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#! /usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import nested_scopes
import mailbox import os import re import sys import time from email.Utils import parseaddr, parsedate_tz, mktime_tz, formatdate import cPickle as pickle from cStringIO import StringIO from string import lowercase
__version__ = '0.09 (Mailman edition)' VERSION = __version__ CACHESIZE = 100 # Number of slots in the cache
from Mailman import Errors from Mailman.Mailbox import ArchiverMailbox from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog from Mailman.i18n import _
# True/False try: True, False except NameError: True = 1 False = 0
SPACE = ' '
msgid_pat = re.compile(r'(<.*>)') def strip_separators(s): "Remove quotes or parenthesization from a Message-ID string" if not s: return "" if s[0] in '"<([' and s[-1] in '">)]': s = s[1:-1] return s
smallNameParts = ['van', 'von', 'der', 'de']
def fixAuthor(author): "Canonicalize a name into Last, First format" # If there's a comma, guess that it's already in "Last, First" format if ',' in author: return author L = author.split() i = len(L) - 1 if i == 0: return author # The string's one word--forget it if author.upper() == author or author.lower() == author: # Damn, the name is all upper- or lower-case. while i > 0 and L[i-1].lower() in smallNameParts: i = i - 1 else: # Mixed case; assume that small parts of the last name will be # in lowercase, and check them against the list. while i>0 and (L[i-1][0] in lowercase or L[i-1].lower() in smallNameParts): i = i - 1 author = SPACE.join(L[-1:] + L[i:-1]) + ', ' + SPACE.join(L[:i]) return author
# Abstract class for databases
class DatabaseInterface: def __init__(self): pass def close(self): pass def getArticle(self, archive, msgid): pass def hasArticle(self, archive, msgid): pass def addArticle(self, archive, article, subject=None, author=None, date=None): pass def firstdate(self, archive): pass def lastdate(self, archive): pass def first(self, archive, index): pass def next(self, archive, index): pass def numArticles(self, archive): pass def newArchive(self, archive): pass def setThreadKey(self, archive, key, msgid): pass def getOldestArticle(self, subject): pass
class Database(DatabaseInterface): """Define the basic sorting logic for a database
Assumes that the database internally uses dateIndex, authorIndex, etc. """
# TBD Factor out more of the logic shared between BSDDBDatabase # and HyperDatabase and place it in this class.
def __init__(self): # This method need not be called by subclasses that do their # own initialization. self.dateIndex = {} self.authorIndex = {} self.subjectIndex = {} self.articleIndex = {} self.changed = {}
def addArticle(self, archive, article, subject=None, author=None, date=None): # create the keys; always end w/ msgid which will be unique authorkey = (author or,, article.msgid) subjectkey = (subject or article.subject,, article.msgid) datekey = date or, article.msgid
# Add the new article self.dateIndex[datekey] = article.msgid self.authorIndex[authorkey] = article.msgid self.subjectIndex[subjectkey] = article.msgid
self.store_article(article) self.changed[archive, article.msgid] = None
parentID = article.parentID if parentID is not None and self.articleIndex.has_key(parentID): parent = self.getArticle(archive, parentID) myThreadKey = (parent.threadKey + + '.' + str(article.sequence) + '-') else: myThreadKey = + '.' + str(article.sequence) + '-' article.threadKey = myThreadKey key = myThreadKey, article.msgid self.setThreadKey(archive, key, article.msgid)
def store_article(self, article): """Store article without message body to save space""" # TBD this is not thread safe! temp = article.body temp2 = article.html_body article.body = [] del article.html_body self.articleIndex[article.msgid] = pickle.dumps(article) article.body = temp article.html_body = temp2
# The Article class encapsulates a single posting. The attributes # are: # # sequence : Sequence number, unique for each article in a set of archives # subject : Subject # datestr : The posting date, in human-readable format # date : The posting date, in purely numeric format # headers : Any other headers of interest # author : The author's name (and possibly organization) # email : The author's e-mail address # msgid : A unique message ID # in_reply_to: If != "", this is the msgid of the article being replied to # references : A (possibly empty) list of msgid's of earlier articles # in the thread # body : A list of strings making up the message body
class Article: _last_article_time = time.time()
def __init__(self, message = None, sequence = 0, keepHeaders = []): if message is None: return self.sequence = sequence
self.parentID = None self.threadKey = None # otherwise the current sequence number is used. id = strip_separators(message['Message-Id']) if id == "": self.msgid = str(self.sequence) else: self.msgid = id
if message.has_key('Subject'): self.subject = str(message['Subject']) else: self.subject = _('No subject') if self.subject == "": self.subject = _('No subject')
