Viewing file: (32.06 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser from deskbar.core.BrowserMatch import BrowserSmartMatch, BrowserMatch, is_preferred_browser, get_preferred_browser from deskbar.core.GconfStore import GconfStore from deskbar.core.Watcher import FileWatcher, DirWatcher from deskbar.defs import VERSION from gettext import gettext as _ from os.path import join, expanduser, exists, basename from xml.dom import minidom import HTMLParser import base64 import deskbar import deskbar.core.Indexer import deskbar.interfaces.Module import glob import gtk import logging import os import re import subprocess import urllib LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Check for presence of set to be compatible with python 2.3 try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set
# Whether we will index firefox or mozilla bookmarks USING_FIREFOX = False if is_preferred_browser("firefox") or is_preferred_browser("iceweasel"): USING_FIREFOX = True # Minimum and maximum version of Firefox MIN_FF_VERSION = [2, 0, 0, 0] MAX_FF_VERSION = [3, 0, 0, 0] # exclusively MIN_FF_VERSION_STRING = "" MAX_FF_VERSION_STRING = "" # File returned here should be checked for existence def get_mozilla_home_file(needed_file): default_profile_dir = expanduser("~/.mozilla/default") if exists(default_profile_dir): for d in os.listdir(default_profile_dir): return join(default_profile_dir, d, needed_file) return "" def get_firefox_home_file(needed_file): firefox_dir = expanduser("~/.mozilla/firefox/") config = RawConfigParser({"Default" : 0}), "profiles.ini"))) path = None
for section in config.sections(): if config.has_option(section, "Default") and config.get(section, "Default") == "1": path = config.get (section, "Path") break elif path == None and config.has_option(section, "Path"): path = config.get (section, "Path") if path == None: return ""
if path.startswith("/"): return join(path, needed_file)
return join(firefox_dir, path, needed_file)
def get_firefox_version(): browser = get_preferred_browser () process = subprocess.Popen(browser + " -version", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) process.wait() info = process.stdout.readline().split(" ") pattern = re.compile("([0-9]+?)\.([0-9]+?)(\.([0-9]+))*") version = None for word in info: if pattern.match(word): match = pattern.match(word) version = word[match.start():match.end()] if version != None: # Convert to integers version = [int(i) for i in version.split(".")] # List must have 4 elements if len(version) < 4: while (len(version) < 4): version.append(0) return version else: return None
# Whether we offer all of the browser's search engines, or only the primary # one (since by default Firefox seems to come with at least half a dozen) GCONF_SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY_KEY = GconfStore.GCONF_DIR + "/mozilla/show_only_primary_search" SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY = GconfStore.get_instance().get_client().get_bool(GCONF_SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY_KEY) if SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY == None: SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY = False def _on_gconf_show_only_primary(value): global SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY = value GconfStore.get_instance().get_client().notify_add(GCONF_SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY_KEY, lambda x, y, z, a: _on_gconf_show_only_primary(z.value.get_bool()))
# TODO re-load PRIMARY_SEARCH_ENGINE everytime it changes (which should happen # only rarely). One (unavoidable) problem may be that firefox doesn't actually # save the change to disk until you quit firefox.
