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from deskbar.core.Utils import load_base64_icon from deskbar.core.Web import GnomeURLopener, Account, AccountDialog, ConcurrentRequestsException from deskbar.defs import VERSION from gettext import gettext as _ import deskbar import deskbar.interfaces.Action import deskbar.interfaces.Match import deskbar.interfaces.Module import gtk import logging import urllib
LOGGER = logging.getLogger (__name__)
# Base64 encoded Twitter logo TWITTER_ICON = \ """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"""
# Singleton ref to the loaded pixbufs _twitter_pixbuf = load_base64_icon (TWITTER_ICON) _identica_pixbuf = load_base64_icon (IDENTICA_ICON)
HANDLERS = ["TwitterModule", "IdenticaModule"] VERSION = "0.3.1"
# Translators: The escaped characters are the standard UTF-8 bullet _FAIL_POST = _( """Failed to post update to %(domain)s. Please make sure that:
\342\200\242 Your internet connection is working \342\200\242 You can connect to <i>http://%(domain)s</i> in your web browser \342\200\242 Your credentials in the preferences are correct""" )
class TwitterClientFactory : """ A factory to help instantiating C{TwitterClient}s. """ def __init__ (self, domain="", update_url=TWITTER_UPDATE_URL, realm="Twitter API", extra_widget_factory=None): self._domain = domain self._update_url = update_url self._realm = realm self._extra_widget_factory = extra_widget_factory def create_client (self): return TwitterClient(domain=self._domain, update_url=self._update_url, realm=self._realm, extra_widget_factory=self._extra_widget_factory) class TwitterClient : """ Client capable of talking to a twitter-like API. Note on proxies: The URLopener used here will not reflect changes done to the Gnome proxy configuration. Therefore preferably use the TwitterClientFactory and create a new TwitterClient instance each time you need it """ def __init__ (self, domain="", update_url=TWITTER_UPDATE_URL, realm="Twitter API", extra_widget_factory=None): self._account = Account (domain, realm) self._opener = GnomeURLopener (self._account, extra_widget_factory=extra_widget_factory) self._thread = None self._update_url = update_url self._domain = domain def update (self, msg): try: post_payload = urllib.urlencode({"status" : msg, "source" : "deskbar"}) self._opener.open_async (self._update_url, post_payload, self._on_opener_done) except ConcurrentRequestsException : LOGGER.warning ("Attempting to post while another post is already running. Ignoring") error = gtk.MessageDialog (None, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error.set_markup (_("A post is already awaiting submission; please wait before you post another message")) error.set_title (_("Error posting to %s" % self._domain)) error.show_all() error.destroy() return def _on_opener_done (self, opener, info): LOGGER.debug ("Got reply from %s. Success: %s" % (self._update_url, self._opener.get_success())) if not self._opener.get_success() : error = gtk.MessageDialog (None, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error.set_markup (_FAIL_POST % {"domain" : self._domain}) error.set_title (_("Error posting to %s" % self._domain)) error.show_all() error.destroy()
class TwitterUpdateAction(deskbar.interfaces.Action): def __init__(self, msg, client_factory, domain="", service="Twitter", pixbuf=None): deskbar.interfaces.Action.__init__ (self, msg) global _twitter_pixbuf self._msg = msg self._client_factory = client_factory self._domain = domain self._service = service if pixbuf : self._pixbuf = pixbuf else : self._pixbuf = _twitter_pixbuf def get_hash(self): return "%s:%s" % (self._service,self._msg) def get_icon(self): # We use only pixbufs return None def get_pixbuf(self) : return self._pixbuf def activate(self, text=None): ("Posting: '%s'" % self._msg) try: # Create the client on-demand to make sure proxy info is up to date client = self._client_factory.create_client() client.update (self._msg) except IOError, e: LOGGER.warning ("Failed to post to %s: %s" % (self._domain,e)) error = gtk.MessageDialog (None, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error.set_markup (_FAIL_POST % {"domain" : self._domain}) error.set_title (_("Error posting to %s" % self._domain)) error.show_all() error.destroy() def get_verb(self): # TRANSLATORS: An example display of the below string: # # (125) Post "I can eat glass" # # The number in the parens indicates how many characters the user # has left of the maximum message size. It should be at the start of # the string as to not be hidden by ellipsation. # return _('<small>(%(remain)s)</small> Post <i>"%(msg)s"</i>')
