Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/lib/iceweasel/components/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: //@line 42 "/tmp/buildd/iceweasel-3.5.16/browser/components/feeds/src/FeedWriter.js" const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); function LOG(str) { var prefB = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); var shouldLog = false; try { shouldLog = prefB.getBoolPref("feeds.log"); } catch (ex) { } if (shouldLog) dump("*** Feeds: " + str + "\n"); } /** * Wrapper function for nsIIOService::newURI. * @param aURLSpec * The URL string from which to create an nsIURI. * @returns an nsIURI object, or null if the creation of the URI failed. */ function makeURI(aURLSpec, aCharset) { var ios = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIIOService); try { return ios.newURI(aURLSpec, aCharset, null); } catch (ex) { } return null; } const XML_NS = "" const HTML_NS = ""; const XUL_NS = ""; const TYPE_MAYBE_FEED = "application/vnd.mozilla.maybe.feed"; const TYPE_MAYBE_AUDIO_FEED = "application/"; const TYPE_MAYBE_VIDEO_FEED = "application/"; const URI_BUNDLE = "chrome://browser/locale/feeds/"; const SUBSCRIBE_PAGE_URI = "chrome://browser/content/feeds/subscribe.xhtml"; const PREF_SELECTED_APP = "browser.feeds.handlers.application"; const PREF_SELECTED_WEB = "browser.feeds.handlers.webservice"; const PREF_SELECTED_ACTION = "browser.feeds.handler"; const PREF_SELECTED_READER = "browser.feeds.handler.default"; const PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_APP = "browser.videoFeeds.handlers.application"; const PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_WEB = "browser.videoFeeds.handlers.webservice"; const PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_ACTION = "browser.videoFeeds.handler"; const PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_READER = "browser.videoFeeds.handler.default"; const PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_APP = "browser.audioFeeds.handlers.application"; const PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_WEB = "browser.audioFeeds.handlers.webservice"; const PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_ACTION = "browser.audioFeeds.handler"; const PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_READER = "browser.audioFeeds.handler.default"; const PREF_SHOW_FIRST_RUN_UI = "browser.feeds.showFirstRunUI"; const TITLE_ID = "feedTitleText"; const SUBTITLE_ID = "feedSubtitleText"; function getPrefAppForType(t) { switch (t) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: return PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_APP; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: return PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_APP; default: return PREF_SELECTED_APP; } } function getPrefWebForType(t) { switch (t) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: return PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_WEB; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: return PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_WEB; default: return PREF_SELECTED_WEB; } } function getPrefActionForType(t) { switch (t) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: return PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_ACTION; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: return PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_ACTION; default: return PREF_SELECTED_ACTION; } } function getPrefReaderForType(t) { switch (t) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: return PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_READER; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: return PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_READER; default: return PREF_SELECTED_READER; } } /** * Converts a number of bytes to the appropriate unit that results in a * number that needs fewer than 4 digits * * @return a pair: [new value with 3 sig. figs., its unit] */ function convertByteUnits(aBytes) { var units = ["bytes", "kilobyte", "megabyte", "gigabyte"]; let unitIndex = 0; // convert to next unit if it needs 4 digits (after rounding), but only if // we know the name of the next unit while ((aBytes >= 999.5) && (unitIndex < units.length - 1)) { aBytes /= 1024; unitIndex++; } // Get rid of insignificant bits by truncating to 1 or 0 decimal points // 0 -> 0; 1.2 -> 1.2; 12.3 -> 12.3; 123.4 -> 123; 234.5 -> 235 aBytes = aBytes.toFixed((aBytes > 0) && (aBytes < 100) ? 1 : 0); return [aBytes, units[unitIndex]]; } function FeedWriter() {} FeedWriter.prototype = { _mimeSvc : Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIMIMEService), _getPropertyAsBag: function FW__getPropertyAsBag(container, property) { return container.fields.getProperty(property). QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2); }, _getPropertyAsString: function FW__getPropertyAsString(container, property) { try { return container.fields.getPropertyAsAString(property); } catch (e) { } return ""; }, _setContentText: function FW__setContentText(id, text) { this._contentSandbox.element = this._document.getElementById(id); this._contentSandbox.textNode = this._document.createTextNode(text); var codeStr = "while (element.hasChildNodes()) " + " element.removeChild(element.firstChild);" + "element.appendChild(textNode);"; Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); this._contentSandbox.element = null; this._contentSandbox.textNode = null; }, /** * Safely sets the href attribute on an anchor tag, providing the URI * specified can be loaded according to rules. * @param element * The element to set a URI attribute on * @param attribute * The attribute of the element to set the URI to, e.g. href or src * @param uri * The URI spec to set as the href */ _safeSetURIAttribute: function FW__safeSetURIAttribute(element, attribute, uri) { var secman = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager); const flags = Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL; try { secman.checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal(this._feedPrincipal, uri, flags); // checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal will throw if the link URI should not be // loaded, either because our feedURI isn't allowed to load it or per // the rules specified in |flags|, so we'll never "linkify" the link... } catch (e) { // Not allowed to load this link because secman.checkLoadURIStr threw return; } this._contentSandbox.element = element; this._contentSandbox.uri = uri; var codeStr = "element.setAttribute('" + attribute + "', uri);"; Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); }, /** * Use this sandbox to run any dom manipulation code on nodes which * are already inserted into the content document. */ __contentSandbox: null, get _contentSandbox() { if (!this.__contentSandbox) this.__contentSandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this._window); return this.__contentSandbox; }, /** * Calls doCommand for a the given XUL element within the context of the * content document. * * @param aElement * the XUL element to call doCommand() on. */ _safeDoCommand: function FW___safeDoCommand(aElement) { this._contentSandbox.element = aElement; Cu.evalInSandbox("element.doCommand();", this._contentSandbox); this._contentSandbox.element = null; }, __faviconService: null, get _faviconService() { if (!this.__faviconService) this.__faviconService = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIFaviconService); return this.__faviconService; }, __bundle: null, get _bundle() { if (!this.__bundle) { this.__bundle = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIStringBundleService). createBundle(URI_BUNDLE); } return this.__bundle; }, _getFormattedString: function FW__getFormattedString(key, params) { return this._bundle.formatStringFromName(key, params, params.length); }, _getString: function FW__getString(key) { return this._bundle.GetStringFromName(key); }, /* Magic helper methods to be used instead of xbl properties */ _getSelectedItemFromMenulist: function FW__getSelectedItemFromList(aList) { var node = aList.firstChild.firstChild; while (node) { if (node.localName == "menuitem" && node.getAttribute("selected") == "true") return node; node = node.nextSibling; } return null; }, _setCheckboxCheckedState: function FW__setCheckboxCheckedState(aCheckbox, aValue) { // see checkbox.xml, xbl bindings are not applied within the sandbox! this._contentSandbox.checkbox = aCheckbox; var codeStr; var change = (aValue != (aCheckbox.getAttribute('checked') == 'true')); if (aValue) codeStr = "checkbox.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); "; else codeStr = "checkbox.removeAttribute('checked'); "; if (change) { this._contentSandbox.document = this._document; codeStr += "var event = document.createEvent('Events'); " + "event.initEvent('CheckboxStateChange', true, true);" + "checkbox.dispatchEvent(event);" } Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); }, /** * Returns a date suitable for displaying in the feed preview. * If the date cannot be parsed, the return value is "false". * @param dateString * A date as extracted from a feed entry. (entry.updated) */ _parseDate: function FW__parseDate(dateString) { // Convert the date into the user's local time zone dateObj = new Date(dateString); // Make sure the date we're given is valid. if (!dateObj.getTime()) return false; var dateService = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIScriptableDateFormat); return dateService.FormatDateTime("", dateService.dateFormatLong, dateService.timeFormatNoSeconds, dateObj.getFullYear(), dateObj.getMonth()+1, dateObj.getDate(), dateObj.getHours(), dateObj.getMinutes(), dateObj.getSeconds()); }, /** * Returns the feed type. */ __feedType: null, _getFeedType: function FW__getFeedType() { if (this.__feedType != null) return this.__feedType; try { // grab the feed because it's got the feed.type in it. var container = this._getContainer(); var feed = container.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFeed); this.__feedType = feed.type; return feed.type; } catch (ex) { } return Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_FEED; }, /** * Maps a feed type to a maybe-feed mimetype. */ _getMimeTypeForFeedType: function FW__getMimeTypeForFeedType() { switch (this._getFeedType()) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: return TYPE_MAYBE_VIDEO_FEED; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: return TYPE_MAYBE_AUDIO_FEED; default: return TYPE_MAYBE_FEED; } }, /** * Writes the feed title into the preview document. * @param container * The feed container */ _setTitleText: function FW__setTitleText(container) { if (container.title) { var title = container.title.plainText(); this._setContentText(TITLE_ID, title); this._contentSandbox.document = this._document; this._contentSandbox.title = title; var codeStr = "document.title = title;" Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); } var feed = container.