# Google is the default search engine PRIMARY_SEARCH_ENGINE = "Google" try: if USING_FIREFOX: prefs_file = file(get_firefox_home_file("prefs.js")) for line in prefs_file: if line.startswith('user_pref("", "'): line = line.strip() PRIMARY_SEARCH_ENGINE = line[len('user_pref("", "'):-len('");')] break prefs_file.close() # TODO - similar functionality for old-school mozilla (not firefox) except: pass
def _on_handler_preferences(dialog): def toggled_cb(sender, show_all_radio, show_primary_radio): GconfStore.get_instance().get_client().set_bool(GCONF_SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY_KEY, show_primary_radio.get_active()) def sync_ui(new_show_only_primary, show_all_radio, show_primary_radio): show_all_radio.set_active(not new_show_only_primary) show_primary_radio.set_active(new_show_only_primary) builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(os.path.join(deskbar.SHARED_DATA_DIR, "mozilla-search.ui")) dialog = builder.get_object("prefs-dialog") show_all_radio = builder.get_object("show_all_radio") show_primary_radio = builder.get_object("show_primary_radio") show_primary_radio.set_active(SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY) show_all_radio.set_active(not SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY) show_all_radio.connect ("toggled", toggled_cb, show_all_radio, show_primary_radio) show_primary_radio.connect ("toggled", toggled_cb, show_all_radio, show_primary_radio) notify_id = GconfStore.get_instance().get_client().notify_add(GCONF_SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY_KEY, lambda x, y, z, a: sync_ui(z.value.get_bool(), show_all_radio, show_primary_radio)) dialog.set_icon_name("deskbar-applet") dialog.show_all() dialog.destroy() GconfStore.get_instance().get_client().notify_remove(notify_id)
HANDLERS = ["MozillaBookmarksHandler", "MozillaSearchHandler", "MozillaHistoryHandler"]
class MozillaBookmarksHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module): INFOS = {'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon("stock_bookmark"), "name": _("Web Bookmarks (Mozilla)"), "description": _("Open your web bookmarks by name"), "version": VERSION} def __init__(self): deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self) self._bookmarks = None def initialize(self): if not hasattr(self, 'watcher'): self.watcher = FileWatcher() self.watcher.connect('changed', lambda watcher, f: self._parse_bookmarks()) # We do some gym to get the effectively parsed files parsed_file = self._parse_bookmarks() if parsed_file != None: self.watcher.add(parsed_file) def _parse_bookmarks(self): self._bookmarks, parsed_file, self._shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map = MozillaBookmarksParser(self).get_indexer() return parsed_file def stop(self): self.watcher.remove_all() def query(self, query): # First, check the smart bookmarks, or "keywords", where # "wp Foo" takes you to the wikipedia entry for Foo. matches = self.query_smart_bookmarks(query, deskbar.DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_HANDLER) if matches == None: # If none of the smart bookmarks matched as a prefix, # then we'll just look up all bookmarks. matches = self._bookmarks.look_up(query)[:deskbar.DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_HANDLER] self.set_priority_for_matches( matches ) self._emit_query_ready(query, matches ) def query_smart_bookmarks(self, query, max): # if one of the smart bookmarks' shortcuts matches as a prefix, # then only return that bookmark x = query.find(" ") if x != -1: prefix = query[:x] try: b = self._shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[prefix] text = query[x+1:] return [BrowserSmartMatch(b.get_name(), b.url, prefix, b, pixbuf=b.get_icon())] except KeyError: # Probably from the b = ... line. Getting here # means that there is no such shortcut. pass return None @staticmethod def has_requirements(): if is_preferred_browser("mozilla"): return True elif is_preferred_browser("firefox") or is_preferred_browser("iceweasel"): if MozillaBookmarksHandler.has_firefox_version(): return True MozillaBookmarksHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = \ _("Firefox version must be at least %s and less than %s") % (MIN_FF_VERSION_STRING, MAX_FF_VERSION_STRING) return False else: MozillaBookmarksHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("Mozilla/Firefox is not your preferred browser.") return False @staticmethod def has_firefox_version(): version = get_firefox_version() if version != None: return (version >= MIN_FF_VERSION and version < MAX_FF_VERSION) return False
class MozillaSearchHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module): INFOS = {'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon("web-search.png"), "name": _("Web Searches (Mozilla)"), "description": _("Search the web via your browser's search settings"), "version": VERSION} def __init__(self): deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self) self._smart_bookmarks = None def initialize(self): smart_dirs = None if USING_FIREFOX: smart_dirs = [ get_firefox_home_file("searchplugins"), get_firefox_home_file("search"), expanduser("~/.mozilla/searchplugins"), "/usr/local/lib/firefox/searchplugins", "/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/searchplugins", "/usr/local/lib/mozilla-firefox/searchplugins", "/usr/lib/iceweasel/searchplugins"] + \ glob.glob("/usr/lib*/firefox*/searchplugins") else: smart_dirs = [ get_mozilla_home_file("search"), expanduser("~/.mozilla/searchplugins"), "/usr/lib/mozilla/searchplugins", "/usr/local/lib/mozilla/searchplugins"] if not hasattr(self, 'watcher'): self.watcher = DirWatcher() self.watcher.connect('changed', lambda watcher, f: self._parse_search_engines(smart_dirs)) self.watcher.add(smart_dirs) self._parse_search_engines(smart_dirs) def _parse_search_engines(self, smart_dirs): self._smart_bookmarks = MozillaSmartBookmarksDirParser(smart_dirs).get_smart_bookmarks() self.set_priority_for_matches(self._smart_bookmarks)
def stop(self): self.watcher.remove_all() def query(self, query): self.set_priority_for_matches (self._smart_bookmarks) if SHOW_ONLY_PRIMARY and PRIMARY_SEARCH_ENGINE != None: for s in self._smart_bookmarks: if s.get_name() == PRIMARY_SEARCH_ENGINE: self._emit_query_ready(query, [s] ) return self._emit_query_ready(query, self._smart_bookmarks ) else: self._emit_query_ready(query, self._smart_bookmarks ) def has_config(self): return True def show_config(self, parent): _on_handler_preferences(parent) @staticmethod def has_requirements(): if is_preferred_browser("firefox") or is_preferred_browser("iceweasel"): if is_preferred_browser("firefox") and not MozillaBookmarksHandler.has_firefox_version(): MozillaSearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = \ _("Firefox version must be at least %s and less than %s") % (MIN_FF_VERSION_STRING, MAX_FF_VERSION_STRING) return False # Correct firefox version or iceweasel MozillaSearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("You can customize which search engines are offered.") return True elif is_preferred_browser("mozilla"): # TODO - similar functionality for old-school mozilla (not firefox) return True else: MozillaSearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("Mozilla/Firefox is not your preferred browser.") return False class MozillaBookmarksParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self, handler): HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.handler = handler self.chars = "" self.href = None self.icon_data = None self.bookmarks = set() self._shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map = {} self._indexer = deskbar.core.Indexer.Indexer() try: if USING_FIREFOX: self.indexed_file = self._index_firefox() else: self.indexed_file = self._index_mozilla() self.close() except Exception, e: LOGGER.error('Could not index Firefox bookmarks') LOGGER.exception(e) def get_indexer(self): """ Returns a completed indexer with the contents of bookmark file, the name of the indexed file, and a map from shortcuts (or prefixes) to smart bookmarks - those bookmarks with %s in the URL. """ return (self._indexer, self.indexed_file, self._shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map) def _index_mozilla(self): try: bookmarks_file = get_mozilla_home_file("bookmarks.html") if exists(bookmarks_file): self.feed(file(bookmarks_file).read()) return bookmarks_file except Exception, msg: LOGGER.error('Retrieving Mozilla Bookmarks') LOGGER.exception(msg) def _index_firefox(self): try: bookmarks_file = get_firefox_home_file("bookmarks.html") if exists(bookmarks_file): self.feed(file(bookmarks_file).read()) return bookmarks_file except Exception, msg: LOGGER.error('Retrieving Firefox Bookmarks') LOGGER.exception(msg) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): tag = tag.lower() if tag == "a": self.chars = "" self.href = None self.icon_data = None self.shortcuturl = None for tag, value in attrs: if tag.lower() == 'href': self.href = value if tag.lower() == 'icon' and value != "data:" and value.startswith("data:"): self.icon_data = value if tag.lower() == 'shortcuturl': self.shortcuturl = value