# Figure out the e-mail address and poster's name. Use the From: # field first, followed by Reply-To:, = parseaddr(message.get('From', '')) e = message['Reply-To'] if not and e is not None: ignoreauthor, = parseaddr(e) = strip_separators( = strip_separators(
if == "": =
# Save the In-Reply-To:, References:, and Message-ID: lines # # TBD: The original code does some munging on these fields, which # shouldn't be necessary, but changing this may break code. For # safety, I save the original headers on different attributes for use # in writing the plain text periodic flat files. self._in_reply_to = message['in-reply-to'] self._references = message['references'] self._message_id = message['message-id']
i_r_t = message['In-Reply-To'] if i_r_t is None: self.in_reply_to = '' else: match = if match is None: self.in_reply_to = '' else: self.in_reply_to = strip_separators(
references = message['References'] if references is None: self.references = [] else: self.references = map(strip_separators, references.split())
# Save any other interesting headers self.headers = {} for i in keepHeaders: if message.has_key(i): self.headers[i] = message[i]
# Read the message body s = StringIO(message.get_payload(decode=True)\ or message.as_string().split('\n\n',1)[1]) self.body = s.readlines()
def _set_date(self, message): def floatdate(header): missing = [] datestr = message.get(header, missing) if datestr is missing: return None date = parsedate_tz(datestr) try: return mktime_tz(date) except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError): return None date = floatdate('date') if date is None: date = floatdate('x-list-received-date') if date is None: # What's left to try? date = self._last_article_time + 1 self._last_article_time = date = '%011i' % date self.datestr = message.get('date') \ or message.get('x-list-received-date') \ or formatdate(date)
def __repr__(self): return '<Article ID = '+repr(self.msgid)+'>'
def finished_update_article(self): pass
# Pipermail formatter class
class T: DIRMODE = 0755 # Mode to give to created directories FILEMODE = 0644 # Mode to give to created files INDEX_EXT = ".html" # Extension for indexes
def __init__(self, basedir = None, reload = 1, database = None): # If basedir isn't provided, assume the current directory if basedir is None: self.basedir = os.getcwd() else: basedir = os.path.expanduser(basedir) self.basedir = basedir self.database = database
# If the directory doesn't exist, create it. This code shouldn't get # run anymore, we create the directory in It should only # get used by legacy lists created that are only receiving their first # message in the HTML archive now -- Marc try: os.stat(self.basedir) except os.error, errdata: errno, errmsg = errdata if errno != 2: raise os.error, errdata else: self.message(_('Creating archive directory ') + self.basedir) omask = os.umask(0) try: os.mkdir(self.basedir, self.DIRMODE) finally: os.umask(omask)
# Try to load previously pickled state try: if not reload: raise IOError f = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'pipermail.pck'), 'r') self.message(_('Reloading pickled archive state')) d = pickle.load(f) f.close() for key, value in d.items(): setattr(self, key, value) except (IOError, EOFError): # No pickled version, so initialize various attributes self.archives = [] # Archives self._dirty_archives = [] # Archives that will have to be updated self.sequence = 0 # Sequence variable used for # numbering articles self.update_TOC = 0 # Does the TOC need updating? # # make the basedir variable work when passed in as an __init__ arg # and different from the one in the pickle. Let the one passed in # as an __init__ arg take precedence if it's stated. This way, an # archive can be moved from one place to another and still work. # if basedir != self.basedir: self.basedir = basedir
def close(self): "Close an archive, save its state, and update any changed archives." self.update_dirty_archives() self.update_TOC = 0 self.write_TOC() # Save the collective state self.message(_('Pickling archive state into ') + os.path.join(self.basedir, 'pipermail.pck')) self.database.close() del self.database
omask = os.umask(007) try: f = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'pipermail.pck'), 'w') finally: os.umask(omask) pickle.dump(self.getstate(), f) f.close()
def getstate(self): # can override this in subclass return self.__dict__
# # Private methods # # These will be neither overridden nor called by custom archivers. #
# Create a dictionary of various parameters that will be passed # to the write_index_{header,footer} functions def __set_parameters(self, archive): # Determine the earliest and latest date in the archive firstdate = self.database.firstdate(archive) lastdate = self.database.lastdate(archive)
# Get the current time now = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) self.firstdate = firstdate self.lastdate = lastdate self.archivedate = now self.size = self.database.numArticles(archive) self.archive = archive self.version = __version__
