc.SetTitle(title) form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('confirm', 1)) table = Table(border=0, width='100%') table.AddRow([Center(Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+1')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
if extra: table.AddRow([Bold(FontAttr(extra, size='+1'))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
# Add cookie entry box table.AddRow([_("""Please enter the confirmation string (i.e. <em>cookie</em>) that you received in your email message, in the box below. Then hit the <em>Submit</em> button to proceed to the next confirmation step.""")]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([Label(_('Confirmation string:')), TextBox('cookie')]) table.AddRow([Center(SubmitButton('submit_cookie', _('Submit')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) form.AddItem(table) doc.AddItem(form) doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter()) print doc.Format()
def subscription_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, userdesc): email = userdesc.address password = userdesc.password digest = userdesc.digest lang = userdesc.language name = Utils.uncanonstr(userdesc.fullname, lang) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) title = _('Confirm subscription request') doc.SetTitle(title)
form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('confirm', 1)) table = Table(border=0, width='100%') table.AddRow([Center(Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+1')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
listname = mlist.real_name # This is the normal, no-confirmation required results text. # # We do things this way so we don't have to reformat this paragraph, which # would mess up translations. If you modify this text for other reasons, # please refill the paragraph, and clean up the logic. result = _("""Your confirmation is required in order to complete the subscription request to the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>. Your subscription settings are shown below; make any necessary changes and hit <em>Subscribe</em> to complete the confirmation process. Once you've confirmed your subscription request, you will be shown your account options page which you can use to further customize your membership options.
<p>Note: your password will be emailed to you once your subscription is confirmed. You can change it by visiting your personal options page.
<p>Or hit <em>Cancel my subscription request</em> if you no longer want to subscribe to this list.""") + '<p><hr>' if mlist.subscribe_policy in (2, 3): # Confirmation is required result = _("""Your confirmation is required in order to continue with the subscription request to the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>. Your subscription settings are shown below; make any necessary changes and hit <em>Subscribe to list ...</em> to complete the confirmation process. Once you've confirmed your subscription request, the moderator must approve or reject your membership request. You will receive notice of their decision.
<p>Note: your password will be emailed to you once your subscription is confirmed. You can change it by visiting your personal options page.
<p>Or, if you've changed your mind and do not want to subscribe to this mailing list, you can hit <em>Cancel my subscription request</em>.""") + '<p><hr>' table.AddRow([result]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
table.AddRow([Label(_('Your email address:')), email]) table.AddRow([Label(_('Your real name:')), TextBox('realname', name)]) ## table.AddRow([Label(_('Password:')), ## PasswordBox('password', password)]) ## table.AddRow([Label(_('Password (confirm):')), ## PasswordBox('pwconfirm', password)]) # Only give them a choice to receive digests if they actually have a # choice <wink>. if mlist.nondigestable and mlist.digestable: table.AddRow([Label(_('Receive digests?')), RadioButtonArray('digests', (_('No'), _('Yes')), checked=digest, values=(0, 1))]) langs = mlist.GetAvailableLanguages() values = [_(Utils.GetLanguageDescr(l)) for l in langs] try: selected = langs.index(lang) except ValueError: selected = lang.index(mlist.preferred_language) table.AddRow([Label(_('Preferred language:')), SelectOptions('language', langs, values, selected)]) table.AddRow([Hidden('cookie', cookie)]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([ Label(SubmitButton('cancel', _('Cancel my subscription request'))), SubmitButton('submit', _('Subscribe to list %(listname)s')) ]) form.AddItem(table) doc.AddItem(form)
def subscription_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie): mlist.Lock() try: # Discard this cookie userdesc = mlist.pend_confirm(cookie)[1] finally: mlist.Unlock() lang = userdesc.language i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) doc.AddItem(_('You have canceled your subscription request.'))