def handle_endtag(self, tag): tag = tag.lower() if tag == "a": if self.href == None or self.href.startswith("javascript:"): return pixbuf = None if self.icon_data != None: loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() try: # data:text/html;base64 should be the Header header, content = self.icon_data.split(",", 2) loader.set_size(deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT, deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT) try: # Python 2.4 loader.write(base64.b64decode(urllib.unquote(content))) except AttributeError: # Python 2.3 and earlier loader.write(base64.decodestring(urllib.unquote(content))) finally: loader.close() pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() # Reset icon data for the following icon self.icon_data = None bookmark = BrowserMatch(self.chars, self.href, pixbuf=pixbuf) if self.shortcuturl != None: bookmark = BrowserSmartMatch(self.chars, self.href, self.shortcuturl, bookmark, pixbuf=pixbuf) self._shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[self.shortcuturl] = bookmark else: self._indexer.add("%s %s" % (self.chars, self.href), bookmark)
def handle_data(self, chars): self.chars = self.chars + chars
class Firefox2SearchEngineParser : def __init__ (self, filename): self.filename = filename self._infos = { "name" : "", "action" : "", "description" : "", "url" : "" } self._namespace = None def get_infos (self): return self._infos def parse (self): xml = minidom.parse(self.filename) self._detect_namespace(xml) self._parse_name (xml) self._parse_description (xml) self._parse_action_and_url (xml) try: self._parse_image (xml) except Exception, msg: LOGGER.error("Parsing icon for %s\n%s", self.filename, msg) def _detect_namespace (self, xml): # Manually added search engines use the "os" namespace # for some reason. try: plugin = xml.getElementsByTagName ("SearchPlugin")[0] ns = plugin.getAttribute("xmlns:os") if ns == "": return self._namespace = "os" except: pass def _ns_convert (self, tagname): # Convert the tag to the configured xml namespace if self._namespace is not None: return self._namespace + ":" + tagname else: return tagname def _parse_name (self, xml): for node in xml.getElementsByTagName (self._ns_convert("ShortName"))[0].childNodes: self._infos ["name"] += def _parse_description (self, xml): for node in xml.getElementsByTagName (self._ns_convert("Description"))[0].childNodes: self._infos ["description"] += def _parse_action_and_url (self, xml): # Some search engines have multiple Url tags # - fx. to a suggest-service, so we have to # detect the correct one. It will be the one # with type text/html. url_node = None for node in xml.getElementsByTagName (self._ns_convert("Url")): if node.getAttribute("type") == "text/html": url_node = node break if url_node is None: raise ParseException ("No Url tag of type text/html in %s" % self.filename) self._infos ["url"] = url_node.getAttribute ("template") self._infos ["action"] = self._infos["url"] # Append search paramters to the action url params = "" for param in url_node.getElementsByTagName(self._ns_convert("Param")): key = param.getAttribute ("name") value = param.getAttribute ("value") params += "&%s=%s" % (key,value) # Cut away leading & in param string params = params[1:] if params != "": self._infos["action"] += "?" + params # Escape the "{searchTerms}" parameter and take care of spelling variations self._infos["action"] = self._infos["action"].replace("{searchTerms}", "%s") self._infos["action"] = self._infos["action"].replace("{SearchTerms}", "%s") def _parse_image (self, xml): # The Image tag contains a base64 encoded image try: # Some custom search engines might now contain a favicon img_tag = xml.getElementsByTagName(self._ns_convert("Image"))[0] except: return loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() loader.set_size(deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT, deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT) content = "" for data in img_tag.childNodes: content += # Strip header data before decoding the base64 image header = "data:image/x-icon;base64," content = content[content.index(header) + len(header):] try: # Python 2.4 loader.write(base64.b64decode(urllib.unquote(content))) except AttributeError: # Python 2.3 and earlier loader.write(base64.decodestring(urllib.unquote(content))) loader.close() pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() self._infos["pixbuf"] = pixbuf class MozillaSmartBookmarksParser: def __init__(self, f): """ Init the parse, no exception here """ self.f = f self.infos = { "search": {}, "input": {}, } def get_infos(self): infos = {} args = "?" for key, arg in self.infos["input"].items(): args += '%s=%s&' % (key, arg) if args.endswith("&"): args = args[:-1] infos["name"] = self.infos["search"]["name"] infos["description"] = self.infos["search"]["description"]