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFeed); if (feed && feed.subtitle) this._setContentText(SUBTITLE_ID, container.subtitle.plainText()); }, /** * Writes the title image into the preview document if one is present. * @param container * The feed container */ _setTitleImage: function FW__setTitleImage(container) { try { var parts = container.image; // Set up the title image (supplied by the feed) var feedTitleImage = this._document.getElementById("feedTitleImage"); this._safeSetURIAttribute(feedTitleImage, "src", parts.getPropertyAsAString("url")); // Set up the title image link var feedTitleLink = this._document.getElementById("feedTitleLink"); var titleText = this._getFormattedString("linkTitleTextFormat", [parts.getPropertyAsAString("title")]); this._contentSandbox.feedTitleLink = feedTitleLink; this._contentSandbox.titleText = titleText; this._contentSandbox.feedTitleText = this._document.getElementById("feedTitleText"); this._contentSandbox.titleImageWidth = parseInt(parts.getPropertyAsAString("width")) + 15; // Fix the margin on the main title, so that the image doesn't run over // the underline var codeStr = "feedTitleLink.setAttribute('title', titleText); " + " = titleImageWidth + 'px';"; Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); this._contentSandbox.feedTitleLink = null; this._contentSandbox.titleText = null; this._contentSandbox.feedTitleText = null; this._contentSandbox.titleImageWidth = null; this._safeSetURIAttribute(feedTitleLink, "href", parts.getPropertyAsAString("link")); } catch (e) { LOG("Failed to set Title Image (this is benign): " + e); } }, /** * Writes all entries contained in the feed. * @param container * The container of entries in the feed */ _writeFeedContent: function FW__writeFeedContent(container) { // Build the actual feed content var feed = container.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFeed); if (feed.items.length == 0) return; this._contentSandbox.feedContent = this._document.getElementById("feedContent"); for (var i = 0; i < feed.items.length; ++i) { var entry = feed.items.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIFeedEntry); entry.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFeedContainer); var entryContainer = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); entryContainer.className = "entry"; // If the entry has a title, make it a link if (entry.title) { var a = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "a"); a.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode(entry.title.plainText())); // Entries are not required to have links, so can be null. if ( this._safeSetURIAttribute(a, "href",; var title = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "h3"); title.appendChild(a); var lastUpdated = this._parseDate(entry.updated); if (lastUpdated) { var dateDiv = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); dateDiv.className = "lastUpdated"; dateDiv.textContent = lastUpdated; title.appendChild(dateDiv); } entryContainer.appendChild(title); } var body = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); var summary = entry.summary || entry.content; var docFragment = null; if (summary) { if (summary.base) body.setAttributeNS(XML_NS, "base", summary.base.spec); else LOG("no base?"); docFragment = summary.createDocumentFragment(body); if (docFragment) body.appendChild(docFragment); // If the entry doesn't have a title, append a # permalink // See for an example if (!entry.title && { var a = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "a"); a.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode("#")); this._safeSetURIAttribute(a, "href",; body.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode(" ")); body.appendChild(a); } } body.className = "feedEntryContent"; entryContainer.appendChild(body); if (entry.enclosures && entry.enclosures.length > 0) { var enclosuresDiv = this._buildEnclosureDiv(entry); entryContainer.appendChild(enclosuresDiv); } this._contentSandbox.entryContainer = entryContainer; this._contentSandbox.clearDiv = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); = "both"; var codeStr = "feedContent.appendChild(entryContainer); " + "feedContent.appendChild(clearDiv);" Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); } this._contentSandbox.feedContent = null; this._contentSandbox.entryContainer = null; this._contentSandbox.clearDiv = null; }, /** * Takes a url to a media item and returns the best name it can come up with. * Frequently this is the filename portion (e.g. passing in * would return "foo.mpeg"), but in more complex * cases, this will return the entire url (e.g. passing in * would return * * @param aURL * The URL string from which to create a display name * @returns a string */ _getURLDisplayName: function FW__getURLDisplayName(aURL) { var url = makeURI(aURL); url.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL); if (url == null || url.fileName.length == 0) return aURL; return decodeURI(url.fileName); }, /** * Takes a FeedEntry with enclosures, generates the HTML code to represent * them, and returns that. * @param entry * FeedEntry with enclosures * @returns element */ _buildEnclosureDiv: function FW__buildEnclosureDiv(entry) { var enclosuresDiv = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); enclosuresDiv.className = "enclosures"; enclosuresDiv.