def subscription_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie, cgidata): # See the comment in about the need for the signal # handler. def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist): mlist.Unlock() sys.exit(0)
listname = mlist.real_name mlist.Lock() try: try: # Some pending values may be overridden in the form. email of # course is hardcoded. ;) lang = cgidata.getvalue('language') if not Utils.IsLanguage(lang): lang = mlist.preferred_language i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) if cgidata.has_key('digests'): try: digest = int(cgidata.getvalue('digests')) except ValueError: digest = None else: digest = None userdesc = mlist.pend_confirm(cookie, expunge=False)[1] fullname = cgidata.getvalue('realname', None) if fullname is not None: fullname = Utils.canonstr(fullname, lang) overrides = UserDesc(fullname=fullname, digest=digest, lang=lang) userdesc += overrides op, addr, pw, digest, lang = mlist.ProcessConfirmation( cookie, userdesc) except Errors.MMNeedApproval: title = _('Awaiting moderator approval') doc.SetTitle(title) doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+2')))) doc.AddItem(_("""\ You have successfully confirmed your subscription request to the mailing list %(listname)s, however final approval is required from the list moderator before you will be subscribed. Your request has been forwarded to the list moderator, and you will be notified of the moderator's decision.""")) except Errors.NotAMemberError: bad_confirmation(doc, _('''Invalid confirmation string. It is possible that you are attempting to confirm a request for an address that has already been unsubscribed.''')) except Errors.MMAlreadyAMember: doc.addError(_("You are already a member of this mailing list!")) except Errors.MembershipIsBanned: owneraddr = mlist.GetOwnerEmail() doc.addError(_("""You are currently banned from subscribing to this list. If you think this restriction is erroneous, please contact the list owners at %(owneraddr)s.""")) except Errors.HostileSubscriptionError: doc.addError(_("""\ You were not invited to this mailing list. The invitation has been discarded, and both list administrators have been alerted.""")) else: # Use the user's preferred language i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) # The response listname = mlist.real_name title = _('Subscription request confirmed') optionsurl = mlist.GetOptionsURL(addr, absolute=1) doc.SetTitle(title) doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+2')))) doc.AddItem(_('''\ You have successfully confirmed your subscription request for "%(addr)s" to the %(listname)s mailing list. A separate confirmation message will be sent to your email address, along with your password, and other useful information and links.
<p>You can now <a href="%(optionsurl)s">proceed to your membership login page</a>.''')) mlist.Save() finally: mlist.Unlock()
def unsubscription_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie): # Expunge this record from the pending database expunge(mlist, cookie) doc.AddItem(_('You have canceled your unsubscription request.'))
def unsubscription_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie): # See the comment in about the need for the signal # handler. def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist): mlist.Unlock() sys.exit(0)
mlist.Lock() try: try: # Do this in two steps so we can get the preferred language for # the user who is unsubscribing. op, addr = mlist.pend_confirm(cookie, expunge=False) lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(addr) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) op, addr = mlist.ProcessConfirmation(cookie) except Errors.NotAMemberError: bad_confirmation(doc, _('''Invalid confirmation string. It is possible that you are attempting to confirm a request for an address that has already been unsubscribed.''')) else: # The response listname = mlist.real_name title = _('Unsubscription request confirmed') listinfourl = mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1) doc.SetTitle(title) doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+2')))) doc.AddItem(_("""\ You have successfully unsubscribed from the %(listname)s mailing list. You can now <a href="%(listinfourl)s">visit the list's main information page</a>.""")) mlist.Save() finally: mlist.Unlock()
def unsubscription_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, addr): title = _('Confirm unsubscription request') doc.SetTitle(title) lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(addr) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang)
form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('confirm', 1)) table = Table(border=0, width='100%') table.AddRow([Center(Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+1')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
listname = mlist.real_name fullname = mlist.getMemberName(addr) if fullname is None: fullname = _('<em>Not available</em>') else: fullname = Utils.websafe(Utils.uncanonstr(fullname, lang)) table.AddRow([_("""Your confirmation is required in order to complete the unsubscription request from the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>. You are currently subscribed with
<ul><li><b>Real name:</b> %(fullname)s <li><b>Email address:</b> %(addr)s </ul>
Hit the <em>Unsubscribe</em> button below to complete the confirmation process.
<p>Or hit <em>Cancel and discard</em> to cancel this unsubscription request.""") + '<p><hr>']) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([Hidden('cookie', cookie)]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([SubmitButton('submit', _('Unsubscribe')), SubmitButton('cancel', _('Cancel and discard'))])
form.AddItem(table) doc.AddItem(form)
def addrchange_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie): # Expunge this record from the pending database expunge(mlist, cookie) doc.AddItem(_('You have canceled your change of address request.'))
