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from deskbar.core.GconfStore import GconfStore from deskbar.core.Utils import load_icon, get_locale_lang, get_proxy from deskbar.defs import VERSION from deskbar.handlers.actions.ShowUrlAction import ShowUrlAction from gettext import gettext as _ import deskbar.interfaces.Match import deskbar.interfaces.Module import gtk import logging import urllib
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) HANDLERS = ["WikipediaSuggestHandler"] WIKIPEDIA_SUGGEST_URL = "" WIKIPEDIA_ARTICLE_URL = "" GCONF_KEY = GconfStore.GCONF_DIR + "/wikipedia-suggest/lang"
# From LANGUAGES = ( (_("English"), "en"), (_("German"), "de"), (_("French"), "fr"), (_("Polish"), "pl"), (_("Japanese"), "jp"), (_("Italian"), "it"), (_("Dutch"), "nl"), (_("Portuguese"), "pt"), (_("Spanish"), "es"), (_("Russian"), "ru"), (_("Swedish"), "sv"), (_("Chinese"), "zh"), (_("Norwegian"), "no"), (_("Finnish"), "fi"), (_("Catalan"), "ca"), (_("Ukrainian"), "uk"), (_("Romanian"), "ro"), (_("Turkish"), "tr"), )
class WikipediaSuggestAction(ShowUrlAction): def __init__(self, title, lang): ShowUrlAction.__init__(self, title, WIKIPEDIA_ARTICLE_URL + '?' + urllib.urlencode({'l': lang, 'q': title})) def get_verb(self): return _("Open article <i>%(name)s</i> in <b>Wikipedia</b>")
class WikipediaSuggestMatch(deskbar.interfaces.Match): def __init__(self, title, lang, **args): deskbar.interfaces.Match.__init__ (self, name=title, category="web", icon="wikipedia.png", **args) self._title = title self._lang = lang self.add_action( WikipediaSuggestAction(title, lang) ) def get_hash(self, text=None): return self._title + self._lang class WikipediaSuggestHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module): INFOS = {'icon': load_icon("wikipedia.png"), 'name': _("Wikipedia Suggest"), 'description': _("As you type, Wikipedia will offer suggestions."), 'version': VERSION} DEFAULT_LANG = "en" def __init__(self): deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self) self._lang = None self._gconf = GconfStore.get_instance().get_client() self._gconf.notify_add(GCONF_KEY, self._on_language_changed) self._set_lang() def _set_lang(self): self._lang = self._gconf.get_string(GCONF_KEY) if self._lang == None: localelang = self._guess_lang() self._gconf.set_string(GCONF_KEY, localelang) def _guess_lang(self): """ Try to guess lang """ localelang = get_locale_lang() if localelang == None: localelang = self.DEFAULT_LANG else: localelang = localelang.split("_")[0] # Check if the language is supported for name, code in LANGUAGES: if code == localelang: return localelang # Set fallback localelang = self.DEFAULT_LANG return localelang def _on_language_changed(self, client, cnxn_id, entry, data): if entry.value == None: self._set_lang() else: self._lang = entry.value.get_string() def query(self, qstring): args = {'lang': self._lang, 'search': qstring} url = WIKIPEDIA_SUGGEST_URL + '?' + urllib.urlencode(args) try: result = urllib.urlopen(url, proxies=get_proxy()) except (IOError, EOFError), msg: # Print error for debugging purposes and end querying LOGGER.error("Could not open URL %s: %s, %s" % (url, msg[0], msg[1])) return
matches = [] for line in result: cols = line.strip().split("\t", 2) if len(cols) == 2: title, lang = cols matches.append( WikipediaSuggestMatch(title, lang) ) self._emit_query_ready( qstring, matches ) def has_config(self): return True def show_config(self, parent): dialog = ConfigDialog (parent) if == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: self._gconf.set_string(GCONF_KEY, dialog.get_lang()) dialog.destroy() class ConfigDialog (gtk.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent): dialog = gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, _("Wikipedia Suggest settings"), parent, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=6) self.vbox.pack_start(vbox) label = gtk.Label( _("Choose the language you want to use or enter the code of your language manually")) label.set_line_wrap(True) vbox.pack_start(label) hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=6) vbox.pack_start(hbox) langstore = gtk.ListStore (str, str) for l in LANGUAGES: langstore.append(l) combobox = gtk.ComboBox(langstore) combobox.connect("changed", self._on_combobox_changed) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() combobox.pack_start(cell) combobox.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) hbox.pack_start(combobox) self.entry = gtk.Entry() self.entry.set_width_chars(2) hbox.pack_start(self.entry, False, False, 0) vbox.show_all() self._gconf = GconfStore.get_instance().get_client() lang = self._gconf.get_string(GCONF_KEY) if lang != None: self.entry.set_text (lang) def get_lang(self): return self.entry.get_text() def _on_combobox_changed(self, combobox): lang = combobox.get_model()[combobox.get_active_iter()][1] self.entry.set_text (lang)