# FIXME: If we don't have a real fallback url, doing this will most probably # result in some error. Ideally, we should use gnomevfs to extract the # simple hostname, for example: # should be trimmed to if not "url" in self.infos["search"]: infos["url"] = self.infos["search"]["action"] else: infos["url"] = self.infos["search"]["url"] infos["action"] = self.infos["search"]["action"] + args img = self._find_icon () if img is not None: infos["icon"] = img return infos def parse(self): """ """ tokenizer = Tokenizer(self.f) n = state = None # We load the two first tokens, whch should be ["<", "search"] tokens = [tokenizer.get_next_token(), tokenizer.get_next_token()] while tokens[0] != None: # Retreive the next state, the number of tokens to read next, and any discarded tokens # by the handler, which should be handled on next iteration state, n, rest = self._handle_token(state, tokens) # If n == None, we finished parsing if n == None: break # Read the requested number of tokens, but count the ones that were rejected first tokens = rest for i in range(n - len(rest)): tokens.append(tokenizer.get_next_token()) def _find_icon (self): try: parent_dir = self.f[:self.f.rindex("/")] return [img for img in glob.glob(join(parent_dir, '%s.*' % self.f[:-4])) if not img.endswith(".src")][0] except Exception, msg: LOGGER.warning("Error detecting icon for smart bookmark:%s\n%s", self.f, msg) return None def _handle_token(self, state, tokens): if state == None and (tokens == ["<", "search"] or tokens == ["<", "SEARCH"]): return "search", 3, [] elif state == None: raise ParseException("File %s does not begin with <search" % self.f) # Read key=value pairs and store them in the infos["search"] dict if state == "search" and tokens[1] == "=": self.infos["search"][tokens[0]] = tokens[2] return "search", 3, [] # We reached the end of <Search tag, now in theory come the <input> tags if state == "search" or state == "anotherinput" and tokens == [">", "<", "input"]: return "input", 6, [] elif state == "search": raise ParseException("Expecting <input after <search section in file %s" % self.f) # This parses the <input fields, taking each time 6 tokens # First triplet is name=value, second triplet is value=val # Special case for lone "user" second triplets, and store that in infos["input"] dict if state == "input" and tokens[1] == "=": if tokens[3] == "user": self.infos["input"][tokens[2]] = "%s" if tokens[4] != "=": return "anotherinput", 3, tokens[4:] else: self.infos["input"][tokens[2]] = tokens[5] return "anotherinput", 3, [] # Here we stop processing, cause we are no longer in <input sections, and what comes after isn't interesting return None, None, None
class TokenException(Exception): def __init__ (self, msg): Exception.__init__(self, msg) class ParseException(Exception): def __init__ (self, msg): Exception.__init__(self, msg) class Tokenizer: def __init__(self, f): """ Init the tokenizer on the given file, may throw an exception. """ self.i = 0 # Read the file, coud be streamed as well self.f = f = file(f).read() self.state = "linestart" def get_next_token(self): """ Returns the next token in the file. A token is one of: < = > name Returns None when the end of file is reached and beyond """ while self.i < len( char =[self.i] # Skip leading spaces (which are really trailing spaces after a token # Newline is important so special case it if char.isspace() and not char == "\n": self.i += 1 continue if self.state == "linestart" and char == "#": # Eat all the comment line while self.i < len( and[self.i] != "\n": self.i += 1 self.i += 1 #position on first char after newline continue # At this point, we can only have a token, read it, and return it # The method updates the self.i to point to the new char to read next next_token = self.read_token() # Wait ! We got a newline here, so back to start again.. if next_token == "\n": self.state = "linestart" continue return next_token def read_token(self): """ Return the token, self.i must point to the first char in this token. self.i is updated to point just after the returned token Returned token is one of: < = > \n