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode(this._getString("mediaLabel"))); var roundme = function(n) { return (Math.round(n * 100) / 100).toLocaleString(); } for (var i_enc = 0; i_enc < entry.enclosures.length; ++i_enc) { var enc = entry.enclosures.queryElementAt(i_enc, Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2); if (!(enc.hasKey("url"))) continue; var enclosureDiv = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); enclosureDiv.setAttribute("class", "enclosure"); var mozicon = "moz-icon://.txt?size=16"; var type_text = null; var size_text = null; if (enc.hasKey("type")) { type_text = enc.get("type"); try { var handlerInfoWrapper = this._mimeSvc.getFromTypeAndExtension(enc.get("type"), null); if (handlerInfoWrapper) type_text = handlerInfoWrapper.description; if (type_text && type_text.length > 0) mozicon = "moz-icon://goat?size=16&contentType=" + enc.get("type"); } catch (ex) { } } if (enc.hasKey("length") && /^[0-9]+$/.test(enc.get("length"))) { var enc_size = convertByteUnits(parseInt(enc.get("length"))); var size_text = this._getFormattedString("enclosureSizeText", [enc_size[0], this._getString(enc_size[1])]); } var iconimg = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "img"); iconimg.setAttribute("src", mozicon); iconimg.setAttribute("class", "type-icon"); enclosureDiv.appendChild(iconimg); enclosureDiv.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode( " " )); var enc_href = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "a"); enc_href.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode(this._getURLDisplayName(enc.get("url")))); this._safeSetURIAttribute(enc_href, "href", enc.get("url")); enclosureDiv.appendChild(enc_href); if (type_text && size_text) enclosureDiv.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode( " (" + type_text + ", " + size_text + ")")); else if (type_text) enclosureDiv.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode( " (" + type_text + ")")) else if (size_text) enclosureDiv.appendChild(this._document.createTextNode( " (" + size_text + ")")) enclosuresDiv.appendChild(enclosureDiv); } return enclosuresDiv; }, /** * Gets a valid nsIFeedContainer object from the parsed nsIFeedResult. * Displays error information if there was one. * @param result * The parsed feed result * @returns A valid nsIFeedContainer object containing the contents of * the feed. */ _getContainer: function FW__getContainer(result) { var feedService = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIFeedResultService); try { var result = feedService.getFeedResult(this._getOriginalURI(this._window)); } catch (e) { LOG("Subscribe Preview: feed not available?!"); } if (result.bozo) { LOG("Subscribe Preview: feed result is bozo?!"); } try { var container = result.doc; } catch (e) { LOG("Subscribe Preview: no result.doc? Why didn't the original reload?"); return null; } return container; }, /** * Get the human-readable display name of a file. This could be the * application name. * @param file * A nsIFile to look up the name of * @returns The display name of the application represented by the file. */ _getFileDisplayName: function FW__getFileDisplayName(file) { //@line 702 "/tmp/buildd/iceweasel-3.5.16/browser/components/feeds/src/FeedWriter.js" var ios = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIIOService); var url = ios.newFileURI(file).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL); return url.fileName; }, /** * Get moz-icon url for a file * @param file * A nsIFile object for which the moz-icon:// is returned * @returns moz-icon url of the given file as a string */ _getFileIconURL: function FW__getFileIconURL(file) { var ios = Cc[";1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var fph = ios.getProtocolHandler("file") .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler); var urlSpec = fph.getURLSpecFromFile(file); return "moz-icon://" + urlSpec + "?size=16"; }, /** * Helper method to set the selected application and system default * reader menuitems details from a file object * @param aMenuItem * The menuitem on which the attributes should be set * @param aFile * The menuitem's associated file */ _initMenuItemWithFile: function(aMenuItem, aFile) { this._contentSandbox.menuitem = aMenuItem; this._contentSandbox.label = this._getFileDisplayName(aFile); this._contentSandbox.image = this._getFileIconURL(aFile); var codeStr = "menuitem.setAttribute('label', label); " + "menuitem.setAttribute('image', image);" Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); }, /** * Displays a prompt from which the user may choose a (client) feed reader. * @return - true if a feed reader was selected, false otherwise. */ _chooseClientApp: function FW__chooseClientApp() { try { var fp = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker); fp.init(this._window, this._getString("chooseApplicationDialogTitle"), Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen); fp.appendFilters(Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterApps); if ( == Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK) { this._selectedApp = fp.file; if (this._selectedApp) { // XXXben - we need to compare this with the running instance executable // just don't