# Find the message ID of an article's parent, or return None # if no parent can be found.
def __findParent(self, article, children = []): parentID = None if article.in_reply_to: parentID = article.in_reply_to elif article.references: # Remove article IDs that aren't in the archive refs = filter(self.articleIndex.has_key, article.references) if not refs: return None maxdate = self.database.getArticle(self.archive, refs[0]) for ref in refs[1:]: a = self.database.getArticle(self.archive, ref) if > maxdate = a parentID = maxdate.msgid else: # Look for the oldest matching subject try: key, tempid = \ self.subjectIndex.set_location(article.subject) print key, tempid [subject, date] = key.split('\0') print article.subject, subject, date if subject == article.subject and tempid not in children: parentID = tempid except KeyError: pass return parentID
# Update the threaded index completely def updateThreadedIndex(self): # Erase the threaded index self.database.clearIndex(self.archive, 'thread')
# Loop over all the articles msgid = self.database.first(self.archive, 'date') while msgid is not None: try: article = self.database.getArticle(self.archive, msgid) except KeyError: pass else: if article.parentID is None or \ not self.database.hasArticle(self.archive, article.parentID): # then pass else: parent = self.database.getArticle(self.archive, article.parentID) article.threadKey = (parent.threadKey + + '.' + str(article.sequence) + '-') self.database.setThreadKey(self.archive, (article.threadKey, article.msgid), msgid) msgid =, 'date')
# # Public methods: # # These are part of the public interface of the T class, but will # never be overridden (unless you're trying to do something very new).
# Update a single archive's indices, whether the archive's been # dirtied or not. def update_archive(self, archive): self.archive = archive self.message(_("Updating index files for archive [%(archive)s]")) arcdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, archive) self.__set_parameters(archive)
for hdr in ('Date', 'Subject', 'Author'): self._update_simple_index(hdr, archive, arcdir)
self._update_thread_index(archive, arcdir)
def _update_simple_index(self, hdr, archive, arcdir): self.message(" " + hdr) self.type = hdr hdr = hdr.lower()
self._open_index_file_as_stdout(arcdir, hdr) self.write_index_header() count = 0 # Loop over the index entries msgid = self.database.first(archive, hdr) while msgid is not None: try: article = self.database.getArticle(self.archive, msgid) except KeyError: pass else: count = count + 1 self.write_index_entry(article) msgid =, hdr) # Finish up this index self.write_index_footer() self._restore_stdout()
def _update_thread_index(self, archive, arcdir): self.message(_(" Thread")) self._open_index_file_as_stdout(arcdir, "thread") self.type = 'Thread' self.write_index_header()
# To handle the prev./next in thread pointers, we need to # track articles 5 at a time.
# Get the first 5 articles L = [None] * 5 i = 2 msgid = self.database.first(self.archive, 'thread')
while msgid is not None and i < 5: L[i] = self.database.getArticle(self.archive, msgid) i = i + 1 msgid =, 'thread')
while L[2] is not None: article = L[2] artkey = None if article is not None: artkey = article.threadKey if artkey is not None: self.write_threadindex_entry(article, artkey.count('-') - 1) if self.database.changed.has_key((archive,article.msgid)): a1 = L[1] a3 = L[3] self.update_article(arcdir, article, a1, a3) if a3 is not None: self.database.changed[(archive, a3.msgid)] = None if a1 is not None: key = archive, a1.msgid if not self.database.changed.has_key(key): self.update_article(arcdir, a1, L[0], L[2]) else: del self.database.changed[key] if L[0]: L[0].finished_update_article() L = L[1:] # Rotate the list if msgid is None: L.append(msgid) else: L.append(self.database.getArticle(self.archive, msgid)) msgid =, 'thread')
self.write_index_footer() self._restore_stdout()
def _open_index_file_as_stdout(self, arcdir, index_name): path = os.path.join(arcdir, index_name + self.INDEX_EXT) omask = os.umask(002) try: self.__f = open(path, 'w') finally: os.umask(omask) self.__stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.__f
def _restore_stdout(self): sys.stdout = self.__stdout self.__f.close() del self.__f del self.__stdout
# Update only archives that have been marked as "changed". def update_dirty_archives(self): for i in self._dirty_archives: self.update_archive(i) self._dirty_archives = []
# Read a Unix mailbox file from the file object <input>, # and create a series of Article objects. Each article # object will then be archived.