def addrchange_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie): # See the comment in about the need for the signal # handler. def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist): mlist.Unlock() sys.exit(0)
mlist.Lock() try: try: # Do this in two steps so we can get the preferred language for # the user who is unsubscribing. op, oldaddr, newaddr, globally = mlist.pend_confirm( cookie, expunge=False) lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(oldaddr) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) op, oldaddr, newaddr = mlist.ProcessConfirmation(cookie) except Errors.NotAMemberError: bad_confirmation(doc, _('''Invalid confirmation string. It is possible that you are attempting to confirm a request for an address that has already been unsubscribed.''')) except Errors.MembershipIsBanned: owneraddr = mlist.GetOwnerEmail() realname = mlist.real_name doc.addError(_("""%(newaddr)s is banned from subscribing to the %(realname)s list. If you think this restriction is erroneous, please contact the list owners at %(owneraddr)s.""")) except Errors.MMAlreadyAMember: realname = mlist.real_name bad_confirmation(doc, _("""%(newaddr)s is already a member of the %(realname)s list. It is possible that you are attempting to confirm a request for an address that has already been subscribed.""")) else: # The response listname = mlist.real_name title = _('Change of address request confirmed') optionsurl = mlist.GetOptionsURL(newaddr, absolute=1) doc.SetTitle(title) doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+2')))) doc.AddItem(_("""\ You have successfully changed your address on the %(listname)s mailing list from <b>%(oldaddr)s</b> to <b>%(newaddr)s</b>. You can now <a href="%(optionsurl)s">proceed to your membership login page</a>.""")) mlist.Save() finally: mlist.Unlock()
def addrchange_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, oldaddr, newaddr, globally): title = _('Confirm change of address request') doc.SetTitle(title) lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(oldaddr) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang)
form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('confirm', 1)) table = Table(border=0, width='100%') table.AddRow([Center(Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+1')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
listname = mlist.real_name fullname = mlist.getMemberName(oldaddr) if fullname is None: fullname = _('<em>Not available</em>') else: fullname = Utils.websafe(Utils.uncanonstr(fullname, lang)) if globally: globallys = _('globally') else: globallys = '' table.AddRow([_("""Your confirmation is required in order to complete the change of address request for the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>. You are currently subscribed with
<ul><li><b>Real name:</b> %(fullname)s <li><b>Old email address:</b> %(oldaddr)s </ul>
and you have requested to %(globallys)s change your email address to
<ul><li><b>New email address:</b> %(newaddr)s </ul>
Hit the <em>Change address</em> button below to complete the confirmation process.
<p>Or hit <em>Cancel and discard</em> to cancel this change of address request.""") + '<p><hr>']) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([Hidden('cookie', cookie)]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([SubmitButton('submit', _('Change address')), SubmitButton('cancel', _('Cancel and discard'))])
form.AddItem(table) doc.AddItem(form)
def heldmsg_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie): title = _('Continue awaiting approval') doc.SetTitle(title) table = Table(border=0, width='100%') table.AddRow([Center(Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+1')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR) # Expunge this record from the pending database. expunge(mlist, cookie) table.AddRow([_('''Okay, the list moderator will still have the opportunity to approve or reject this message.''')]) doc.AddItem(table)
def heldmsg_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie): # See the comment in about the need for the signal # handler. def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist): mlist.Unlock() sys.exit(0)
mlist.Lock() try: try: # Do this in two steps so we can get the preferred language for # the user who posted the message. op, id = mlist.pend_confirm(cookie) ign, sender, msgsubject, ign, ign, ign = mlist.GetRecord(id) lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(sender) subject = Utils.websafe(Utils.oneline(msgsubject, Utils.GetCharSet(lang))) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) # Discard the message mlist.HandleRequest(id, mm_cfg.DISCARD, _('Sender discarded message via web.')) except Errors.LostHeldMessage: bad_confirmation(doc, _('''The held message with the Subject: header <em>%(subject)s</em> could not be found. The most likely reason for this is that the list moderator has already approved or rejected the message. You were not able to cancel it in time.''')) else: # The response listname = mlist.real_name title = _('Posted message canceled') doc.SetTitle(title) doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+2')))) doc.AddItem(_('''\ You have successfully canceled the posting of your message with the Subject: header <em>%(subject)s</em> to the mailing list %(listname)s.''')) mlist.Save() finally: mlist.Unlock()
def heldmsg_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, id): title = _('Cancel held message posting') doc.SetTitle(title) form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('confirm', 1)) table = Table(border=0, width='100%') table.AddRow([Center(Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+1')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR) # Blarg. The list must be locked in order to interact with the ListAdmin # database, even for read-only. See the comment in about the # need for the signal handler. def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist): mlist.Unlock() sys.exit(0) # Get the record, but watch for KeyErrors which mean the admin has already # disposed of this message. mlist.Lock() try: try: data = mlist.GetRecord(id) except KeyError: data = None finally: mlist.Unlock()
if data is None: bad_confirmation(doc, _("""The held message you were referred to has already been handled by the list administrator.""")) return
# Unpack the data and present the confirmation message ign, sender, msgsubject, givenreason, ign, ign = data # Now set the language to the sender's preferred. lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(sender) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang)
subject = Utils.websafe(Utils.oneline(msgsubject, Utils.GetCharSet(lang))) reason = Utils.websafe(_(givenreason)) listname = mlist.real_name table.AddRow([_('''Your confirmation is required in order to cancel the posting of your message to the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>:
<ul><li><b>Sender:</b> %(sender)s <li><b>Subject:</b> %(subject)s <li><b>Reason:</b> %(reason)s </ul>
Hit the <em>Cancel posting</em> button to discard the posting.