know how to do that via script... // XXXmano TBD: can probably add this to nsIShellService //@line 765 "/tmp/buildd/iceweasel-3.5.16/browser/components/feeds/src/FeedWriter.js" if (fp.file.leafName != "iceweasel-bin") { //@line 768 "/tmp/buildd/iceweasel-3.5.16/browser/components/feeds/src/FeedWriter.js" this._initMenuItemWithFile(this._contentSandbox.selectedAppMenuItem, this._selectedApp); // Show and select the selected application menuitem var codeStr = "selectedAppMenuItem.hidden = false;" + "selectedAppMenuItem.doCommand();" Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); return true; } } } } catch(ex) { } return false; }, _setAlwaysUseCheckedState: function FW__setAlwaysUseCheckedState(feedType) { var checkbox = this._document.getElementById("alwaysUse"); if (checkbox) { var alwaysUse = false; try { var prefs = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); if (prefs.getCharPref(getPrefActionForType(feedType)) != "ask") alwaysUse = true; } catch(ex) { } this._setCheckboxCheckedState(checkbox, alwaysUse); } }, _setSubscribeUsingLabel: function FW__setSubscribeUsingLabel() { var stringLabel = "subscribeFeedUsing"; switch (this._getFeedType()) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: stringLabel = "subscribeVideoPodcastUsing"; break; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: stringLabel = "subscribeAudioPodcastUsing"; break; } this._contentSandbox.subscribeUsing = this._document.getElementById("subscribeUsingDescription"); this._contentSandbox.label = this._getString(stringLabel); var codeStr = "subscribeUsing.setAttribute('value', label);" Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); }, _setAlwaysUseLabel: function FW__setAlwaysUseLabel() { var checkbox = this._document.getElementById("alwaysUse"); if (checkbox) { var handlersMenuList = this._document.getElementById("handlersMenuList"); if (handlersMenuList) { var handlerName = this._getSelectedItemFromMenulist(handlersMenuList) .getAttribute("label"); var stringLabel = "alwaysUseForFeeds"; switch (this._getFeedType()) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: stringLabel = "alwaysUseForVideoPodcasts"; break; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: stringLabel = "alwaysUseForAudioPodcasts"; break; } this._contentSandbox.checkbox = checkbox; this._contentSandbox.label = this._getFormattedString(stringLabel, [handlerName]); var codeStr = "checkbox.setAttribute('label', label);"; Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); } } }, // nsIDomEventListener handleEvent: function(event) { // see comments in init() event = new XPCNativeWrapper(event); if ( != this._document) { LOG("FeedWriter.handleEvent: Someone passed the feed writer as a listener to the events of another document!"); return; } if (event.type == "command") { switch ( { case "subscribeButton": this.subscribe(); break; case "chooseApplicationMenuItem": /* Bug 351263: Make sure to not steal focus if the "Choose * Application" item is being selected with the keyboard. We do this * by ignoring command events while the dropdown is closed (user * arrowing through the combobox), but handling them while the * combobox dropdown is open (user pressed enter when an item was * selected). If we don't show the filepicker here, it will be shown * when clicking "Subscribe Now". */ var popupbox = this._document.getElementById("handlersMenuList") .firstChild.boxObject; popupbox.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPopupBoxObject); if (popupbox.popupState == "hiding" && !this._chooseClientApp()) { // Select the (per-prefs) selected handler if no application was // selected this._setSelectedHandler(this._getFeedType()); } break; default: this._setAlwaysUseLabel(); } } }, _setSelectedHandler: function FW__setSelectedHandler(feedType) { var prefs = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); var handler = "bookmarks"; try { handler = prefs.getCharPref(getPrefReaderForType(feedType)); } catch (ex) { } switch (handler) { case "web": { var handlersMenuList = this._document.getElementById("handlersMenuList"); if (handlersMenuList) { var url = prefs.getComplexValue(getPrefWebForType(feedType), Ci.nsISupportsString).data; var handlers = handlersMenuList.getElementsByAttribute("webhandlerurl", url); if (handlers.length == 0) { LOG("FeedWriter._setSelectedHandler: selected web handler isn't in the menulist") return; } this._safeDoCommand(handlers[0]); } break; } case "client": { try { this._selectedApp = prefs.getComplexValue(getPrefAppForType(feedType), Ci.nsILocalFile); } catch(ex) { this._selectedApp = null; } if (this._selectedApp) { this._initMenuItemWithFile(this._contentSandbox.selectedAppMenuItem, this._selectedApp); var codeStr = "selectedAppMenuItem.hidden = false; " + "selectedAppMenuItem.doCommand(); "; // Only show the default reader menuitem if the default reader // isn't the selected application if (this._defaultSystemReader) { var shouldHide = this._defaultSystemReader.path == this._selectedApp.path; codeStr += "defaultHandlerMenuItem.hidden = " + shouldHide + ";" } Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); break; } } case "bookmarks": default: { var liveBookmarksMenuItem = this._document.getElementById("liveBookmarksMenuItem"); if (liveBookmarksMenuItem) this._safeDoCommand(liveBookmarksMenuItem); } } }, _initSubscriptionUI: function FW__initSubscriptionUI() { var