def _makeArticle(self, msg, sequence): return Article(msg, sequence)
def processUnixMailbox(self, input, start=None, end=None): mbox = ArchiverMailbox(input, self.maillist) if start is None: start = 0 counter = 0 while counter < start: try: m = except Errors.DiscardMessage: continue if m is None: return counter += 1 while 1: try: pos = input.tell() m = except Errors.DiscardMessage: continue except Exception: syslog('error', 'uncaught archiver exception at filepos: %s', pos) raise if m is None: break if m == '': # It was an unparseable message continue msgid = m.get('message-id', 'n/a') self.message(_('#%(counter)05d %(msgid)s')) a = self._makeArticle(m, self.sequence) self.sequence += 1 self.add_article(a) if end is not None and counter >= end: break counter += 1
def new_archive(self, archive, archivedir): self.archives.append(archive) self.update_TOC = 1 self.database.newArchive(archive) # If the archive directory doesn't exist, create it try: os.stat(archivedir) except os.error, errdata: errno, errmsg = errdata if errno == 2: omask = os.umask(0) try: os.mkdir(archivedir, self.DIRMODE) finally: os.umask(omask) else: raise os.error, errdata self.open_new_archive(archive, archivedir)
def add_article(self, article): archives = self.get_archives(article) if not archives: return if type(archives) == type(''): archives = [archives]
article.filename = filename = self.get_filename(article) temp = self.format_article(article) for arch in archives: self.archive = arch # why do this??? archivedir = os.path.join(self.basedir, arch) if arch not in self.archives: self.new_archive(arch, archivedir)
# Write the HTML-ized article self.write_article(arch, temp, os.path.join(archivedir, filename))
if article.decoded.has_key('author'): author = fixAuthor(article.decoded['author']) else: author = fixAuthor( if article.decoded.has_key('stripped'): subject = article.decoded['stripped'].lower() else: subject = article.subject.lower()
article.parentID = parentID = self.get_parent_info(arch, article) if parentID: parent = self.database.getArticle(arch, parentID) article.threadKey = (parent.threadKey + + '.' + str(article.sequence) + '-') else: article.threadKey = ( + '.' + str(article.sequence) + '-') key = article.threadKey, article.msgid
self.database.setThreadKey(arch, key, article.msgid) self.database.addArticle(arch, temp, author=author, subject=subject)
if arch not in self._dirty_archives: self._dirty_archives.append(arch)
def get_parent_info(self, archive, article): parentID = None if article.in_reply_to: parentID = article.in_reply_to elif article.references: refs = self._remove_external_references(article.references) if refs: maxdate = self.database.getArticle(archive, refs[0]) for ref in refs[1:]: a = self.database.getArticle(archive, ref) if > maxdate = a parentID = maxdate.msgid else: # Get the oldest article with a matching subject, and # assume this is a follow-up to that article parentID = self.database.getOldestArticle(archive, article.subject)
if parentID and not self.database.hasArticle(archive, parentID): parentID = None return parentID
def write_article(self, index, article, path): omask = os.umask(002) try: f = open(path, 'w') finally: os.umask(omask) temp_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, f self.write_article_header(article) sys.stdout.writelines(article.body) self.write_article_footer(article) sys.stdout = temp_stdout f.close()
def _remove_external_references(self, refs): keep = [] for ref in refs: if self.database.hasArticle(self.archive, ref): keep.append(ref) return keep