def get_tooltip(self, text=None): return _("Update your %s account with the message:\n\n\t<i>%s</i>") % (self._service, self._msg) def get_name(self, text=None): return {"name": self._msg, "msg" : self._msg, "remain" : str(140 - len(self._msg))} def skip_history(self): return True
class TwitterMatch(deskbar.interfaces.Match): def __init__(self, msg, client_factory, domain="", service="Twitter", pixbuf=None, **args): global _twitter_pixbuf self._service = service self._domain = domain if pixbuf : self._pixbuf = pixbuf else : self._pixbuf = _twitter_pixbuf deskbar.interfaces.Match.__init__ (self, category="web", name=msg, pixbuf=self._pixbuf, **args) action = TwitterUpdateAction(self.get_name(), client_factory, domain=self._domain, service=self._service, pixbuf=self._pixbuf) self.add_action(action) def get_hash(self): return "%s:%s" % (self._service,self.get_name())
class TwitterModule(deskbar.interfaces.Module): INFOS = {'icon': _twitter_pixbuf, 'name': _("Twitter"), 'description': _("Post updates to your Twitter account"), 'version': VERSION} def __init__(self, domain="", service="Twitter", pixbuf=None, update_url=TWITTER_UPDATE_URL, realm="Twitter API", extra_widget_factory=None): global _twitter_pixbuf deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self)
self._domain = domain self._service = service self._realm = realm if pixbuf : self._pixbuf = pixbuf else : self._pixbuf = _twitter_pixbuf self._client_factory = TwitterClientFactory(domain=self._domain, update_url=update_url, realm=self._realm, extra_widget_factory=self.get_extra_account_dialog_widget) def query(self, qstring): # Convert string to unicode string so we get the correct length # See bug #577487 qstring = unicode(qstring) if len (qstring) <= MIN_MESSAGE_LEN and \ len (qstring) > 140: return None match = TwitterMatch(qstring, self._client_factory, domain=self._domain, service=self._service, pixbuf=self._pixbuf) self._emit_query_ready(qstring, [match]) def has_config(self): return True def show_config(self, parent): account = Account (self._domain, self._realm) LOGGER.debug ("Showing config") login_dialog = AccountDialog(account, dialog_parent=parent) # Pack optional widget if appropriate extra_widget = self.get_extra_account_dialog_widget () if extra_widget != None: login_dialog.vbox.pack_start (extra_widget) login_dialog.show_all() login_dialog.destroy() def get_domain (self): return self._domain def get_extra_account_dialog_widget (self): """ This method should return a C{gtk.Widget} or C{None}. If it returns a widget that widget will be packed into the L{AccountDialog} spawned by the underlying url opener. The default implementation simply returns C{None} """ return None class IdenticaModule(TwitterModule): INFOS = {'icon': _identica_pixbuf, 'name': _(""), 'description': _("Post updates to your account"), 'version': VERSION} def __init__(self): TwitterModule.__init__(self, domain="", service="Identica", pixbuf=_identica_pixbuf, update_url=IDENTICA_UPDATE_URL, realm="Laconica API") def get_extra_account_dialog_widget (self): vbox = gtk.VBox() label = gtk.Label() label.set_markup (_("Please note that Deskbar Applet does not support authentication via OpenID. You must configure a username and password on the <i></i> website if you haven't already.")) label.set_line_wrap(True) button = gtk.LinkButton ("", _("Visit website")) vbox.pack_start (label) vbox.pack_start (button) return vbox