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from deskbar.core.BrowserMatch import BrowserSmartMatch, BrowserMatch from deskbar.core.BrowserMatch import get_url_host, is_preferred_browser, on_customize_search_shortcuts, on_entry_key_press, load_shortcuts from deskbar.core.Watcher import FileWatcher from deskbar.defs import VERSION from gettext import gettext as _ from os.path import join, expanduser, exists import deskbar import deskbar.core.Indexer import deskbar.interfaces.Module import logging import xml.sax
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
EPHY_BOOKMARKS_FILE = expanduser("~/.gnome2/epiphany/bookmarks.rdf") EPHY_HISTORY_FILE = expanduser("~/.gnome2/epiphany/ephy-history.xml")
favicon_cache = None bookmarks = None smart_bookmarks = None shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map = {}
HANDLERS = ["EpiphanyBookmarksHandler", "EpiphanyHistoryHandler", "EpiphanySearchHandler"]
class EpiphanyHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module): def __init__(self, watched_file, callback): deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self) self.watched_file = watched_file self.watch_callback = callback def initialize(self): global favicon_cache if favicon_cache == None: favicon_cache = EpiphanyFaviconCacheParser().get_cache() if not hasattr(self, 'watcher'): self.watcher = FileWatcher() self.watcher.connect('changed', lambda watcher, f: self.watch_callback()) self.watcher.add(self.watched_file) def stop(self): if hasattr(self, 'watcher'): self.watcher.remove(self.watched_file) del self.watcher class EpiphanyBookmarksHandler(EpiphanyHandler): INFOS = {'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon('stock_bookmark'), "name": _("Web Bookmarks (Epiphany)"), "description": _("Open your web bookmarks by name"), "version": VERSION, } def __init__(self): EpiphanyHandler.__init__(self, EPHY_BOOKMARKS_FILE, lambda: self._parse_bookmarks(True)) def initialize(self): EpiphanyHandler.initialize(self) self._parse_bookmarks() def _parse_bookmarks(self, force=False): global favicon_cache, bookmarks, smart_bookmarks if force or bookmarks == None: parser = EpiphanyBookmarksParser(self, favicon_cache) bookmarks = parser.get_indexer() smart_bookmarks = parser.get_smart_bookmarks() load_shortcuts(smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map) def query(self, query): global bookmarks matches = bookmarks.look_up(query)[:deskbar.DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_HANDLER] self.set_priority_for_matches( matches ) self._emit_query_ready(query, matches ) @staticmethod def has_requirements(): if is_preferred_browser("epiphany"): return True else: EpiphanyBookmarksHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("Epiphany is not your preferred browser.") return False
class EpiphanySearchHandler(EpiphanyBookmarksHandler): INFOS = {'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon('web-search.png'), "name": _("Web Searches (Epiphany)"), "description": _("Search the web via your browser's search settings"), "version": VERSION, } def __init__(self): EpiphanyBookmarksHandler.__init__(self) def on_key_press(self, query, shortcut): return on_entry_key_press(query, shortcut, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map) def has_config(self): return True def query(self, query): # if one of the smart bookmarks' shortcuts matches as a prefix, # then only return that bookmark x = query.find(" ") if x != -1: prefix = query[:x] try: b = shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[prefix] text = query[x+1:] self._emit_query_ready(query, [BrowserSmartMatch(b.get_name(), b.url, prefix, b, icon=b._icon, priority=self.get_priority())] ) return except KeyError: # Probably from the b = ... line. Getting here # means that there is no such shortcut. pass self._emit_query_ready(query, smart_bookmarks) def show_config(self, parent): on_customize_search_shortcuts(smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map) @staticmethod def has_requirements(): if is_preferred_browser("epiphany"): EpiphanySearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("You can set shortcuts for your searches.") return True else: EpiphanySearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("Epiphany is not your preferred browser.") return False
class EpiphanyHistoryHandler(EpiphanyHandler): INFOS = {'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon("epiphany-history.png"), "name": _("Web History (Epiphany)"), "description": _("Open your web history by name"), "version": VERSION, } def __init__(self): EpiphanyHandler.__init__(self, EPHY_HISTORY_FILE, self._parse_history) self._history = None def initialize(self): EpiphanyHandler.initialize(self) self._parse_history() def _parse_history(self): global favicon_cache self._history = EpiphanyHistoryParser(self, favicon_cache).get_indexer() def query(self, query): matches = self._history.look_up(query)[:deskbar.DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_HANDLER] self.set_priority_for_matches( matches ) self._emit_query_ready(query, matches ) @staticmethod def has_requirements(): if is_preferred_browser("epiphany"): return True else: EpiphanyHistoryHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = _("Epiphany is not your preferred browser.") return False