<p>Or hit the <em>Continue awaiting approval</em> button to continue to allow the list moderator to approve or reject the message.''') + '<p><hr>']) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([Hidden('cookie', cookie)]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([SubmitButton('submit', _('Cancel posting')), SubmitButton('cancel', _('Continue awaiting approval'))])
form.AddItem(table) doc.AddItem(form)
def reenable_cancel(mlist, doc, cookie): # Don't actually discard this cookie, since the user may decide to # re-enable their membership at a future time, and we may be sending out # future notifications with this cookie value. doc.AddItem(_("""You have canceled the re-enabling of your membership. If we continue to receive bounces from your address, it could be deleted from this mailing list."""))
def reenable_confirm(mlist, doc, cookie): # See the comment in about the need for the signal # handler. def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist): mlist.Unlock() sys.exit(0)
mlist.Lock() try: try: # Do this in two steps so we can get the preferred language for # the user who is unsubscribing. op, listname, addr = mlist.pend_confirm(cookie, expunge=False) lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(addr) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang) op, addr = mlist.ProcessConfirmation(cookie) except Errors.NotAMemberError: bad_confirmation(doc, _('''Invalid confirmation string. It is possible that you are attempting to confirm a request for an address that has already been unsubscribed.''')) else: # The response listname = mlist.real_name title = _('Membership re-enabled.') optionsurl = mlist.GetOptionsURL(addr, absolute=1) doc.SetTitle(title) doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+2')))) doc.AddItem(_("""\ You have successfully re-enabled your membership in the %(listname)s mailing list. You can now <a href="%(optionsurl)s">visit your member options page</a>. """)) mlist.Save() finally: mlist.Unlock()
def reenable_prompt(mlist, doc, cookie, list, member): title = _('Re-enable mailing list membership') doc.SetTitle(title) form = Form(mlist.GetScriptURL('confirm', 1)) table = Table(border=0, width='100%') table.AddRow([Center(Bold(FontAttr(title, size='+1')))]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
lang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(member) i18n.set_language(lang) doc.set_language(lang)
realname = mlist.real_name info = mlist.getBounceInfo(member) if not info: listinfourl = mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1) # They've already be unsubscribed table.AddRow([_("""We're sorry, but you have already been unsubscribed from this mailing list. To re-subscribe, please visit the <a href="%(listinfourl)s">list information page</a>.""")]) return
date = time.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y', time.localtime(time.mktime( + (0,)*6))) daysleft = int(info.noticesleft * mlist.bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval / mm_cfg.days(1)) # BAW: for consistency this should be changed to 'fullname' or the above # 'fullname's should be changed to 'username'. Don't want to muck with # the i18n catalogs though. username = mlist.getMemberName(member) if username is None: username = _('<em>not available</em>') else: username = Utils.websafe(Utils.uncanonstr(username, lang))
table.AddRow([_("""Your membership in the %(realname)s mailing list is currently disabled due to excessive bounces. Your confirmation is required in order to re-enable delivery to your address. We have the following information on file:
<ul><li><b>Member address:</b> %(member)s <li><b>Member name:</b> %(username)s <li><b>Last bounce received on:</b> %(date)s <li><b>Approximate number of days before you are permanently removed from this list:</b> %(daysleft)s </ul>
Hit the <em>Re-enable membership</em> button to resume receiving postings from the mailing list. Or hit the <em>Cancel</em> button to defer re-enabling your membership. """)])
table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([Hidden('cookie', cookie)]) table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2) table.AddRow([SubmitButton('submit', _('Re-enable membership')), SubmitButton('cancel', _('Cancel'))])
form.AddItem(table) doc.AddItem(form)