# Abstract methods: these will need to be overridden by subclasses # before anything useful can be done.
def get_filename(self, article): pass def get_archives(self, article): """Return a list of indexes where the article should be filed. A string can be returned if the list only contains one entry, and the empty list is legal.""" pass def format_article(self, article): pass def write_index_header(self): pass def write_index_footer(self): pass def write_index_entry(self, article): pass def write_threadindex_entry(self, article, depth): pass def write_article_header(self, article): pass def write_article_footer(self, article): pass def write_article_entry(self, article): pass def update_article(self, archivedir, article, prev, next): pass def write_TOC(self): pass def open_new_archive(self, archive, dir): pass def message(self, msg): pass
class BSDDBdatabase(Database): __super_addArticle = Database.addArticle
def __init__(self, basedir): self.__cachekeys = [] self.__cachedict = {} self.__currentOpenArchive = None # The currently open indices self.basedir = os.path.expanduser(basedir) self.changed = {} # Recently added articles, indexed only by # message ID
def firstdate(self, archive): self.__openIndices(archive) date = 'None' try: date, msgid = self.dateIndex.first() date = time.asctime(time.localtime(float(date))) except KeyError: pass return date
def lastdate(self, archive): self.__openIndices(archive) date = 'None' try: date, msgid = self.dateIndex.last() date = time.asctime(time.localtime(float(date))) except KeyError: pass return date
def numArticles(self, archive): self.__openIndices(archive) return len(self.dateIndex)
def addArticle(self, archive, article, subject=None, author=None, date=None): self.__openIndices(archive) self.__super_addArticle(archive, article, subject, author, date)
# Open the BSDDB files that are being used as indices # (dateIndex, authorIndex, subjectIndex, articleIndex) def __openIndices(self, archive): if self.__currentOpenArchive == archive: return
import bsddb self.__closeIndices() arcdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'database') omask = os.umask(0) try: try: os.mkdir(arcdir, 02775) except OSError: # BAW: Hmm... pass finally: os.umask(omask) for hdr in ('date', 'author', 'subject', 'article', 'thread'): path = os.path.join(arcdir, archive + '-' + hdr) t = bsddb.btopen(path, 'c') setattr(self, hdr + 'Index', t) self.__currentOpenArchive = archive
# Close the BSDDB files that are being used as indices (if they're # open--this is safe to call if they're already closed) def __closeIndices(self): if self.__currentOpenArchive is not None: pass for hdr in ('date', 'author', 'subject', 'thread', 'article'): attr = hdr + 'Index' if hasattr(self, attr): index = getattr(self, attr) if hdr == 'article': if not hasattr(self, 'archive_length'): self.archive_length = {} self.archive_length[self.__currentOpenArchive] = len(index) index.close() delattr(self,attr) self.__currentOpenArchive = None
def close(self): self.__closeIndices() def hasArticle(self, archive, msgid): self.__openIndices(archive) return self.articleIndex.has_key(msgid) def setThreadKey(self, archive, key, msgid): self.__openIndices(archive) self.threadIndex[key] = msgid def getArticle(self, archive, msgid): self.__openIndices(archive) if self.__cachedict.has_key(msgid): self.__cachekeys.remove(msgid) self.__cachekeys.append(msgid) return self.__cachedict[msgid] if len(self.__cachekeys) == CACHESIZE: delkey, self.__cachekeys = (self.__cachekeys[0], self.__cachekeys[1:]) del self.__cachedict[delkey] s = self.articleIndex[msgid] article = pickle.loads(s) self.__cachekeys.append(msgid) self.__cachedict[msgid] = article return article
def first(self, archive, index): self.__openIndices(archive) index = getattr(self, index+'Index') try: key, msgid = index.first() return msgid except KeyError: return None def next(self, archive, index): self.__openIndices(archive) index = getattr(self, index+'Index') try: key, msgid = except KeyError: return None else: return msgid
def getOldestArticle(self, archive, subject): self.__openIndices(archive) subject = subject.lower() try: key, tempid = self.subjectIndex.set_location(subject) [subject2, date] = key.split('\0') if subject != subject2: return None return tempid except KeyError: # XXX what line raises the KeyError? return None
def newArchive(self, archive): pass
def clearIndex(self, archive, index): self.__openIndices(archive) index = getattr(self, index+'Index') finished = 0 try: key, msgid = self.threadIndex.first() except KeyError: finished = 1 while not finished: del self.threadIndex[key] try: key, msgid = except KeyError: finished = 1