class EpiphanyBookmarksParser(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self, handler, cache): xml.sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self.handler = handler self.chars = "" self.title = None self.href = None self.smarthref = None self.tags = [] self._indexer = deskbar.core.Indexer.Indexer() self._smart_bookmarks = [] self._cache = cache; self._index_bookmarks() def get_indexer(self): """ Returns a completed indexer with the contents of bookmark file """ return self._indexer def get_smart_bookmarks(self): """ Return a list of EpiphanySmartMatch instances representing smart bookmarks """ return self._smart_bookmarks def _index_bookmarks(self): if exists(EPHY_BOOKMARKS_FILE): parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(self) try: parser.parse(EPHY_BOOKMARKS_FILE) except xml.sax.SAXParseException, e: LOGGER.error("Could not parse epiphany bookmarks file") LOGGER.exception(e) def characters(self, chars): self.chars = self.chars + chars def startElement(self, name, attrs): self.chars = "" if name == "item": self.title = None self.href = None self.smarthref = None self.tags = []
def endElement(self, name): if name == "title": self.title = self.chars.encode('utf8') elif name == "link": self.href = self.chars.encode('utf8') elif name == "ephy:smartlink": self.smarthref = self.chars.encode('utf8') elif name == "dc:subject": self.tags.append(self.chars.encode('utf8')) elif name == "item": if self.href.startswith("javascript:"): return icon = None host = get_url_host(self.href) if host in self._cache: icon = self._cache[host]
bookmark = BrowserMatch(self.title, self.href, icon=icon) if self.smarthref != None: bookmark = BrowserSmartMatch(self.title, self.smarthref, icon=icon, bookmark=bookmark) self._smart_bookmarks.append(bookmark) else: tags = " ".join(self.tags) self._indexer.add("%s %s %s" % (self.title, self.href, tags), bookmark)
class EpiphanyFaviconCacheParser(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): xml.sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self.ephy_dir = expanduser("~/.gnome2/epiphany") self.filename = join(self.ephy_dir, "ephy-favicon-cache.xml") self.cache = None self.chars = "" self.url = None = None def get_cache(self): """ Returns a dictionary of (host, favicon path) entries where host is the hostname, like (without www) favicon path is the on-disk path to the favicon image file. """ if self.cache != None: return self.cache self.cache = {} if exists(self.filename): parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(self) parser.parse(self.filename) return self.cache def characters(self, chars): self.chars = self.chars + chars def startElement(self, name, attrs): self.chars = "" if name == "property" and attrs['id'] == "2": self.url = None if name == "property" and attrs['id'] == "3": = None
def endElement(self, name): if name == "property": if self.url == None: self.url = self.chars elif == None: = self.chars elif name == "node": # Splithost requires //xxxx[:port]/xxxx, so we remove "http:" host = get_url_host(self.url) self.cache[host] = join(self.ephy_dir, "favicon_cache",'utf8'))
class EpiphanyHistoryParser(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self, handler, cache): xml.sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self)
self.handler = handler; self._cache = cache; self.url = None self.title = None self.icon = None self._id = None; self._indexer = deskbar.core.Indexer.Indexer()
def get_indexer(self): """ Returns a completed indexer with the contents of the history file """ return self._indexer;
def _index_history(self): if exists(EPHY_HISTORY_FILE): parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(self) try: parser.parse(EPHY_HISTORY_FILE) except Exception, e: LOGGER.error("Couldn't parse epiphany history file") LOGGER.exception(e) def characters(self, chars): self.chars = self.chars + chars def startElement(self, name, attrs): self.chars = "" if name == "property": self._id = attrs['id']
if name == "node": self.title = None self.url = None self.icon = None
def endElement(self, name): if name == "property": if self._id == "2": self.title = self.chars.encode('utf8') elif self._id == "3": self.url = self.chars.encode('utf8') elif self._id == "9": self.icon = self.chars.encode('utf8') elif name == "node": icon = None if self.icon in self._cache: icon = self._cache[self.icon]
item = BrowserMatch(self.title, self.url, True, icon=icon) self._indexer.add("%s %s" % (self.title, self.url), item)