name """ char =[self.i] if char == "<" or char == "=" or char == ">" or char == "\n": self.i += 1 return char elif char == "\"": # Here we assume proper quoting closing =[self.i+1:].find("\"") if closing == -1: raise TokenException("Couldn't find a proper closing quote in %s" % self.f) token =[self.i+1:self.i+1+closing] self.i += closing+2 #Next char is just *after* the closing " return token else: # Token can just be a string now.. token = "" # We eat all chars until one of "=<>" or whitespace is found while self.i < len( and not[self.i].isspace() and not[self.i] in "=><": token +=[self.i] self.i += 1 return token class MozillaSmartBookmarksDirParser: def __init__(self, dirs): self._smart_bookmarks = [] # Avoid getting duplicate search engines bookmark_names = [] # Full path to detected bookmark file found_bookmarks = [] for bookmarks_dir in dirs: if not exists(bookmarks_dir): continue # Detect Firefox <= 1.5 search engines for f in glob.glob(join(bookmarks_dir, '*.src')): # Check if we already parsed the file if not basename(f) in bookmark_names: found_bookmarks.append(f) bookmark_names.append(basename(f)) # Detect Firefox >= 2.0 search engines for f in glob.glob(join(bookmarks_dir, '*.xml')): # Check if we already parsed the file if not basename(f) in bookmark_names: found_bookmarks.append(f) bookmark_names.append(basename(f)) for f in found_bookmarks: img = None if f.endswith (".xml"): # Firefox >= 2.0 format parser = Firefox2SearchEngineParser (f) else: # f ends with ".src" and is in Firefox <= 1.5 format parser = MozillaSmartBookmarksParser(f) try: parser.parse() infos = parser.get_infos() if infos.has_key("pixbuf"): bookmark = BrowserMatch(infos["name"], infos["url"], pixbuf=infos["pixbuf"]) bookmark = BrowserSmartMatch(infos["name"], infos["action"], pixbuf=infos["pixbuf"], bookmark=bookmark) elif infos.has_key ("icon"): bookmark = BrowserMatch(infos["name"], infos["url"], icon=infos["icon"]) bookmark = BrowserSmartMatch(infos["name"], infos["action"], icon=infos["icon"], bookmark=bookmark) else: bookmark = BrowserMatch(infos["name"], infos["url"]) bookmark = BrowserSmartMatch(infos["name"], infos["action"], bookmark=bookmark) self._smart_bookmarks.append(bookmark) except Exception, msg: LOGGER.error('MozillaSmartBookmarksDirParser:cannot parse smart bookmark: %s\n%s', f, msg) def get_smart_bookmarks(self): """ Return a list of MozillaSmartMatch instances representing smart bookmarks """ return self._smart_bookmarks
MOZILLA_HISTORY_REGEX = re.compile("\=http[0-9a-zA-Z\-\&\%\=\?\:\/\.]*\)") class MozillaHistoryHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module): INFOS = {'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon("epiphany-history.png"), "name": _("Web History (Mozilla)"), "description": _("Open your web history by name"), "version": VERSION} def __init__(self): deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self) self._history = None def initialize(self): self._indexer = deskbar.core.Indexer.Indexer() self._history = self._parse_history() for history_url in self._history: history_wo_http = history_url[history_url.find('//')+2:] if history_wo_http.find('www.') == -1: history_wo_www = history_wo_http else: history_wo_www = history_wo_http[history_wo_http.find('www.')+4:] self._indexer.add("%s %s %s" % (history_wo_www, history_wo_http, history_url), BrowserMatch(history_wo_www, history_url, True)) def _parse_history(self): if USING_FIREFOX: historydat = get_firefox_home_file("history.dat") else: historydat = get_mozilla_home_file("history.dat") try: historycontents = file(historydat).read() historycontents = re.findall(MOZILLA_HISTORY_REGEX, historycontents) historycontents = [x[1:-1] for x in historycontents] return historycontents except: return "" def query(self, query): matches = self._indexer.look_up(query)[:deskbar.DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_HANDLER] self.set_priority_for_matches( matches ) self._emit_query_ready(query, matches ) @staticmethod def has_requirements(): if is_preferred_browser("mozilla"): return True elif is_preferred_browser("firefox") or is_preferred_browser("iceweasel"): if MozillaBookmarksHandler.has_firefox_version(): return True MozillaHistoryHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = \ _("Firefox version must be at least %s and less than %s") % (MIN_FF_VERSION_STRING, MAX_FF_VERSION_STRING) return False else: MozillaHistoryHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("Mozilla/Firefox is not your preferred browser.") return False