handlersMenuPopup = this._document.getElementById("handlersMenuPopup"); if (!handlersMenuPopup) return; var feedType = this._getFeedType(); var codeStr; // change the background var header = this._document.getElementById("feedHeader"); this._contentSandbox.header = header; switch (feedType) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: codeStr = "header.className = 'videoPodcastBackground'; "; break; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: codeStr = "header.className = 'audioPodcastBackground'; "; break; default: codeStr = "header.className = 'feedBackground'; "; } // Last-selected application var menuItem = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem"); = "selectedAppMenuItem"; menuItem.className = "menuitem-iconic"; menuItem.setAttribute("handlerType", "client"); try { var prefs = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); this._selectedApp = prefs.getComplexValue(getPrefAppForType(feedType), Ci.nsILocalFile); if (this._selectedApp.exists()) this._initMenuItemWithFile(menuItem, this._selectedApp); else { // Hide the menuitem if the last selected application doesn't exist menuItem.setAttribute("hidden", true); } } catch(ex) { // Hide the menuitem until an application is selected menuItem.setAttribute("hidden", true); } this._contentSandbox.handlersMenuPopup = handlersMenuPopup; this._contentSandbox.selectedAppMenuItem = menuItem; codeStr += "handlersMenuPopup.appendChild(selectedAppMenuItem); "; // List the default feed reader try { this._defaultSystemReader = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIShellService). defaultFeedReader; menuItem = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem"); = "defaultHandlerMenuItem"; menuItem.className = "menuitem-iconic"; menuItem.setAttribute("handlerType", "client"); this._initMenuItemWithFile(menuItem, this._defaultSystemReader); // Hide the default reader item if it points to the same application // as the last-selected application if (this._selectedApp && this._selectedApp.path == this._defaultSystemReader.path) menuItem.hidden = true; } catch(ex) { menuItem = null; /* no default reader */ } if (menuItem) { this._contentSandbox.defaultHandlerMenuItem = menuItem; codeStr += "handlersMenuPopup.appendChild(defaultHandlerMenuItem); "; } // "Choose Application..." menuitem menuItem = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem"); = "chooseApplicationMenuItem"; menuItem.className = "menuitem-iconic"; menuItem.setAttribute("label", this._getString("chooseApplicationMenuItem")); this._contentSandbox.chooseAppMenuItem = menuItem; codeStr += "handlersMenuPopup.appendChild(chooseAppMenuItem); "; // separator this._contentSandbox.chooseAppSep = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuseparator") codeStr += "handlersMenuPopup.appendChild(chooseAppSep); "; Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); var historySvc = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService); historySvc.addObserver(this, false); // List of web handlers var wccr = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIWebContentConverterService); var handlers = wccr.getContentHandlers(this._getMimeTypeForFeedType(feedType), {}); if (handlers.length != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; ++i) { menuItem = this._document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem"); menuItem.className = "menuitem-iconic"; menuItem.setAttribute("label", handlers[i].name); menuItem.setAttribute("handlerType", "web"); menuItem.setAttribute("webhandlerurl", handlers[i].uri); this._contentSandbox.menuItem = menuItem; codeStr = "handlersMenuPopup.appendChild(menuItem);"; Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); // For privacy reasons we cannot set the image attribute directly // to the icon url, see Bug 358878 var uri = makeURI(handlers[i].uri); if (!this._setFaviconForWebReader(uri, menuItem)) { if (uri && /^https?/.test(uri.scheme)) { var iconURL = makeURI(uri.prePath + "/favicon.ico"); this._faviconService.setAndLoadFaviconForPage(uri, iconURL, true); } } } this._contentSandbox.menuItem = null; } this._setSelectedHandler(feedType); // "Subscribe using..." this._setSubscribeUsingLabel(); // "Always use..." checkbox initial state this._setAlwaysUseCheckedState(feedType); this._setAlwaysUseLabel(); // We update the "Always use.." checkbox label whenever the selected item // in the list is changed handlersMenuPopup.addEventListener("command", this, false); // Set up the "Subscribe Now" button this._document .getElementById("subscribeButton") .addEventListener("command", this, false); // first-run ui var showFirstRunUI = true; try { showFirstRunUI = prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_SHOW_FIRST_RUN_UI); } catch (ex) { } if (showFirstRunUI) { var textfeedinfo1, textfeedinfo2; switch (feedType) { case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_VIDEO: textfeedinfo1 = "feedSubscriptionVideoPodcast1"; textfeedinfo2 = "feedSubscriptionVideoPodcast2"; break; case Ci.nsIFeed.TYPE_AUDIO: textfeedinfo1 = "feedSubscriptionAudioPodcast1"; textfeedinfo2 = "feedSubscriptionAudioPodcast2"; break; default: textfeedinfo1 = "feedSubscriptionFeed1"; textfeedinfo2 = "feedSubscriptionFeed2"; } this._contentSandbox.feedinfo1 = this._document.getElementById("feedSubscriptionInfo1"); this._contentSandbox.feedinfo1Str = this._getString(textfeedinfo1); this._contentSandbox.feedinfo2 = this._document.getElementById("feedSubscriptionInfo2"); this._contentSandbox.feedinfo2Str = this._getString(textfeedinfo2); this._contentSandbox.header = header; codeStr = "feedinfo1.textContent = feedinfo1Str; " + "feedinfo2.textContent = feedinfo2Str; " + "header.setAttribute('firstrun', 'true');" Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_SHOW_FIRST_RUN_UI, false); } }, /** * Returns the original URI object of the feed and ensures that this * component is only ever invoked from the preview document. * @param aWindow * The window of the document invoking the BrowserFeedWriter */ _getOriginalURI: function FW__getOriginalURI(aWindow) { var chan = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell).currentDocumentChannel; var uri = makeURI(SUBSCRIBE_PAGE_URI); var resolvedURI = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIChromeRegistry). convertChromeURL(uri); if (resolvedURI.equals(chan.URI)) return chan.originalURI; return null; }, _window: null, _document: null, _feedURI: null, _feedPrincipal: null, // nsIFeedWriter init: function FW_init(aWindow) { // Explicitly wrap |window| in an XPCNativeWrapper to make sure // it's a real native object! This will throw an exception if we // get a non-native object. var window = new XPCNativeWrapper(aWindow); this._feedURI = this._getOriginalURI(window); if (!this._feedURI) return; this._window = window; this._document = window.document; var secman = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager); this._feedPrincipal = secman.getCodebasePrincipal(this._feedURI); LOG("Subscribe Preview: feed uri = " + this._window.location.href); // Set up the subscription UI this._initSubscriptionUI(); var prefs = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2); prefs.addObserver(PREF_SELECTED_ACTION, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_SELECTED_READER, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_SELECTED_WEB, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_SELECTED_APP, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_ACTION, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_READER, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_WEB, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_APP, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_ACTION, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_READER, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_WEB, this, false); prefs.addObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_APP, this, false); }, writeContent: function FW_writeContent() { if (!this._window) return; try { // Set up the feed content var container = this._getContainer(); if (!container) return; this._setTitleText(container); this._setTitleImage(container); this._writeFeedContent(container); } finally { this._removeFeedFromCache(); } }, close: function FW_close() { this._document .getElementById("handlersMenuPopup") .removeEventListener("command", this, false); this._document .getElementById("subscribeButton") .removeEventListener("command", this, false); this._document = null; this._window = null; var prefs = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_SELECTED_ACTION, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_SELECTED_READER, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_SELECTED_WEB, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_SELECTED_APP, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_ACTION, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_READER, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_WEB, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_APP, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_ACTION, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_READER, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_WEB, this); prefs.removeObserver(PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_APP, this); this._removeFeedFromCache(); this.__faviconService = null; this.__bundle = null; this._feedURI = null; this.__contentSandbox = null; var historySvc = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService); historySvc.removeObserver(this); }, _removeFeedFromCache: function FW__removeFeedFromCache() { if (this._feedURI) { var feedService = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIFeedResultService); feedService.removeFeedResult(this._feedURI); this._feedURI = null; } }, subscribe: function FW_subscribe() { var feedType = this._getFeedType(); // Subscribe to the feed using the selected handler and save prefs var prefs = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); var defaultHandler = "reader"; var useAsDefault = this._document.getElementById("alwaysUse") .getAttribute("checked"); var handlersMenuList = this._document.getElementById("handlersMenuList"); var selectedItem = this._getSelectedItemFromMenulist(handlersMenuList); // Show the file picker before subscribing if the // choose application menuitem was choosen using the keyboard if ( == "chooseApplicationMenuItem") { if (!this._chooseClientApp()) return; selectedItem = this._getSelectedItemFromMenulist(handlersMenuList); } if (selectedItem.hasAttribute("webhandlerurl")) { var webURI = selectedItem.getAttribute("webhandlerurl"); prefs.setCharPref(getPrefReaderForType(feedType), "web"); var supportsString = Cc[";1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); = webURI; prefs.setComplexValue(getPrefWebForType(feedType), Ci.nsISupportsString, supportsString); var wccr = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIWebContentConverterService); var handler = wccr.getWebContentHandlerByURI(this._getMimeTypeForFeedType(feedType), webURI); if (handler) { if (useAsDefault) wccr.setAutoHandler(this._getMimeTypeForFeedType(feedType), handler); this._window.location.href = handler.getHandlerURI(this._window.location.href); } } else { switch ( { case "selectedAppMenuItem": prefs.setComplexValue(getPrefAppForType(feedType), Ci.nsILocalFile, this._selectedApp); prefs.setCharPref(getPrefReaderForType(feedType), "client"); break; case "defaultHandlerMenuItem": prefs.setComplexValue(getPrefAppForType(feedType), Ci.nsILocalFile, this._defaultSystemReader); prefs.setCharPref(getPrefReaderForType(feedType), "client"); break; case "liveBookmarksMenuItem": defaultHandler = "bookmarks"; prefs.setCharPref(getPrefReaderForType(feedType), "bookmarks"); break; } var feedService = Cc[";1"]. getService(Ci.nsIFeedResultService); // Pull the title and subtitle out of the document var feedTitle = this._document.getElementById(TITLE_ID).textContent; var feedSubtitle = this._document.getElementById(SUBTITLE_ID).textContent; feedService.addToClientReader(this._window.location.href, feedTitle, feedSubtitle, feedType); } // If "Always use..." is checked, we should set PREF_*SELECTED_ACTION // to either "reader" (If a web reader or if an application is selected), // or to "bookmarks" (if the live bookmarks option is selected). // Otherwise, we should set it to "ask" if (useAsDefault) prefs.setCharPref(getPrefActionForType(feedType), defaultHandler); else prefs.setCharPref(getPrefActionForType(feedType), "ask"); }, // nsIObserver observe: function FW_observe(subject, topic, data) { // see init() subject = new XPCNativeWrapper(subject); if (!this._window) { // this._window is null unless this.init was called with a trusted // window object. return; } var feedType = this._getFeedType(); if (topic == "nsPref:changed") { switch (data) { case PREF_SELECTED_READER: case PREF_SELECTED_WEB: case PREF_SELECTED_APP: case PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_READER: case PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_WEB: case PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_APP: case PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_READER: case PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_WEB: case PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_APP: this._setSelectedHandler(feedType); break; case PREF_SELECTED_ACTION: case PREF_VIDEO_SELECTED_ACTION: case PREF_AUDIO_SELECTED_ACTION: this._setAlwaysUseCheckedState(feedType); } } }, /** * Sets the icon for the given web-reader item in the readers menu * if the favicon-service has the necessary icon stored. * @param aURI * the reader URI. * @param aMenuItem * the reader item in the readers menulist. * @return true if the icon was set, false otherwise. */ _setFaviconForWebReader: function FW__setFaviconForWebReader(aURI, aMenuItem) { var faviconsSvc = this._faviconService; var faviconURI = null; try { faviconURI = faviconsSvc.getFaviconForPage(aURI); } catch(ex) { } if (faviconURI) { var dataURL = faviconsSvc.getFaviconDataAsDataURL(faviconURI); if (dataURL) { this._contentSandbox.menuItem = aMenuItem; this._contentSandbox.dataURL = dataURL; var codeStr = "menuItem.setAttribute('image', dataURL);"; Cu.evalInSandbox(codeStr, this._contentSandbox); this._contentSandbox.menuItem = null; this._contentSandbox.dataURL = null; return true; } } return false; }, // nsINavHistoryService onPageChanged: function FW_onPageChanged(aURI, aWhat, aValue) { // see init() aURI = new XPCNativeWrapper(aURI); if (aWhat == Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver.ATTRIBUTE_FAVICON) { // Go through the readers menu and look for the corresponding // reader menu-item for the page if any. var spec = aURI.spec; var handlersMenulist = this._document.getElementById("handlersMenuList"); var possibleHandlers = handlersMenulist.firstChild.childNodes; for (var i=0; i < possibleHandlers.length ; i++) { if (possibleHandlers[i].getAttribute("webhandlerurl") == spec) { this._setFaviconForWebReader(aURI, possibleHandlers[i]); return; } } } }, onBeginUpdateBatch: function() { }, onEndUpdateBatch: function() { }, onVisit: function() { }, onTitleChanged: function() { }, onDeleteURI: function() { }, onClearHistory: function() { }, onPageExpired: function() { }, // nsIClassInfo getInterfaces: function FW_getInterfaces(countRef) { var interfaces = [Ci.nsIFeedWriter, Ci.nsIClassInfo, Ci.nsISupports]; countRef.value = interfaces.length; return interfaces; }, getHelperForLanguage: function FW_getHelperForLanguage(language) null, contractID: ";1", classDescription: "Feed Writer", classID: Components.ID("{49bb6593-3aff-4eb3-a068-2712c28bd58e}"), implementationLanguage: Ci.nsIProgrammingLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT, _xpcom_categories: [{ category: "JavaScript global constructor", entry: "BrowserFeedWriter"}], QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFeedWriter, Ci.nsIClassInfo, Ci.nsIDOMEventListener, Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver]) }; function NSGetModule(cm, file) XPCOMUtils.generateModule([FeedWriter]); |
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